We have gone as far as we can go. We can’t go any further. I know that nobody wants to hear this (it’s been said over and over again now for 25 years), but the way we are living — what we are doing spiritually, politically, economically, environmentally, educationally, and socially — is totally and utterly unsustainable.

In every one of those areas, it is unsustainable. The world as we are running it must end. Now. That is what the whole “2012 Phenomenon” is all about. It is not about the end of the world, it is about the end of the world as we know it. It is about re-birthing ourselves. The question is not whether something needs to be done about the way humanity has been living, the question is: What?

The answer is not a mystery. We must change. But what must we change, specifically? And how do we change it? Those become the operational questions. Those become the functional inquiries. Those become the central issues of our time.

We have the answer here.

We must change our Cultural Story. We must rewrite it, from the very first chapter. We must launch a Civil Rights Movement for the Soul, freeing humanity at last from the oppression of its beliefs in a virulent, violent, and vindictive God.

Why? Why bring our beliefs about God into this? Because the beliefs held about God by billions of people — including the belief that there is no God — is what creates the belief of billions of people about themselves, about each other, and about the purpose and function of Life Itself. And that is what creates the world around us. The unsustainable world around us.

We can no longer survive as a species by holding the beliefs that we hold. This is not an answer that I just made up. This is the answer that has been given to us by God.

In the book The New Revelations (2002) the following dialogue with God appears. Have you ever read it? More important, what are you willing to do about it?

Tell you what. Decide, after you read this interaction with God. I dare you to do it. Read it all the way to the end. Right now. Dare you.

I understand that our world now lives in a 120-word sound-bite mentality, but I put this opening dialogue before you nonetheless. Is it worth ten minutes of your time to find out what’s really going on here? What appears below are the first few words in a dialogue with God that occurred at this time of year ten years ago…


God, please be here. We need help.

I am here.

We need help.

I know.

Right now.

I understand.

The world is on the brink of disaster. And I’m not talking about natural disaster; I’m talking about man-made calamity.

I know. And you’re right.

I mean, humans have had disagreements before, and serious ones, but now our divisions and disagreements can lead not simply to wars—which are bad enough—but to the end of civilization as we know it.

That is correct. You have assessed the situation correctly.

You understand the severity of the problem, you simply do not understand the nature of the problem. You do not know what is causing it. So you keep trying to solve it at every level except the level at which it exists.

Which is?

The level of belief.

The problem facing the world today is a spiritual problem.

Your ideas about spirituality are killing you.

You keep trying to solve the world’s problem as if it was a political problem, or an economic problem, or even a military problem, and it is none of these. It is a spiritual problem.  And that is the one problem human beings don’t seem to know how to solve.

Then help us.

I am.


In many ways.

Name one.

This book.

This book will help us?

It can.

What do we have to do?

Read it.

And then what?

Heed it.

That’s what they all say. “It’s all in The Book,” they say. “Read it and heed it. That’s all you have to do.” The problem is, they all hold up a different book.

I know.

And every book says something else.

I know.

So now we should “read and heed” this book?

It’s not a question of what you should do.
It’s a question of what you may do if you choose to.
It is an invitation, not a requirement.

Why would I want to read this book when I’ve already been told by True Believers that all the answers are in the other books—the books that they are telling me to heed?

Because you have not heeded them.

Yes, we have. We believe that we have.

That’s why you now need help. You believe that you have, but you have not.

You keep saying that your Holy Book (each of your cultures has a different one) is what has given you the authority to treat each other the way you are treating each other, to do what you are doing.

You are able to say that only because you have not really listened to the deeper message of these books. You have read them, but you have not really listened to them.

But we have. We are doing what they say we should be doing!

No. You are doing what YOU say that they say you should be doing.

What does that mean?

It means that the basic message of all the sacred scriptures is the same. What is different is how human beings have been interpreting them.

There is nothing “wrong” with having different interpretations. What may not benefit you, however, is separating yourself over these differences, making each other wrong because of these differences, and killing each other as a result of these differences.

This is what you are now doing.

It is what you have been doing for quite some time.

You cannot agree even within a particular group of you, much less between groups, about what a particular book says and what it means, and you use these disagreements as justifications for slaughter.

You argue among yourselves about what the Qur’an says, and about what its words mean. You argue among yourselves about what the Bible says, and about what its words mean.  You argue among yourselves about what the Veda says, what the Bhagavad-Gita says, what the Lun-yü says, what the Pali Canon says, what the Tao-te Ching says, what the Talmud says, what the Hadith says, what the Book of Mormon says…

And what of the Upanishad, the I Ching, the Adi Granth, the Mahabharata, the Yoga-sutras, the Mathnawi, the Kojiki?

Okay, we get the point.

No, actually, you don’t. And that’s the point. The point is, there are many holy writings and sacred scriptures, and you act as if there is only one.

It is your sacred scripture that is really sacred. All the rest are poor substitutes at best, and blasphemies at worst.

Not only is there only one Sacred Scripture, there is also only one way to interpret that Scripture: your way.

This spiritual arrogance is what has caused you your greatest sorrow as a species. You have suffered more—and caused other people to suffer more—over your ideas about God than over your ideas about anything else in the human experience.

You have turned the source of the greatest joy into the source of your greatest pain.

That’s crazy. Why is that? Why have we done that?

Because there is one thing for which human beings seem willing to give up everything.

They will give up love, they will give up peace, they will give up health, harmony, and happiness, they will give up safety, security, and even their sanity, for this one thing.


Being right.

You are willing to give up everything you’ve ever worked for, everything you’ve ever wanted, everything you’ve ever created, in order to be “right.”

Indeed, for this you are willing to give up Life itself.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


(End of this excerpt. Next in this space: take a step with us. Help create a New Cultural Story for our species. Answer the following question: Who will join Humanity’s Team? Place your answer in the Comment section below. But be careful. Because if your answer is yes, you’re going to be asked to take part in the biggest civil rights movement in the history of humanity. A Civil Rights Movement for the Soul.)




92 responses to “OUR WORLD MUST COME TO

  1. Dawn Avatar

    I will join humanity’s team.

  2. carol m. Williams Avatar
    carol m. Williams

    I will join humanities team.

  3. Biff Johnson Avatar
    Biff Johnson


  4. Jacqui Foggo Avatar
    Jacqui Foggo


  5. Gabriele Wohlmayer Avatar
    Gabriele Wohlmayer

    Yes…I will

  6. Sandy Avatar

    I choose to be loved rather than to be right. I join hands with all of you. PEACE

  7. Rachel jeffery Avatar
    Rachel jeffery

    Yes I will

  8. Earline Clason Avatar
    Earline Clason

    The time is NOW. I’m on board with this civil rights movement for our souls.

  9. Ruchir Garg Avatar
    Ruchir Garg

    I just emailed volunteer@humanitysteam.org to start volunteering

  10. Sheila Martin Avatar
    Sheila Martin

    I’ve meditated on this years. Yes, I will gladly take part.

  11. Lisa Avatar

    Put me in, Coach.

  12. Mireille Avatar


  13. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    I,am there ,tag we are it.

    We are the ones we have been waiting for!

  14. David Avatar

    Willing to serve.

  15. Megan Avatar

    Love this! Thank you SO much for your commitments and efforts, Neale.

  16. Teresa Avatar

    I am on humanity’s team

  17. Trond Kverhellen Avatar
    Trond Kverhellen

    I will join A Civil Rights Movement for the Soul!

  18. Adrian Lopez Avatar
    Adrian Lopez

    Yes, I am ready!

  19. Andrew Avatar

    I don’t wanna be right but there is no God. 😛

  20. Nobu Avatar


  21. Phil Avatar

    Thank you GOD for the opportunity to DO SOMETHING… Guide us in reclaiming, regenerating, and even recreating this beautiful, living, breathing globe and touching those others divine manifestations of YOU living upon it!

    I’M IN!!! 🙂

  22. Darien Avatar

    So happy to see this.
    Through the years, I have believed that NDW & Company were here to promote peace, harmony and happiness as well as educate. Elucidate.
    It was to my surprise and sorrow to read otherwise in the day after the election blog which was more of an us vs. them commentary.
    I was angry, hurt and disappointed and I have held everything you’ve written since at arm’s length. Could I really trust you, an enlightened Master, to lead?

    Glad you/we are back on track.

    NOTE FROM NEALE: First of all, Darien, I am not an enlightened Master. Secondly, a Civil Rights Movement for the Soul WILL be labeled an “us vs. them” movement, mark my words. Having said that, I am prepared to move forward with this mission.

  23. sunseed Avatar

    I’m in, have been in, without hesitation…I was born for this, this round especially, & I know it 😀

  24. Aaron Martin Avatar
    Aaron Martin

    Yes, I will.

  25. Nathan Avatar

    I already joined Humanity’s Team in 2007 and organized a fundraiser for them in 2008. I have had spiritual movie nights about oneness ever since but have not gotten much support or guidance from Humanity’s Team except to celebrate Global Oneness Day once a year, but even that has been futile because without other people’e support it is just me standing in solidarity with others globally but locally I am alone.

  26. Nathan Avatar

    Yes. I am on Humanity’s Team! Just want more members here in Rhode Island or am going to relocate to a place where HT is thriving.

  27. Sushmita Mukherjee Avatar
    Sushmita Mukherjee

    As ever wondrous. These words always evoke the same, each time a reinforcement of the previous–overwhelming gratitude and faith. True all happens through us, and thus as we stand at the precipice, we look forward to take-off and not fall. Fly, and not plunge…and all by taking a plunge into the depths of our being…where All That There IS Resides. As we access it and call it forth we find that this moment of turmoil all around beckons us to turn around things.

    And that we succeed indeed, as you yourself have stated no challenges are drawn which cannot be overcome.

    The biggest awareness is of God, and thus self. When armed with that, all problems cease to be…as the Solution is found within…with our own selves becoming the solutions for all the problems that our individual and collective choices (conscious or otherwise) have led us to. As Barbara says, these are all evolutionary drivers, and as you lead all to God within, I am assured, that we as humanity are delivered–re-birthed.

    Thank you Neale, as ever…and forever…

    With regards,

  28. sérgio Avatar

    Penso em informar a maioria das pessoas que eu conheço, ma elas não tem tempo prá ler, então eu fico explicando algumas das verdades que eu li n os livros 1- 2 – 3, e tenho até certo ponto experimentado, mas é difícil acreditar , mas tenho ou acho que tenho conseguido, ou melhor tenho experimentado, estou com voces prá discutir quaisquer dos temas abordados por aqui…

  29. Buzz Avatar

    Prove it!

  30. Lisa Avatar

    Jeg er med på dette. Sikker på at dette er det eneste riktige nå.
    civil rights movement for the soul…

  31. Tammy Gipp Avatar
    Tammy Gipp

    I want to live again

  32. Eric Silver Avatar
    Eric Silver

    Yes, with a condition: A simple, practical blueprint for achieving this. 🙂

    For example, a distillation of the principles and premises of “Conversations with God” and other enlightened materials into a one or two page, incorruptible, guide to life and living that even a child could understand and apply intuitively. (And don’t say it can be condensed down to that, because it can.) When heeded, its truth will be indisputably evident through the lifestyles of those who follow it.

    Can such change can occur without a massive “environmental” (physical, mental, and spiritual) calamity to motivate it? At no point in human history have people gotten together and said, “Gee, we are doing this Life/Living thing wrong; let’s all fix it,” unless some severe external/internal pressure forced them to do so. Perhaps this will be the first instance?

    Ironically, people will line up for days to get a new iPhone, or a Black Friday deal, but commit energy to upgrading their souls? Naah, too much work. You can tell people the environment is collapsing or there is social injustice and economic disparity, however, when they are told their perceptions and lifestyles must change to correct it, most stop listening because they don’t feel personally responsible, or simply don’t care. (Because in their minds, they are “right” and don’t need to change.) Finally, in this country, most people cannot do something as simple as control their eating, so can they be expected to diligently and *consistently* do the work necessary to evolve their souls? Not so sure…

    Therefore, I will conjecture this will not be a mass movement or an effort to “save the world.” Instead, many small communities of earnest and enlightened people, like the one that formed here, will put their money where their mouths are and collectively, and disparately, create this “New Cultural Story” by leading through example, and becoming the “lifeboats” of humanity that spawn a new world as the current world dies.

    So my answer is a definite “Yes.” I love a challenge of this magnitude. 😀

  33. Paula Avatar

    I’m in!

  34. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    I`ll TRY to do the best of myself…..That is….. All of me!

    Lisa, you`re a norwegian, I did not knew it at all !!!! Gosh, and you to be among the norwegian police-force, that`s certainly a MIRACLE. Not to be a lady in the Force(because it is many of them by now), but oh my, you must be the ONLY one to read the books by Neale ?

    P.S. It is a You-Tube video laid out today with Princess Martha Louise and Elisabeth Nordeng singing the old psalm “Deilig er Jorden”= The Wonderful Earth(freely translated over unto the english language) on a German TV-show. The two ladies have founded “a school” telling how to do the communication with the angles here in Norway….And it is harhsly critized by the press and of the main opinion.

  35. Sammy Avatar


  36. Bron Reed Avatar
    Bron Reed

    My hand is up – I’m in.

  37. Bron Reed Avatar
    Bron Reed

    My hand is up, I’m in.

  38. Buzz Avatar


    I will not today, nor will I ever be a peaceful warrior, or an evangelical CwG preacher. All the wars of our history have been waged in the name of God and peace, and people have died by the million for the greater good.

    Now just to be clear, I ain’t suggesting CwG people would be doing the killing, destroying, and judging, I’m suggesting everyone else will be killing, destroying, and judging CwGers, and I ain’t interested in tattooing no target on my forehead like that. I ain’t feeling threatened, but I’m not gonna go looking to get lynched by the religious armed forces looking to eradicate non-believers and infidels by advertising by beliefs.

  39. Digger Avatar

    Hi Neale,
    Yes, I’m in on the team too. I have yet to find out what my real strengths and abilities are, but I figure that Spirit will guide me in whatever direction I am needed to be when the time is right. That’s what usually happens, in my experience!

    You are so right, Neale, that we cannot go on living the way we are at present. WE absolutely must do something to change. We need now to be the change that we want to see in the world, as the great Ghandi said.

    Doug, Norfolk, England.

  40. Mark Webber Avatar
    Mark Webber

    I will!

  41. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    That`s it Doug, to do our very best (of to do).
    The world must change for the better(actually, I have experienced Heaven on Earth in the youth).
    Please Doug, have you ever watched the british TV-series “Heart Beat”?
    Wonders if the americans have experienced the innocent way of living as of us have done(me, borned after the war in 1945) ? No weapons(no armed forces at all after the war, because of no more “threats”) neither among the Police Force; and no locked doors…. as of us have had no need of before now in the northren world(since the war).
    All of us pulled together to begin a new peaceful world…..And now, what on earth have happened?????

    Wishing all of you a good night and sweet dreams.

  42. Orchid Avatar

    Yes I Will!!

  43. antonella Avatar

    I’ll join Humanity’s Team!

  44. Dawn Avatar

    Count me in

  45. Suzanne Avatar

    I will!

  46. Rodrigo Avatar

    Sim, eu vou!

  47. Edward Bufe Avatar
    Edward Bufe

    This is Leonie. My husband and I share this address. I weep with frustration every time I read this message because even between the two of us there is a difference in our interpretation, acceptance and tolerance of other peoples religions and beliefs. Even with all the knowledge and understanding I have achieved I often overwhelmed myself when not even my husband can see that unconditional love and compassion, WILL CHANGE LIFE AS WE KNOW IT. Oceans of Love, Leonie.

  48. mewabe Avatar

    What is behind the commonly held attitude of needing to be “right” (even dead right if necessary)?

    Low self worth.

    That’s something that anyone who no longer wants to be caught in this “being right” self-defeating trap must face, sooner or later.

    A larger than life, overcompensating ego simply expresses fear, and the fear has to do with feeling like “a nothing” or “a nobody”, with low self esteem, with a person fearing that his or her identity is under attack from the outside (such as when beliefs are challenged), when it is actually under attack from within, because within is where low self-worth originates.

    The next step, for the individual, is to understand what, in the past, triggered this low self-worth, most likely in childhood.

    It helps to try to dig a little deeper and become fully conscious of what is behind or below a thought, a feeling or a behavior, that cannot otherwise be effectively changed because remaining unconsciously motivated.

    We indeed cannot change the world without healing ourselves from the inside out, and the deeper we go within, we more extensive our understanding of the world and ability to make a difference, because the world is, really, within ourselves and an extension and expression of how we are (not of who we really are, but of how we perceive and experience ourselves, which is usually in conflict with who we really are, which is why we create a conflicted world).

    Changing beliefs is a good and very necessary idea, but is it really possible without understanding what psychologically motivates the creation of irrational beliefs (such as that of a judging God, or a belief in separation)?

    I do not think it is…we cannot simply superimpose a new belief over an old one and go on our merry way…the drive, the impetus, the motivating factor of the old belief remains until it has been made conscious.

    There is a reason why humanity has long ago universally come up with such beliefs in hell, demons, a demanding God or deities, etc…the answer is in psychology, and it goes deeper than just proposing to change beliefs instantly as one changes socks.

    We need to go that deep, as deep as humanly possible, to really make a change.

  49. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Doesn’t Truth just send your Soul Sounds a-singin’! Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la!:)

    Rock on, Dear God(dess)!!! Silly little flock, indeed!:) And, isn’t acknowledgement of the ‘need’, half the way to the destination, on the journey to Solution. I find it nice to think so.

    Thanks for sharing your intimate conversation(s), Neale! Pretty cool to real-eyes Amazing, huh?:)

    Love…Always & All ways.
    Good Journey…Grand Destination!:D

  50. Kristen Avatar

    Genesis 8:22
    Matthew 5:18
    Revelation 11:15-18 (esp last line of 18. The dead refers to reincarnation)
    Isaiah 65:17
    This is not a religious story I am recommending you read, it is about Earth at this time, and may well save some asses!. Most of the bible is not about religion if you bother to read it properly.

    Here is my contribution which I would suggest people take and express outloud for a full cleansing and starting over. Proactive is better than thinking about acting upon anything. Do not do this if you are in a soul love based marriage/relationship as defined in CWG book 1 I think (talking about sex and teenagers), where that is the sole basis of the relationship, as opposed to a relationship mainly based on like & attraction at this present point. This will avoid Revelation 11.

    “Dear The Source above all and no other,
    I ask that you provide me with the protection necessary, and allow no harm to come to me or my loved ones, even if it means you decline this request.
    As the latest hologram formed by a reincarnated soul entering this body, I ask that I become my own identity and that soul, it’s path, karma, guides, criminal record, consequences, reincarnation based family group, past life baggage, personality traits, addictions, medical and other issues, and other affecting matters be separated from me. I did not create myself, nor ask to be created, and would like the same rights and respect as a first lifer soul not created from a reincarnated person. I acknowledge it only as my soul parents passing DNA onto me, the same as my biological parents. I will now take guardianship of this physical body from it and it’s guides, and if safe ask that it be removed. I do not accept responsibility for its actions, and the things it has put me through and ask to be free from these, but I do accept responsibility for those actions which are known that I would have still chosen, and those I choose in the future.

    I understand that everything has a trade, and if I can be of any help in working for the greater good, stopping suffering or other positive aspects, without causing any negative to me, then I make myself available to you if required.

    I thank you for this opportunity to start over, with a low carbon footprint, and I understand if you are not able to help me at this time, for you know all, that I do not”.

    My rebellious friend Buzz (LOL), you should be more concerned with a wrist band with PEACE on it than a forehead tattoo! You risk your life for others, I have just risked mine for you (smile). We all want peace FOR OURSELVES AND EARTH, but I don’t know if peace is possible without war first. I have no idea how, but we do need to start over. I’ll just hide inside and stay out of it! I want a Star of David tattoo, or the above scripture references, as a tattoo is a branding of what you stand for and who you are, but I don’t want to be lynch mobbed either! The funny thing is that I think Hindus are the dodgy ones. I can’t read their ‘bibles’ but I think they have had some sort of sign, as in NZ, England and other countries they can gain residency in, they have bought up all the dairys (corner stores, 7/11’s) and food stores, gas stations and have a huge presence as doctors and nurses. Ie if they ‘go on strike’ we are all dead – no gas, no food, huge hospital staff shortages. Is this dodgy or am I 2012 paranoid?. Almost enough to make a person a 2012 Prepper fruitloop! (I’m not – my God provides what I need).

    Leonie – I know it’s hard with men and I understand what you are saying. Our brains and minds are wired differently, and females often express unconditional love and compassion 24/7 naturally. Guys do not see this. I don’t like new agey lovey dovey guys, yet don’t like neanderthals either! I think in general (not CWGers) guys really only become how we want them to be if they have pets and younger siblings to love unconditionally, from the age of two, to allow this part of their brains to develop, then they understand! As an adult it’s too late, they may try to learn, and act how we want them to be, but I would rather a guy was naturally himself. Appreciate your husband every day. Accepting we are different, and embracing it, is much better than wanting a world of neutral gender clones. If you want to marry someone who’s a female on the inside – thats called gay!

    Neale – thank you for your graciousness in allowing me to stay in here being a pain, I have no ill intent!

  51. mewabe Avatar

    All things considered, we don’t have to worry about anything.

    We will come to a global realization of oneness the easy way or the hard way.

    Neale proposes the easy way…it may be possible…60 000 individuals trying to move 6,973,738,433 individuals…I can see Neale’s motto: the difficult we do right away, the impossible only take a little extra time.

    The hard way goes like this: a humanity sinking in global panic and despair, because of environmental and other disasters and the human world falling apart….in other words oneness in hopelessness and despair, the dark night of the soul on a grand scale.

    Even this seemingly destructive form of oneness will lead to healing and enlightenment.

    One way or we other we will recover our humanity, our collective soul, we will awaken to the reality of oneness.

    But because humanity is highly addicted (to beliefs, perceptions, experiences and lifestyles) it may be that, as the typical addict, it must sink very low, fall and break down, and face the prospect of its own immediate demise, before it turns around and climb back up from the abyss.

  52. Sibila Reventlow Avatar
    Sibila Reventlow

    I am called to speak up here and as a part of my answer, I´ve read in HumanityTeam.org yesterday and I´m in the process of reading Neale´s free e-book, part of the change so I get clear about what Humanity`s team is about in order to be able to give my sincere, full hearted answer about joining.

    Earlier in this, Neale has written: ” …a Civil Rights Movement for the Soul WILL be labeled an “us vs. them” movement, mark my words. ” this movement a as part of one answer to an entry here. I need clarification here, Neale. Who will label this movement an “us vs. them” movement?
    My reason for asking this is, it is very important for me personally in deciding if it is right for me to join this movement that it is indeed a movement for a purpose, namely the soul. But that the movement not by it self defines it self to be against or part of an “us vs them” in our own view and reality of what this team is. Re-inforcing and thereby also co-creating a duality perspective is no longer true for me and this is why I have to ask this question all though I know full well you have your hands full with all the deep work you do in this world.

    Your writing about the shift in perspective from duality to the triad of the three in one in conversation 22 in “The Storm Before the Calm” has mind-boggled my mind over and over and is bottom line calling me home within my heart and what is true for me. This is changing my life and releasing me to be more of who I am and to dare to be more visibly of service. So – I have to know that this movement is created beyond the duality perspective before I can say yes to be part of it.

    In the mean time, I´ll read your free e-book, “Part of the Change” and meditate on this.

    May you be blessed by all that flows through you, Neale.
    with love and respect from Denmark

  53. LUCILIA Avatar

    I am in Humanity’s Team and willing to take part in The Civil Rights Movement for the Soul.

  54. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Well now, the more am to study all of these THINGS, the more am of to understand nothing of it !
    Is it not told of it is neccessary of to find peace WITHIN each of us at first(the family as well) ?

    In fact of have felt of to be living within an enclave of peacefullness until the whole world with all of its socalled miseries(from all over the world)…more-or-less….seems to have done another Occupation on us(on me). I AM ONE, to be recalled, and likewise to be the OBSERVER of the own “doings.”

    Absolutely all and everything are VIBRATIONS. It is a musical universe, and the harmony, or disharmony, creating strings either in “the upper brighter, or the nether darker regions” of tones.

    It is impossible of to create the music without both of the kind. It is called the divine matrix, created by US.
    And it is NOT just One Saviour but the many in The One.
    The Master Mind recognizes each of us within “Itself”…..not a Sparrow to drop dead without God knowing it.

    To me Buzz is “the fresh mind-blower.” You Buzz, is to challenge the mind from every angle. It is to take nothing for granted. BUT, peace of mind must (after all) be the main goal anyway.
    It IS the urge within us since the beginning “of time,” eventually
    of us to be aware of it or not. The free will is on play on the stage scene. To keep an open mind about everything new.

    btw: For me, “Peace-of-mind” will be the same as Peace with the whole of Cosmos and The Universe(and of us without any physical form, as the pure spiritual entity of us to be in the first place… leaving the Earth as the Paradise once created).
    The Museum Of Time and Methuselah(he was not in the same physical form as of us today, more of the etheric body I`ll guess).

  55. Jeff Miller Avatar
    Jeff Miller

    I will join humanity’s team and make the conscious effort to be the change i hope to see. I will shine and bring love into this world.

  56. Greenman Avatar

    I believe that I am already a part of this

  57. *lisa* Avatar

    Inger Lise, there seem to many Lisa’s on this thread! Not too disappoint, but I am American….still one of the few women on patrol though.

    From now on, so there’s no confusion, I will comment as *lisa*.

    So if we are joining Humanity’s Team, what are the rules of the game?

  58. Nesta Jones Avatar
    Nesta Jones

    Absolutely agree. I am in. I don’t need to be right, I want to learn and change and grow. Love, harmony and happiness are more important than being right.

  59. Buzz Avatar

    Oh, I’ll support *Lisa*’s cause all the way! ( December 6, 2012 at 1:18 pm)

    Neale, please tell us the rules of the game you’re playing?

    You seem to be working toward gathering an infantry with the intent on starting a new kind of warfare, where the weapons are gratitude, love and peace, and the battlegound is within the hearts and minds of the judgemental, and anyone on Humanity’s Team that’s insufficiently gentle or manipulative with their pray will suffer the wrath of those who are mortally afraid of the unknown, of changing or losing that which they hold most dear.

    You are meddling with forces beyond anyone’s comprehension, including Neale. Go back through this thread and read from Mewabe.

    They will destroy you. Things are not what they seem!

  60. Vanda Domingues Avatar
    Vanda Domingues

    I will join Humanity’s Team 🙂

  61. Sharon Avatar


  62. Daniel Avatar

    I loved the excerpt. Great conversation with God!! Im a north american living now in Brazil since 2010. I was born in the church and as a son of a missionary and pastor been trough a lot and learned a lot. But since I was about 16 lots of simple things that to some people simply, ok thats it, I would go further into trying to understand certain things, that simply did not make since according tho what I was learning. I started by talking to my mom about these revelations I would have, and was called blaspheme. Today, my mother and I have great conversations about things that typical churches would call blaspheme. But its time to demonstrate the god in us, under authority by God, and manifest spiritual results onto our daily body experience.

  63. Buzz Avatar

    Thank you Inger!
    I challenge myself to extremes several times what you see here. Peace is found in surrendering the need to be right, as Mewabe details, AND to control our world through our understandings. This place is a gambit, like a toy for adults. We are trying to define the indefinable, to control our own free will, and to see the world and each other as God sees us. Continuing to play despite this understanding is the epitome of defiance to the forces in our world that wish us to curl up and die. It is our choice to express ourselves in rebellion to that which would silence us, and tell us we must listen to, believe and comply with their brand of truth.

    John Farnham – You’re The Voice

    “You’re the voice, try and understand it.
    Make a noise, and make it clear
    We’re not gonna sit in silence
    We’re not gonna live with fear”

  64. Kristen Avatar

    Freewill should only be used in conjunction with informed choice. Life changing decisions therefore should require honesty and more information, or it is not technically a freewill choice. More like uninformed choice, sheepish behaviour, rash enthusiasm or manipulation. I do genuinely wish you all good luck, I want change, which will happen anyway, I have tried to help you realise a bit more though (probably fruitlessly)and as it has been said in here, there are forces way beyond comprehension overseeing everything at this point so BE CAREFUL! I have faith that they know what they are doing, and have their reasons for allowing things to happen, so if they approve something, the longterm end outcome or byproduct must be a positive thing. Keeping in mind that some things are merely a catalyst, not the actual act or outcome.

    Mewabe and Buzz – smart people! I am beginning to wonder if everyone on this planet can actually think for themselves (serious), or if it’s actually a gift very few have, like creativity, artistry, music etc! (smile). Something I shall ponder while I bury my head in the sand and wait for the universe to revert our world back to the sanity of the 70’s. Thats my intuition.

  65. Richard Avatar

    Count me in.

  66. Buzz Avatar

    Well said Kristen. I tend to agree, but don’t leave us (head in sand). You’re contribution here is valued, by me at the very least (even if I don’t understand half of it, how is that different from most people using English as a second language?)

  67. Natalie Avatar

    Count me in! With love.

  68. John Huxtable Avatar
    John Huxtable

    Hi Neale,
    Count me in. I wish to be part of this movement, I pledge to do whatever I can to help make these changes happen.

    Thank you for all you have done.

    John Huxtable

  69. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    He,he, lots of the considerable thoughts in this forum. And lisa(laughs), have thought about it afterwards of it is close to be a pole-shift if any among the norwegian police force have begun to read the books by Neales !

    BUT of have found something else of the intriguing material, and very interresting things written in the same book of to have mentioned before in the forum of ours.
    The book is soooo intriguing all the way and confirming the same as of Neales(also much of the same in the books by Jane Roberts and Seth),even it is written back in the 18/19th century most of it, and the people who wrote it lived within other “settings” than ours and certainly lived with another time-frame than of us does nowadays.

    Sitates from “The Open Door”:
    ” My Children, the truths of the New Philosophy as applied to matters of individual opinion are variable quantities. There is no one embodied at present(back then of course) who has attained to Absolute Truth, or who has the criterion by which it can be tested.
    To each of you will be revealed only that which you are best fitted by nature and environment to assimilate, and if you understand this law there will be no necessity for discord. Discord always arises out of the attempt to make others see the truth as you see it before they are ready for it.”

    (Hmm, that`s something to be considering).

    It continues: ” As there are different degrees of knowledge, so are there different degrees of truth, different grades or steps in the approach to the Underlining Reality. As one gets a closer glimpse of some truth, it will appear to him in a different light, and perhaps he will not recognize it; but everything
    is some reflection or shadow of the Underlying Reality, which is Being, which is what you call Selfhood, or Universal Consciousness, or God. So do not regard anything as false, for all things are true in their degree.
    To the Higher Intelligences who control the work of this Dispensation there is no such thing as falsehood, for we realize the One-ness of everything; but to those who are compelled to follow our guidance this lesson is of prime importance.
    The Intelligence that is manifesting through this medium tonight is one of the departments of the Spiritual Wave in its expression on the earth plane; it is called by the medium`s band the Master-Mind, by other mediums Jesus, the Christ. It embodied Christ, and it works today through many mediums all over the world to usher in the New Dispensation, or the New Philosophy.

    Now I, who am individualized, yet not personal in the sense you mean, can manifest as a personal spirit, and thus some of you will look upon me in one light and some in another.
    To both of you(the medium and his wife)I say, May the Peace of the Masters be with you.”
    Sitates ending.

    And this is BEFORE WWI……

  70. Paul E Bonnett Avatar
    Paul E Bonnett

    Yes. I am

  71. Kim Ribacka Avatar
    Kim Ribacka


  72. Kelly Taylor Avatar
    Kelly Taylor

    Myself, Kelly Taylor

  73. Brady Werner Avatar
    Brady Werner

    I’m in with any group whose whole philosophy is based on the idea that we are all one. I fail miserable at living this idea but that doesn’t take away from the truth of it. Really does seem to be the one and only answer and I want to make it a reality in my own life. I am very, very tired of the old mind, all the fear, all the delusions that are based in the idea that I can wrestle some satisfaction out of this life if only I can manage well, if only I can get all my ducks in a row. I am tired and ready for a new way. Thank you Neale for all that you have done and continue to do, I would love to be a part of most anything springing up from the words that have been inspired through you.

  74. Kristen Avatar

    Thanks Buzz, and for changing your language from CwG and the W word language so I bother reading it, and can understand you (smile). I left a post to try to help you at the end of the one about the homeless mans new boots.

    I’ve pondered, and I think I’m right, but I don’t want to be! I think religion, strict, over protective or dominant parenting, too much schooling etc are preventing childrens brains from developing. history, and the present like in here, shows us that ‘thinkers’ are found as leaders, introverts or on the outskirts of religion or any organisation, never in it!! this includes geniuses.

    OK, I’ll be the voice of informed choice since no information is forth coming, not publically here anyway. I don’t know what Neale etc have in mind, and I am completely opposed to any form of clubs, groups, organisations etc so will not be finding out the plan I guess!

    With regard to the planet and environment, Earth is self repairing and self sustaining, we cannot destroy it, only change it temporarily. Watch the series Life After People and you will observe just how quickly it can replenish itself and erraticate any traces of us. After watching this I did an experiment in my yard, and didn’t mow the lawns or do any gardening for two years other than what my hens do (which is most of the weeding and pest control), and the resident hedgehogs, birds and pet guinea pigs. (on my 800sq m city fringe property). It was amazing. Cool ground cover took over the grassed areas, I have over 30 new trees, potatoes & pumpkins grew randomly everywhere and it thrived, with what grass was left producing seeds for the birds, and the hen food self sowing into wheat plants. It’s insane, and the coolest thing ever, and is like my own little Eden. This planet can kick our butts in the blink of an eye. We are insignificant to it. And plant observation is how the Universe/Source moniter things, their DNA is still accurate and just goes with the flow of the weather etc, scientists can’t bullshirt them.

    We have all been aware of first global warming, then climate change for years. And didn’t give a shit. I did. I comply with the Kyoto agreement and only allow myself 5000km in my car a year, recycle everything, only spend 10hrs a year in a plane (unless my kind God gives me a rare bonus and pays for it), don’t buy imported food etc. I did my bit, I have a clear conscience, and it feels good. Your actions are way to late, the wealthy (because of YOUR God giving them wealth via reincarnation – you know he is the God of the Dead/Afterlife I assume), have already framed us all completely. We can choose screwed or screwed. Right now we are in climate change, everyone is aware of it and should be prepared for it, it is generally localised to those areas who are doing the most damage via man made weather patterns, instead of natures way of just the sun and the four seasons defining weather. This we cannot control and the Universe and Bible (smile) God are working with this to punish those who have done it. After the Rugby World Cup last year here in Auckland we hardly saw blue skies for 6 months, and bypassed Summer completely (perfect example).

    What we can control is Global Warming, and this is where the wealthy have us screwed, because people, and CWG, have left it too late to do something. After 911 it was noted by an Israeli University (that I trust), that when planes were grounded the temperature went up 2-3degrees. This means that planes and other pollutive factors are creating a manmade barrier between us and global warming, ie they have the upper hand, IF WE STOP FLYING ETC WE GET GLOBAL WARMING.

    Personally I would love global warming, I am a summer girl, I could do 40deg celcius and 100% humidity all day every day and night. I love it, and I would be prepared to forsake sand at the beaches when sea levels rise just to have the heat. But I live up high, in a high country, we have lots of great smaller beaches and bays but we drive downhill to most of them. All our power is hydro, we have ample water, glaciers, the purest spring bottle water in the world, and are huge food producers and exporters. NZ will be 90% fine, other than the wealthy with beachfront properties (who cares), the overweight (dumb choice, their problem), the elderly and the sick.

    I do not live in Tuvalu, New York, London, Miami, the Gold Coast, Fiji, India etc. They will be screwed! I am very anti-suffering in any way, therefore as a non-hypocrite and pro-active person, to be anti-suffering then i have to be pro-euthanasia to prevent further suffering. So if people are choosing global warming, instead of climate change for everyone on this planet, then I hope you have a plan for these people. Maybe the Universe will help with euthanasia, but as the idiots we are, whenever they try to help with wars, famines, storms, quakes etc, we humans step in and feed the poor, provide medication, help evil they are trying to exterminate etc to elongate these poor peoples suffering even further but giving them existance (can’t be called a life). If we didn’t intervene there would be no poverty based suffering and an abundance of bare land etc (I know this is a horrible concept – lose/lose). I have read that UN understands this hence the delays in help to certain areas. Do gooders, are often do-worsers. LOL – I’ve just seen all my dashes in this – your God will be pleased, he loves them. Com-pound G-odd. If I was a stand up comedian your God would be my favourite topic! Smile – it’s OK, he knows already.

    So although I personally vote for Global Warming FOR MYSELF, for the sake of those less fortunate than me, I have to make the choice to leave things as they are with climate change and wait it out, no matter how desperately I want change and to start over.

    And that is the concept of informed choice, for those who have never encountered it!

  75. tom o'connell Avatar
    tom o’connell


  76. Buzz Avatar

    What W word? I remember being asked not to say paradox any more, but that’s it.

    I think I probably agree with at least most of that. Life After People was nothing new for me. Did you ever see a Will Smith film “I Am Legend” or how quickly the Amazon rainforest can consume an unkempt cabin. Growth is the driving force of all life.

    The phenomena you’ve described with the jet aircraft is called global dimming, and while it offsets some of the global warming, it compounds and accelerates all other aspects of climate change, which is a term that includes global warming and global dimming.

    Many, perhaps most changes to climate systems are localized around the heat islands of cities, but most of these changes are comparatively minor relative to global effects, and those will take centuries or millennia to correct. Sea levels are one of many.

    What would NZ do if all your glaciers melted completely as a result of global warming? What would power your hydro-electric generators? Glaciers all over the planet are shinking at a rate that even has Tibetans and Nepalese worried? Mt Everest would be easier to climb without snow, and the mosquito population can expand to higher, colder altitudes.

    Most interestingly, you call this informed choice. What part of this has been chosen by you or I? I don’t remember a referendum calling for a vote on environmental disaster. This is informed circumstance.

    Our choices lie in how we react to this issue, as in who we choose to be, what we think, speak and do, and our attitudes and emotions toward this situation I was born into.

    Should we play the blame game, and attack the fat cat businessmen who chose to make the environment financially worthless, and other contributors? What will that achieve? An eye foran eye leaves the whole world blind.

    There is no solution. Nothing we do or say can alter the path we are on, so we might as well call:

    “Get in, sit down, shut up, and hang on. This is gonna be a wild ride!”

  77. Larry Haworth Avatar
    Larry Haworth

    Okay, I will do it. Free will but no choice!

    I joined a cult when I was 20 (37 years ago) and learned over decades how wrong it is to house my conscience in somebody else. Yes, God must speak from within. Yes we must do it together.

    Machaelle Small Wright (Perelandra-ltd.com) said to ask Nature what I personally could do to save the planet. I did, and Nature told me, every time I discarded something, to thank it for its contribution to my life. This has precipitated a change in consciousness. I realized how I unconsciously handled things with disdain, with a lack of appreciation. All things are conscious – rocks, trees, the air, even the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. So this awakening of ourselves will benefit all of them as well.

    Let’s free the best part of ourselves and each other.

    I once was extremely disturbed and feared what I might do to myself. I told God “God, I need a miracle and I need it now!” Immediately, all the crazy thoughts, the disturbance in my nervous system, the racing feelings vanished, and were replaced by the most amazing peace. I’ve never felt such peace. I eventually asked this peace to articulate itself for me, and it said “Simply admit that every single thing you’ve ever thought, done said or felt has its ultimate roots in the fact that you are My love to this world.”

    Onwards, my brothers and sisters!

  78. Jim Clark Avatar
    Jim Clark


  79. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Ditto, all of us will be fine.

    Sitates: It is not of what is said by anybody, but of what one IS !
    btw: all of the violence in the world must come to and end sooner or later.
    Wonders if any of you have experienced of to be able in to manipulate the TIME ? It have happened several “times” to my own astonishment in the fully daylight.
    P.S. N.Z., and several areas in North-America will be very similar of the landscape in Norway(Austria and Switzerland as well).
    Kristen, thank you of telling the english of mine will be better. But peculiar enough of to have NO problem in reading it. Even the King James bible(in the old-fashioned 15th century Oxford english). I do prefer to read books written in english.
    And Buzz is among my favourites of to read.

  80. Buzz Avatar

    Today’s homepage:


    “Whatever arises…love that.”

    ~ Matt Kahn

  81. Buzz Avatar

    I frequently experience time travel. I can speed it up or slow it down. I can jump ahead and observe the past. Both time and space are fluid concepts. I have visited other worlds, experienced being different species, other-worldly organisms beyond comprehension.

    “Why is a soap bubble round?” – K-PAX
    Actually it’s spherical, but the point is that it’s efficient for it’s purpose. Every other object in the universe adapts to be efficient in achieving it’s purpose.

  82. Kristen Avatar

    Thanks again Buzz Lightyear – I try to learn the basics of what I need to know, no time for much more, so I have no need to always be right, just aware. The difference between self esteem and ego! (smile). The W word was wikipedia. It was more an example of how am I supposed to make decisions, or perhaps vote for something if I don’t know what it is being asked of me?. The reference to glaciers meant we have a fresh water supply longterm, other countries do not. Our South Island power stations are from huge fresh water lakes fed by the glaciers, which are cold winter dependant, but the North Island power is from dirty slow moving rivers with no glacier feed, rain dependant I guess. Boy you study a lot – not much work at the moment huh? (smile). I don’t blame the fat cat businessmen, it’s what they do, we all know that – bad things happen because good people do nothing. Then have the balls to complain. People should at least try to help themselves. As I assume everyone in here does!
    I have given you scripture references I think you should read as part of informed choice, for awareness. I want a life after people world and yes I Am Legend is a good movie. But I’m an end of times fan, even the shocking 2012 movie was good to me (cringe and hide in shame, no pride, smile).

    Inger – I said your english has improved a lot already, a compliment. You are smart to use an older bible. I use an older antique one with the translation certification in the front verified by Rabbis for the truth, but a more modern one for study notes. Yes our landscapes are similar, but in the north island our winters rarely get below 5deg centigrade (thank God!). Our country is kind of like a mini earth – we have everything this planet has to offer, except deserts, on a smaller scale. I have read in 3 different spiritual books that the spirit world views NZ as the post 2012 change ‘head office and main base’ so different religions and cultures are flocking here. NO WAY! We are not your 2012 movie ship. We are a country whom has it’s own people – maoris and kiwis. That thought scares the bejesus out of me, thank goodness for faith and understanding of the universe, the Biblical God and universal law so I know it won’t be successful! It feels like an invasion. Peace for me would be to have our country back, which is the opposite of the CWG ‘we are one’ philosophy. I recall when our population hit a million, I think it is now 5 million. Many would say that is pathetic for a country the same size as Japan or England, but to a 70s kiwi kid it now feels so overcrowded, polluted and our laid back lifestyle is becoming a memory. We have a God here, we don’t want yours not any others!

    I have never experienced time travel, nor want to, but I have lost a day. Woke up tuesday with no memories of monday but the kids didn’t say anything was weird, and customers at work said they had spoken to me. Did we all lose a day or was I elsewhere, in which case who or what was in this body being me? I would not have gone anywhere by consent. I have been previously taken to the afterlife to a meeting with ‘the head of politics’, and they tried to severe the silver cord between myself and my body. Ie adbuct me with no way to return. If it’s not with the biblical God or Gabriel I ain’t going anywhere, and even then only when my physical body dies.

    I want change, but a reverse change to the 70s or prior, not a forwards change into a we are one world. As your God defined perfectly, the most evolved species are the least evolved. Cheers to simplicity!

    I know most of this is of no relevance to the thread but part of human nature, and language, is to respond to others speech, questions and comments.

  83. Buzz Avatar

    Well said Kristen,
    Everyone, everywhere, has noticed what you’ve noticed about population. Most whom I’ve spoken to, of every age, look fondly on past quieter times, with fewer pressures.

    I believe we can have both oneness and reversion, and that climate change will ensure this occurs. I expect much of human existence will revert to a pre-70s society, but not a 1970s society. More like a post modern version of 1770s society, before we had fossil fuel, but without the irrational clothing and doctrinal religious practices.

    “Keep moving forward.” – Meet The Robinsons

  84. Kristen Avatar

    Christians were behind irrational clothing and beliefs, not God if that was the implication. Evidence is that Sarah was clearly wearing a sunfrock with cleavage and leg showing when Angels visited. I am very over people assuming my God supports the brainwashing of Christianity. It’s a cult, nothing more, ignore them. God was pro divorce if a male instigated it, said you SHOULD get married if having pre-marital sex etc, females can obtain a higher education (university) until a marryable age NOT be child brides, priests should be married etc. Yshua is the nutter, not God, and like any cult of dominant wannabes, the church latched onto Yshua and Paul, the biggest douche to ever walk this planet!!! I wish theyd dissasociate from God since their parishioners appear to be illiterate, and be more open & just say ‘this is a manmade religion! Loosely based on the religious instructions of God to his Jewish people in the early days of Israel, and we don’t know if we have His support or not, and we remind you all the Yshua specifically told people not to listen to mans religious teachings’. Problem solved, people can make informed choice.

    My favourite place is Howick Historical Village – a living Victorian NZ museum. I could do that era, with water heating please!

    LOL – Herald on Sunday article today 9 Dec: “Ending the world on a high note”. I cannot live without music, especially kiwi music, and Jason is our resident 2012 prepper. He has the most beautiful song on this planet – utube Opshop One Day. Absolute perfection incl Kirstens harmonys. My kabbalah teacher (Angel) gave me a vision of him playing and singing this perfectly to me when I had a tantrum at God over lack of a husband if an end of time happens! Boy some guys sure know how to raise the bar, crushing other guys! But I don’t want an invisible husband in another realm! Thats worse than cyber friends!

    And a funny soul status test given to me was the song “I can see clearly now” – Jimmy Cliff, to see if the cool key changes made my soul laugh with joy – it did, and does everytime I hear it, I have to laugh out loud. Most people don’t even notice it, I love how the universe works and has everything perfected, and so simplified they can use a simple song for huge tests.

  85. Buzz Avatar

    Once again I find myself understanding less than half of that, but I agree with you about music. My vast and varied music collection is my life blood, and as such is essential to my survival. I cannot perform for medical reasons, but I have been refining and expanding my collection my entire life. It has taught me so much.

    Thank you to all musicians and artists, here and everywhere, now and forever. I owe you my life.

    I am quite fond of “I can see clearly now” by Hothouse Flowers, from their album 1991 The Gun Hits, and is playing now as I write this. Joy!

    It would be nice to have a thread on here for discussing how music and art can be so spiritual. It is a creative, expressive experience after all. There are so many songs I would love to be able to share with you on here, that mean so so much to me, but I will limit myself to only a few:

    Black Eyed Peas singing Union
    Jason Mraz singing Live High
    Jeff Buckley singing Hallelujah
    Josh Groban singing You Raise Me Up
    Melissa Etheridge singing We Are The Ones AND I Need To Wake Up
    Phil Collins singing Both Sides Of The Story
    Aerosmith singing Dream On
    Bachelor Girl singing Permission To Shine
    Miley Cyrus singing The Climb
    Bette Midler singing Wind Beneath My Wings
    Beyonce Knowles singing Halo
    Bruno Mars singing Just The Way You Are
    Bryan Adams/Rod Stewart/Sting singing All For Love
    Delta Goodrem singing Born To Try
    Dido singing Thank You
    Elton John singing Believe, and Sacrifice
    Loreen singing Euphoria
    Foo Fighters singing Times Like These
    Gary Wright singing Dream Weaver
    Ingrid Michaelson singing Everybody
    Journey singing Don’t Stop Believing

    That’s the shortest possible list I could create. Grr, so many brilliant genius artists missing from here.

  86. Kristen Avatar

    Love the Hothouse Flowers version too, when I heard it when my eldest was a baby I nearly lept for joy, all my childhood joy came rushing back. No wonder you are a bit bitter and twisted if your love has been taken for medical reasons. When you can’t understand what I write, read it outloud.
    Poetry is merely incomplete music lyrics!

    I prefer the Cohen Hallelujah version to feel the tortured pain
    Cat Stevens – Father & Son (God & Yshua?)
    Kenny Rogers – The Gambler (took me a while to learn this lesson)
    Christina Aquilera – You Are Beautiful
    Any version of a perfect Amazing Grace
    Roxy Music – Jealous Guy
    Rachel Leahear & ?? – Somewhere Over The Rainbow (The Voice Australian-shes blind and touring with Delta Goodrum) – perfect youtube it)
    Opshop – One Day will be at the top of the list for a while.

    yup, way to many, but a soul needs music for food, grounding and joy.

    Sorry Neale, no-one has explained nor tried to present a plan so i guess we got bored. Yet again!! The rebels on the outskirts.

  87. Dennis Avatar

    But wont the Cultural Story we help rewrite become just one more story that people will fight over etc and we will be back at the same point again? If seen by others (eg Muslims, Hindus or any others) as mainly ‘Christian’ wont it be neglected and be segregated much in the same way we have different paths now??

    We need something which transcends ALL THAT WE HAVE NOW and is seen by all to do just.

    CWG definitely meets the first criteria, how do we ensure it will do the second??

  88. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Dennis ? I have thought something of the same. To me it seems of us socalled Christians(or mostly all of us in the western world), will do our very best of to TRY of to include the muslims and all other religions unto(included the Kiwis, and other pagans, he, he, the witches etc.)into the fold(the flock that is) not to do any pressure, or by force, but of embracing everything as one and the same ? But obviously the many “others” will not accepting it….at least not in the present.
    BUT, if we ARE considering a law-full universe(timelessness as well), what is it all about then? Is it all a illusionary world, which does not exist otherwise in the Mind? The whole universe as of a dream? Is it not of what the new testament telling….. Jesus who became The Christ, who told the folks back then was not able of “to consume of what he told them,” or of to understand what he said to them.
    And thereafter came all of the different languages in trying of to interpret the Arameic or coptic scriptures unto their own ideas about it(or the egyptian and assyrian hieroglyphs).

    It is told of to come order out of chaos.

    Kristen and Buzz, the same have happened to me, but it was not experienced as “of to travel” somewhere, the other dimensions manifested in front of the eyes all of a sudden.
    The manifestations “out-of-the-blue” can be truly surrealistic. If not had come upon the books by Jane Roberts later on, would never have believed in it(the own eyes)….and certainly not told anybody about it.
    It is reminding me of the two volumes of books: Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness.

    The Music is truly a blessing by no doubt.

    A frog sat still and stared with awe
    At a watch that lay in the sand.
    “Now,” he thought, “I am quite sure
    There is such a thing as Man.”

    “Our priests,” he mused, “have spoken
    of Man Who made our pond.
    Perhaps he left this as a token,
    Between us, to be a bond.”

    So the frog spent all his life
    Trying to understand.
    While he grew old and feeble
    The watch ticked in the sand.

    Some frogs jeered and scoffed at him.
    Others called him great.
    He only smiled and went off by himself,
    Poor lonely frog, to meditate.

    Our world of emotions FEELS as real, or at least as of the Body is real….
    The Kabbalah is fascinating, and the seven bodies.

  89. Anna Marie Marin Avatar
    Anna Marie Marin

    I will – yes

  90. Buzz Avatar

    It’s Rachael Leahcar, not Rachael Leahear, and I prefer her singing Shooting Star or Smile.

    The point you have made may be the most crucial point any contributor has EVER included in a comment since this place started.
    I don’t want this question ignored or cheapened. You’ve just taken this place in a whole new direction, and I am eternally grateful.
    Attn Neale & Co!: http://www.theglobalconversation.com/blog/?p=2921
    Comment by Dennis on December 9, 2012 at 7:07 am

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