Soul of Healing Affirmations

Chaos, noise, career demands, illness, violence, emotional pressures, and stress are all reminders to us.  They remind us of the importance of meditation in our lives, both physically and spiritually.  However, for many, meditating in what some might term the “typical way” does not come with ease and sometimes evolves into an experience of frustration and disappointment…and eventually giving up.

You are not alone.

For those of you who may be experiencing roadblocks in your meditation practice, or simply don’t have the slightest idea where to begin, I am here to share with you one of my very favorite CDs:  “Soul of Healing Affirmations” by Deepak Chopra.

I purchased this CD a couple years ago because I was having trouble falling asleep.   I was searching for something to help relax my body and quiet my mind before going to bed, and this CD showed up in my life.

Utilizing the powerful process of affirmations, accompanied by soul-centered music, the tranquil voice of Deepak Chopra gently moves you through an A to Z guided journey — what Deepak calls an “A-Z Guide to Programming the Software of the Soul”:




Divinity in Me




Higher Self


Judge not Today









Self Referral





X Factor

Yes to Life


The good news is meditation does not come in only one flavor.  It does not have to be done in a candlelit room, with your legs crossed, eyes closed, for hours on end.  We can meditate through mindfulness or noticing the moment, through prayer, in a walking or moving meditation such as yoga, through chanting, or in silence.

As in all of life, there is no right or wrong way…only what works best for you.

Whether you are new to meditation and looking for a tool to assist you, or perhaps you desire a unique and enjoyable way to relax, or maybe you are seeking to deepen your spiritual awareness, I highly recommend adding the “Soul of Healing Affirmations” by Deepak Chopra to your meditation and life experience.

This CD can be purchased and downloaded on

(Lisa McCormack is the Managing Editor & Administrator of The Global Conversation.  She is also a member of the Spiritual Helper team at, a website offering emotional and spiritual support. To connect with Lisa, please e-mail her at

(If there is a book, movie, music CD, etc. that you would like to recommend to our worldwide audience, please submit it to our Managing Editor, Lisa McCormack, for possible publication in this space. Not all submissions can be published, due to the number of submissions and sometimes because of other content considerations, but all are encouraged. Send submissions to Please label the topic: “Review”)


2 responses to “Soul of Healing Affirmations”

  1. adanalian cecile Avatar
    adanalian cecile

    Salut, je suis heureuse de ne plus me sentir seul, merci et bonne nuit.


    Hi, I’m happy to no longer feel alone, thank you and good night.

  2. adanalian cecile Avatar
    adanalian cecile

    Je lis “la tempéte avant le calme
    ” et je suis allé sur le site the global conversation mais je ne parle pas l ‘anglais et toutes les pages ne somt pas traduites pouvez vous m ‘indiquer le site en français si il existe merci encore pour vos conversations à bientôt. Cécile


    I read “The storm before the calm
    “And I went on the site the global conversation, but I do not speak English and all pages do not translate somt m can indicate the site in French if there thank you again for your conversations soon. Cécile

    DEAR CECILE: At the very bottom of the page, in the blue section, underneath “useful links,” there is a Google Translate feature. If you click on the drop-down box, you can select French, or whichever language you desire, and it will translate the entire site into French for you. – Lisa McCormack, Managing Editor & Administrator


    DEAR CECILE: Au bas de la page, dans la section bleue, en dessous de “liens utiles”, il ya une boîte Google Traduction. Si vous cliquez sur la liste déroulante, vous pouvez sélectionner le français ou la langue que vous désirez, et il se traduira par l’ensemble du site en français pour vous. – Lisa McCormack, rédacteur en chef et administrateur

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