Worldwide Discussion:

What God Wants is not unimportant information. Millions of people all over the world have been living their lives based on the information they have been given about What God Wants, and if the worldโ€™s prior information on this topic is inaccurate, the world could be in big trouble.

The worldโ€™s prior information on this topic is inaccurate.

The world is in big trouble.

The world does not have to be in big trouble. It is because it chooses to be. Its people could make a different choice.

I think that very soon they will. I think people have had enough. Theyโ€™ve had enough of the violence and the terror and the killing. Theyโ€™ve had enough of the bickering and the quarreling and the fighting that leads to it.

Theyโ€™ve had enough of their own lives not working, of seeing their own relationships falling apart, of watching their own careers crumble, of having their own dreams dissolve and disappear.

Theyโ€™ve had enough of everything being such a struggle in our world, with every day filling itself with adversity and difficulty all over the globe. Theyโ€™ve had enough of human society taking two steps forward and one step back, constantly, constantly, constantly trudging into the wind.

The human race is losing patience with itself. People everywhere are saying, โ€œThereโ€™s got to be another way.โ€ And weโ€™re becoming more and more clear that there is. Humanityโ€™s problem, as it seeks to find that other way, is that people simply do not know What God Wants. They think that they do. Billions think that they do. But they do not.

If you find that hard to believe, consider this: If humanity does understand What God Wants, and if the present world situation is the best that humanity can do after all these years with that information, how much hope can there be for a brighter tomorrow?

If we really know everything that it is truly important to know about Godโ€”and if all that has been revealed, all that has been taught, all that has been said and sung about God has brought humanity to this, then what good has all of it been?

Yet if there is something new for us to learn, something more for us to understand about God, then itโ€™s still possible for the human condition to change. Hope returns. Not hope for something better in the Hereafter, when life as weโ€™ve known it on the earth has been destroyed, but hope for something better right here right now, before everything has been destroyed.

That hope cannot be realized, however, until some very important questions are asked and answered.

Is it true that humanity is utterly stubborn, completely unwilling and absolutely unable to overcome its most primitive instincts? Or is it possible that there is still some teaching left to be done, some data still missing, some important aspect of God and Life still not understood?

Could it be that the problem is not with the receivers of the information, but with the information itself?

Could it be that humanityโ€™s understanding of God and of Life is not so much โ€œwrongโ€ as it is simply incomplete?

Finally, is it time for humanity to throw open the door to inquiry about God in a new way?

For far too long the worldโ€™s discussion about God has been moving in only one direction, led in the main by those who say that we understand all there is thatโ€™s really important for us to understand about God, and who assert that humanityโ€™s problems are not caused by human beings who fail to understand, but by human beings who fail to act on their understanding.

This is a popular notion, but itโ€™s a misconception. Just the opposite has been true. It has been people who did act on what they understood about God who have caused many of our biggest problems.

These are people who thought they knew What God Wants.

This is Part II of an extended series of headline stories in The Global Conversation.

It’s people who thought they knew What God Wants who created the 200 years of the Christian Crusades and the horrors of the Inquisition, seeking to win the world for Christianity.

Itโ€™s people who thought they knew What God Wants who told armies of Muslims to send marauders far and wide to conquer every land and culture and bring it under the Nation of Islam.

Itโ€™s people who thought they knew What God Wants who called themselves the Chosen People and reclaimed land they declared to be originally their own, ignoring the fact that history had caused it to be inhabited for thousands of years by others, and telling those others to now leave portions of that land, and to live when and how they are told to live, as second class citizens without equal rights in their own home.

Itโ€™s people who thought they knew What God Wants who hanged men and women in town squares, and burned others at the stake, holding up the Good Book and declaring them to be witches.

Itโ€™s people who thought they knew What God Wants who passed laws making it illegal for humans of differing races to marry, or for consenting adults to engage in certain sexual practices.

Itโ€™s people who thought they knew What God Wants who created cultural prohibitions forbidding people to sing or dance, draw pictures of any person, or play music of any kind except sacred songs.

Itโ€™s people who thought they knew What God Wants who said that it was not okay to even utter or write the name of Gยญ-Dโ€”but that it was okay to kill in G-Dโ€™s name.

Is all of this really What God Wants?

Are you sure?

It is important to be sure, because we are not talking about a small thing here.

There is much that we have been taught about What God Wants. Are these teachings accurate? Weโ€™ll begin to take a look in our next entry here.

(Our exploration of this topic continues in Part III of this extended series, coming very soon. Donโ€™t miss a single entry. And if you wish to catch up on installments that you have missed, simply click on the word HEADLINE in the Categories list at right, then scroll down to find the column you wish to read.)


23 responses to “Worldwide Discussion:

  1. Mike Parker Avatar
    Mike Parker

    I’m afraid I don’t have the mental power to conceive of God, nor do I have the power to understand the message of what God wants of me!

    1. NealeDonaldWalsch Avatar

      In my understanding, that would be incorrect, Mike. God told me exactly the opposite.

  2. Marko Avatar

    We here on this site might agree with what CwG says on this subject. Yet the world is so full of different ideas of God, how do we reconcile that? If at all?

    1. Christopher Toft Avatar
      Christopher Toft

      I like what Ken Wilber says about this: “Everybody is (partially) right.”

    2. mewabe Avatar

      Unlike Neale I do not think it matters at all. I think that instead of worrying about concepts, about theology, we-meaning the entire world-need to abandon ALL beliefs, concepts, all theologies, all theories about the divine or about life and learn to deal with life directly.

      A tree is not a concept. A river is not a concept, The human body is not a concept. All of these things and all of the physical creation have a divine imprint and essence, a divine nature, but it does not matter whether we call the divine “God” or Life. I have absolutely no problem with atheists…some of them are the most spiritual people you will meet, yet they do not call themselves spiritual. We need to stop worrying so much about WORDS and DEFINITIONS.

      When we get out of our head and learn to deal with What Is (*as said Krishnamurti) we can all agree about life, by LIVING IT while embracing DIVERSITY and MULTIPLICITY, and the miraculous uniqueness of each one of life’s expression, each of which seeks fulfillment, as does each plant on a forest floor.

      In other words we do not have to worry about being of one mind…the mind is the child of our being, it is just a tool, not who we are. The parent is the soul, and we already are of one soul and one body, one but distinct and individualized, because such is the nature of reality, we cannot not be one, as the universe is as ONE living organism.

      So, to resume…my thought is that rather than replacing old beliefs about God with new beliefs about God, we need to let go of all beliefs, all concepts, all theories. We need to learn to BE, rather than develop theory about what being is, rather than concentrating on DEFINITIONS.

      1. Christopher Toft Avatar
        Christopher Toft

        “I think that instead of worrying about concepts, about theology, we-meaning the entire world-need to abandon ALL beliefs, concepts, all theologies, all theories about the divine or about life and learn to deal with life directly.”

        Yeah you’ve said this before & personally I think it’s nitpicking. What’s the distinction between changing our ideas and “going beyond ideas”. When you respond to the problems of life, do you replace your existing mistaken belief that causes you problems with nothing? A blank thoughtless mind? Presumably not. I replace mistaken beliefs with more provisional approximations about life that more closely describe how things are.

        “Why do people need beliefs, concepts about God? Because they fear the unknown. They want something that will stabilize their mind and their lives. They seek permanence in the face of an ephemeral, MYSTERIOUS universe. For this reason they transform EVERYTHING into dogma even when it is not meant to be dogma (such as some scientists becoming dogmatic), because they seek to stand on a rigid, solid platform made of rigid thoughts and solid belief. You take that away from them and they are in a free fall, and yet this fall is EXACTLY WHAT THEY NEED TO EXPERIENCE, in order to acknowledge and embrace a more fluid and subtle, multidimensional reality”

        You seem to be confusing the sound “god” with a big grumpy cosmic dictator. How conceptual of you. Can we not say “god” & mean Tao, emptiness, great spirit or whatever? Or do you want everyone to think about the divine in the same way as you?

        “To resume…my thought is that rather than replacing old beliefs about God with new beliefs about God, and then trying to convince everyone that THIS is the most practical way, we need to let go of all beliefs, all concepts, all theories. We need to live AS IF BELIEFS DID NOT MATTER. BELIEFS ARE FOR CHILDREN. Some people will keep on needing them until they grow up. But we all need to learn to BE, rather than develop more theories about what eing is, rather than concentrating on DEFINITIONS.”
        When I read Neale, I experience him as saying exactly this point. “God” is just a sound, it can mean whatever makes most sense to you.
        I agree there is a danger of misunderstanding & thinking “God= big powerful parental authority figure” & for many years I did confuse the divine with this idea, a sort of doublethink. We do this with any concept of the divine though. We think “Emptiness” & “the void” in Buddhism = a nihilistic nothingness, we think the Tao Te Ching is “just poetry” as one philosopher once told me on a message board, we think “Great spirit” is just a big cuddly new agey Judeo-Christian Parent God, but in a more spooky wookey floaty woolly kind of way. That’s what the mind does. Saying “Don’t use the word God” go beyond concepts” probably just makes us think “Oh you mean a big cuddly new agey spooky wooky not quite much of anything in particular that’s vaguely there but not thing! Of course, why didn’t I think of that?” That’s what we do!
        Isn’t there a good argument for sticking with ideas that people know when speaking about the divine and enlarging and refining these as signposts to beyond concepts?

        1. mewabe Avatar

          I can sense some anger in your comment, it seems that I have triggered something in you. I didn’t mean to push anyone’s buttons, but it seems that you may be sensitive about some of your beliefs or perceptions being questioned, however impersonally.

          It is difficult for me to explain the way I am. I have no beliefs about anything. And even though I have fun writing, I know words are actually the worst possible tools of communication. I experience life directly, without belief filters. You may think that it is impossible to live without any beliefs, theories or preconceived notions, but it is not…it is very simple…as a matter of fact it is child’s play, literally…all you need is the open mind and heart of a child.

          I am a natural being. This is not a concept. I live in a natural way, meaning in a spontaneous manner, in the moment, here and now, as does all of nature. I always come from a place of “not knowing”…meaning with an open mind. You could call it an empty mind if you want to…emptiness is great, it means you do not grasp or hold anything, you let life come and go as it naturally does, neither in the past (holding) nor in the future (grasping) but in the present moment.

          I do refuse to let my mind be encumbered with ideas ABOUT life, when all i need is to SPONTANEOUSLY LIVE life, trusting my instincts, like a surfer on a wave. It is possible to live this way even in this world, all it takes is to deprogram yourself completely. This does take some work! First you must face your fears.

          Nature is not an idea or a concept, yet it is far from being blank or void. Civilization, and all things civilized, on the other hand, are concepts. All human cultures are concepts, and I have no use for ANY of them, except as ornaments, occasionally, for fun, because that is all that culture is: an ornament, like the crest on the head of a California quail. It is not meant to be taken seriously.

          If you do not understand nature or life from the inside, you need concepts and beliefs to fill the gap, to find your way around.

          I find my way around through feeling and intuition in the moment, not through concepts or conclusions based on experience about life. And I am not saying that my way is superior, but it is definitively much freer, with so much less baggage…I love to travel lightly, and if I was asked what was in my view the best way of being, I would say that it would be the way of the wind.

          I doubt that you will understand what I am trying to express, because it is very foreign to the way most people think and live. What can I say, I am an alien, but I like it ๐Ÿ˜‰

          1. Christopher Toft Avatar
            Christopher Toft

            “I can sense some anger in your comment, it seems that I have triggered
            something in you. I didn’t mean to push anyone’s buttons, but it seems
            that you may be sensitive about some of your beliefs or perceptions
            being questioned, however impersonally.”

            Frustration irritation & yes a little anger too. I am sorry, it’s not directed at you, your post has touched upon something that’s very relevant to me at that moment- the utter slipperiness of concepts. It’s driving me crazy! I’ve just come back from a walk where I was thinking about how to define a car- I can’t, not without infinite reference to everything else. AAAAAHHGGGGHHHH!

            “I am a natural being. This is not a concept. I live in a natural way, meaning in a spontaneous manner, in the moment, here and now, as does all of nature. I always come from a place of “not knowing”…meaning with an open mind. You could call it an empty mind if you want to…emptiness is great, it means you do not grasp or hold anything, you let life come and go as it naturally does, neither in the past (holding) nor in the future (grasping) but in the present moment.”

            If you can do that all the time I can only conclude you are a fully enlightened being. Don’t you ever have situations where your preconceptions get the better of you? I’m not sure I believe you(No offense, I have only met one person in my life who truly gave that impression & he was a Tibetan Lama).

            “Nature is not an idea or a concept, yet it is far from being blank or void. Civilization, and all things civilized, on the other hand, are concepts. All human cultures are concepts, and I have no use for ANY of them, except as ornaments, occasionally, for fun, because that is all that culture is: an ornament, like the crest on the head of a California quail. It is not meant to be taken seriously.”

            I think civilizations and cultures are only great or beautiful to the degree that they model kindness, compassion & openheartedness. All human cultures do this to some small degree I think.

            “I doubt that you will understand what I am trying to express, because it is very foreign to the way most people think and live. What can I say, I am an alien, but I like it ;)”

            That sounds a little condescending to my ear. I think I understand what you are saying & i try my best to live it. Sorry if I offended you with my irritation, that’s about me:)

          2. mewabe Avatar

            “That sounds a little condescending to my ear”.
            I apologize, I did not mean it as a condescending comment but as an acknowledgment that I am different and that words are so inadequate for communication.

            “I’ve just come back from a walk where I was thinking about how to define a car- I can’t, not without infinite reference to everything else.”
            Bingo! You got it right there, as close to an enlightened vision as the logical mind allows. All you need to do is stop resisting. Stop using your analytical mind…stop defining. In other words let your mind have a peripheral vision instead of a sharp and limited focus. Embrace instead of grasping. Let life come to you, and release it.

            “I’m not sure I believe you (No offense, I have only met one person in my life who truly gave that impression & he was a Tibetan Lama).”
            I am not offended in any way. I do not pretend to be anything. I would never be a lama, even if Tibetan. I actually love being nothing, meaning undefined, simply being, like grass, like a tree, like a cloud. This is my way. I claim no accomplishments, no possessions, no past and no future. I am, and that is all, and my heart and mind are free. I could die now and it would not affect me, except physically of course.

            If you want to be free stop trying…release all you know. Life is like water, you cannot grab it inside a clenched fist, which is what the mind does…you must cup your hands, meaning empty your mind, to receive life, and once you do, you can let it flow through, without holding any of it, because holding means living in the past rather than the now, which is forever new. This is the way of nature, of natural, spontaneous being in the moment. This is how all of nature lives.

            Go into nature and it will remind you. Look at a very young child and he will teach you.

          3. Christopher Toft Avatar
            Christopher Toft

            Thank you:)

          4. mewabe Avatar

            You are welcome…and thank you as well. The way to freedom is simple. A blade of grass knows it.

      2. neisha wrighg Avatar
        neisha wrighg

        Possibly wise, definitely long winded.

      3. Marko Avatar

        Well the senior law of the Universe is the LOA that we are creators & co creators of our lives. It takes 5 minutes to learn & a life time to master.

        I would think improving our beliefs is a good thing, to abandon beliefs altogether is like trying to shut the mind off, you can’t do it for long.

        We are a reflection of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, many deeply ingrained by collective consent. That’s a tough nut to crack.

        So whatever moves us toward more compassion & love is all right by me.. As we transition & transform our beliefs this stuff will all get sorted out.

        If we can’t at least improve our beliefs, what makes you think we can simply abandon them?

        By the way, I agree about the dogmatic rigid scientists. Not all but plenty out there are very rigid, especially when it comes to spiritual & paranormal activities.

        1. mewabe Avatar

          The way I see it, beliefs are only necessary when there is ignorance. True knowledge requires no beliefs. For example, I know the earth is round. I do not have to believe it because I know it as a fact. I do not have to believe in sound because I hear them. If I was deaf, I would have to believe in them. I do not have to believe in colors because I see them. If I was blind, I would have to believe in colors. I do not have to believe in the afterlife because I have seen it. I do not have to believe in the divine because I have seen it.

          All beliefs are a sign and an expression of a lack of knowledge. That’s why I wrote that they are for children.

          You wrote that “to abandon beliefs altogether is like trying to shut the mind off”…it’s interesting, because my understanding is just the opposite: it is when someone has a belief about something that she or he no longer has to question it. Beliefs shut the mind off, because once a belief is established, it is usually set, it is done. The matter is closed, the mental perimeters have been established, and the belief is law, in the sense that straying from the belief is not allowed, or at best not welcomed, not encouraged.

          A person who questions everything (all beliefs, all ideas and all concepts without exceptions) is called a troublemaker for a reason.

          For humanity to abandon the idea that beliefs are necessary will take hundreds of thousands of years, the way it is going. I do not propose to find a quick solution for humanity, I was merely expressing what I think about beliefs, and my personal understanding and experience. I requires absolutely no beliefs to live my life. I experience life directly, without conceptual filters, in a way that may be likened to Zen, meaning naturalness and spontaneity.

          But I do understand Neale’s efforts, given the fact that much of humanity is still in the stage of infancy, and needs to be told, repeatedly, the obvious, such as no, there is no old angry bearded father in the sky who will punish you if you do not obey his rules. I live my life very differently than most, and I can’t identify with archaic concepts, or with new improved beliefs meant to replace old archaic beliefs (I am beyond beliefs ha ha…)

          1. Michael L Avatar
            Michael L

            Small thought mewabe,
            I like your idea about beliefs. As such what do you believe is what makes up a belief.
            Because you wrote….”All beliefs are a sign and an expression of a lack of knowledge. That’s why I wrote that they are for children.”
            What is the component to a belief?
            A perspective maybe, not lack of knowledge. Or maybe a perception, also not a lack of knowledge.
            I will agree that knowing can not be swayed! Until it is!!!

          2. mewabe Avatar

            There are different meanings to the world belief. In my comment I was using the word belief to mean a concept about something, such as about the divine. For example, the belief that God is a giant giraffe that dwells in some invisible jungle in the sky, that would be a belief.

            When I wrote that I have no need for any belief, I mean that I have no need for preconceptions, or to “figure things out” with my left brain. I live life directly, in the moment, instinctively, spontaneously, with as little of a mind filter as possible.
            I am not a Buddhist, I am not following Zen or Taoism, or anything else, but my way of looking at reality would be closer to these traditions.

            My “tradition” is nature, and being natural, meaning being as all of nature is, immersed in the present moment without holding on to the past (which is little more than an idea) or grasping the future (another idea). All that exists in the universe exists now, simultaneously…and here is the center of All That Is. This is not a belief, but reality. I know because I have seen it (literally).

            The more you know, the less you have to create beliefs.

          3. Marko Avatar

            I guess I feel that beliefs go deeper than just say knowing the world is round. The belief in physicality is a very sublime belief.

            So there are many degrees of depth to the beliefs which hold our reality together.

  3. mewabe Avatar

    A very reliable source told me that God told him he is very tired of his celebrity status and he wants to retire in Florida in a comfortable condo next door to the Bucksbaum’s, a nice family form New York, and play golf all day, and live a simple, private life. He is asking too much? That is the question…

    1. Awareness Avatar

      The GROUP (GREAT SPIRIT!) channelled by Steve Rother indicates that you do not want to retire actually. Because retiring will take you out of this life quickly. Retiring means that you are done with this life and you want to go HOME ๐Ÿ™‚ From what I understand from the GROUP, the “real” retiring is “death”. Your vacation is actually “death” ๐Ÿ™‚
      Bless ALL ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. neisha wrighg Avatar
      neisha wrighg

      Lol, very funny…god enjoys a good joke.

  4. Stephen mills Avatar
    Stephen mills

    Hey life does’nt come with an operating manual ?The dominator cultures have used this rational to justify our present day life experience .These beliefs are incompete mainly from very old books with no updates allowed !

    The natives operating manual has always been to observe nature and live in balance .This law of nature is what’s missing in our culture .What is the Law of life ? there has to be something that gives us predictable results to sustain ourselves this is the missing piece of the puzzle . When we understand this as a global culture we begin to cooperate with nature not compete with that which was meant to sustain us indefinitely .

    God is life so these laws have to be understood and applied by humans just like we understand the law of gravity.These universal laws that we are breaking and the consequences of this are plain to see but we seem singularly unable as a collective to change our course !

    Books like Neales and others are I’am sure slowly raising the consciousness of many millions of people but there are billions living life from an off world mentality .

  5. Margot De Jaegher Avatar
    Margot De Jaegher

    I have said it in the previous entry, part I of his discussion, but I feel I must say it again here because it is also very accurate to this topic. Excuse my repetition.

    The kind of world you live in, and the creation of your future world is all up to you. It is entirely your choice, and in your power to change – all by just making changes in yourself.

    The first thing you need to do is ask yourself a question, think about it well and
    seriously, and then make some choices and commitments. Here’s the big, yet simple, question: ‘What kind of world do you want to live in?’ Once you decide that, you can achieve it. Here is the incredible, but true, ‘deal’ we have in the Universe: If you want to live in a good world, then be good. A paradisiacal one? Then be a paradisiacal being. It
    sounds simple doesn’t it? It is beautifully simple, but it does work, and it’s based on sound scientific principles, and Universal Principles.

    Let me give you an excellent example of this vitally important principle.
    You’ve worked in the kitchen, yes? You have seen how oil & water (or oil & vinegar) separate, even if you try to mix them? They don’t mix well, and even at that, they don’t remain mixed for long. Do you know why?

    It’s simply because they have different natures, and they each naturally ‘gravitate’ to their own nature. We are no different. There are ‘Laws of physics’ that dictate this, but behind them is an even more primary Universal Law, or Principle. As you attain higher
    consciousness, you will come to understand that the same Universal Principle that makes oil and water separate and find their own levels, also applies to people, and even their ‘essence’, ‘spirits’, or ‘souls’. Every individual, will ultimately end up in the kind of world they belong in, with others like them. So if you want to live in a world of
    Unselfishly Loving people who are kind, and care about each other, you simply need to be like one of those people – or change to become one.

    That’s easier said than done. There may be trials and tribulations as you change inside to become a better person, but ultimately, it will be done, if it is your will to do so. All you need to do is persevere, and you will attain your goal.

    The world outside you will change according to the changes you make within you. This happens in small ways, and in big ways. For example, if you are a drug addict or
    alcoholic, you usually have friends that are the same way, and a certain ‘lifestyle’ that accompanies who you are and how you are. The reason you are a drug addict is something internal. If you change inside to where you are no longer an addict, you will find that without any effort on your part, you will lose, or drift away from, your old friends, and soon you will have new friends. It’s also likely your job and housing
    situations will change also. I have seen people raised in ghettos full of drugs, hatred, envy and crime, who left it all behind to live good and productive lives. It wasn’t because of ‘the breaks’ they got, or the cards life dealt them – they didn’t have any advantages different from anyone else in the ghetto. They transcended their environment, and their
    environment changed – all because of how they were inside, or changed to be inside, and the actions/choices they made because of their internal disposition. This also happens with spiritual changes.

    Think about a person’s qualities and traits, and then imagine what the world would be like if it were entirely populated by, and run by, billions of identical duplicates of that one person. Keep in mind that if the entire world is populated by ‘so and so’s’ duplicates, some of them will also be in powerful political positions. There is an old saying, ‘Power
    corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Having power tends to nurture the darkness within people. Even a little separateness and selfishness is like a dormant cancer that can grow unchecked when fed by power. Some people behave well when they’re ‘held in check’ by lack of wealth, lack of position of power, and constrained by society’s moral standards and laws. So when you imagine a world full of ‘so and so’s’,
    you need to consider what they might become if they were also in all the various positions of power – police, judges, head officers of giant corporations, presidents, kings and queens? You get the idea. The overall feeling and image you get of an imaginary world populated by any given individual, will give you invaluable insight about them.

    Let’s think about what it would be like in two different imaginary worlds. Let’s say the first world is entirely populated by duplicates of the one person with the most, and greatest spiritual knowledge on Earth. Keep in mind that this person, is still basically selfish (as most people are). Thus they may be nice and friendly when things are ‘going their
    way’, and when nothing is required or asked of them. But these ‘clones’ aren’t Unselfishly Loving, and have spent their time and energy more on acquiring spiritual knowledge, instead of focusing on developing, and practicing, kindness and harmlessness above all else. Thus their world is full of people that aren’t practically kind, are definitely not harmless, happy, etc., and likewise, the population is definitely not self-sacrificing when another person is in need. Yet they are all ‘egoed out’, each person thinking they are very wise and ‘know it all’. So world #1 is still full of inequities and injustices of all kinds, still has children starving to death needlessly, still has torture, wars, and all of the other evils, problems and destruction, that go along with a
    ‘look out for #1’, ‘dog-eat-dog’ world. I know those of you here don’t want to live in that world, and many other people don’t either (yet isn’t it virtually the same as the outside world is that we have now). So how useful is great spiritual knowledge alone?

    For our second imaginary world, let’s think about what the world would be like if it were entirely populated by duplicates of one REALLY ‘good’ person. Someone with little knowledge, but has a ‘good heart’. Someone who is compassionate, kind and harmless, and really cares about others. And they also have an attitude of ‘live and let live’, regardless of what others believe, think, and do (as long as they don’t hurt someone else). That’s not too much to ask is it? Now, wouldn’t this world be an incredibly better world than the one that people live in now? It would obviously be a beautiful, happy place – no starvation, no hurt, no war, no economic or physical enslavement, and no infringement on freedom.

    So even in regard to the practical aspects of day to day life (and the condition of the world in general), isn’t it obvious that the virtues of kindness and giving, are far better (and truly ‘spiritual’) than any spiritual knowledge? And just imagine an entire world populated by Unselfishly Loving ‘enlightened’ beings – it would be paradise, Heaven
    on Earth.

  6. Erin Avatar

    Fabulous inputs!!! Nice continuance!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Definitely a fine time to produce of higher Understandings of Natures, both here & beyond.
    Elements seem to be in full-throttle-cooperation toward accomplishing such, too…Magic is wonderfully in motion in these moments!

    Blessings to rockin’ these times, Beloveds…I started with following “Amazing”, which led to “Nice”, which seems to be arrow-pointing to “Wow!”…which, no doubt, will return me to “Amazing”. I Am in Love…with Life. <3

    moral of the story: Pays to Be what ya wish to See! ๐Ÿ™‚

    btw…Anyone heard a tune in the recent Top 40 that goes, "All of me loves All of you…All your curves and all your edges…All your perfect imperfections." This, to me, is 'Higher' thinking…God/Goddess expressing. Made my Soul Sounds do a little dance. ๐Ÿ™‚

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