Imagine a world beyond peace

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves” ~ Dalai Lama

What comes after peace?

Have you ever stopped to think about this?

We spend so much of our time and energy working to attain both inner and global peace, but have we ever stopped to think about what this really means?

What is on the other side of Peace?

Twice in my life, I have broken a board with my bare hand. There is one simple rule to this technique. You must not focus on breaking the board but rather on breaking through the board. This means placing your attention not on breaking the board but on seeing your hand on the other side of the broken board.

Perhaps we need to apply this technique to our quest for peace.

Several years ago, when my son was eight years old, we were discussing the possibility of creating a video game that did not include war and violence.

As the discussion moved into the possibility of world peace, my son in his infinite wisdom said,

“People are not ready for that. Without conflict there would be no plot.  And without a plot, no one would know what to do.”

I was speechless.

My eight year old son had just summed up in one simple sentence why the world has continued this cycle of war and conflict since the beginning of time.  I could not get this thought out of my head for weeks.

I realized that our children are being taught to live in the cycle of conflict. Not only through propaganda, video games and media. They are learning the importance of conflict in English class!

The foundation of every paper they write is that a plot must consist of an introduction, conflict, and resolution. In fact, every story that we read is based on this core principal. It is our collective story!

How do we write a new story?

I dedicated the last four years of my life to mastering a new story; not for the world, but for myself. In fully dropping a storyline that clings to conflict, I free myself to imagine a world beyond peace.  As I dropped my attachment to conflict, I discovered that not only were my actions tied to the cycle of conflict and resolution, my desire for intimacy was woven into this same cycle.

Stop for a second and think about relationship. Most intimate moments come from joining together around conflict. We have a problem; reach out to a friend for comfort. The friend either commiserates by sharing her/his own similar problems or helps us find a resolution. We are comforted by these moments of intimate bonding.

So how do we create intimacy beyond conflict?

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of being present at the Common Grounds of Peace Forum, with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and several world peace advocates.

I smiled when the moderator, Ann Curry, read this question,

“We focus so much attention on attaining world peace. What comes after peace?”

After four years of contemplating this very question, I anxiously awaited the response from these notable peace leaders.

One by one, each person attempted to answer. Yet, each answer simply reiterating the need for peace. Not one of these renowned peace advocates actually answered the question. Even more significant is that not one of them even seemed to realize that they were not answering the question.

Then His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, with his brilliant smile and light-hearted nature spoke. He shared that when you have peace at your core, you will be happy and you will have more friends.

“And,” he said, “everyone likes more friends.”

Simple and true.

Yes, after peace comes joy. We must start by finding this joy within ourselves.

As we release our attachment to storylines of conflict, we will discover a whole new way of connecting to others. We will discover a new way of seeing this world.

Begin by imagining a new and vibrant world.  See a world that is more vibrant and colorful than you have ever before imagined. This world has unlimited possibilities and its only plot is to explore and create beauty. In this world, everything moves naturally into its most perfect form.

Meditating on this “Vibrant New Earth” immediately brings life into harmony. More than that, meditating on this Vibrant New Earth is the greatest gift we can offer our world in its quest for peace.

We are co-creators of this Universe. We must be able to see a world of joy in order to move through peace and create the world we desire.

John Lennon understood this in the 70’s when he planted the seed of intent with his song Imagine.

We have all heard the song. We have felt the vibration of peace it carries:  But have we actually taken the time to Imagine?

Take a moment to contemplate these lyrics. Really let the images of a joy filled world penetrate you. Let yourself feel the world you imagine.

“Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one”

John Lennon

Imagination is the gateway to creation.  Let’s join together and imagine a world beyond peace.  Let’s co-create in this moment a world filled with playful and creative joy.

(Sheila Applegate, MSW, is a clinical therapist, motivational presenter, author and teacher.  Sheila’s passion is to provide a forum for people to process emotion and integrate spiritual understanding into their daily lives. For over 20 years, Sheila has combined her broad formal training with her continual personal awakening to bring forth the message of Oneness through Divine Love. Sheila’s first book “Enchanted One: The Portal to Love,” released in December 2012, is a work of love that weaves together messages from the Divine Feminine and highlights her personal experiences in embracing the full spectrum of human emotion as a gateway to living in Oneness.

(If you would like to contribute an article you have authored to the Guest Column, please submit it to our Managing Editor, Lisa McCormack, for possible publication in this space. Not all submissions can be published, due to the number of submissions and sometimes because of other content considerations, but all are encouraged. Send submissions to Please label the topic: “Guest Column.”)


43 responses to “Imagine a world beyond peace”

  1. Sheila Apolegate Avatar
    Sheila Apolegate

    It is an honor to share oneness on this site. I would love to hear your thoughts. What does your Vibrant New Earth Look and feel like?

  2. Mano Mannaz Avatar
    Mano Mannaz

    How to move from inner and outer conflict to co-creativity -this is such a profound issue and I believe that your insights offer a wonderful way forward!

    Being joyfully creative in my own personal way first has been a self-empowering path to re-discovering both the inner spark of my own Divinity and then my intuitive connection with the Source of Life.

    I found that expressing myself creatively in a playful way began to forge an inner sense of trust and self-confidence which could then evolve into the desire to be creative with others without the fear of being ridiculed, losing out or being taken advantage of.

    My sense is that many of us have much to heal in this area due to the cultural history of tyranny that we have all endured.

  3. Laura Ponticello Avatar
    Laura Ponticello

    What a beautiful inspiring article. So worth sharing on our social networks.

  4. Jane Schares Avatar
    Jane Schares

    The Dalai Lama’s perspective is so sweet and simple and so very on point. After reading your article, I asked myself how One individual could contribute to the intention of moving the world population to what lies beyond peace. An answer proposed itself instantly in the form of a beautiful image. We are all walking, running, or dancing along a lovely floral-lined footpath “on the other side” of a vibrant harmonic rainbow. All are exuding their unique expression of contentment. As we pass each other, sparkling eyes meet and our smiles are further energized. It seems that peace is very fertile ground for ever growing joy!

  5. JuliAnn Goronkin Avatar
    JuliAnn Goronkin

    Great article! When you stop and listen, it is amazing how many conversations are about conflict or at least complaining about something as a way to bond – “How about this awful weather we’re having!”. Each time we can turn a negative comment into a positive conversation we have made a difference. I overheard a conversation last week where a man was countering a women’s complaints about the weather with with positive comments. She didn’t want to let it go, she really wanted to be upset and he really didn’t want to agree with her. Amusing in a way but I was glad to hear the man offering his positive viewpoint instead of the easier option of just agreeing with her.

  6. Peggy Tatum Avatar
    Peggy Tatum

    Truly, we create our own reality. Sheila has been helping me experience this. When we play in the Vibrant New World of our own creation, we begin to understand how important and powerful our thoughts really are. We also struggle with feelings of unworthiness or confusion about our own power. (At least I do!) Sheila’s book, Enchanted One, is not only something to read, but to also drink in the words and let them settle inside of us.

    This is a great article! I will forward.

  7. Marcine Quenzer Avatar
    Marcine Quenzer

    Thank you Sheila for this focus. I have posted on FB several times, the question; “What does Peace look like?” to see what responses I would get. Actually, not many. One did go into the utopian idea of living in balance with the earth.. but it does seem that not many have any idea of what we are working toward creating… they want Peace… but have not spent anytime developing an idea of what that Peace will actually look like… it seems to be still an abstract idea, which if we are going to create it, we must develop some concrete images of what we desire.

    This thought that Peace is “the absence of conflict” at all levels, is one to definitely contemplate. And as one does so, it becomes impossible to see actualized because of the reason you listed, “culturalization”…… I myself have often wondered if such a world would be BORING…. lol I keep seeing a world of happy “robots”, floating along in a sea of induced euphoria, like everyone took their happy pill… and quite honestly it is kinda creepy… that is how “programed” our 3-D world has made us….

    It is now time to create this positive image of what we are co-creating. I see a world of communication one with another but also with all living things in the Earth and Universe, where communication flows easily. I see the trees and plants reaching out to embrace humanity instead of recoiling from us. I see the animals looking forward to our visits in natural places instead of running to hide. Imagine from the simple things to great places of education, expanses of clean white buildings on grassy knolls and flower gardens that embrace the tech of the age, to share with students from all over the Universe the great lessons that we learned in our duality, so that other civilizations can learn from our mistakes without the horrors of personal experience… Imagine… what does Peace look like to you?

  8. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    It’s unrealistic to imagine a life with no “negatives”. The full spectrum of relativity is here for a reason. It is a useful tool for us to create with. There will always be “negative” consequences of foul weather, environmental impacts from the outer realms, and suffering, regardless if we become absolutely perfect custodians of the earth and refrain from all feelings of sadness, anger and hatred.

    I love how the 8 year old saw this so clearly, and a summit of the greatest minds couldn’t really answer it. And if you ask me, The Great Dalai Lama’s answer wasn’t really that satisfying. Great article, though, and thanks for putting it on here. It truly engages us to think.

  9. Donna Pontrello Avatar
    Donna Pontrello

    Thank you for such a beautiful and inspiring article Sheila. This is something I have taken to heart and will share with others.

  10. Marko Avatar

    Sheila, you are living in my world & I to have asked and written about this very question & what happens when we are all spiritually & psychologically healthy, prosperous, and whole. That is self actualized. Then what?

    Well when we have world peace we will have more time to play & unleash our creative potential even more. Not only individually but collectively as well.

    We will do work we love which will be play, & we will spend happy time creating more & maintaining the beauty of the planet as well as exploring the endless mysterious life has, even after enlightenment.

    Remember before enlightenment we chop wood carry water. After enlightenment? We chop wood carry water. Yet we do so with much more ease peace & joy!

    This is the unasked question & I’m glad I’m not the only one to have asked it & I hope & believe it will be a mainstream question in the nearer future.

    There’s more. When we have world peace, I’m quite sure that advanced alien brothers & sisters will come & visit us.

    WoW! Imagine the art, spirituality, commerce & technology they will share! Think about time travel, inter dimensional travel, parallel universe travel, visiting other planets, boring?, oh don’t be silly!

    I’ll go further on this question. I’d like to see a blog or website dedicated to people who are living their dreams & being enlightened & how they move in this world. Maybe I’ll do it? 🙂
    Call it “After Peace, joy, enlightenment than what?” I think I might do that!

    Laura said “It’s unrealistic to imagine a life with no “negatives”. The full spectrum of relativity is here for a reason.”

    I disagree with this Laura. Your are correct, it is here for a reason but it’s not the “only” reason. We, I believe, out grow negativity. That’s what being an HEB or Highly evolved being is. Notice that evolve has the world love spelled backwards in it! We love evolving & we love all the conflict & drama, but we out grow it at some point.

    You see we will always have contrasts but we can move & grow beyond negativity. Instead we have contrasts of positive good drama. We have good, great, really great, fantastic, unbelievable, ecstatic, blissful as our positive contrasts. Our negative past history will be the only contextual comparative field needed to have the opposites. We have them as our history but not as everyday experiences.

    Thanks Sheila, for speaking my language.


  11. Jacquelyn Tucci Ramirez Avatar
    Jacquelyn Tucci Ramirez

    This article is insightful, and thought provoking. As always Sheila awakens the possibilities within us. Positive visualization can change everything and anything. Sheila has awakened a thought in all of us. A thought that change is possible. Thoughts projected in love can change our Universe for the better.

  12. Amy Avatar


  13. Marko Avatar

    To the editors, please allow us to edit our posts so we can correct our errors after we post our comments. We can do this on the site so let’s put that on this site to Thank you.

  14. Shelly Avatar

    Magnificent, Sheila

  15. Laura Pringle Avatar
    Laura Pringle

    I don’t mean to be Debbie Downer, but it’s been 14 years since I read my first CWG book, and since then, I have diligently adopted the mindset of, “there is no bad, it’s all in how you perceive it”.

    But let’s face it, losing a loved one to death, (regardless of how you theorize what actually happens to them) is always going to hurt, and losing your home to a hurricane is always going to hurt, and people are always going to get injured, pets are always going to die, and I don’t care what smiley, peaceful way you want to deal with that, it will hurt on some level.

    Peace is a state of mind, yes, and we can opt to exist in a state of peace about the apparently unfortunate things that happen in life. But negative is negative, and it will always exist too. I am consistently torn within myself as a result of opposing energies which I was born with. Even when the outer circumstances of life appear to be ideal, I sometimes suffer just from the feelings created when the energies in the air clash with the energies within me. (I am referring to astrological energies, which I feel have a LOT to do with how we feel and experience our individual lives.)

    The idyllic paradise we think we can create is an unrealistic utopian dream, and
    as long as we are in the flesh, there will always be pain and suffering somewhere. As it should be. You can’t have relativity if you only acknowledge one end of the spectrum. And relativity is what allows us to know our existence at all.

    And if you think you can just use the “good” end of the spectrum to compare against the “better” end, and then just use memories of “bad” as your backdrop, well, we’ll see how that works… Somehow, I don’t think it will…

  16. Sheila Apolegate Avatar
    Sheila Apolegate

    Wow~ Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and insights! This is a great conversation!
    Everyone is making valid and perfect points.
    One of the things I am most known for in my work is passionately encouraging people to embrace the FULL Spectrum of Emotions as a gateway to living in Oneness. It is an illusion that peace comes from only experiencing the emotions of peace, love and joy. I advocate that you can not fully experience any of those emotions unless you are willing to embrace the more difficult emotions of fear, anger, guilt, etc. My journey has been about embracing these. Even in experiencing the death of my beloved, I moved into the depth of grief while remaining in the embrace of Divine Love. My book Enchanted One, is actually a guide to embracing emotions in order to live from a space of unconditional love.
    Our world is a reflection of duality, but we are the ones who decide to label that duality as good/bad , Negative/Positive. We co-created this world in this to explore the depth of emotion. I do not, however, believe this world is intended to continue at this vibrational level for eternity. The point of exploring emotions/physicality is to master and grow.

    It is true that in our world right now it can feel almost impossible to imagine a world beyond conflict and struggle. This is why I believe it is so powerful to set our imaginations free through visualization. Perhaps today it is only imagination.. but in order to create in the future we must begin by imagining the possibilities in the present.

    I have an audio of a Vibrant New Earth guided meditation. I am guided in this moment to share it with you all. If Anyone is interested please feel free to write to me at with the world Vibrant Earth in the subject line and I will be happy to share it with you.

  17. Connie K. Avatar
    Connie K.

    Thank you for sharing this article, Sheila. I’ve no doubt John Lennon is smiling down on you right now 🙂 I look forward to receiving your guided meditation as well.

  18. MAC, New York Avatar
    MAC, New York

    THANK YOU, Sheila for bringing John Lennon’s words and sentiment to the forefront in your piece. Since it’s inception, that song has had the vibration of “being peace.” Lennon, not only invites us to “imagine” it, but also “to be” peace.

  19. Marko Avatar

    CwG book 3 says when we own & embrace all our feelings & emotions (especially when younger) we tend to move through the negative ones more quickly as adults.


  20. Chantel Upson Avatar
    Chantel Upson

    Thank you Sheila for this wonderful message! I would like to comment on something you just posted because it has REALLY resonated with me, I am especially seeing this theme in my life over the past few days… specifically this statement- “Peace is a state of mind, yes, and we can opt to exist in a state of peace about the apparently unfortunate things that happen in life. But negative is negative, and it will always exist too.”

    What happened with me was I realized that I did NOT like these two women who attend a regular Zumba (dancing) class with me. They are negative, never smile, make fun of others in the class, and are at times – rude!

    When I allowed myself to dislike them, but at the same time, resting in a state of peace within myself, I then realized that I could love myself AND allow them to be who they are. This to me, is the definition of peace. Because we ARE going to have negative and mean people who exist in our world. It’s true! We can’t always avoid these people. This is my truth. No need to change who they are or even try to make them smile. It’s all good – even if it’s “negative” because I feel peace about myself and the situation now. It feels good too… peaceful actually 🙂

  21. Silla Moller Avatar
    Silla Moller

    Thanks so much Sheila for your insight. Is is truly amazing how so many of our core beliefs have been indoctrinated into society without question.
    Thank you for questioning. Thank you for revealing how the truth is right in front of us, it’s just a question of perception. Please be encouraged to share more of your insights to help us all connect and co create our new Earth, ‘beyond the board!’
    In loving gratitude from Melbourne, Australia.

  22. Liala Avatar

    It is in increments that the face of peace will emerge. If we shift a little to felt need seeking rather than conflict solving we get to be creative and proactive at the same time. When we work together, we build and create beauty, joy and friendship. If we appreciate and bless all things then we are in a state of love. Shelia has brought a wonderful conversation center stage and lovingly guides us to be and trust in a loving universe. If you haven’t read Shelia’s new book Enchanted One, you are missing a heart opening opportunity. The new earth and what comes after the peace are being created in our thoughts and actions as I write. I see glimpses in acts of kindness, in patience and tolerance, in people speaking their truth. Thank you, Shelia once again for being that gentle teacher, guide and healer, and sharing your thoughts and experiences to assist us on our journeys.

  23. Sarah Applegate Avatar
    Sarah Applegate

    It is hard to imagine life without conflict but when we start to see how much conflict and struggle is a part of our world we can choose to begin changing that. My co-host Andy Belle and I discussed this on our last ” Our Voice Now~ Humanity’s Team” radio show. You can hear the archive of our show at this link

  24. doug Avatar

    Hi Sheila,
    What a great question: what comes after peace? I have to admit that I had not really thought much about this until I read your article. I suppose that my only answer, prior to thinking seriously about it, would be that peace is the absence of conflict. That’s a good place to start, I think, and the absence of conflict would be a wonderful thing indeed.

    Having read your article, I now realise that thinking about what peace will look like is probably one of the most important things we can do. As a starting point, I would say that if peace is the absence of conflict, then we can use that peace to re-build our lives and our society in whatever way we all want. Different people will want different things, of course, but if we are all living in peace then this will be a world where our differences are honoured and respected; where everyone has a voice and everyone is listened to; a world where everyone is given the help and support they need; a world where all people have their essential needs met and nobody goes hungry or thirsty or without shelter; and yes, a world where we can all create freely and enjoy whatever finer aspects of life we want to.

    So my answer would probably be this: after peace comes respect and genuine love for one another; after peace comes a world where all are valued for being part of creation, free to create whatever we want or need in life; a world where nobody would think of doing something which hurts another because we would all be fully realising our intimate connection with Spirit. After peace there would indeed be joy.

    One other thing occurs to me, too: peace will bring all of these things, all the creativity, joy, respect and so forth that I have mentioned here. But I was just thinking, could it not also work the other way around? If we are willing to create a world in which all are respected, valued, allowed to create freely and to live their joy… well, will that not also bring about the world peace which we crave?

    Thanks for your article, Sheila. You have inspired me.

    Best wishes from Doug.

  25. Laura Ponticello Avatar
    Laura Ponticello

    As I look at all the comments, I wonder if we can see more inspiration from Sheila on this site.

  26. Michael Orofino Avatar
    Michael Orofino

    I just love how Sheila takes the reader by the hand and sweetly leads our inner child to simple understanding. Her comments on and reiteration of the Dali Lama’s insights regarding a world without conflict, enjoying peace and ultimately joy, is so comforting! And tying into John Lennon is sheer brilliance! Thank you Sheila and yes, Son!

  27. mariesa Avatar

    I read this article a few days ago, and immediately responded through my heart and mind, yet seemed unable to respond physically with words. Once the notion of “joy” coming after “peace” was put out there, it sounded so natural. Of course that is what comes next! Finding peace within ourselves, and then the joy which follows that peace, does enable us to look at the world differently. And I agree with so many of these responses here, being able to feel your true emotions, all emotions, that in itself is joy. Imagine not feeling them? When we can feel/live all of them from the grounding and foundation of peace/joy, I think it makes our feelings and ourselves that much more real and meaningful and productive.
    Thanks Sheila for initiating the conversations here, and for all who have responded and helped me to put words to those niggling ideas in my being!

  28. Frank Avatar

    Thoughtful article, what happens after peace is one of those ideas that makes me think; “Wow, why haven’t I ever thought about that before?” It seems such a basic thing. As far as being taught conflict in English class I think that’s taken out of context. “Conflict” in writing is a literary device used to create a story and can be used as a synonym of “process”. I believe it’s this process of events that teachers in English class are referring to. It is the teachers’ responsibility to clarify this difference to their students.

  29. Sheila Applegate Avatar
    Sheila Applegate

    I love that this conversation is continuing with such insightful reflections.

    Thank you Frank for pointing out the simplicity in my reference to “Conflict in an English Paper”. My daughter and I were discussing this the other night and she clarified to me that she was taught that there needs to be a “climax” rather than a “Conflict”. However, she continued to say that the climax is usually the point of greatest conflict. Maybe our awareness is shifting with each generation. I like the word “process”. Becoming aware of the subtleties is an important step in creating what we really desire!

  30. Denise Cugini Avatar
    Denise Cugini

    The bottom line message for me in Sheila Applegate’s article is unconditional love of self and the ripple effect it has on Planet Earth. Sheila is an advocate for a “Vibrant New Earth” and helps one to understand how to gain access to it in one’s life. This article exemplifies the Divine Purpose of creating peace and joy in one’s life and the world we live in.

  31. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Thank you Sheila, and thank you all.

    Besides Love/Joy, and a world of emotions, disasters and such, is it Hope as well.
    Came to be thinking of us will be responsible of to create “a pattern” not just about ourselves, it stretches far “out-in-space” as well. Each of us to have a particular vibration in the Web.
    “I`ll know each of you by the name” says “The Lord”(and I`m NOT religious). Or rather to put it in other words: “God/-The Creator” knowing each of us “by the name(s)”.
    All of what we does are at first created “in the invisible,” and THEN formed into the physical, as of to have experienced it myself that is.
    F.inst. The socalled terrorists, they do not know themselves in the same way, they will continue of to behave for a while(stucked in their own convictions)as to be the Aliens in the world.
    Oh okay, UNTILL of they once to have come to the same insights as of us have realized.
    Wonders if of they to have a heart?

    ACIM telling it is “A DRAMA of illusion” …a stage-scene (in the Theathre), which of us are convinced of to be “true.”

  32. Erin/IAm Avatar

    Sheila, I sooo know your moment when your 8 yo. presented you his ‘insight’…I have one of these ‘insiders’, too. Rocks the Parental socks, yes? 🙂 But the ol’ saying “Out of the mouths of Babes…” rings Truths. They sooo crack me up! 😀

    John & Yoko were a power-packed pair in their time…Thanks for the re-mind of this particular gift…an Amazing ‘fore-sight’, indeed.

    Good Journey with your New Story composition, too! 🙂

  33. Rochette R. Withers Avatar
    Rochette R. Withers

    What comes after peace? We DANCE!!!

  34. Susan Avatar

    Imagine That :-)) One small shift in what we say or think can have a wonderful change in our world towards peace.

    -Now, we are thinking peace through. —-wholly and entirely thinking peace-
    -Now, we are thinking through peace. —-from one side of peace to the other-

    My awareness to that one small shift is an opening to the new and vibrant earth Sheila writes about. Sparkles abound – Just Loving It!!!!!!!!

  35. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Dear friends and fellow travellers…..I HAVE DANCED most of the time in this life-time around.
    Shirley MacLane did it too. I was brought up to believe of a life “Dancing on the Roses,” but as of the life have had more “surprises” on the stage scene, is it reasonable of it is not the same for everybody.

    Funny thou, watched on TV a couple of days ago, a program called: “What is your opinion of to live in Norway”? The young reporter/journalist running around of to ask any person in the streets who came passing by….Many newcombers from all over the world have settled here in the past 30 years…And especially some of the answers of the individuals passing by, Really caught the attention of mine. Such as the “new” citizen from one of the arabic countries, he replied the reporter with a big grin after of the particular question of asking, and with the accent told:”It is because of the people are not ANGRY here”……WOW!! And without any hesitation or “thinking over it” either.
    And then a middle-aged norwegian lady passing by the reporter when of him asking the same question, and she replied quickly with a smile: “It is because of us to have the Faith in of to create a Paradise on earth.” WOW !!
    Many other of the answers naturally as of to be many peoples on the street, but especially these two`s came from the heart promptly.

    The new world have arised.

  36. Lloyd Avatar

    Imagine a world at peace, and imagine your life at peace, a place where you are satisfied with whatever comes along because you “know” it is exactly what you need to experience, and that it is always coming from unconditional Love. Imagine you have no desire to change anything, and your highest good is being a Loving recipient of life. Would this not mean you are already living and thinking and knowing you are part of the flow of ALL existence, the ONE? If peace is the elimination of conflict, and it starts within each of us, then healing Ourselves of the need to control others and accepting our small part in the flow of Love energy, Source Energy, is the joy we all seek.

    Can we release this need to control? Doesn’t our need and desire to control outside events create our inner conflict? Isn’t our inner conflict the cause of our world in conflict? Until we can resolve our own inner conflict our vision of the world will always reflect conflict. Conflict takes two parties to exist, our need to have things happen the way we think they should exist, and the reality that life is unfolding exactly as it must whether we like it or not. Do we co-create our reality of existence, absolutely, and it is our inner conflict with Self, Source Energy, that creates our pain, our resistence, our fears, and our own perception of reality.

    Humans narrow perception of our Oneness with ALL existence has lead us to believe we are special. This view limits humans and creates our illusion of seperation from the whole of existence. Humans are made of the same energy that Everything is. The atoms of rocks, trees, animals, are exactly the same as ours. Rocks do not struggle with existence, neither do trees, nor animals, and the Source Energy within them is flowing within humans as well, yet we humans struggle with existence because we have this illusion we are special and separate from all other existence. Can we release this struggle, this conflict within our own Self, and become just another part of this Source Energy flow within the totality of ALL? It can happen, it is happening, and it begins within me, you, them, everyone, and beyond conflict comes peace and Joy. Namaste’
    Some say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only One.

  37. mewabe Avatar

    Interesting…When people focus on creativity, on creating beauty, as do artists, poets, musicians, a natural joy comes through, they find their bliss, and they have less or no interests in conflicts, because they have so many more interesting things to do, to EXPRESS, than negative, petty conflicts.

    Perhaps conflicts are the expression of suppressed human creativity, which begins at school, were children are trained to conform and compete within the perimeters of conformity, from which they are trained to see no escape but through the conflicts of competition.

    Creative people who have found their bliss and live for beauty do not feel a need to compete because they know, feel and express their uniqueness.

  38. ionic breeze Michelle I Am Hi Avatar
    ionic breeze Michelle I Am Hi

    Amen, Mewabe. God is an artist after all. You are too, right? That’s the way to Home to me. I Am that I Am too. I have even channeled paintings, so to speak. One is of Chista,which I am about to start a site on Etsy. Have you ever heard of that place, and do you have your work somewhere? I would love to see it.

    Love to you Hi

    I Am I Am Ionic Breeze Michelle I Am Hi

  39. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you Ionic Breeze, yes I am an artist, I know about the Etsy site and am thinking of displaying things there and other places.

    I have actually changed since these paintings were displayed…I need to update the site.

    Yes God is the greatest artist of them all…and what do humans do? Worship the artist and trash her creation…makes no sense to me!

  40. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Mewabe and Ionic Breeze, when it comes to the schools….The Steiner schools will be based upon to teach each child their own basic creativity….as each child will be unique. As far as of to have been in touch with the parents who have their children in the school, of one of the basic principles will be of learning the children of it is no competition between them when of each one to do their own creative work based upon what is the childs own creative ability, AND to have the respect of each others uniqueness.
    But the sad thing will be of the particular private grammar schools are quite expensive. Thou, here in Norway the private schools will be supported by the state(but not the whole cost).
    I have talked with some american friends about the Steiner schools, and they told of the particular schools, with the excellent education system(the american friends praising the Steiner Schools), are too expensive for the ordinary families with the ordinary income.
    But it should have been the same education-system in the public schools as well…..Maybe one Day in the near future, who knows?

  41. ionic Breeze Avatar
    ionic Breeze

    Wowwee!!! I’ll say you’re an artist. If you put it on etsy, you’re liable to sell a lot. I think I’ll be there soon. I really love the color and the design Are those oil or pastel? How do you perceive these abstracts? Do you start going it at it, like pollack or do you have a image in mind, first? I did some abstract, but usually. .well, i think I’m both. I have done both representational and abstract. Let’s just put it that way. Wow. That’s all i can say. How much? i would love to buy 🙂

    Inger, I agree we have to overhaul everything in this culture. Some say schools are ok, but truthfully, we are limited by funding here in america. The kids are pushed out of art and music. I mean, mine couldn’t have art as a real space in his mind. He had to get whatever I encouraged. His friends are pretty much not shown how to be creative creatures. We are cutting art from the curricuum more and more, and the rest. . sigh. . my son was so advanced when I homeschooled him. By the time he entered first grade, he could multiply, add, divide, but, you know what. . he knows a lot more than I do about everything. in fact, he said to me one day, ‘You know. Life is God and that is a fabric of multihued layers.’ Something to that effect, and what else can I say. We give them ridiculous videos, one of which, God through me, actually forced me, really, to delete, or pretend it was eaten by my dog. He did it because of a very real problem, spiritually speaking. The video is portal 2. I had just bought it for 50 bucks or whatever, and he didn’t have it long, before God in me said get rid of it. I was surprised. I just said, “why? i just bought it. it’s kind of expensive. .these videos. What’s so bad about it. It’s rated G or E or whatever?” Then God said, “He’s not meeting me in dreamtime. Usually, he runs to me, but this time, he didn’t. I said throw it in the trash.’ I said, “why don’t I take it back? It’s not that old.’ And, he said, “No. I want noone to have it. The imagery in this particular video mimics the portal gateway to God I Am, where Christed Souls gather, and he said, “I want noone to see that junk.” I got hell for that, but, needless to say it’s gone forevermore banned in my house. Anyhoo, I don’t know why, but I thought that had to go out.

    Love to you Hi


  42. mewabe Avatar

    Thank you Michelle, it is oil and pastel, and I just go at it, without knowing where I will land…I like the adventure…
    But I have changed style, it’s different now. I will have to update soon, and put new ones ones on Etsy and other places, to sell as prints.
    I am not sure how much to sell them as prints yet actually, I need to change the prices listed (way too high).
    I do other stuff to make a living, such as illustration…but it’s not where my heart and soul are.

  43. Inger Lise Avatar
    Inger Lise

    Michelle, what a nice name(wonders of you to be the artistic symbolism of “ionic breeze”?)

    I do believe it is “a small artist” within all of us.

    Mewabe, it would have surprised me of you NOT to be an artist.

    Once have done the “intuitive paintings” paintings myself(as many as of do not know of what to do with all of the paintings and putting them away in plastic bags in the Attic. But as of the life have changed throughout the years, other “things” occured along the way, which had “to deal with.”

    But now have felt an urge of to begin with it anew thanks to you and Michelle. I have all the time in the world of to do it as of to be retired(besides looking after the grandchildren….we can do it in commoness, all of us together. And Dancing).

    Hugs, Inger Lise.

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