Worldwide Discussion:

Might this be a fine stretch of eternity during which to declare that there is clearly something we don’t fully understand about God, the understanding of which would change everything?

To put it more dramatically, is it possible that unless we enlarge and expand our primitive ideas about God and about Life in the decades just ahead, we may find that we have backed ourselves into a corner, from which there is no escape?

Conversations with God told us that humanity nearly rendered itself extinct once before. Barely enough of us survived to regenerate the species and start over. Are we at this same turning point again? Have we arrived once more at the intersection where theology meets cosmology meets sociology meets pathology?

Right now we are still embracing a Separation Theology. That is, a way of looking at God that insists that we are “over here” and God is “over there.”

The problem with a Separation Theology is that it produces a Separation Cosmology. That is, a way of looking at all of life that says that everything is separate from everything else.

And a Separation Cosmology produces a Separation Psychology. That is, a psychological viewpoint that says that I am over here and you are over there.

And a Separation Psychology produces a Separation Sociology. That is, a way of socializing with each other that encourages the entire human society to act as separate entities serving their own separate interests.

And a Separation Sociology produces a Separation Pathology. That is, pathological behaviors of self-destruction, engaged in individually and collectively, and producing suffering, conflict, violence, and death by our own hands—as evidenced everywhere on our planet throughout human history.

Only when our Separation Theology is replaced by a Oneness Theology will our pathology be healed. We have been dierentiated from God, but not separated from God, even as your fingers are differentiated but not separated from your hand. We must come to understand that all of life is One. This is the first step. It is the jumping-off point. It is the beginning of the end of how things now are. It is the start of a new creation, of a new tomorrow. It is the New Cultural Story of Humanity.

Oneness is not a characteristic of life. Life is a characteristic of Oneness. This is what we have not understood about our existence on the Earth, the understanding of which would change everything.

Life is the expression of Oneness Itself. God is the expression of Life Itself. God and Life are One. You are a part of Life. You do not and cannot stand outside of it. Therefore you are a part of God. It is a circle.

It cannot be broken.


15 responses to “Worldwide Discussion:

  1. mewabe Avatar

    As you are pointing out Neale, the problems of our world all come down to a CONCEPTUAL problem…a MISCONCEPTION (namely the IDEA of separation).

    But the question is…why must human beings depend so heavily upon, and be so influenced, so entranced by concepts in the first place?

    Can’t humanity FEEL? Can’t it experience reality directly, not through the filter of ideas and concepts, but through the heart, body and soul (or “no mind” as they say in Buddhism)?

    The oneness of all life is a self-evident truth to the FEELING person…to the FEELING child. All around us, in the natural creation, are evidences of this oneness, of the interconnection and interdependence of all things. Human beings have the beautiful opportunity to experience the surrender of the self into oneness in love and in sexual expression.

    Yet, they seem not to feel any of it, and to want to COMPARTMENT their lives into unrelated categories…sex, love, work, play, the sacred, the profane, good, evil, the self, the other, the Creator and the creation, all is divided and kept separate in mental, conceptual boxes.

    Isn’t this NEUROTIC? Isn’t this inability to FEEL and experience WHAT IS (as Krishnamurti put it) ultimately a neurotic trait?

    You may say that it doesn’t matter what it is, we just have to fix it…but neurosis is stubborn, because it actually influences the very circuitry of the physical brain, and prevents crucial connections that would restore, in a healthy mind, the FEELING of reality, something ARTISTS, POETS have no difficulty embracing.

    1. Erin Avatar

      Missed you! 🙂 <3

      1. mewabe Avatar

        Thank you Erin 🙂

  2. Awareness Avatar

    “Oneness is not a characteristic of life. Life is a characteristic of Oneness.” 🙂

    I like it 🙂

    1. Erin Avatar

      One of the most perfectly put statements of ALL Time, Indeed!!! Made my Soul Sounds do the Happy Dance, too! 😀

  3. Carina Aduddell Avatar
    Carina Aduddell

    When I was unknowingly living using the separation life was a living “hell”..I didn’t love myself..and didn’t understand why anyone around me did. What was the point..we were all going to get old and die anyway. Now that I am consciously choosing to live using the oneness theology I am truly experiencing God and heaven on Earth. If we all do what we can to show others that they too can and will experience this bliss the world would be completely different for so many people. God bless you all!

  4. Erin Avatar

    Neale…Outstanding! The best yet of every write ever to appear here! “The idea who’s time has (finally) come!!!”
    Wooo-Hooo! 😀

  5. Gina Avatar

    Oneness theology cannot be preached to the choir. Yes, we gotta understand, we gotta embrace, nay, be and live this oneness, yet don’t. What ya gonna do? It’s like a Christian fundamentalist reading the Bible in front of Union Station and nobody caring. No one actually stops to listen to the message. The problem is, even I balk and feel preached at here sometimes. Like, some posts I just don’t bother to read for its author. So preachy and know-it-all. I think most often we contribute to the positive change by not talking about it at all, but instead acting as a pantomimist who models the acts he wants mirrored. Anything and everything that would cause another to be reminded of the truth about ourselves, anything but causing alienation by others who would view me as preaching in a town Square. Words (books, forums, lectures, propaganda) are neither necessary nor effective because if one doesn’t trust the issuer, they don’t buy the currency. The only thing that one can do, and it’s enough, is to be an example, be a model of the world model we dream of.

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      Okay, so I am going to reply to this, because I think that you bring up some “discussable”points, Gina. So let’s look at your statements a few at a time.

      You’ve said…

      Oneness theology cannot be preached to the choir.

      Neale says: Well, it can be, but you are right. It should also be preached to the masses. That means, maybe, getting up once in a while on a public soapbox in a public place somewhere (like the Internet?) and doing a little “sharing of the message.”

      Yes, we gotta understand, we gotta embrace, nay, be and live this oneness, yet don’t. What ya gonna do? It’s like a Christian fundamentalist reading the Bible out loud in front of Union Station and nobody caring. No one actually stops to listen to the message. The problem is, even I balk and feel preached at here sometimes. Like, some posts I just don’t bother to read for its author. So preachy and know-it-all. I think most often we contribute to the positive change by not talking about it at all, but instead acting as a pantomimist who models the acts he wants mirrored. Anything and everything that would cause another to be reminded of the truth about ourselves,anything but causing alienation by others who would view me as preaching in a town Square is infinitely more helpful.Words (books, forums, lectures, propaganda) are neither necessary nor effective because if one doesn’t trust the issuer, they don’t buy the currency. More people than you know would attest that they feel more meditative , at one with the universe and one with others at a ball park than at a spiritual lecture. Why do you think this is? Oneness is something that is ineffable and translates and transfers via the same ineffable media only.The only thing that one can do, and it’s enough, is to be an example, be a model of the world model we dream of. Perhaps change the channels of expression while doing it. Play, err…weave it(?) into the stuff people are looking at already instead of the usual suspects. Make this more into culture-media content like a cell phone game:)

      1. Gina Avatar

        Neale, thank you for taking the time to reply to me.
        I appreciate so much what you wrote in answer to my vents. Don’t get me wrong, I was venting my frustration a little. I am one of those who can be called a CwG groupie, read all your writings up to date in print and online. I read the storm before the calm and the only thing that matters several times and follow you on fb and g conversation sites. I don’t believe these books and web sites fell on deaf ears, just the opposite. I witness such record following any one spiritual leader can have. However, isn’t this still preaching to the converted? People who visit the sites are those who have been inspired by CwG and want to follow you. I know what you are urging then those converted to do. Get in a small group and discuss things. Is that getting done? While I have been deeply inspired and transformed by your messages and see you have huge influence , I don’t see how’s that changing things much. I run into the same wall in conversation with people and what is happening around–esp . around town (d.c.)!!
        By preachy I didn’t mean your-Neale’s-entries in particular. Your messages are consistent messages and as the creator of this web site of course you would keep posting something. I meant some people who on the one hand call other people brainwashed Neale followers, on the other hand use this space for promoting their religion or belief system or thought system and write lengthy, preachy stuff. The tone and nuance is something like, you are all brainwashed by Neale or someone like Neale and don’t have your own thoughts, just make someone else’s thoughts yours, and I do have my own thoughts… start their lengthy preaching. If I thought you were so preachy I wouldn’t be around for so long. Just thought for a moment, for those who are not “brainwashed” all of this could sound like the Bible recital in front of Union Station. As much as I dislike people with strong religious beliefs (AND a loud voice) those people could feel the same way towards me.
        Lastly, your work has given me so much inspiration and sustenance through so long a time. Words can’t describe my appreciation and admiration and love. No, spiritual leaders shouldn’t stop writing, lecturing and creating web sites. Please keep on doing all the good work.

        1. Anonamo Avatar

          Even if Neale is preaching to the converted, I believe that this is still a good thing (although there are many people who are converted every day, I’m sure). Strengthening those that already believe is just as important as converting new people. If our pure energy becomes so bright that no one else can deny the positive substance of it, I think this could be the catalyst which sparks a massive chain reaction leading to definite changes.

          I think one of the most important things we can do as followers of this new spirituality is just meditate, really. With all the scientific studies that have been done proving the effectiveness of simple meditation towards changing the world, I think it would be wise to do it more often. I believe god made it this way so that people don’t even have to leave their homes to help the world.

          All you must do is go within and radiate a positive light outwardly…

        2. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

          Thank you, Gina, for clarifying for me exactly where you stand and what you meant. I appreciate your response very much. Sending best thoughts….Neale.

    2. mewabe Avatar

      A Christian fundamentalist reading the bible in front of Union Square is not preaching to the choir…yet you say nobody care in this instance, which is probably true, because it all has been said before.

      You write that Neale is “preaching to the choir”, yet you state that it is not the best approach. I suggested in the past, in jest, that Neale takes his message to white supremacist audiences…but then the cost of hiring body guards and the time spent dodging bullets may prove to be counter-productive.

      I have an idea: what about Neale taking his message to prison gang populations, which are both captive audiences and definitively not the choir? Would that be satisfactory?

      Individuals who “preach” and are thought to have a “know it all” attitude are often criticized by people who nevertheless listen to their “leaders”, bow to the “authorities”, listen to all kinds of “experts” on television or the internet, and accept being told how to think, feel, act and even dress by the media and by advertisers. It is ironic, isn’t it?

      So…if you feel preached at…what is actually being triggered in you?

      I don’t feel preached at by Neale, I either agree or disagree with him, but as an equal, as I don’t place anyone above or below me…only someone that you would consider to be above you could be felt to be “preaching” you…like a parent or a priest or minister.

      1. Gina Avatar

        As I replied to Neale, I feel most preached by religious people, not “new age” people exactly and I hate preaching. Dunno what is triggered in me…. fear of fundamentalists? A belief that they are not going to change but instead change me. Guess that’s it. I read and applaude something but don’t think, act, or dress according to it. I see some people think their religion or peers dictate these things and behave accordingly. I feel threatened by such people. For instance, some people don’t acknowledge their birthdays, don’t let others know or mention their birthday. If you ask why, they would start preaching to you. So the trigger for me is aversion to belief in this type dictatorship religion or system and the futility of trying to question them.

        1. mewabe Avatar

          I have been very lucky to never having been exposed to any organized religions or their followers or representatives…I dealt with “moonies” and Jehovah witnesses a couple of times in my life, but by the time I was finished with them, I think they went and jumped off the nearest bridge…

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