If there was a way to make the Christmas Spirit last longer than just one blessed and relieving week, what, in your opinion, would that be?
10 responses to “”
Perhaps to realize that there is no good or evil…there is only love, or the seeming absence, denial or betrayal of love.
If we thought this way, if we knew that all that is “wrong” in the world has pain or suffering and misperception as true origins, compassion and understanding would prevail, and healing would come to all without exceptions.
But then, the idea of God would have to be made whole in our consciousness…no more of a war between a “god” and a “devil” in the human psyche.
To stop celebrating christmas as a commercialized event. An event that leads to overspending, lack of true appreciation for what you recieve and disappointment in not getting what you want materially, a focus on getting rather than giving.
My idea this year for my own circle of souls was to treat Christmas like Thanksgiving. Let’s not get stressed out about buying gifts and just get together as a family, have a meal, and be thankful again for all that we have and all that is yet to come.
No one went for that idea. Shocker.
Hence I did not feel much christmas spirit in the last minute buying, wrapping, running from his family’s to mine, tearing open gifts and leaving the carnage under the tree.
We went to a midnight Christmas Eve service at my longtime church. I am not religious so to speak and my parents were always hard pressed to get me to go. But as an adult, there is something about the stained glass above the altar that soothes me.
However the pastor was tired, the service was rushed and my ride home was spent pondering what a waste of time it was.
To me I would prefer to be grateful and attentive to my family and friends all year long. To offer small gifts of love and assistance of over the course of the year. If I have to listen to christmas songs on the radio starting the week before thanksgiving, why not just play them all year long? The tradition that christmas once was is no longer. I say, get rid of it.
We need new traditions.
If you are really a happy person, who is consistently advancing in their spiritual evolution, helping others in the world, living your passion, you don’t need Xmas.
You enjoy it for what it is & are living your own Xmas in your own way every day, not in the way Xmas is portrayed commercially which is what most of what Xmas is about.
I love that Xmas is a special time of the year, the old Xmas songs on the radio, the movies, cookies, parties, the lights oh the Xmas lights on the tree & in the city. The wonderland of snow etc.
It comes very close to the new year & our BIGGEST spiritual celebrated day is also the most commercial. Take what you love in Xmas & enjoy. Start new traditions if you please.
The new year follows for any changes you want to create.
I think after Xmas it’s a relief for many. A time to relax. I don’t mind the build up of Xmas myself. Yet if you feel let down, that’s part of it to, to enjoy those feelings or to take the excitement & beauty of Xmas & just look for those feelings in other than Xmas ways.
I see this in parties I go to I see the excitement, the joy & fun, the lull back to the excitement it all ebbs & flows I’m okay with all of it, unless I’m not, & then I work & play to be okay with that!
Too much attachment to expectations on Xmas leads to the pain of being too attached. If you don’t mind being attached, then go ahead & enjoy it all, the excitement, anticipation & the let down back to the build up of next year.
Or, decide to live in that spirit as much as you can as much as you can all year.
-Marko -
Listen without judgement.
I wouldn’t even bother. Ban it forget it and treat every day as special.
To name myself as I AM JOY, PEACE, and GIVING – and then to live from that soul place.
Another simple answer:
Heaven, or a miraculous and blessed life, is already all around us and within…THE GIFT IS CONSTANTLY BEEN GIVEN.
So what is lacking? Nothing about us or about life is lacking in anything.
All we need is to open our eyes, our ears, our minds, our hearts and our souls.
All we need is to be still, within, until we can once again BE (as in “Be still and know that I AM…God”).
From BEING, we will naturally and spontaneously create a world that honors life, that honors all forms and aspects, and dimensions of BEING.
We will not create anything good while under the influence of inner conflicts, inner turmoil or frantic mental agitation, which are prevalent human conditions and getting much worse by the day.
We all need to slow down, stop, return to real time, earth time, inner time, to the time of mountains and rivers, to the eternal beingness that is only found in the now, when we are fully present with open eyes, open ears, an open mind, an open heart, an open soul.
What are we all running from so fast anyway, but ourselves?
To learn to be loving every day in all the small ways of our everyday lives that are not small ways at all. To learn to remember to look from my heart as often as
Iยดm capable of and learn to look for love no matter where it might be hidden so I?m able to remember that I am love and so is the one who appears as another as well. -
Hi Neale! These are the immediate points that come to my mind:
1) I like Random Acts of Kindness…i think we could all do better…actually its without limits…..even just things like letting someone go in front of us while we are driving in traffic…or smiling and greeting a stranger…these simple actions immediately raise the vibration! i would like to see random acts of kindness broadcasted everyday and everywhere! ….on the news..on the net…in ads…on billboards…people competing and getting creative …to Inspire all…not everyone is lucky enough to have had a family that teaches there is enough, love..money..etc…the idea of scarcity and fear is still very present …so i think being constantly reminded and taught how to be kind would help immensely! how powerful dont u think! u do stuff like this all the time….but we all need to be reminded! i would start watching the news and tv again ;)) ๐
2) Fall in love with ourselves….this is my biggie…and my newest discovery this year! To notice how we actually speak to ourselves…how we judge ourselves…what we expect from ourselves….how we put ourselves down….after noticing, taking it a step further and reversing that talk…turn the critic into a loving, accepting “parent” “elder” “presence” whatever.., say its ok…..i love and approve of u/myself anyways….unconditionally….u r doing your best…its all good….this process for me starts shedding light in those areas of ourselves that we perceive as “shady”..in the shadow…i noticed that when i am able to give more to myself…love, approval…acceptance….i have more to give to others….i am less reactive….i am more accepting….more Loving <3
3) there is also one of my favorite words….Authenticity…….i would throw that in for starters….
Much Love Neale to u and Em….forever grateful for all your work..that u have done…and u constantly do… everyday…and all the love from u and Em…Namaste! from my heart…
Rosanna -
Heehee…Sing Christmas Carols, randomly, all year! The reacts are great, & tensed airs just ease-up instantly!:)
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