Author: Neale Donald Walsch

  • Worldwide Discussion:

    There is a New Thought teaching going around — actually, it has been going around for years — that can be both misleading and disserving (to say nothing of being dangerous) if it is not thoroughly explained.

    This teaching is that “everything is perfect,” and that our job is the “see the perfection” in things being just the way they are, and not look at any condition as “not okay,” or as being negative in any way.

    This disservice of this teaching has been exacerbated by some of the writing in one of the most widely read and best-selling books on contemporary, New Thought spirituality — namely, Conversations with God.

    That book talks about the so-called Law of Opposites, asserting that certain conditions, situations, and circumstances arise in life that appear to be unwelcome, that appear to be opposing us, but that they are actually supporting us on our soul’s journey — and that should therefore not be judged as “bad” or condemned as “evil.”

    I think it’s important at this stage — given where our species is today in its planetary experience — to go over this teaching very thoroughly, and to invite your reactions to it.

    I want to begin by saying that what brought this all up for me was an entry in the Comment Section under the last article to appear in this top-of-page headline space on The Global Conversation — a story having to do with violence in our world, which asked if humanity would ever see or create an end to it. The Comments entry came from a reader named Tina Ashe Brown, and is republished here:

    “I am wondering simply why we are judging these actions as good or bad? I have been so confused on this since reading the CWG books. There seems to be a message that either I am not understanding correctly or we are having a hard time understanding here.

    “I understand that we were sent here because God wanted to experience herself and could not do that because there were no contradictions… opposites. In heaven, or at least in God’s world, all there is is love. Are we here to return this plane to the same? To a place where only love exists or instead are we here to remember and see love even in the face of the violence?

    “To love those beings unconditionally even in the face of the thing we are calling bad. Can we experience if we turn this world into a place where there is only love? Isn’t this place just as much a part of God’s world as any other plane? Is there only love here, too, and we are not able to see through our ego and judgments surrounding good and bad?

    “I long for home and for that place where there is only love peace and joy, that place inside of me. I do my best to create this here in this plane each and everyday despite the pictures I see. I know we are all one and connected and I send my love to all regardless of the pictures that I see that do not resonate me with me to the best of my ability.

    “I chose to focus on this and not on perceived imperfections that might be happening in this world, for I have the faith that everything is just as it should be even if I don’t understand how!”

    I would like now to respond to these very sincerely asked questions, and in so doing perhaps bring some clarity to the New Spirituality teachings about Perfection and the Law of Opposites.

    Tina, you have said…“I am wondering simply why we are judging these actions as good or bad?”

    I experience that simply observing that something is undesirable is not judging it to be ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ and it is important to be clear about that. I personally find butterscotch flavored ice cream to be undesirable. I much more desire chocolate or vanilla. This does not mean that I have judged butterscotch as a flavor to be “bad.” It merely announces my personal preference in the matter of ice cream.

    Speaking of violence as something that I find undesirable is not a judgment that it is “bad.” It is merely an announcement that I find it undesirable. Others may disagree. Others may actually desire violence as a part of human life, or think that it is in any event necessary, or natural to the human condition. Still others may think that it is required in order to create a Contextual Field as part of the Law of Opposites as described in Conversations with God.

    It is my belief that the violence we see on Earth is neither natural to the human condition, nor is it necessary in order to create a Contextual Field within which we can experience nonviolence. This latter knowing arises out of my awareness that the Contextual Field within which the Law of Opposites plays it effect is much larger than the environment known as Planet Earth.

    But let us return to Tina’s entry, so that I may ‘contextualize’ my observations within her inquiries.

    Tina, you have said…“I understand that we were sent here because God wanted to experience herself, and could not do that because there were no contradictions…opposites. In heaven, or at least in God’s world, all there is is love. Are we here to return this plane to the same? To a place where only love exists? Or, instead, are we here to remember and see love even in the face of the violence?”

    Your first understanding, Tina, matches my own, as given to me in Conversations with God. We were sent here because God wanted to experience Herself, and God could not do that in the Realm of the Spiritual, just as you point out, because there are no opposites there.

    The answer to your question is that we are here with an invitation to produce the experience of a world of Divine Love, Divine Peace, Divine Wisdom and Divine Oneness, so that God could know Itself experientially as all those things and more. Yet it is not accurate to suggest that we can only remember, and allow God to experience, those things “in the face of the violence” that we now see on Earth. Indeed, God invites us to create “peace on Earth, goodwill to humans everywhere.”

    Yet how can we experience this in the absence of a Contextual Field that holds its opposite? Simple. As explained in Conversations with God-Book 3, all we have to do is understand that the entire Universe is the Contextual Field within which the Law of Opposites operates. Therefore, it is not necessary for us to place on Earth and endure, create or suffer the opposite of Peace and Love, Harmony and Joy, Wisdom and Clarity in order to experience it here. We merely need to know that it exists elsewhere.

    Just as I experience and appreciate, more than ever before, the good things in life that I enjoy today by noticing that its opposite exists elsewhere on this planet, so, too, can I experience and appreciate the wonderful aspects of life by noticing that its opposite exists elsewhere off of this planet.

    That is the reason that the Universe is so unfathomably large. And Highly Evolved Beings in highly evolved societies in our cosmos (yes, they do exist, CWG confirms) eventually create environments on their Home Planet that provide for the experiences of Oneness of All Life and the Reality of Unlimited Joy, Abundance, and Love by removing its Opposite from their local environment — and simply noticing that this Opposite exists elsewhere. (Including the planet Earth.)

    All of this is explained in CWG-Book 3, Tina, and with your review of that material your confusion about humanity needing to continue experiencing violence locally in order to experience its opposite globally will disappear.

    Tina, you have also invited us…. “To love those beings unconditionally even in the face of the thing we are calling bad. Can we experience if we turn this world into a place where there is only love?”

    The answer is yes, by knowing that lack of love, the opposite of love, exists elsewhere in the Universe. Also, Tina, by using another remarkable device — a magnificent tool revealed to us in CWG-Book 3: Memory.

    Our memory has been given to us, Tina, for a singular purpose: To create a Contextual Field within ourselves, allowing us to know about the opposite of what we wish to experience without having to recreate the experience of that opposite condition, situation, or circumstance physically, over and over again.

    This is why we create memorials to the Holocaust, Tina, with signs on them saying Lest We Forget. We do not have to recreate a holocaust in order to experience humanity without one — and that is the whole point of these memorials, erected around the world.

    Going on, Tina, with your very wonderful and soulful letter, you’ve asked… “Isn’t this place just as much a part of God’s world as any other plane?”


    “Is there only love here, too, and we are not able to see through our ego and judgments surrounding good and bad?”

    Yes. All there is is Love, and human beings have simply not yet learned how to express it in ways that produce pleasure and joy, peace and happiness, without the additional (and unnecessary) experiences of pain, suffering and violence. It is possible for humans to do this, however, and that is what the process of Evolution is all about. And it is why I and others call now for an Evolution Revolution on our planet. (For more information about this, see the special Blue Box in the right hand column on the home page of this global newspaper.)

    And then, Tina, you have said…. “I long for home and for that place where there is only love peace and joy, that place inside of me. I do my best to create this here in this plane each and everyday despite the pictures I see. I know we are all one and connected and I send my love to all regardless of the pictures that I see that do not resonate me with me to the best of my ability.”

    Wonderful, my friend. That is simply wonderful. It is through such intentioned choices that our world will be changed into one of those places in the cosmos where only peace, love, and joy are experienced.

    Finally, Tina, you have concluded by saying…“I choose to focus on this, and not on perceived imperfections that might be happening in this world, for I have the faith that everything is just as it should be even if I don’t understand how!”

    Ah! Now this gets us to this notion of ‘perfection.’

    It is true, Tina, as Conversations with God tells us, that ‘everything is perfect.’ And God does invite us in this remarkable dialogue to “see the Perfection.’ Yet God makes it clear that this does not mean never seek to change anything.

    God tells us that the very reason that everything that exists is perfect just as it is, Tina, is that it presents us with a condition, situation, or circumstance that allows us to know and experience Who We Really Are by expressing and creating whatever we wish to express and create in relationship to those conditions, situations, and circumstances.

    This could involve changing a particular condition, situation, or circumstance in such a way that it reflects and demonstrates, evidences and reveals Who We Really Are. We don’t change it because it is ‘bad’ or ‘imperfect,’ but rather, because it simply does not represent (that is, re-present, or present again) Who We Are in the world and in the cosmos.

    The famous injunction “Judge not, and neither condemn” did not say, “Change not, and neither alter.” It said judge not, and do not condemn.

    The Master, therefore, is one who sees all of Life as perfect, because each moment and every experience, each condition and every circumstance, allows her to respond in a way that reflects and demonstrates every aspect of Divinity that she chooses to reveal, express, and experience in any given moment.

    Again, Tina, so that it is very clear: Everything is “perfect” does not mean everything should remain “unchanged.” It merely means that the very existence of a situation or condition provides us with a wonderful Contextual Field within which to embark upon our next creation. The trick is to do it without judgment.

    Now, Tina, I hope and pray that this somewhat lengthy response has helped to remove you from any confusion around the messages in Conversations with God as they relate to what you are seeing on this website. I hope you will share this remembering with your friends, so that soon, all the world will understand why the world is the way it is — as well as the spiritual reason we may have for changing it.

    God sends Divine Blessings to you, Tina…and to all of you reading this…and, indeed, to all the world.

    — Neale Donald Walsch

  • Worldwide Discussion:

    The headlines say it all:


    This is from just one day’s front page of the International New York Times. Violence, violence, violence.

    It is normal for the human race? Yes. Is it natural? No. “Normal” and “natural” are not the same thing. It is natural for humans not to be violent, yet the normal behavior for our civilization is extreme violence.

    Why is this? And, is there no way to stop it? No way to turn this around? Will our species forever be relegated to the level of barbarism — even as it declares its own higher evolution and even enlightenment?

    And why have all the acknowledged and extraordinary advances made by humanity in science, medicine, and technology not produced an end to its most primitive behaviors?

    These are the questions that are not being asked nearly enough in the halls of our legislatures, in the corridors of our general assemblies and senates, and in the thickly carpeted offices of our world’s heads of state.

    Sadly, there seems to not even be a forum for such a discussion. The United Nations is not it. That international body has proven to be utterly incapable of producing world peace, its members completely unable to even agree on simple resolutions — much less concrete actions — aimed at bringing an end to violence. Its discussions seem forever focused on who is right rather than what is right, and who is at fault rather than what is at cause in the matter.

    There are those who say that violence is simply part of our nature; that it is, in fact, natural for us to aggressively attack each other, physically assault each other, and wantonly disregard each other’s well being when we disagree with each other. Could this be true? Is that the basic underlying and unchangeable characteristic and attribute of human beings?

    What are human beings, anyway? Are we simply biological entities — essentially, chemical creatures born out of a process of chemical interactions initiated by other chemical creatures? Is this who we are at our basis? Or are we more than that…? Are we, at the level of essence, spiritual creatures engaging in a biological expression, for reasons having to do with spiritual realities?

    Our answer to these questions will set the course of humanity’s future for the next several hundred years —- presuming that our species has several hundred years in which to experience a future. The way we are behaving today, that is far from a guarantee. It may not even be a probability.

    What are your answers to the questions just above? And what, if anything, do you think could change humanity’s present conduct? I am very curious as to your notions about all of this. Can we discuss it? Could this be at least one of the forums in which humans from all over the world exchange views, ideas, suggestions, and even propose solutions, regarding our violent and non-sustainable behaviors?

    Let’s have a global conversation.

    — NDW

  • Tomorrow’s God: a most remarkable book. If you have not read it, you must begin here, now…

    Below is the first installment of a continuing series of entries from the CWG book Tomorrow’s God. If you have not yet read this text, and if you have even the slightest interest in your future and the future of your children and your grandchildren, you will find the ongoing postings here to be of utmost importance. I invite you to return to this space often to capture updates in the ongoing progression through this remarkable book.

    —  Neale Donald Walsch


    The book Tomorrow’s God contains the most exciting news of the past 100 years: Humanity is about to create a new form of spirituality on the earth. Our civilization stands at the brink of its greatest adventure and its most extraordinary achievement.

    I want you to commit now to finding your place in that creation. This book is a look at Tomorrow’s God. It is about humanity’s future—but not some far-off distant vision. Rather, it includes a startling prediction for the next thirty years. It is about our near future, and the role that humans will play in creating it. It is about the role that you can play in creating it. It is about what will happen and how it will happen.

    Like the other With God books, this text takes the form of a conversation with God, but it is not necessary to believe that I actually had such a conversation in order to benefit from it. All that is necessary is that you have an open mind—and this book even tells you how to achieve that.

    But now, fair warning. You will find information in this book that is not new to you. Very little here cannot be found, cumulatively, in the sacred writings of all the world’s wisdom traditions. Very little has not already been spoken by all of humanity’s master teachers. Very little, for that matter, has not appeared in my own previous writing.

    What, then, would be the reason to read this book? I suggest that it is not that it contains wisdom that we have not been given, but that it repeats wisdom to which we have not been listening.

    And the problem is, if we do not listen to this wisdom now, we may not have many more chances to have it repeated.

    We are at the edge, you see. We have gone as far as we can go in the direction we have been taking. We need now to change course if we wish to preserve life as we know it on this planet.

    Humanity cannot afford any more temper tantrums. We have found a way to pack the end of the world into a briefcase. We can seal the death of civilized society in a spore-filled envelope and simply mail it off. Talk about our fate being sealed…

    We have trained ourselves to be able to fly airplanes into buildings, killing thousands of people, without flinching. We have talked ourselves into believing that preemptive strike—shooting first and asking questions later—is a perfectly acceptable means of conducting foreign policy.

    We have decided that to have dominion over the earth means to destroy it—and to pretend that we don’t know we are doing it. We have concluded that altering the basic genetic structure of our food is the way to improve it. We have chosen to allow 20 percent of the world’s people to receive 80 percent of the world’s income, and to call this the good life.

    We are, in short, confused. Yet there is a way out of this confusion, and you can play a role in taking us there. This book talks about your role.
    THE ENTIRE TEXT of Tomorrow’s God is going to be posted here, excerpt by excerpt. I dearly hope you will read it, and allow it to change your life as it has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. 

    — NDW

  • DON’T MISS, IN THIS ISSUE…(click on the headline to link to the article):…..Can the internet be counted as a fundamental and basic necessity for everyone in our world?…..Why not legalize all drugs?…..Seriously challenging corporate power….. AND, from a previous issue… Marianne Williamson running for Congress!

    It is very exciting to all of us in the New Thought Community that spiritual author and messenger Marianne Williamson is a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. You will see more here on this page in the weeks ahead about how you can help bring her voice to Washington, should you agree with her message.

    On another note, the book that gave birth to this website, The Storm Before the Calm, is being posted here, chapter by chapter. I sincerely hope you will read it, as I believe its message can change the way our world is now experiencing itself.

    AND…if you haven’t signed the petition from Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, you can do so here. See his open letter to Americans in What Others Are Saying.


    Enjoy this issue of The Global Conversation, and come back often!

  • CWG dared to bring humanity a New Gospel. Can we believe its words?

    Preview the new CWG book What God Said now at  Released Oct. 1, this book explores and expands on the 25 most important messages of the 9-installment Conversations with God series and offers practical suggestions on how to apply each message in every day life. To read the first seven chapters and hear a one chapter sample of the audio book, click here.

    Conversations with God dared to place before humanity what it has called “The New Gospel.” That gospel has been referred to as “15 words that would change the world.”

    We’re going to explore that New Gospel here. The New Gospel is:

    We are all one. Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.

    That gospel was first introduced in Friendship with God, the fourth book in the CWG 9-book cosmology.

    If the first four words of that gospel are true, they carry with them an important implication—a remarkably important implication—that would amount to a major expansion of humanity’s previous understanding of the relationship between God and Man.

    The implication, of course, is that if everything is One Thing, and if we are part of everything (which we obviously are), then we are part of God, unless God is not part of “everything,” but stands outside of “everything”—in which case “everything” is not everything at all.

    This is, in fact, what many, many people believe. They believe that there are, essentially, two things that exist in ultimate reality: (1) Everything That Is, and (2) that which created Everything That Is.

    In this cosmology, God stands outside of Everything That Is. In order to conceive of this, many people define “everything” as only that which is physical, and define God as that which is spiritual. Yet this is an unfair delineation, because it gives an altered meaning to the word “everything.”

    It also forces us to assume that we are not spiritual . . . or that if we are spiritual and physical, the part of us that is spiritual is not part of “everything.” Because, by simple logic, if the part of us that is spiritual is included in what we call “everything,” then a God who is spiritual must be part of “everything” as well.

    This leads some of us to take all sorts of twisted pathways and to use every kind of tortured logic to explain how a God who is spiritual is not part of “everything,” even though the part of us that is spiritual is.

    Presumably, God’s spirit is a different kind of spirit, a different type. Not simply grander or bigger or more powerful, but a different type altogether—a type that does not fall within the category of “everything that is.”

    It is the first big challenge of the New Spirituality to coax us away from this fractured reasoning and gently guide us into considering that there may be a pattern to life’s Essential Energy (that some people, including myself, call “God”) that allows it to express as both physical and spiritual at the same time, even as we clearly observe that we, as humans, are doing.

    In other words, we may wish to consider the possibility that what we can do, God can do, and that even as we are both spiritual and physical, so, too, is That Which Is Divine.

    This would make Humanity and Divinity one and the same, except as to proportion. God is All Of It, whereas we are part of that which comprises All Of It.

    Does this not make much more sense?

    And have not major religions declared that we are “made in the image and likeness of God”?

    We will continue our exploration of The New Gospel in upcoming installments of this front page feature in the global conversation. I invite your contributions in the Comments Section below.

  • Worldwide Discussion:

    In what an International New York Times editorial called a change of views that is “startling,” one of Japan’s most poplar former leaders is calling for a total ban on the use of nuclear power in that nation.

    Junichiro Koizumi, who served as his country’s top official from 2001 to 2006, was “an enthusiastic proponent of cheap and clean nuclear power,” the Times lead editorial on Oct. 15 noted. Now, the newspaper said, he is completely and unequivocally against it.

    The remarkable reversal comes in the aftermath of the international calamity two and a half years ago at the Fukushima nuclear power plant — the effects of which are still being felt by people around the world.

    An official Japanese legislative investigation concluded that the disaster was man-made, and polls in Japan show that a majority of its citizens oppose nuclear power, but that hasn’t stopped the government of current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (often thought of as Mr. Koizumi’s protégé) from approving policies that would reopen as many nuclear power plants as soon as possible.

    Such plants, now all shut down following the Fukushima catastrophe, dot the Japanese coastline from north to south — a coastline that the Japanese government itself estimates stands a 60 to 70 percent probability of suffering another massive earthquake and tsunami within the next 30 years, the Times editorial notes.

    While the present government supports reopening those plants, Mr. Koizumi staunchly and surprisingly (given his past strong support for nuclear energy) opposes any such thing. Even as Prime Minister Abe asserts that nuclear power is essential for economic growth — something his country is said to badly need after an extended period of economic stagnation — Mr. Koizumi says that nuclear power is not required to produce such growth. Indeed, he says, exactly the opposite may be true.

    The Times editorial points out that the former prime minister offers a compelling argument that if a zero nuclear policy were embraced by the government, Japan “would come together in the creation of a recyclable society unseen in the world.” This alone would spark a major economic recovery, he asserts.

    Whether or not a zero nuclear policy would be good for the economy, there are those in Japan who argue that it is necessary for the safety of their nation — and of the world.

    The government led by Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany has already made such a determination, declaring many months ago that Fukushima was the last straw for nuclear energy, that it wasn’t worth the risks to all humankind to use such means of meeting energy needs, that new and alternative forms of energy production (including increased use of wind and solar power) would be utilized, and that all nuclear plants in Germany would be closed permanently. The public in Germany cheered wildly.

    It is, perhaps, time for a serious worldwide discussion of nuclear energy, with a look at whatever people feel are the pros and cons — and so we invite that exploration here in The Global Conversation. The Japanese Diet has not so far had any such serious debate on the issue, and other nations as well (not least, the United States) have pretty much avoided making nuclear power a political issue — though it may be one of the most important matters involving the body politic of our time.

    We invite and encourage your views below. We will forward your comments to officials in both the Japanese Diet and the United States Congress — and to any other legislative body in the world that you suggest.

    Let the global conversation begin.

    UDATE OCT 25: Elizabeth Chuck, Staff Writer for NBC News, has reported that “a 7.3-magnitude earthquake shook Japan early Saturday,” according to the U.S. Geological Survey. “The quake was off the Fukushima region of Japan, 231 miles east off the island of Honshu. It was 6.2 miles deep, officials said, hit at 3:10 a.m. Saturday local time and was felt 300 miles away in Tokyo,” Ms. Chuck’s report said.

    “The Japan Meteorological Agency reported a one-foot tsunami was observed after it issued a yellow-colored warning Saturday morning, meaning a small tsunami could reach the coast at Fukushima, site of Japan’s 2011 nuclear power plant disaster,” the NBC report additionally noted. The full report can be found at here.

  • What would God be like if God appeared as a person today?

    When I was a child I had a deep fascination with God. What was He like, I wondered? Where did He live?

    I know now that my ideas about God as a man living somewhere in the sky were the products of my childhood upbringing in a Roman Catholic family. I know that God is not limited to being a “he” or a “she,” but that God shows up in every form in which Life Itself manifests itself.

    Still, I hold onto this idea that there are some attributes of God. I ask myself sometimes, if God chose to show up as a human being, what would that be like? What kind of personality would God have?

    My questions about this were answered in the Conversations with God dialogue, in which I was given the Five Attitudes of God (CwG – Book 1, pg. 65-66).

    “In the moment of your total knowing (which moment could come upon you at any time), you, too, will feel as I do always,” God said to me. And what way is that? Said God: “totally joyful, loving, accepting, blessing and grateful.”

    This is, I found out later in the dialogue, the way the soul always feels as well. That is because the soul of humans and the essence of God is one and the same thing. So our soul is always totally joyful, loving, accepting, blessing and grateful. The trick is to bring our body and our mind into alignment with that deep inner nature of our being.

    The soul is always joyful because Joy is what the soul (and what God) IS. God IS that which we would call, for lack of a more technical or clinical description, “pure joy.” I am come to understand that God is pure energy, of course. The energy that we call Life Itself. But what does this energy feel like? That’s the question. And the answer is, pure joy. The energy feels like pure joy. Ultimate happiness. Or what some Eastern mystics have call “bliss.”

    Because the soul is always in a state of bliss, or pure joy, it is always loving. As is God. God loving everything, because God is so excited with Itself! There is nothing that exists outside of God, nothing that is “not God,” and so, everything that God is happy about and excited about exists within God — and precisely because it does exist within God, God is happy about it!

    And so, God is eternally loving. God is loving everything about Life, because God is Life Itself, expressing. If you were totally joyful all of the time, you, too, would be totally loving. There is no way you could not be.

    Yes, you might say, but how can anyone be totally joyful all of the time? Look at the world around us.

    The trick is to see the world as it is — as it really is — and not as it appears to be. (To learn more about this please read Communion with God, which outlines in wonderful detail the Ten Illusions of Humans.) This is how God sees the world, and so God is always totally joyful, and that causes God to be totally loving.

    Because God is totally loving, God is totally accepting — for pure love is the rejection of nothing. Pure love is unconditional. In fact, all love in unconditional. Anything less than that is not love, but some counterfeit version of that.

    Because love is unconditional, it accept everything. It does this by making no value judgments whatsoever. It does not call one thing “good” and another thing “bad.” A thing simply “is.” This is what CWG calls the “Isness,” and Isness has no goodness or badness to it.

    Where we get into trouble in our lives is by attaching goodness to badness to a thing. We make value judgments, and those judgments create enormous difficulty for many reasons — not the least of which is that we keep changing them. One day we call a thing “good” and the next day we call the very same thing “bad,” depending on whether the thing we are judging serves our purposes or not.

    Let me give you a simple example.


    One day we call rain good, the next day we call it bad. It all depends on whether it’s raining on our crop or raining on our parade.

    Killing is another example. We think we have an absolute Right and an absolute Wrong around this, but the truth is, we can’t make up our mind until we know and understand what the killing is for. Killing in self-defense, as an example, may not be called “good,” but most people and societies agree that it is not “bad.” So we find a third word. It may be, we say, “legal” and “necessary.”

    That means it is required in order for us to do what it is we want to do.

    It is because of this reasoning that we call every one of our attacks on another a “defense.” In this way, we can morally justify it.

    Yet what if nothing in the world had to be morally justified? This is the State in which God lives. Because God does not feel the need to morally justify (or condemn) anything, God can be totally accepting. But how can God be in such a place? Easy. Since God is the All in All, nothing can hurt, damage or destroy God. And since nothing can hurt, damage or destroy God, God has no need to judge it.

    Therefore, is the experience of God, a thing simply “is.” So, to, is it in the experience of Godliness. If we truly want the experience of what it is to be Godly, we will begin by removing our judgments from everything. Now this will be difficult for us to do as long as we are living inside of the Ten Illusions of Humans. The only way to escape our judgments is to escape our illusions.

    Communion with God gives us the entire process by which we may do this. That’s what makes it such a powerful book.

    Once we become, as God is, totally accepting, we move to the next level of Godliness, which is to become totally blessing. This is where God resides all of the time. God not only accepts what “is” in every single moment, God blesses it.

    To bless something means to give it your best energy. Your highest thought. Your grandest wish. You send a thing good energy when you bless it — and this is something physical that you are doing, not merely something conceptual or philosophical.

    Life energy can be moved around, manipulated, and we do this all the time with our thoughts. We also do it with our words and actions. Thought, word and action are the Three Tools of Creation (CwG-Book 1). With these devices we create, and co-create with others, our individual and collective experience. We are literally producing the world around us.

    That is why The New Revelations says that all behavior begins with beliefs — and that it is beliefs we must change if we really want to change the world. Interestingly, no one who says they want to change the world — international political leaders and worldwide religious leaders — talks very much in these terms. Political leaders don’t talk about beliefs at all, and religious leaders talk in terms of other people changing their beliefs, but insist that they, themselves, have all the right beliefs. Then they deny that this is precisely what causes the world to be such a dangerous place.

    Now the true Master blesses all of this, she does not condemn it. And in so doing, the true Master transforms it, for the impact of his blessing energy shifts the energy of the condition itself. That is why blessing, and never condemning, is the greatest spiritual secret. It is why all Masters have said, each in their own way and their own words, “judge not, and neither condemn. For that which you judge, judges you, and that which you condemn, condemns you, and that which you bless, blesses you.” So the Master practices consecration, never condemnation.

    Finally, God is always totally grateful, for thankfulness is the experience of God recognizing Itself. To recognize means to “re-cognize,” that is, to “know again.” When God knows Itself again (which God does in every single golden moment of Now), God once again becomes joyful  and the glorious Cycle of Life which is Life Itself continues, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

    These are the Five Attitudes of God, and they are the five attributes of the human soul. When we allow these characteristics to fill our minds and our hearts, we become Godly. Our whole lives change, as do the lives of those around us. For life around us cannot help but change when we fill it with God Stuff. And Joy, Love, Acceptance, Blessing, and Gratitude is God Stuff indeed.

    The wonderful thing about these Five Attitudes of Godliness is not only that one produces and creates another, but that they can be run in reverse. That is, one start with Gratitude just as easily as one can start with Joy. Either way, if the feeling is fully expressed the first domino falls, and all the rest follow.

    I have tried to overlay these Five Attitudes of God on my daily life. For me it is sometimes easier to begin with Gratitude. Sometimes when I first wake up, or during my day when I encounter some very unwelcome news or moment, it is hard for me to “get into joy.” I just can’t seem to go there, no matter how much I try. But Gratitude for me has been a real key. I can move into Gratitude, even for moments or events that I do not particularly welcome, because I know that all things lead to my highest good.

    Nothing that happens in my life happens without good purpose. Everything is perfect, and when I can “see the perfection” (as CWG invites me to do), I see the hand of God, and I know that there is a higher reason and that all things are good and that everything is bringing me to my highest expression of Who I Really Am.

    Think of it as a scientist does in his laboratory. There is nothing that happens in that laboratory that is not a success, not a good outcome. Even so-called bad outcomes are good outcomes, in that they lead the scientist closer to the truth and to the outcome that is desired.

    We are all Celestial Scientists, creating something utterly magnificent in the laboratory called Life. We are creating our Selves. And there is no way we can wrongly do that. Nor is there any way that we cannot ultimately get to where we wish to go — which is back to total union with All That Is. That is, back home to God.

    When we know this, when we deeply believe it and completely embrace it, we find the grace to move through our lives — and any moment in our lives — with joy, love, acceptance, blessings, and gratitude. And when we do that, we change our lives and change the lives of those whose lives we touch. And in this, we truly change the world.


    The biggest mystery of life has to do with what human beings call “reality.”

    What is “reality,” anyway? It is a static thing, based on “facts”? Or is it a fluid thing, based on individual interpretation of those “facts”?

    Most people agree that reality is fluid, changing from person to person. This is captured in the ancient observation: One person’s treasure is another person’s trash.

    If two people can look at the same set of facts and see entirely different things, then what is “real” and what is not?

    A great many politicians in Washington D.C. are trying to figure that out right now. Most of the world knows that there is a huge squabble going on there right now over what is called Obamacare — or, more formally, the Affordable Care Act.

    A cohort of highly conservative members of the Republican Party in the U.S. claims that the new health-care-for-all law passed two years ago will be the ruination of America. Most Democrats, meanwhile, believe that it is long since past time that such civilizing legislation was passed and such a humane program put into place in what both parties claim to be one of the greatest nations on Earth.

    Members of both parties are looking at the same data and the same country and coming up with entirely different realities. Yet if “reality” is a subjectively created thing and not an objectively observed thing, the solution to this present political conflict in Washington would be to be collaboratively creative.

    So, too, would this be the solution to all the conflicts — armed and unarmed, political and military, economic and social/spiritual — all over the planet.

    Such a thing appears, however, to be too much to ask of people who feel they have too much to lose by stepping one inch away from their staked out positions. People remaining stubbornly and utterly inflexible in their views and absolutely unyielding in their demands make collaboration impossible to achieve…and that is pretty much the nature of things in our world today. We are a species lingering at stalemate.

    Is there anything — anything at all — that can change this? An entirely new Cultural Story could and would do it. A New Idea about Who We Are (Humans, that is) and Why We Are Here (on Earth, that is) and The Purpose of It All (Life, that is) is the answer — but from where would such a new idea emerge? And who would help spread it? And who would listen to it?

    The answer to the last question is: everybody. Everybody on the planet would listen to it if they felt that it offered a New Way to Be Human that was possible, viable, feasible, workable, practical, and achievable.

    I believe that the 1,000 Words That Would Change the World from Conversations with God — found lower in the right-hand column of this online newspaper — would be a good place to start. Will you take a moment to read those 1,000 words? Will you then consider becoming part of the Evolution Revolution?

    Let me know. We can do something quite extraordinary here. People have done extraordinary things before. Let’s go. Let’s do it again. Let’s start A Conversation That Could Change The World.

  • No book written today could possible contain sacred truths, much less the Word of God

    Divine inspiration is the birthright of every human being.  You are all very special.  You simply do not know that.  You do not believe it.  Your religions have told you that you are not.  They have told you that you are sinners, that you are unworthy, that only a very few among you have achieved a level of worthiness to be inspired directly by God — and that all of those people are dead.  They have convinced you that no one living today could possibly achieve that level of worthiness, and, hence, no book written today could possibly contain sacred truths or the Word of God.

    To tell you otherwise would be to leave open the possibility that another master, another prophet, another messenger of God could come along, bringing new revelations and opening you to new understandings – and that is something that already established organized religions could not abide.

    And so, while your world’s religions may not be able to agree on which book contains the highest truth and deepest wisdom and the True Word of God, there is one thing on which they are able to agree.  And that is whatever book it is, it’s an old one.  It could not be a new book written today.

    God’s direct revelations ended long ago, your religions agree.  Only old sacred books can contain divine revelation.  Most people can accept that God’s great truths have come to humans through humans.  They simply cannot accept that this could be true of humans living today.

    This is how you think.  This is how you have it constructed.  If it’s old, it’s worthy; if it’s new, it’s unworthy.  If it’s old, it’s true; if it’s new, it’s wrong.  If it’s old, it’s right; if it’s new, it’s wrong.  If it’s old, it’s good; if it’s new, it’s bad.  This peculiar mindset is what makes progress on your planet so difficult, and evolution so time-consuming.

    What complicates all this is that, as you have constructed it, this mindset applies only to things – that is, inanimate objects – and to ideas.  Ironically, when it comes to people you have it constructed the other way around.  If it’s new, it’s worthy; if it’s old, it’s unworthy.  Thus, your society dismisses out of hand some of the brightest new ideas and some of the wisest older people.

    The stubborn tendency of human beings to cling to their past, to refuse innovation or new thinking until they are forced to do so by an ultimately embarrassing weight of evidence, has been slowing your evolutionary process for millennia.  You are facing now a new and startling danger – a danger posed to your entire species.  A threat to your very survival posed by the combination of a split in ideology and an advance in technology, which makes it possible for you to seek to resolve your differences with tools of human destruction unlike anything you may have heretofore dreamed of in your worst nightmare.

    There are five things you can choose now if changing your world, and the self-destructive direction in which it is moving, is what you wish to achieve.

    1. You can choose to acknowledge that some of your old beliefs about God and about Life are no longer working.
    2. You can choose to acknowledge that there is something you do not understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which will change everything.
    3. You can choose to be willing for a new understanding of God and Life to now be brought forth, an understanding that could produce a new way of life on your planet.
    4. You can choose to be courageous enough to explore and examine this new understanding, and, if it aligns with your inner truth and knowing, to enlarge your belief system to include it.
    5. You can choose to live your life as demonstrations of your highest and grandest beliefs, rather than as denials of them.

    These are the Five Steps to Peace, and if you take them, you can shift everything on your planet.

    Excerpt from God’s portions of the dialogue in The New Revelations


    As nearly everyone in the world now surely knows, the government of the United States has been shut down by the U.S. Congress after its House of Representatives and Senate failed to come to an agreement on a budget that would have kept it open for business.

    Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have said they will not approve an annual budget for the government unless and until the controversial Affordable Care Act (known more widely in some circles as Obamacare) is completely defunded, or its implementation is delayed for a year.

    Democrats have said that, as U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren put it:  “It’s time to end the debate about whether the Affordable Care Act should exist and whether it should be funded. Congress voted for this law. President Obama signed this law. The Supreme Court upheld this law. The President ran for reelection on this law. His opponent said he would repeal it — and his opponent lost by five million votes.”

    Given the above, many Americans are left wondering, Is this fair? The law was passed, the Supreme Court approved, the American people voted against the candidate who said he would repeal it on his first day in office — what more is needed to end this debate?

    Having lost in the previous Obamacare debate when the health law was originally passed by Congress, having lost before the Supreme Court where it unsuccessfully challenged the law’s constitutionality, and having lost at the polls in the last presidential election, the far right wing of the GOP has now decided to stop the entire government from operating if the Tea Party and its followers don’t get what they want anyway and see the new health law, which took affect today, repealed or delayed for a another year.

    For their part, Democrats have said there will be no repeal of Obamacare and no delay in its implementation — but that they would be ready and willing to negotiate improvements in the law, including some of the ideas suggested by the GOP regarding certain taxes that are slated to be instituted to fund it. Yet Democrats have insisted that they will not negotiate “with a gun to our heads.” They have called the GOP’s forced government shutdown not negotiation, but “extortion.”

    The spiritual opportunity here is for both sides in this debate to move toward the highest good for all people (it is questionable that shutting down the government would be that), and for both sides to see their particular approach as not the only way, but simply another way to resolve the Obamacare disagreement.

    Then they might take a pure, clean, and honest look to see if they can find a method of resolution that is distinctly different from the ones both sides are now employing as they position themselves around the health care issue. Yet the larger question remains: Is it fair for a minority of those both in Congress and in the United States at large to push their country into fiscal chaos in order to advance their agenda even though they’ve lost the argument three times already in every other forum available?