Welcome to our new section of the Global Conversation on Health and Wellness. For me, this topic is an important part of the equation in having what I call the God experience, or what some have called bliss. If you are experiencing something other than perfect health right now, you know exactly the value of the above statement. Without health little else matters, so spending some time looking at our lifestyle choices is well worth our time and energy.
What we will explore within this blog going forward are the many ways of naturally returning to and keeping your body in a state of grace, health and balance. We will look at lifestyle choices that create the space for you to be fully alive, fully available to your life and all of the joy a healthy lifestyle has to offer.
Nature has provided us the perfect packages filled with all of the elements we need to have this state of health, all we have to do is make the correct choices for our body. Yet there is so much more to the picture than just “you are what you eat.” As important as that is, we also cannot ignore the rest of that which makes us tick.
We all know that we have a body, a mind, emotions, and most would agree that we are spiritual in nature. Our emotional, mental and spiritual health are vital in creating wellness in our physiology, and each contribute to the makeup of our physical health. Within the health & wellness conversation here, we will will take a holistic point of view, since each of these areas desire our daily care.
As Conversations with God reminds us, “every act is an act of self definition.” Your actions and the intention behind them either contribute to your health or take away from it. When we act consciously with the intention of loving ourselves through every act, our health begins to immediately flourish.
Scientific research has shown that although we cannot choose our genetics, we do have the ability to influence which of our genes are expressed. We have the ability to turn on genes which promote health and turn off those which code for illness and disease. How can we do this? The answer is surprisingly simple. Our lifestyle habits, including our diet, exercise, thoughts and the choices we make dramatically affect the expression of our genes. Actions really do speak louder than words.
If you are not feeling well right now, or have been making choices that you know do not serve you and your wellbeing, the great news is that you can choose again in this very moment. If you are feeling bad about your past choices, forgive yourself this minute, for the energy of resenting yourself will never lead to healing. Love is always the answer, and in this moment you can begin to make loving choices for yourself with the intention of healing your life. It begins when you say so. SO SAY SO!
Get into action. What are you doing today to love your whole self? Join in the conversation and share where you are, where you desire to be and what you are willing to change right now to begin moving toward the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about who you are and what health & wellness means for you. The God experience awaits you! Will you answer the call? Let the journey begin…
To your health! – JR
(JR Westen may be reached at JR@TheGlobalConversation.com.)
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