Worldwide Discussion:

There’s a brouhaha a’brewin’ over the remarks made in the January 2014 of GQ magazine in which a television personality declares homosexuality to be a sin.

A great deal of attention was also paid to recent statements made by the spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church when they have said just the opposite.

So who is right? From an ecclesiastical point of view, from the spiritual or religious perspective, which statement is accurate?

Phil Robertson, the main person around whom the television series Duck Dynasty revolves, is quoted in the magazine article as comparing homosexual behavior to bestiality and promiscuity.

Discussing gay sexual attractions, Robertson is quote as saying,   “But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

And just what is sinful about homosexuality? Explaining his reference, Robertson is quoted in the GQ article as saying, “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

This is in sharp contrast to the observation offered by one of the closest advisors, a member of the inner council of consultants, to Pope Francis, Cardinal Oswald Gracias of India.

In August the Cardinal said that the Catholic Church does not permit gay marriage, homosexuality is not a sin.

“To say that those with other sexual orientations are sinners is wrong,” Cardinal Gracias wrote.

The top Catholic Church official in India said that Catholic clergy “must be sensitive in our homilies and how we speak in public, and I will so advise our priests.”

The remarks appeared to echo and enlarge upon comments made earlier in the year by Pope Francis himself, who had this to say when exploring the subject of whether gays are condemned as sinners: “If a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge.”

This is sharply and markedly different from the comments of Catholic leaders in the past, the vast majority of whom have rounded condemned homosexuality and those who practice it.

It is also in stark contrast to the views of television personality Phil Robertson, who added in his magazine interview:

“Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

When persons who stand so hugely in the public eye as the central figure of one of the most watched non-fiction programs in cable television history make statements such as this, it raises once more in the public mind the central question of the human conscience: What does God want? Does God punish us for our sins? Do certain behaviors make us ineligible to “inherit the kingdom of God”? Is homosexual love and gay sexual experience one of those behaviors?

Your comments are invited below.


111 responses to “Worldwide Discussion:

  1. Sherri Hancock Avatar
    Sherri Hancock

    are you kidding me, do you not know God’s word. It is more than a sin.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      I’m sorry, Sherri, I don’t know what this means. What do you mean by “it is more than a sin”?

      1. andra fletcher Avatar
        andra fletcher

        i think he he referring to God saying it is an abomination ( hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile.) thats the term used to describe homosexuality in the bible. I believe its a sin based on what the bible calls it, and thats what phil was using as a reference point as well, that is his belief based on his religion, does not make it right or wrong makes its his right so i dont see what all the fuss is about, why is everyone judging a man on his beliefs? if you happen to not have the same belief that is fine we all have the right to believe what ever we want, even God says so , after all thats what free will is all about. I have no problem with gay men or women, even though i believe its a sin, i have the right to believe that, what i dont have the right to do is to disrespect anyone that is different or who believes different than i do. One thing about gay people that does make me wonder if they are not normal or the act is not normal is that in a lot of gay relationships or gay people i have noticed that for example if there is a gay couple who are men that one or both of the gay men become more fiminine looking and acting which does not make sense if they are attracted to men, and if its 2 gay women one or both are more masculine looking and acting which does not make sense if they prefer men, they seem a bit confused to me , if any gay people could explain this to me i really want to understand it.

        1. andra fletcher Avatar
          andra fletcher

          prefer women if they are a female couple i mean

          1. andra fletcher Avatar
            andra fletcher

            sorry sherri i referred to you as a he when i should say she

          2. andra fletcher Avatar
            andra fletcher

            As for the catholic church man, they are the most confusing of all the denominations.They make up laws as they go along, its not surprising to me that they would say that homosexuality is not a sin when half of the catholic priest are homosexual pedophiles.,They believe they have the authority and the right to change Gods laws to suit them and thier agenda.

        2. Christopher Toft Avatar
          Christopher Toft

          Hello,Andra In that case why aren’t these “feminine” Gay men having a nice acceptable heterosexual relationship with these “masculine” lesbians?

          1. andra fletcher Avatar
            andra fletcher

            no christopher im not suggesting that at all i just dont understand why if your a gay man you suddenly become a heterosexual female why cant you be a man and love men i dont get the sudden role reversal that occurs, but to me it does say that its not natural to be homosexual because they seem to revert back to the traditonal male female roles in the relationship, just seems like alot of them are confused about thier sexuality., same with gay women who suddenly become more masculine acting and looking, why the change in gender, what does your gender have to do with your sexual preference thats all im asking?

          2. Christopher Toft Avatar
            Christopher Toft

            Andra, i am a gay man & i don’t consider myself to be a “wannabe woman” or particularly over feminine. Neither is my boyfriend, we’re just normal guys in every other way apart from choosing to relate to men sexually. I do know what you mean about some gays having feminine behavours & even feminine camp “accents”. I don’t really get that myself, but my point is that these are stereotypes.

          3. andra fletcher Avatar
            andra fletcher

            I agree christopher i did not mean to imply all gay people are that way that has just been my personal expierence, with gay people at large but i dont th ink you can say all of one group is anything as i have not met all gay people,

          4. andra fletcher Avatar
            andra fletcher

            by the way what about those gay men who become women and expect to still be with a gay man i really dont get that.

    2. Ashley Matheny Avatar
      Ashley Matheny

      I’m also curious what you mean by “its more than a sin.”

  2. judy Avatar

    Gods word on this issue is in the Bible. Why do you question it. It’s there for all to read, and He is the same today as He was yesterday. Sin is sin

    1. Vernon Bradley Avatar
      Vernon Bradley

      Translation of words in the Bible and understanding of certain practices in biblical times is extremely important. There are all kinds of things in the Bible that we do not follow and for good reason, for example, we do not stone women caught in adultery. Thank God, they didn’t stone Mary. Now mess with that in your head. Why would God do that?

    2. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      Let me see if I understand. Are you saying that if it’s in the Bible, then it must be true, it must be right, it must be what God wants? Is that what you are saying?

      1. martin brower Avatar
        martin brower

        Let me see if I understand you Neale. Are you saying that if it’s in the Bible it might not be true, it might be wrong and even though the Bible is “God Breathed” that God does not want what he wrote?

        1. Janice Hartl Avatar
          Janice Hartl

          Martin, I would say to you what I said to Judy. Reference the above.

          1. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            Janice you make the common mistake of putting Churches together with the Bible. What a Church believes obviously varies but the Bible does not change. The Bible said the earth was round and suspended in space, when science said it flat and attached to a large animal.

          2. judy Avatar

            Martin, I agree with you. Churches once again are man made and ego driven. The Bible however being the Word breathed out is not to be interpreted by competing ideologies.

          3. Janice Hartl Avatar
            Janice Hartl

            I believe the Bible is full of spiritual truth, but not necessarily physical or historical fact and that means that I do not believe that it is the word breathed. Divinely inspired does not need to mean that God whispered in someone’s ear and that it was taken down like dictation. I also do not believe that the earth is 6000 years old and that evolution is a diabolical hoax.

          4. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            The Bible does not say the earth is 6000 years old, God is out of our time continuum, the Bible does say that “To God a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day”Meaning there is no time to God. Second the bible doesn’t say anything about evolution, we know that some evolution takes place. But you are going to have to answer how the universe somehow came up with all the ingredients for everything we know exists out of nothing. Save your time you can’t!

          5. Janice Hartl Avatar
            Janice Hartl

            I agree. The science programs on TV tell how it all began, and I am always wondering, so where did the singularity come from and all of the elements. It is awe inspiring and at some point we will have to agree that there is a prime mover.

          6. judy Avatar

            So what you are saying is it is up to the world to determine what God does or does not accept? If mankind does not like it, he can change it?

          7. Janice Hartl Avatar
            Janice Hartl

            I am saying as our knowledge changes we must change our views on things. I reiterate that the Bible was written by people of the time with the understanding of the time. I believe that homosexuality is genetic. I don’t care if they haven’t found the gene yet. There are lots of genes they haven’t found and the ones they have found deal with health matters

        2. J. Dieter Avatar
          J. Dieter

          Unless the Bible was created by automatic writing, and not by men who exercised free will, it’s unlikely that it is the literal word of God.
          You can’t have it both ways.

          1. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            What you said makes no sense, sorry the two have nothing to do with each other. If I tell my secretary to type something, she has free will to type it or not, but the content comes from me and she has no freewill to change what I want her to write.

      2. martin brower Avatar
        martin brower

        Still waiting for Neale’s response.

    3. Janice Hartl Avatar
      Janice Hartl

      It was once considered heresy to believe that the earth circled the sun rather than the other way around. The Bible was written by people of the time for people of the time with the understanding of the time. When new learning comes to light, we pretty much have to make adjustments to our beliefs. Otherwise, we are in the camp of those who believe that science is of the Devil.

  3. J. Dieter Avatar
    J. Dieter

    A “Yes” answer to this question assumes that God creates sinful creatures. The next question then becomes, “Why would God create a population that is excluded from God’s grace?” Anyone who believes that homosexuality is a choice is mistaken. There is too much medical and scientific evidence to the contrary.

    1. martin brower Avatar
      martin brower

      God does not create sinful people, people choose to sin, that is freewill. There some that believe that alcoholism is genetic, and yet alcoholics can stop drinking just like homosexuals can stop their behavior.

      1. Janice Hartl Avatar
        Janice Hartl

        Alcoholics can stop drinking, but the addiction never goes away, they don’t become cured. I disagree with your analogy because you are saying that a whole population that is not like you should live celibate whether that is their choice or not. People do live celibate lives, but that is by choice. Celibacy could possibly be more unnatural that homosexuality, if you accept that we are indeed sexual creatures.

        1. martin brower Avatar
          martin brower

          You buy into the victim 12 step mentality which is to say you are powerless over your “disease”. If you stop drinking you are no longer an alcoholic. If I get treated for cancer and it is gone from body, and never comes back, I don’t walk around and say I have cancer and I just don’t have symptoms.

          1. Christopher Toft Avatar
            Christopher Toft

            Alcoholism is clearly destructive. What is destructive about homosexuality Martin?

  4. Vernon Bradley Avatar
    Vernon Bradley

    Well, the reality is there is NO SUCH THING as a homosexual act. Homosexuals and heterosexuals engage in the same sexual behaviors. Yes, many heterosexual enjoy anal sex, altho I have heard it’s not what its cracked up to be for the person on the receiving end! BUT GET IT! There is nothing gay people do that is different from straight people. You’re gonna have to work really hard to fight this one. And I find that those who protest the most about homosexuality are ironically closet folks, so go figure!

    1. Vernon Bradley Avatar
      Vernon Bradley

      The bottom line (excuse the pun), is we are sexual beings. The categories of homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, transgendered, etc., do not even come close to tapping into the wonder and the mystery of sexuality. What we know for certain is we are sexual. Our orientation has nothing to do with our sexuality. Our sexuality runs deeper than so-called “orientation.” Well, I think I have said enough. The wise man is quiet, so I better get quiet!!

      1. martin brower Avatar
        martin brower

        The “sex act” is not what homosexuality refers to but the attraction of people with the same sex.

        1. Vernon Bradley Avatar
          Vernon Bradley

          Exactly, but when people get into talking about sin, they’re not talking about the attraction and if we focus on the attraction, then we can understand that gay people are the same as heterosexual people. They want to live their lives with the people they are attracted to.

    2. Awareness Avatar

      Dear Vernon Bradley, There are indeed things heterosexual (“straight”) people do that is different from same sex couples (“gay couples”):

      1. Heterosexual (“straight”) people do sex with partners of different gender.
      2. Heterosexual (“straight”) people (in addition to anal and oral sex) do “genital into genital” (“penis inside vagina”) sex.

      I have never heard of “genital into genital” (“penis inside penis”) sex happening between same sex couples (“gay couples”). As far as sex is concerned, the only similarities between heterosexual (“straight”) couples and same sex (“gay”) couples is in the area of anal and oral sex 🙂

      I have no judgement in the matter of the “rightness” or “wrongness” of each individual’s sexual choices 🙂

      Bless ALL 🙂

  5. Gino Benefactor Avatar
    Gino Benefactor

    My point of view:
    I do not want to judge but homosexuality is not a normal relationship, and we all know also that persons that are gay have more risk to have aids

    God has made the first people so they could multiply them, so that there could come more people on earth, that does not / can not happen with homosexuality.

    Now how does it come that some people are more attracted to the same nature / man-man or woman-woman? It’s all about the energy from that person. We people have a male and female side’s in us. When there are gay people or lesbiennes, there is always 1 person who plays the woman or man in that relationship, so, that one person have more the male or female energy, when a man has more female energy, he can feel more attracted to a person that has more male energy and otherwise

    The lesson for gay and lesbienne people, is to balance and restore the male and female energy’s in there own body

    Are these people that are gay or lesbienne bad? No they are not, in the past i have met some gay people, and i really liked those man, as long they don’t bother me

    Is it a Sin? First ask yourself what is Sin? It is everything that is not pure.

    1. Rebecca Hernández Avatar
      Rebecca Hernández

      Any action not coming out of love, is sin. It’s a statement both simple, liberating, and at the same time awaring, I believe.

      1. Gino Benefactor Avatar
        Gino Benefactor

        Oh really, there are people that love to kill other beings, there are people that love to steal from other people, there are people who love to beat there woman, there are people who love to take control over the people, there are people who love to brainwash the people, there are people who love to rape woman, there are people who love bullying other people. There are people that love to put poison in you body, with the food you eat, with the drinks you drink, with the vaccines you take etc. Then you say Oh it is OK, you do it out of love it’s not a sin, People do so many bad things without knowing they are hurting there own Soul, I came to earth, and i have a strong remembrance that i come from above, when i was maybe 5 to 7 years old, i wanted that they take me back from where i came, because i don’t love the people on the earth for all the bad things they do, thou people think it’s all normal what you do, and you all let it happen, when you say to people read the bible or even speak about Jesus, they say, i don’t want to know anything about it, but i say to you all, you find much wisdom in it, to live the right way, how you must live, but thou people think you are living the right way, when in truth you live the wrong way. How many people today don’t go from the one relationship with someone to another? And when there relationship is broken, you see afther 2 or 3 days that they have already another relationship with someone other? Oh i’m feeling lonely, i’m quickly find some man/woman to spend the night with and then it’s over afther a few days. It’s like you all find that normal. No it’s not normal!!! Thou shall all read your bible back, so that you people live again more holy. Thou people must all praise the Creator back everyday, all of you!!! Why is it that God does not come between? Because thou people don’t whant to listen to Him, like in the past, Thou do all your own will and don’t want to listen to what He say’s. Thou are all to much fixed on the material stuff, rather than to grow spiritually. Greetss, the one that saw the hands of God

  6. martin brower Avatar
    martin brower

    1. The New Testament says its a sin, so it’s a sin. The Bible is not a buffet table to pick and choose what you believe.

    2. The Old Testament had laws that the Jews followed; they have nothing to do with the New Testament Jesus following/believing Christians. Dietary laws are an example, killing the owner of animal that killed someone, and stoning an adulterer. So you can’t say because we don’t do some Old Testament laws that the New Testament is not valid.

    3. So even if you don’t believe God exists homosexuality is still and abnormality. There are some that say there is a “Gay Gene” if they find it, it can be “cured”. The attraction to someone of the same sex, if it is genetic can be removed since they can’t reproduce.

    4. The Bible says that sin is sin, there is no hierarchy. Stealing is no different from lying than homosexuality. Hate the sin, love the sinner, that is what Phil Robertson said.

    1. Coastside Avatar

      Re #3: Straight people produce gay children. So, good luck removing that gene.

      1. martin brower Avatar
        martin brower

        Autosomal recessive gene, look it up and yes it can be removed, my guess is you don’t believe in God so it must be evolution, which it appears you don’t even understand that.

        1. Christopher Toft Avatar
          Christopher Toft

          Hello Martin,In my view evolution supports the idea that homosexuality is indeed natural. Evolution does not have preferences about life, it is a blind process that makes things up as it goes along, it doesn’t design anything “for” anything & this includes sexual organs. It seems to me that sex evolved as a means of reproduction, not “for” reproduction. As i see it the only truly unnatural acts when it comes to sex are those that cause harm & suffering.

  7. thesouljump Avatar

    It is perhaps impossible for us as mortal beings to understand the entirety of the universe, to understand, if there is a God, what that God could possibly want or require. There are as many stories as there are people on earth. This calls for an internal and personal relationship with Life, with God, which I think can supercede any written word. This may help with the internal conflict: There is something we definitely don’t know, the knowing of which could change everything. Why not err on the side of love and understanding?

  8. Guest Avatar

    Is homosexuality
    hurting anyone? Should we all have children, or is it our right to choose? Can
    homosexuals be valuable members of our society? I am amazed how some of whom call
    themselves Christians are quick to quote The Bible as an argument in not so
    important issues, and yet willing to turn a blind eye to ‘do not kill’ commandment
    and purchase another hamburger created by horrific suffering. To quote Philip Wollen,
    ‘…Only one hundred billion people ever lived, seven billion people live today.
    And yet we torture and kill two billion sentient living beings every week. Ten
    thousand entire species are wiped out every year because of the actions of one,
    and we are now facing the sixth mass extinction in cosmological history. If any
    other organism did this, a biologist would call him a virus…’

  9. Guest Avatar

    Is homosexuality
    hurting anyone? Should we all have children or is it our right to choose? Can
    homosexuals be valuable members of our society? I am amazed how some of whom call
    themselves Christians are quick to quote The Bible as an argument in not so
    important issues, and yet are turning a blind eye to ‘do not kill’ commandment
    and purchase another hamburger created by horrific suffering. To quote Philip Wollen,
    ‘…Only one hundred billion people ever lived, seven billion people live today.
    And yet we torture and kill two billion sentient living beings every week. Ten
    thousand entire species are wiped out every year because of the actions of one,
    and we are now facing the sixth mass extinction in cosmological history. If any
    other organism did this, a biologist would call him a virus…’

    1. Balint Balasa Avatar
      Balint Balasa

      Sorry guys that my comment appeared three times. I pressed the delete button and the system did not let me delete it

    2. Balint Balasa Avatar

      Mr. Walsch, could you please kindly delete the duplicates of my comments that appear as posted by ‘Guest’? Thank you.

  10. Balint Balasa Avatar
    Balint Balasa

    Is homosexuality
    hurting anyone? Should we all have children or is it our right to choose? Can
    homosexuals be valuable members of our society? I am amazed how some of whom call
    themselves Christians are quick to quote The Bible as an argument in not so
    important issues, and yet are turning a blind eye to ‘do not kill’ commandment
    and purchase another hamburger created by horrific suffering. To quote Philip Wollen,
    ‘…Only one hundred billion people ever lived, seven billion people live today.
    And yet we torture and kill two billion sentient living beings every week. Ten
    thousand entire species are wiped out every year because of the actions of one,
    and we are now facing the sixth mass extinction in cosmological history. If any
    other organism did this, a biologist would call him a virus…’

  11. Carina Aduddell Avatar
    Carina Aduddell

    If the Bible is so clear on what is right and wrong why are there so many church denominations? Who knows how many people actually wrote it..and how many times it’s been revised? Regardless..for me..I don’t really believe in sin..I do believe that we should all act out of love. Is that not what God is? Unconditional everlasting love? As for will someone who is gay go to hell? Hell is to be separated from God..which is not possible. So instead of judging everyone..which btw the Bible says not to do..let’s all love each other instead of trying to bring each other down. Love to everyone..and are an amazing soul!

    1. Gino Benefactor Avatar
      Gino Benefactor

      Hell where most people believe in does not exist, The real meaning of Hell means Mental suffering, Hell was also not a literal place in Aramaic.
      In Matthew 5:22, “hell fire” is translated as “mental suffering.”
      In Matthew 16:18, the “gates of hell” are translated as “evil forces,
      or opposition.” Sheol was translated simply as “a resting place for
      the dead” but not a place of torment. Hell was used to refer to
      what one experiences on earth, the mental suffering that goes along with
      making wrong choices. In this way, the “punishment” for our sins is the
      consequences of our own actions. We needn’t fear this will be
      held against us in the afterlife because we are receiving the punishment for
      it now.

      1. Carina Aduddell Avatar
        Carina Aduddell

        I agree..I don’t believe hell is an actual place..but a state of mind that we put ourselves through. After all..we are our own biggest critic.

    2. Rebecca Hernández Avatar
      Rebecca Hernández

      It’s the interpretation we give to it. Most of it done without knowledge of cause or history.

      About sin, it’s simple. Anything done out of love, without love is a sin. Whom does’t love, sins.

  12. Linda Brenkus Avatar
    Linda Brenkus

    God doesn’t want anything of us. Does he punish us for our sins? No – there are consequences for our actions good and bad and they are far more involved than we realize. Harming ourselves and others (and I believe all of life – non human life and the planet etc) does come with consequences that we have to heal from. Homosexual love and gay sexual experiences are not behaviors that are harming.

  13. mewabe Avatar

    One quick question to all the Bible experts: what about animals who engage in same gender sex? (do a little research and you will be surprised how many, from “casual” encounters to bonded partnerships).

    Would you say that these animals are “sinners”, that they are under the influence of some “devil”, or that all of nature is “fallen” and screwed up because Adam took a bite of an apple?

    Just curious…

    1. Marko Avatar

      Well they could say you can’t, or shouldn’t compare animals to humans & animals are even lower on the scale of intelligence. I’m not saying I agree with that logic, I don’t. But some others do.

      What is more interesting to me is this.
      Many here on this site don’t take the Bible as the authoritized book of God. For me, it was written by good inspired men who were also flawed, fallible & a product of their time. The real mistake to me is, taking it as “the authority” or “only” word of God. That’s the real issue no?

      Second, political correctness. Is political correctness an aim to help evolve our communication or are we setting unfair limitations on what people can say?
      Let that be our next worldwide discussion topic.

      Is political correctness a better alternative? Can not people have opinions contrary to what we believe & let it be that we simply don’t agree? We agree to disagree without condemnation & violence.

      1. Michael L Avatar
        Michael L

        Thanks Marlo,
        A reasoned voice in this rabid march to equality.
        If you can’t Love (the Christian) your neighbors as your self, who will?

        They are children counting on words they have made into beliefs from thousands of years in the past.
        Luckily we can live in the now and start again fresh with new perspectives.
        Hope and compassion and love for all…All of US.

      2. Rebecca Hernández Avatar
        Rebecca Hernández

        I know. Being so square as taking the Bible as “the only” source of revelation is a big mistake begun by… guess who: Martin Luther.

    2. Richard Robinson Avatar
      Richard Robinson

      Hmm….I Believe that all animals are innocent, and natural…To be a part of nature one would have to be natural 🙂 some people put a lot of effort into Being Normal,(like swimming against the tide..) If they put that much effort into Being Natural , Nature would take care of the rest… (like swimming with the tide 🙂
      All Inspiration comes from the Source, The Source emanates Pure Love, Creative Energy, and Gentle Wisdom, The Source is Infinite, and Any One can tap into it 🙂
      Love, Rick

    3. martin brower Avatar
      martin brower

      I can’t pretend to get into the mind of animal, but from I understand there are dominance issues. My female golden retriever will hump my leg on occasion, so I am sure it has nothing to do with sex, as she has never had sex. She has never been around other dogs, except at a dog park.

  14. Maria Avatar

    According to Conversations With God, neither is right nor wrong, there is no sin. Our opinions come from what we were taught growing up. According to the books and to you Neale, God wants nothing and has no opinion. There is only love, and that’s all that matters. So no, homosexuality is not a sin because there are no sins. God is experiencing everything through us, whether we deem it good or bad, right or wrong.

    1. Awareness Avatar

      Simply do what serves you. Look to your own personal experience for feedback. LIFE itself will show you what is serving you through your own personal experience 🙂

      NEALE : “Are the questions on homosexuality equally absurd?”

      GOD: “You decide. I have no judgment about that, or anything. I know you wish that I did. That would make your lives a lot easier. No decisions to make. No tough calls. Everything decided for you. Nothing to do but obey. Not much of a life, at least in terms of creativity or self-empowerment, but what the heck… no stress, either.” – “Conversations with God” book 2 chapter 8 by Neale Donald Walsch 🙂

      Bless ALL 🙂

  15. Christopher Toft Avatar
    Christopher Toft

    spent 38 years pretending so hard to be heterosexual i actually
    completely fooled myself. It was only through the power of therapy,
    being in an environment of total acceptance & compassion that i was
    able to acknowledge that i am gay. It’s interesting that when hatred
    & assumptions that i had about gay people were examined without the
    preconceptions i had(such as gayness is a distorted form of
    heterosexuality,or an imbalance & that it is unnatural) it was the
    prejudice that was unnatrual not my sexuality. It’s interesting that
    when the hatred was removed, what was left is love. Maybe “an uncommon
    love” but love nevertheless. I am now half a year into a relationship
    with a wonderful man.

    1. Erin Avatar

      Kudos, Christopher! Loved your line “…it was the prejudice that was unnatural, not my sexuality.”
      If one was into history research that didn’t ‘make the books’, same-sex attraction has been a thusfar-deal & verrry ‘common’ of human experience here. Many of our so-called Leaders & oh-so-admired artisans of varietal talent & intelligence, have indulged in such experience. Let’s not get into how long-running & how many of same human-ness loved their beasties in much the same way…boy, that would make for a reeeally interesting closet-coming-out party! 😀
      Blessings to Love, Chris…May you both find a lifetime of ways to express It. <3

  16. Rebecca Hernández Avatar
    Rebecca Hernández

    Oh, well. Being a Catholic, I’ve read a lot about what my church has to say. I know a lot of the discussion goes around misunderstandings, that seem to be clearing out lately: both about homosexuality and sex. As the Church says: if a person is helpless about falling in love to another, no one can do a thing about it. That’s not a sin. As said: homosexuality can’t be a sin if it’s like that, but we have to be cautious to separate honest homosexuality from perversion. In wich the second one is a person sunk so much in lust, that a healthy/stable relationship is no longer enough, and seeks all kinds of sexual relationships.

    Sex is really not a tabu for the Church. Actually, it is so pure and important, that has been reserved for marriage. That’s the whole deal. If sex is, as many say, the greatest expression of love, then a lifetime relationship and commitment has to accompain it.

    On the other hand, the invitation of the Church for homosexuals is exactly the same for any non-married person: stay away from promiscuity. That’s all.

    I hope I can be of help.

    1. Awareness Avatar

      NEALE: “Why? Why do we prefer marriage if we know that it is so difficult?”

      GOD: “Because marriage was the only way you could figure out to bring “foreverness,” or eternality, into your expe­rience of love.

      It was the only way a female could guarantee her support and survival, and the only way a male could guarantee the constant availability of sex, and compan­ionship.

      So a social convention was created. A bargain was struck. You give me this and I’ll give you that. In this it was very much like a business. A contract was made. And since both parties needed to enforce the contract, it was said to be a “sacred pact” with God—who would punish those who broke it.

      Later, when that didn’t work, you created man-made laws to enforce it.

      But even that hasn’t worked.

      Neither the so-called laws of God nor the laws of man have been able to keep people from breaking their marriage vows.”

      “Because those vows as you have them normally constructed run counter to the only law that matters.”

      “Natural law.”

      “Marriage, as most of you have practiced it, is not par­ticularly beautiful. For it violates two of the three aspects of what is true about each human being by nature.”

      “Who You Are is love.

      What love is, is unlimited, eternal, and free.

      Therefore, that is what you are. That is the nature of Who You Are. You are unlimited, eternal, and free, by nature.

      Now, any artificial social, moral, religious, philo­sophical, economic, or political construction which vio­lates or subordinates your nature is an impingement upon your very Self—and you will rail against it.”

      “The institution you call marriage is your attempt to create security, as is the institution called government. Actually, they are both forms of the same thing—artifi­cial social constructions designed to govern each other’s behavior.” – “Conversations with God” book 3 chapter 13 by Neale Donald Walsch 🙂

      Bless ALL 🙂

      1. Stephanie Avatar

        Bravo…I just love the truth! Thank you. This resonates with my heart. I was never able to be married successfully, although I tried to meet the contraints and expectations…My soul longed to be free…Society doesn’t really like freedom…I love the book, this new section, and the change that is coming.

    2. Kat McAvoy Avatar
      Kat McAvoy

      Being a Catholic myself, the true words that this Cardinal spoke is that ‘Homosexuality in itself is not a sin, just as seeing the beauty in a married woman is not a sin’. However acting out either of those things would be by our faith, a sin. It’s silly for people to assume that we cannot choose who we fall in love with, because if thy were the case there would be no gnashing of tongues when married people have affairs with others. At the same time it’s no concern to those who don’t believe in the ‘Book’ as then they would have no basis for what a sin is. Either you believe or you don’t. In this sense Phil Robertson and the Cardinal were both right, if one truly understood what was being said

  17. Contentttt Avatar

    n. noun
    1. A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate.
    2. Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God.
    3. A condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience.
    1. To violate a religious or moral law.
    2. To commit an offense or violation.

    It appears according to the definition, that if one is not religious and do not believe there is a God that judges…..then SIN does not exist! This is only really a subject for those whom believe they at some point will be judged and held accountable for their choices and actions!

    The real problem here is……Each person has their own definition of what is “Sin”. So the controversy will never end. Religious laws and moral laws although they may over lap at times, at not the same laws. Although there are many zealot’s that would prefer to believe they are totally aligned.

    Is it specifically written any where, what the specific will of your God is? If not, then how can YOU determine what is and is not disobedient? But mankind likes to justify their actions in the name of God….YIKES!!

    Estrangement is basically rejected or held at a distance. So much for a loving and accepting God!

    It is quite interesting that mankind goes to such great lengths to reject or prosecute, according to their perceived idea of what is acceptable by religious or moral law! Although I believe even CWG suggests they are guidelines. But mankind cannot judge another according to guidelines….they must be LAWS!!
    To commit a so called offense or violation often invites those whom like to judge other’s, to go on the offensive!

    “Oh ye who is without sin…..cast the first stone!”
    “Judge ye not or you subject your Self to the open judgment of others!”
    “Oh ye who are not perfect, why do you ask other’s to be what you, yourself are not?”

    Human’s are just to emotionally caught up in the “Sin” controversy! Look at it in a more practical way and get out of Your Head!!

    Hebrew has several other words for sin beyond khata, each with its own specific meaning. The word pesha, or “trespass”, means a sin done out of rebelliousness. The word aveirameans “transgression”. And the word avone, or “iniquity”, means a sin done out of moral failing. The word most commonly translated simply as “sin”, khata, literally means “to go astray.” Just as Jewish law, halakha provides the proper “way” (or path) to live, sin involves straying from that “path”..

    Definition of PATH 1 : a trodden way 2 : a track specially constructed for a particular use 3 a : course , route b : a way of life, conduct, or thought

    Could this subject be more ambiguous and open to interpretation by those whom believe they are on the so called “RIGHT PATH”!

    Orthodox = Insisting on strict adherence to beliefs and practices, The Taliban take this quite literally! But then so have the Christian’s! The Taliban believe Christians are sinners and Christians believe the Taliban are sinners!! Oh gee…..which side to choose……ah….NEITHER!!!!

    So is the discussion of this subject really going to accomplish anything?

    I AM not religious. I do not follow or adhere to religious laws. I AM not afraid of the God you speak of or any other’s God’s. So for me, sin does not and never has existed other than to control the choices of those whom are afraid of the consequences of their choices! I listen to the Core Energy of SELF! I choose from there!

    So I Choose SELF…..So I AM!!

  18. Marko Avatar

    A few excerpts from Neale Donald Walsch’s book Tomorrow’s God

    * Tomorrow’s God does not require anyone to believe in God.

    * Tomorrow’s God is without gender, size, shape, color, or any of the
    characteristics of an individual living being.

    * Tomorrow’s God talks with everyone, all the time.

    * Tomorrow’s God is separate from nothing, but is Everywhere Present, the
    All In All, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Sum Total of
    Everything that ever was, is now, and ever shall be.

    * Tomorrow’s God is not a singular Super Being, but the extra-ordinary
    process called Life.

    * Tomorrow’s God is ever changing.

    * Tomorrow’s God is needless.

    * Tomorrow’s God does not ask to be served, but is the Servant of all of Life.

    * Tomorrow’s God will be unconditionally loving, non-judgmental, non-
    condemning, and non-punishing.

    1. martin brower Avatar
      martin brower

      Oh…I see tomorrows God only exists in his mind and only exists to sell books. His god is not the God of the Bible. Which is fine, he just can’t call himself a Bible Christian.

      1. Richard Robinson Avatar
        Richard Robinson

        Tomorrow’s God Is Requested because the God of old has been misrepresented for so long as it was what we chose to believe, but it does not serve us…. Has any one noticed that ..the old way seems to serve “some” not “All”….Tomorrow’s God is the God we’ve always had but stopped listening to when man decided to write his own histories. I have a great many examples of mis-translations of the guide book if anyone would like to hear them 🙂 But ponder this , I posted elsewhere on this site , earlier, a similar example of a story even though well embedded in your mind , is still what You Choose to believe…perfect example …Easter Bunny….how kids believed in the easter bunny, tooth fairy, Santa. years ago, and still a few today….one day they grew older and someone convinced them not to believe, or they chose on their own…yet You survived that version of the “truth”. Many believe that magic doesn’t exist…..I believe God’s Magic is still the best 🙂 , but we were Created from the same stuff, so we are capable of magic too, unless you don’t believe that 🙂 My mom was kind of upset when my sister “ruined Santa” for me when I was young. I had doubts …I caught mom n dad up late near the tree , while getting a drink of water. My Mother didn’t even flinch 🙂 She said something like We’re just finishing a couple presents to other people real quick!Get back to bed Santa’s comin’ any Minute now, You’ll be on the naughty list if you’re not in bed when he gets here…zip..I was gone 🙂 And Years later I still believe in Santa…I believe his spirit lives on in Us, When we give from the Heart, even when we have little to give. But God gave us all the Gifts we’ll ever need , Enough to last a lifetime ! You are all an Amazingly Abundent with Love, Joy, Creativity, and More! these are the gifts we were designed to give each other freely, so as to best express All That Is through Us.
        If God Is Everything…how could God Need anything? Love, Rocket

        1. martin brower Avatar
          martin brower

          I hate to throw logic and reason into this but we can create any god in our mind Rocket. There can be only ONE God, look up Category MIstake. You make that mistake when you assume there is my God or your God, there is only One God, your job is to find the true God. You can listen to what I say two ways, to understand or reply, my guess is you are thinking how wrong I am and that is to reply. Forget Churches, and look at the Bible, it has been around for thousands of years, it has predictive prophecy that has never been wrong, it is used as a history book, it has never been wrong in terms of science, there is no question that Jesus existed, it is better documented than many authors of that time. So do you want to believe the Bible or some made up god. Your eternity is in the balance, choose wisely.

          1. Richard Robinson Avatar
            Richard Robinson

            I Believe in Jesus, He did a great job despite our efforts to thwart him. Father -Son- Holy Ghost equals God- Jesus- Our Souls . I am trying to help people see that maybe the way we were taught isn’t quite working, because it’s not quite accurate. No Judgement, just an Observation. A topic for discussion?…Do you believe Judas was a Good disciple ?

      2. Marko Avatar

        I would say Neale is expanding the concept of God showing that the Bible while having some great wisdom, is not the end all of truth or wisdom, but a part of it, but incomplete.

        There is no requirement for you to believe in Tomorrow’s God. It’s your choice what to believe.

        1. martin brower Avatar
          martin brower

          So you are telling me that Some guy named Neale, a plagiarist with selective memory, who is selling books, that goes against what the Bible says in Revelation, Deuteronomy, Proverbs and of course Matthew 24:22 that talks about false prophets, has somehow had conversations with God? I find that hard to believe. There is only one God, God is all knowing, impossible for him to make mistakes, there is no such thing as “Tomorrows God” there is only God. But you will die, and I will die, and Neale will die, and we will be worm food because there is no God, or we be reincarnated in some aspect if Eastern Religions are right, or we will be judged by God if Judeo/Christianity is right. Because the true God cannot be contradicted look up The Law of Non-Contradiction, something can’t be true and not true at the same time. But I wish you luck when meet God and explain to him that you follow Neale who didn’t think HE, being God, didn’t get it right the first time.

          1. Marko Avatar

            I have no need to convince you of anything. If your theology serves you fine. That’s your truth, not mine.

          2. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            You see that is the problem…There is only one truth, we can’t both be right. If everyone had their version of truth nothing would be false, do you understand? The problem with these forums is I have no idea who you are, are you a 20 year old with no life experience, no education? My guess is you have not studied much just based on the comment “your truth not mine” That is not logically possible only one of us can be right. Are you putting your trust in Neale?

          3. Marko Avatar

            I put my trust in myself & life.

            By the way, Neale has often said not to believe anything he says unless it rings true to you.

          4. Erin Avatar

            Ahhh…Dear martin…That ‘need to be right’ syndrome…’To Be’ as an ‘image of God’, one would have no such ‘need’, Yes? And ‘assuming’ with so little logic-based evidence? hmmm…What’s up with that kind of thinking?
            CwG moves folks to See other-‘wise’…That’s all it’s present for…simply ‘another way’ of Seeing Our stuff & the processes We are participating in. The dialogue calls for peeps to not See body vehicles, except for how the conditions of them reflect Us as a Society, but rather See the connect We have with All beings, All Life, as God-based/God-experiencing entities. See?
            It’s just fine for some to not find ‘their version of Good Life’ within this site…If your Soul Sounds do not ring truth to you of these Conversations, there are sooo many of which to spark one’s chimes to sing a happier tune. And none of this has to do with “trust in Neale”, rather ‘trust in one’s Self’…as a piece of the totality referred to as ‘God’. Through ‘this way’, combined with others, We are seeking more functional ways to Be Human than what previous notions & concepts have brought forth to-date. The main paradigm ideal is to move from Fear-based thinking to Love-based thinking as a way to adjust Beingness so Good Life is more accessible & encompassing.
            But while you’re here…Got any good ideas on how to well-manage a co-existence?…ie. education, economics, resource mgmt., parenting perspectives, regaining business ethics, etc.??? Always up for input! 😀

          5. Awareness Avatar

            Dear Martin Brower, The way I see it, “Conversations with God” leaves room for questioning. It does not demand loyalty to it (I like that approach). “Conversations with God” does not ask us to follow Neale Donald Walsch. For example as quoted in one of my previous responses here, God said in “Conversations with God”:


            And also in the following dialogue with Neale Donald Walsch, God allows for questioning and finding your own “truth”:

            NEALE: How do I know that what You are saying is true? How do I know this is even God speaking, and not my overactive imagination?

            GOD: You’ve asked that before. My answer is the same. What difference does it make? Even if everything I’ve said is “wrong,” can you think of a better way to live?

            NEALE: No.

            GOD: Then “wrong” is right, and “right” is wrong!

            Yet I’ll tell you this, to help you out of your dilemma: BELIEVE NOTHING I SAY. Simply live it. Experience it. Then live whatever other paradigm you want to construct. Afterward, LOOK TO YOUR EXPERIENCE to find your truth.

            One day, if you have a great deal of courage, you will experience a world where making love is considered better than making war. On that day will you rejoice.


          6. Erin Avatar

            martin, As it is truly “impossible for Him make mistakes”, then no part of ‘His’ Creation is in err…No ‘sin’ can exist, no judgment need be passed…Yes! Sooo right on! God has No Needs of such things.

            And the “Law of Non-Contradiciton’ is one of the 3 basic (human) ‘principles of thought’…aka, ‘ways of forming perspective’, yes?

            It has been of personal observe, that although much good guidance stems from the compilation of writes in the Bible, it is very Fear-based in presentation throughout most of the Christian interpretations. My knowing is that it was not meant to be so…Fear being the ‘contradiction’ to Love.

            Neale simply presents ‘God’ as ‘Unconditional Love’, which the first “New Edition/Testament” attempted, but humanly could not be accomplished, obviously, since peeps were more in tune with creating ‘Conditions of Life’ in the times of editings. This was/is a human thing, not a God thing…It was/is not a ‘mistake’, rather simply ‘signs of the times’ of human process. Nice that We moved from stoning people to death at every whim (esp. of women & children), to turning Our backs & refusing them Love in Part II, yes? Well, here, the paradigm expands to BE LOVE, with No Need for back-turning. A concept for continuance post-Rev…Input for Part III, perhaps? Or, as being proposed, a New Story entirely.

            btw…ever wonder how much money went to printing Bibles over its long legacy on the ‘top-seller’ list? No business, including religion & research, continues without profit…That would be a ‘contradiction’ of Our world economy. To ‘hide’ or ‘lose’ such profits to evade a tax status would be as lying/stealing, would it not? Hmmm…??? Just sayin’…conveniently ‘interpretted’ & well used little no-nos, yes? 🙂

            Good Journey, martin. Thanks for the thoughts. <3

          7. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            The reason Neale can sell books is peoples complete misunderstanding and ignorance of the Bible, reason and logic. God did not create sin, God created free will, you chose to sin and God can’t be around sin according to the Bible. Neale’s all roads lead to God, and the Catholic Churches also is illogical. As they all contradict each other and claim theirs is the only way to God. I might say something is white, you might say it is black, but we can’t both be right. Now we both can be wrong, it could be blue. The law of the excluded middle says that a statement such as “It is
            raining” is either true or false. There is no other alternative.So Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” That statement is true or false, it can’t be both. What do you say about that TRUTH CLAIM?

          8. Gina Avatar

            Sorry to troll in your reply to Erin, but who created sin? Who created the creator of sin?

          9. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            This is why it is hard to talk about these things with people that don’t understand the logic behind what they say, and why people like Neale can sell books to the ignorant masses. No one created sin, sin is not a thing, just like cold is not a thing, who created cold? You don’t understand the infinite attribute of God, there is no creation of an infinite being and there can only be one of those. You commit what is called a “category Mistake”

          10. Gina Avatar

            If sin is as cold is, it must be infinite, relative and subjective. It must meet at some point with God because God is infinite too, as cold is infinite and is decreasing of heat in varying degrees and must meet(merge) with hot at some point. As hot and cold are one and the same God and sin must be too. There are many statements in the Bible where you are saying this is white and I’m saying it’s black and we are puzzled because both statements are in the Bible. It would prove shockingly fruitless for any religious pursuants to study specific words or behaviors of a messiah rather the essence. So don’t believe words in a book or words out of a mouth, but grok the core message and see if it resonates. Don’t stake your eternity on words, they are a poor conduit of the Divine. As you listen to Jesus’  truth claim don’t read those words like a child who just mastered his alphabet, but view his life and message in its entirety and get the essence. 

          11. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            You do not understand even the basics, so it is futile in discussing it further. Jesus made a statement that was quoted by John. It was a truth claim (look up that) You may not believe it, but is either right or wrong, it can’t be both true and false. Your comment about God and sin shows you have not even the slightest idea of what God is, you made a category mistake (look that up also) and that is why you follow and believe someone like Neale.

          12. Gina Avatar

            You make a lot of assumptions. For one that I haven’t read the Bible through and I don know what category mistake is. Anyway you are categorically wrong in saying I don’t understand the so called basics of Judeo Christianity and that I have no idea of what God is.
            It’s not my intention to contend the validity of the Bible or Jesus and the battery is low on my cell phone so will get back to you later ( later as in an indefinite future time).

          13. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            You wouldn’t make category mistakes, or the basics of logic if you did understand them, so yes I am assuming you don’t you don’t understand them.

          14. Gina Avatar

            Sin is not something of substance but a conceptual thing, right? And humans create concepts so humans must have created the concept of sin. And there is a huge gap in your logic too at a most casual glance. If the Bible is the ultimate rule book and Jesus is the one true path to God and truth what Jesus, according to the Bible, defied doctrine and placed the love of God & neibor above all laws in Scripture?

          15. Erin Avatar

            Anything is true/false based solely on the perspective of Life, & subject, of the person it is presented to, at the time of presentation. In Life, there are no ‘facts’ that are not subject to change. Recall that we used to live & breathe on a flat surface not too long ago…post-Bible, as a matter of ‘truth’?
            The Claim you mention is a truism, if Seen a bit deeper than simple words unto a simple people…Truth (“the way”) comes from within, not from without. So if your Soul Sounds (‘God’ voice) ring happily of your Understandings of ‘Unconditional Love’ (“the life”) in this moment, hold tight to them…They will remain as your truths until an event causes them to chime more excitedly as it alters the bases of previous perspective(s) of those notions. This is the process of “coming to the Father”…walking the talk of Being unconditionally loving…the father/son analogy was truly a logical approach of vast expression since we All have understanding of the parent/child affiliation, yet aren’t the perspectives on that connect/disconnect in process of change, as well?
            My take is that ‘unconditional’ means just that…Without Conditions, & ‘Love’ means Love…the opposing force of Fear. Are your defines different? If not, reread the Bible now & exclude the conditions & fear-based presents…You may find it a much shorter & even more ‘logical’ version.(?)
            So, in Being an unconditionally loving human, what ‘way’ might one See as wise adjustment to much of the struggling of Now? Got an opinion or better version of the ‘bitcoin’ idea? How about education…Should we go all-on-cyber, which is present trend in process, or put the academics back into more social environments without so many conditions? How are you in relationshipping? Do you example freedom, liberty, & pursuit of happiness in parenting/friendship/intimate bonds…or do you move ‘other ways’ depending which? THIS, dear martin, are the purposes behind this site & Conversation…to align the perspectives of human beingness to ‘higher’ thinking…Balance & Love-based thinking. Namaste’.

          16. martin brower Avatar
            martin brower

            Erin this is why it is nearly impossible to have discussions with people that don’t follow any form of reason and logic. There are absolute truths/facts you need to look up “objective/subjective truths”. If I say “vanilla ice cream is the best ice cream” that is subjective based on my opinion, If I say “the vanilla ice cream is in the freezer’ that is objective, it is based on the object and that statement is either true or false based on the fact that it is or is not in the freezer.

            If Jesus said he is “THE WAY”, not a good way, or one way, then that statement is true or false since he is dead and can’t change it. Look at the Bible like a Last Will and Testament, you can’t change the wording, you can’t say “that’s not what my dad wanted, he wanted me to have all the money and not split it with my sister” So if Jesus said He is the way, if He said you have to believe he was crucified, buried and rose from the dead to enter heaven, then that is either true or not. You or Neale cannot change what someone said and say that’s not what he meant. Now you can not believe it, but it can’t be true for me and not true for you, it’s true or false.

            Almost all people say that the opposite of love is indifference not fear, but ok if you think fear, the Bible talks about two types of fear, one is a good fear 2 Timothy 1:7 says:
            “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love
            and of a sound mind”. A spirit of fearfulness and timidity does
            not come from God. You should, however fear what is going to happen if you don’t follow the true God.

          17. Gina Avatar

            You should only look to life to find the characteristics that God endowed God’s creations with, because life is God’s creation and He created it in the image and likeness of God. Shouldn’t have to wait until after death, when suddenly all of these characteristics that are not like unto itself will appear. Doesn’t make sense… there is no shred of evidence anywhere in the universe-as my favorite Abraham would often say-God or source or creator joins us in negativity. When we hate or despair the negative emotions that we feel come from the separation from the ways our source or God is thinking and what we are currently thinking and feeling. The to discordant feeling is because our source doesn’t join us in our negative thinking. If source doesn’t join us in a single negative thought what is the chance God/Source/Creator will judge and condemn and send us to hell? If God is you say is not contradicted then he should be consistent his characteristics and the characteristics of his creations should be consistent as in afterlife as in life.

          18. Gina Avatar

            Also I would say, not only should you not wait until after death, you should also not look outside of yourself, such as a book, for truth and guidance. You are God’s creation created in the image and likeness of God. All truths reside within you. That was what Jesus’ life was about.

  19. Guest Avatar

    Kemajuan teknologi membuat orang banyak melakukan prilaku yang menyimpang….prilaku seorang homo sexual berbeda dengan seorang waria…..prilaku homo sexual adalah akibat dari pergaulan bebas dimulai seseorang ingin mencoba sesuatu baru dan dapat membuat menjadi kecanduan…..sedangkan prilaku sexual seorang waria ada pengaruh gen sejak dilahirkan….Setiap penyimpangan bukaan pengaruh gen bawaan lahir tetap dianggap salah……

  20. Benny Hansen Avatar
    Benny Hansen

    Kemajuan teknologi membuat orang banyak melakukan prilaku yang menyimpang….prilaku seorang homo sexual berbeda dengan seorang waria…..prilaku homo sexual adalah akibat dari pergaulan bebas dimulai seseorang ingin mencoba sesuatu baru dan dapat membuat menjadi kecanduan…..sedangkan prilaku sexual seorang waria ada pengaruh gen sejak dilahirkan….Setiap penyimpangan bukan pengaruh gen bawaan lahir tetap dianggap salah……

  21. Richard Robinson Avatar
    Richard Robinson

    Another part of the issue is that ..Most people still also believe that God condemns anything…or judges, or requires anything. This is why we are here we are having a discussion about who we choose to be. Do unto others= We Are All One,whatever you do to others, you ultimately do to your self…

  22. Richard Robinson Avatar
    Richard Robinson

    Ok I’ll say it. As always No judgement, just an observation. Do you know this is all part of one of the biggest lessons we as humanity must learn to move forward? Ok, Let’s go , Let’s let go, and let God….God is the creator the source? We, God’s children are All Loved! So ever wonder why we look different, act, speak, worship, believe differently?
    So that We all could experience ourselves as Idividuations of God and learn to accept_tolerate_work with each other, and when we do the World shall rejoice WE Are One…and then…well I guess we could do anything we choose….hmmm..what do we choose?

    Ooo ooo ooo I know the answer Alex…. What is Love? cheers….applause…jackpot… just sayin 🙂 That’s how Rocket rolls 🙂

  23. Robert Mason Estes Avatar
    Robert Mason Estes

    If what you enjoy is homosexuality, you should enjoy it. If others want to condemn you, they should keep their condemnations to their self.

  24. Erin Avatar

    Wow! Talk about an upheaval over one person asking questions, that they knew full well were going to raise hairs, sell mags & spark the moves of a tv show, of an interviewee who truthfully expresses their feelings when asked…A verrry devout, Southern-raised Christian, no less! Kudos, GQ! Inglorious Marketing Genius, indeed! Perhaps the interviewer will become the next BaBa WaWa, if intelligence was not a requisite.

    Not for nothin’, but if peeps cannot get a grip on simply accepting the immense diversity among Us, and the Freedom of which to express & live unoffended of Our ‘sides’ of views…We are not going to Be anything other than present state for a verrry long time to come. “Sadness only”, unless of course, We are actually “Happy, happy, happy” with What We Are Now…As obviously many seem to Be, or stuff like this would cause no issue whatsoever.

    The Commanders are a truth of reality bunch…They Are, They exist, & Their kind-ness Is more expansive than some care to imagine…They are a culture of Bible Belt, USA Today. Their honesty is impeccable, their views often Neanderthal, their devotion to Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness is right up-front & in-your-face. They proved that with just a 6-inch piece of plastic or wood, with a little flittery thingy & a hole or 2, one can make $$$Millions in this country…Opportunity DOES exist! Kudos, to the Duck & Deer Commanders (not the Dynasty, which is owned by A&E) for keeping stuff Real by your own perspectives so others can See just where WE stand as a United anything.

    Marketing is truly a fabulous way to move peeps…What direction are They moving You? 🙂 Me, I Am LMFAO!

  25. Gino Benefactor Avatar
    Gino Benefactor

    Most souls incarnates over and over in a body of the same sex. After
    just a half dozen or so incarnations, a soul will only feel comfortable
    in a particular sex. Past life regression studies have found that the
    average soul will incarnate in an opposite sex body about every 7
    The reason the Old Testament has such harsh words against homosexual
    behaviour is because the desires and activities of the homosexuals had
    been hijacked by evil gods who lured these souls into destructive
    hedonistic behavior. Had this planet been properly cared for
    spiritually, instead of secret hedonistic cultures, the individuals who
    found themselves attracted to members of the same sex would recognize
    it for what it was. A life where the incarnate soul was in a body that
    was sexed differently than it normally incarnated in. This would allow
    the individual to enter into a holy and divine life of celibacy.
    Incredible spiritual progress can be achieved when the sexual energies
    are redirected into the upper chakras. Instead of the powerful lower
    chakra’s energies dissipated by sex, if its energies are redirected into
    the upper chakras, the life forces are intensified.
    monogomy is the ideal partner state. Life problems, diseases and
    spiritual decay are all the results of a hedonistic promiscuous
    lifestyle. Since marriage is essentially the legal recognition of
    monogomy, gays and lesbians should be encouraged to enter healthy,
    monogomous relationships that are also legally recognized via marriage..
    For a society to create a barrier to a superior spiritual state
    (monogomy vs promiscuity) is to essentially encourage some of its
    citizens into promiscuity by denying them the right to marry.
    In biblical times, gays and lesbians engaged in religious ceremonies
    that were orgiastic and idolatrous. Its evil effects were so bad in
    sodom and gommorah, that destroying all the souls and allowing them to
    incarnate later in healthier societies was the only way YHWH could
    prevent them from being lost forever.

    1. Michael L Avatar
      Michael L

      Hi Gino,
      Just saw a report that a fellow who was already married in one state got permission to marry in another state without getting a divorce. Course the first marriage was to a man and the second to a female. So question becomes is that bigamy? Or just group hug?

      1. Gino Benefactor Avatar
        Gino Benefactor

        Anyone who is married, and marries another, commits adultery. Anyone who divorces his wife, drives her to commit adultery – unless there was an unauthorized commitment, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. If a woman herself divorces her husband, and marries another, she commits adultery.

        1. Awareness Avatar

          These are “old” beliefs, I don’t believe it at all 🙂

          Instead, I agree WHOLE’HEARTEDLY with the following GREAT words:

          “Remember this: There is only one sacred prom­ise—and
          that is to tell and live your truth. All other promises are forfeitures
          of freedom, and that can never be sacred. For freedom is Who You Are. If you forfeit freedom, you forfeit your Self. And that is not a sacra­ment, that is a blasphemy.” – “Conversations with God” book 3 chapter 12 by Neale Donald Walsch 🙂

          Bless ALL 🙂

      2. Erin Avatar

        lol! Wonder how that works out with the pension thing. Is this fellow doubly insured & asset-ted by both marriages? Talk about having one’s cake & eating it, too!
        This is an interesting set-up to examine…fun research food, for those truly indulged by the notions of legal marriage…and the Amendments that will surely ensue because of them. omg…all I can do is lol!

  26. Contentttt Avatar

    Leave it up to mankind to label and then judge what they have labeled!
    There is so much that is not understood on many level, as to why human’s have an inclination towards homosexual and lesbian tendencies.
    Leave it up to the illiterate to label and condemn.
    Illiterate not on this Earth, but illiterate in the multi-energy universe!
    This is actually a funny subject and topic that so many take so seriously, even though it does not effect them!
    They refer back to that simply ridiculous book called the Bible!

    The real question here NDW is why don’t you present a topic where a growth of Self can take place? Isn’t there enough human’s already that batting this subject around?
    You can come up with topics that holds greater significance that this……or can’t you?

    There is no answer to this subject! Only personal perspectives and judgments!
    These type of questions just demonstrate you did not write CWG….it was channeled through you!

    What a dead end discussion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Gina Avatar

      For me this is an important subject both personally and globally, not the subject me, and on the streets. They try to convert me saying all different things about the simply ridiculous book. More often than not those who are not out on a mission, who are just religious without my knowledge, those whom I interact daily would display incredible narrow mindedness that defies common sense.

  27. Awareness Avatar

    Would a world that is exclusively one of the following three become extinct?

    1. Heterosexual
    2. Homosexual
    3. Celibate or non of the above

    Bless ALL 🙂

  28. thesouljump Avatar

    According to certain religions it is. I’m prepared to dump those religions. A personal relationship with God may reveal that being gay is okay. Who would judge you for being exactly who you are without harming another?

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