You are looking at a website that is never edited or censored by anyone manually…least of all me…and, as far as I know, only by one level of programming, which finds and deletes posts with foul language or links to other sites. This headline article is being written right now at 5:35pm Pacific Time Sunday, May 7.
Two minutes ago Raphael posted this:
I was wrong…comments are STILL censored. Amazing! My comment addressed to Patrick was eliminated, after being “reviewed” by the global conversation team. No foul language, no family-unfriendly language, no links of any kind.
This is truly not worth my time. Whoever is doing this, have at it hoss, enjoy your tiny little power…you are a little pest, a tiny microbe, an insignificant bacteria.
Earlier Raphael posted this…
Posts do not just “disappear”, they are not abducted by aliens and molested…they are actually moderated, as can be seen by the notice “hold on: this comment is being reviewed by the global conversation team” (or something similar), prior to being taken out (presumably lined against a wall and shot).Β
Explanation? That’s all we are looking for here….not denial, but a rational explanation for an irrational event.
Wow, this site must be being severely hacked. The only one “working” this site, as far as I know, is me. I have no idea who is sending the notice that a comment isΒ being “reviewed by the global conversation team.” Somebody has indeed found his or her way into our site management system and is playing games with us.
We will look into it and re-program the site, if we have to.
Raphael also wrote: On another note, I am seriously questioning Neale’s point about developing a loyal following by using a two-pronged approach, authority/coercion and example/inspiration. I find the idea of using coercion repugnant, and to be opposing all spiritual truths. Is this Neale’s new direction? I hope not…
Again, I am merely asking questions.
I’ll reply to that here. I am not suggesting for a minute that humanity’s approach should include violence of any kind. I do see how what I wrote in my last post here might have been interpreted that way. The point I was hoping to make (and did a clumsy job with, apparently) is that at present…at our present stage of maturity as a species, at our present level of emotional development…we don’t seem to be able to grasp that violence cannot end violence, and is never appropriate as an action or activity or choice of Highly Evolved Beings.
The problem, I was hoping to point out, is that right now, we are not even considering a two-pronged approach, which could possibly produce surprising results. I used the discipline of a child as my bad example. Yet even discipline should not include “violence” of any kind, in my belief. I did not make that clear in my earlier writing.
The so-called “battle of ideas” is one approach that humanity is not using with utmost skill or commitment. But the battle of munitions does not have to include bombs and bullets and weapons of mass destruction. I regret that I did not make it clear that I consider economic means are but one form of “ammunition” that our disciplining of nations whose leaders are acting like children could include more of. As well as other diplomatic means.
All of that having been said, if somebody comes into my house or approaches me on the street and is moving to kill or injure my loved one, I am going to use physical force, if that is the only means that will work, to bring an end to the threat or the assault. I will certainly try to talk the assailant out of it, but if I cannot stop the killing or injuring of my loved one any other way, I will use physical force equal to that which is used against me.
My mind struggles with this every time I look at it, but that is where I am right now at my stage of emotional development. I’m open to discussion on this.
I am also open to finding a way to end the hacking of this website. No Comment entered here should be “moderated” by anyone. We’ll see what’s going on here, or we’ll just re-program the site.
Everyone be well.
The Mystery of the ‘Shadow Moderator’
538 responses to “The Mystery of the ‘Shadow Moderator’
Thank you Neale for looking into it…if this is from a hacker, the goal is probably to drive people away from the site, out of frustration, and/or to have them blame you…although some hackers do what they do just because they can, without any agenda.
The violence/self-defense response and coercion/authority problem are huge ones, as each can seem justified in our present stage of development, yet lead to vicious cycles whereby self-defense creates more violence as everyone claims self-defense, and authority creates irresponsibility as people who are treated like children by governments tend to keep acting like irresponsible children.
Governmental corruption causes the UN to vote to sanction Iran or Russia, but not Saudi Arabia, a terribly repressive dictatorship that stones women to death and executes a young man for publicly claiming to be an atheist…no sanction or outrage there, on the contrary, the UN votes to have Saudi Arabia on the Human Rights and Women’s Rights commissions!
If we could only start developing the basic qualities of honesty and integrity, humanity might get somewhere. Without honesty, we have no foundation to build anything at all…
Hi Neale, This is a rough copy of one that… didn’t disappear… hear it is.
“Jethro Patrick Gannon 3 days ago Detected as spam Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected.”
I use to have to click on it, it was posted in full with this note above.
“Jethro Patrick Gannon β’ 3 days ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Global conversation.”I’m happy to hear your checking into it. Thanks for saying so.
Neale, my answer to you has been taken out, twice! I am posting it below, a third time…Would you have any way to read it before it is eliminated? A hacker is playing games, definitively!
Raphael, i see your post three times on my computer
I do not see them on mine, and each one started with this notice, before being taken out:
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Global conversation.-
They appear where I can see them
So it must be a Disqus problem…or else a hacker is playing a strange little game? Other people have had the same problem, seeing their comments disappear. Again, my longer response to Neale is invisible.
I have no idea quite honestly. I’m letting you know I see your repeating yourself while believing nothing is being posted. Your posts have showed up and stayed from where I’m setting.
Have you tried to reload the page?
I’ll give it a shot
That changed things up a little…. I posted what is on the screen
And this one twice… Neale, my answer to you has been taken out, twice! I am posting it below, a third time…Would you have any way to read it before it is eliminated?
Jethro β’ 13 minutes ago
And this one twice… Neale, my answer to you has been taken out, twice! I am posting it below, a third time…Would you have any way to read it before it is eliminated?
β’ Editβ’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Jethro β’ 14 minutes ago
Raphael, i see your post three times on my computer
β’ Editβ’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Raphael Jethro β’ 12 minutes ago
I do not see them on mine, and each one started with this notice, before being taken out:
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Global conversation.
β’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Jethro Raphael β’ 11 minutes ago
They appear where I can see them
β’ Editβ’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Raphael Jethro β’ 10 minutes ago
So it must be a Disqus problem…or else a hacker is playing a strange little game? Other people have had the same problem, seeing their comments disappear. Again, my longer response to Neale is invisible.
β’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Jethro Raphael β’ 7 minutes ago
I have no idea quite honestly. I’m letting you know I see your repeating yourself while believing nothing is being posted. Your posts have showed up and stayed from where I’m setting.
β’ Editβ’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Raphael Jethro β’ a minute ago
Have you tried to reload the page?
β’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Jethro Raphael β’ a few seconds ago
I’ll give it a shot
β’ Editβ’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Raphael β’ 15 minutes ago
Neale, my answer to you has been taken out, twice! I am posting it below, a third time…Would you have any way to read it before it is eliminated? A hacker is playing games, definitively!
β’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
Jethro β’ 25 minutes ago
Hi Neale, This is a rough copy of one that… didn’t disappear… hear it is.
“Jethro Patrick Gannon 3 days ago Detected as spam Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected.”
I use to have to click on it, it was posted in full with this note above.
“Jethro Patrick Gannon β’ 3 days ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Global conversation.”
I’m happy to hear your checking into it. Thanks for saying so.
β’ Editβ’ Replyβ’Share βΊ
It does look like my initial, longer response to Neale is gone, indeed!
Very much so
So there is a problem! I hope Neale can figure it out…
Send it again. I’ll copy paste and repost it
I didn’t save it…we will have to experiment with another one.
I’ll hang out for a bit….
If a hacker is playing games, the person will most likely not delete something when we expect him or her to do it…we would have to go through the whole cycle…perhaps I can try. Look at the top, I will post another answer to Neale!
That changed things up a little….
Alright, a brand new topic. Thank God. I am all for letting bygones be bygones.. Hacking is for the computer wizards to figure out. Let Neale figure it out. He has the bucks to pay the programmers. I hate computer science. Hacking is not on my radar:)
So, you agree with me, Neale. I am all for what you write here:
“The so-called βbattle of ideasβ is one approach that humanity is not using with utmost skill or commitment. But the battle of munitions does not have to include bombs and bullets and weapons of mass destruction.. . . All of that having been said, if somebody comes into my house or approaches me on the street and is moving to kill or injure my loved one, I am going to use physical force, if that is the only means that will work, to bring an end to the threat or the assault. I will certainly try to talk the assailant out of it, but if I cannot stop the killing or injuring of my loved one any other way, I will use physical force equal to that which is used against me.”
I am against violence always, but if one were attempting to harm my loved ones, I would look in the eye of their most fearsome eye and see how long I could maintain composure. I guess it matters if one is held up with a gun or a threat of violence. In that case, I am all nails and teeth and God on hi. Thank you for the new blank slate of a wall π
I’ve always counted on that dog and those meddling kids, they get to the bottom of everything!
Me too π I count on all of that above. I’m such a dog lover. I might turn me into a dog and or turn the dog into God I don’t know but dogs are my best friends. I love them so much. Big ones, little ones. Cats are cool but I only loved Eddy and he was a tomfool. Still, I love him. I might turn me into a tabby with big blue eyes. and a pink bow. . You know. .I am just a dreamer. Imagine there is no people living in the world aah ahah you may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. Ok. .I’m done. I need to do something different. Meddling. .I used to do that. I would get in my grandma’s jewelry box with lots of cheap sparkly fashion jewelry. One was African though. .I guess she went on a safari.. It was cool. Anyhoo, she would say “Stop meddling, child.” Big nurse. Head of Memphis and a psychologist.. Anyway, she wanted me to be a doctor. Thank God I didn’t go that route. Why? I hate the site of blood π Unless it’s paint blood. I am rambling on, okay. Bye xoxo
My dogs always love cuddling at the bottom of my feet. Warm cozy fuzzy, nothing like a dog laying on your legs to protect me π kids can meddle. they should stay in their own room if they have a mind to meddle where they shouldn’t be.
Neale, this is my 4th attempt at answering you…my first comment was taken out 3 times, and quickly.
First, the exact sentence being displayed before a post is taken out is:
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Global conversation.
Thank you for looking into this. You must make some people very uncomfortable for your site being hacked to such an extent! You are obviously doing something right to provoke such a reaction…you have my sympathy.
As far as the topics of violence/self-defense and authority/coercion, these are huge questions, and difficult to answer. The problems are that these responses create endless vicious cycles…as everyone claims self-defense when using violence, and as a government that claims authority and uses coercion to discipline a population it views to be irresponsible causes such a population to forever remain irresponsible, as such a population behaves correctly not out of maturity but because of a fear of the law. Fear never lead to maturation or evolution…
Regarding sanctions, anything could work if it was applied fairly and with integrity. Unfortunately government corruption causes the UN to censor certain nations but to elect, for example, Saudi Arabia to sit on the Human Rights and Women Rights Commissions, Saudi Arabia being a terribly oppressive dictatorship that stones women to death and is about to execute a young man for the “crime” of having publicly professed to be an atheist.
I think we might have to find a way to raise honest human beings…without this crucial foundation, nothing we ever do can stand!
From Stephen mills he mistook your post as mine…..
Saudi Arabia buy’s loads of weapons ,fighter jets missiles etc …..money talks hypocrisy walks .
So the real problem is money ,profit .The UK government sells the weapons and justify’s this by saying it creates jobs ,keeps people in employment .You are right the corruption is at the highest levels .
Saudi Arabia is a massive problem with its strict beliefs and oppression of free thinking .
I believe there must be some kind of governing body that manipulates and is above who we think does govern us ?
I enjoy your posts Raphael, real heart there !!-
Thanks Jethro for reposting Stephen’s response…! This thread is becoming a maze of confusion…I think we made the hacker’s head spin.
Your welcome Raphael, always happy to help. So “everyone’s” head is spinning, lol. It will smoothen out I’m sure. Looks like Kristen is all over it, I pity the fool… she sounds tough!
Hahaha…she is tough!! Self employed single parent for 15 years…certainly teaches you to take no crap!!
Female… parent… that’s enough for me!
Bigger balls than any guy!
I’m a plumber Kristen, big balls hang in toilet water, rumor has it its cold. Be careful.
Thanks for the tip Buddha.
Namaste to all here on my right table side π Adios Amigos I’m off to make a hot mexican coffee and smoke a cig π
After seeing you hoodlums acting up, I do not feel a bit gulty about my singing and cigarette making ability. Damn I need a cig, come to think of it. Balls and whatnot. I have two in one and one in two. What does that make me? All in only me and that makes hard as nails and they scratch lilke a wildcat. I am the Cheshire Cat. and, Alice, sweet Alice fell too close to the ground. I am Alice with Wings and I sing. . . ..
Obviously Im bored at work…too cold to work. But on a tablet it shows people are typing and replies pop straight up, just a fluke 4 of us are completely bored at the moment…although Raphael is off looking for his tutu.
Do you have it? -
Yeah, but this time I will wear it on my head. Starting a new trend. It looks great with a full fake beard (no time to grow one in one hour)
Jethro…did you type this??? I typed it earlier but now shows as you to Raphael. If not, the hacker is playing a new game?
I copied and pasted it… yes
Phew. He’s not that bad! Haha.
New????? Thats sooooo 2015. The cool kids wear jumpers on their heads now, extra long ear flaps.
Those extra long ear flaps are expost facto. Not in style here anymore. Sorry to burst that bubble π
Damn, and here I was thinking I was cool.. pop. : (
I will just wear orange hair, shrink my hands and put on a large ego. It will be tremendous, I am telling you, they will love me.
Put on a large ego…..you mean you sometimes take it off? My hair is red anyway…hope you can pull off orange better than I could!
I sent it to you for Christmas, remember? I was hoping it would fit you better than me…it was one size too big.
Oops, my bad, I forgot. Belated thanks, I love it. Hence the name change, Ill treasure Professor Mewabes ego forever……or….maybe I can put it on Ebay…like selling your soul. The Devil Went Down To Georgia. My car song, takes me exactly the length of that song to get to BP to get my morning coffee, then one more song to get to work.
You have to drive to work? Sad…I just walk to my table. Sometimes I levitate, and so does my table…I spin around the planet a couple of times, long enough to play Watching The Wheels, then I come back.
Some of us have real jobs. Yes, ten minute drive incl coffee run, or 20 min walk. I did walk once. I think! Nearly died, so levitation is a good plan c.
Who wants a real job? I work on fake illustrations for fake products to be sold to fake people. It’s the American way…
I am levitating outta here.
Have a nice day (or night)…Did I say nice?…nice nice nice. Take that!
Kit kat finger straight back at ya. Feel the love. Haha. Nearly 3pm on Wed 9th here.
Yip, I need to work now, an hour wasted!
I had one sparkly blue, green and then I swirled new one always neon purple.. Purple Rain. Whew I don’t remember the precise color but I had a tutu yes. Sometimes Guy swirls me out of sight. Ticks me off not. I just create a new portal and he whew cries a little but he loves me. He can’t help it. Nobody does it better than me. That’s a song π 007 me. Goldfinger. Who stole my real brown cup? I wanna know. Was it mewabewannasiphotmexicancafeaulait? don’t drink it all, okay?
Yip…he stole your brown cup. Used it as a trade for the missing tutu. Neale needs to make his next thread the Mystery Of The Missing Tutu, Wig and brown cup.
That cup held magic in it. He better use it wisely. My TuTu is always Seen and Unseen. Guy does not allow it always visible. The girl can’t help it. Damn I got censored already by the invisible moderator. Oh well.
“I have two in one and one in two, What does that make me?”
In pain.
Would you like the tutu with room for extra parts? A variation on Jake the Peg?
Jake the rake? My nickname was dake the rake. Just call me Drake π or drakette or I don’t know. I’m a vignette and a story in a story in so many. What do we do? Sing out of tune, I get by with a little help from my friend. Let me tell you about my best friend. I was buffy always and what’s her face the pretty one and that girl and Mary Mary Mary quite and quiet and happy.:)
Jake the Peg is a song we sung at primary school. Youtube it. Its Australian, I forgot. Boy you had a lot of nicknames. I dont think Ive ever had any.
I’ll be happy to give you a few. Just kidding π Let’s see. How about Madame Sistwah π
Why on Earth did someone upvote that???? Mr Hacker??
No. I am just a nice human. Just for that, I am going take it back for meanness. Just cuz I upvote, you are calling me a hacker?!!!!!!!!!!? You are pure friggin Evil Kineval not. I am evil kineval, race car driver. You’re just plain ol’ mean thing.
Rally driver…first car was a zooped up mazda familia turbo! Yes you are a nice human being….human beings, being human are always nice. Just an odd thing to upvote!
Saw human beings being human on a tattoo once, one of those tv band audition shows. That triggered a lot of psyche-ology studies (human nature of the soul).
What puts the hu in man?…..joy…when the soul overflows with smiles or laughter.
I just remembered Annie reads all of these odd conversations….Hi Annie! Do you have a tutu as well? They look great with cowboy boots!! Especially on Raphael/Mewabe at Walmart.
My, my, my. The similarity is strikingly familiar. My first car given to me by Ricky, an uncle on dad’s side. Parkinson’s disease. He had a mind like a steel trap. Could recite football scores from the beginning of football. Unbelievable. He started a piggy bank stashing away pennies from the time I was a little girl. I put that 1,000 down on a pale yellow 1980 Sunbird, also Mazda. Mom left it on the roadway. Stupid as heck. Brand new car. She is a complete idiot. That’s all I am going to say about her. I know about the Hu in man and me, and that is joy sweet joy only.
My tutu was pink with silver sequins, lovingly sewn by my mother. I utterly destroyed it because I wanted to take tap or jazz. Some idiot doctor told her ballet would cure my pigeon-toedness. Fortunately, it didn’t or I wouldn’t have been able to toe-flip a soccer ball as well as I did. Or is that futball over yonder and down under? The white lacey tights looked good with short shorts and knee-high moccasins, though. The tie-up kind, not zippered. In black. With fringe, of course. Tutus and balls. Ahh, what memories. I haven’t been married at Wally World, but I was once baptized with a cherry Icee at K-Mart. I do hope I’m allowed to partake of the holy Necco wafers at the wedding! Are you registered as Kirsten or Kristen? I’ve my eye on a fine set of fake Tupperware for you, made in China.
You’ll be invited for sure!!!
Im Kristen at the mo, old one was Kirsten, real name is Kirsten-Lee, but I go by Kirsty!
I never had a tutu, I was in my daisy duke shorts up trees, racing my bike down our hill and swimming. Oops, our bike track was the catholic church/school across the road. BUT I did have a hot pink gymnastics leotard, as close as it got to girly stuff. I did gymnastics, swimming, athletics and brownies…equally as useless at all except long distance running. I probably even failed brownies, if thats even possible. Haha.
Nuts now, I do wear black tutu skirts with patterned tights and boots! Part of my Tokyo Fashion look….no Hello Kitty backpack though, thank God! I do wear dress shorts with tights and boots…you were ahead of fashion, very London!! Maybe Wally Mart have Hello Kitty backpacks for you.. That all started years ago when Mewabe told me to watch people of Walmart on youtube, I nearly died!!!
We say soccer. Football is in England for soccer, yet they call a rugby ball a football…wierdos.
As great as the fake Tupperware sounds, pass it on, perhaps Michelle, she’ll die!! I have only glass or wooden containers, plastic cupboard got biffed when kids grew up. My kitchen is probably Victorian with ingredients all in glass jars on shelves like a wierdo…too many complexities going on!
We have K Mart here….great for underwear sets and sox!!!
Take care,
Wow! I’m going to be invited! I was much the “tomboy” myself when Mama didn’t force femininity on me. When my sisters handed down their Barbies to me, they were relegated to the closet, never to be seen again. I played with Corgi trucks, digging out roadways amongst the berry bushes in the back yard. My baby brother was a compliant participant when coerced into my mischief. I swam, too! My motivation, though, was to be able to go off the diving boards in the deep end. The rule was that you had to be able to swim across the pool (50 yards) before the lifeguards would allow it. I made it across swimming dogpaddle when I was six. I went straight for the high board and did a fantastic bellyflop! I was hooked. There wasn’t a diving team for youngsters, so I joined the swim team. Learned Freestyle first but my best stroke was Butterfly. Eventually went to the State swim meet for both. Came in 17th in 100 meter Freestyle and 15th in 100 meter Butterfly. Also played on the soccer, basketball and volleyball teams. Wanted to play Water Polo, but the school wouldn’t let me organize a women’s team. Hated Home Ec, so I was the first female to take Shop instead. Sometimes my choices of classes was based on whether or not my many elder siblings had taken them, which is why I stopped math after Trigonometry. If I’d gone on to Analytical Geometry, I would have had the same teacher as all five of my sibs, so there was no way. They all took Calculus, too. So I switched to science, taking five year’s worth in just three. My guidance counselor wasn’t happy with it, but I did it anyway. I had a rep for thatβdoing things anyway, despite being told I shouldn’t. Little math, little art as one of my sisters excelled at it, lots of science, lots of athletics, lots of English, little history because I didn’t believe what they were teaching was true. A rebel in my own mind, I was. By the time I graduated, I’d had so many run-ins with the Principal that I refused to shake his hand or have my pic taken with him when handed my diploma, simply walking off the stage. Mama refused to acknowledge him at all because she’d had to stand up for me so many times. She was a tigress whenever I was told I couldn’t do something, like take Shop, or when the Principal told me I wasn’t allowed to represent the school at the State swim meet. She went right to the topβthe Superintendent of the School Boardβwho would be threatened with not only lawsuits but unwanted media attention. Then the Principal would get a phone call and I’d be allowed to take what classes I wanted and was allowed to go to State. And my guidance counselor was wrongβmy choices didn’t mean I wouldn’t be accepted into any colleges. Got both athletic and academic scholarships offered by three colleges. Only went one year, though. It suddenly struck me in a Bio Lab, while studying the ten parts of a cat’s skull, that what I was learning was pretty useless. Figured I should know what career I wanted before I took classes. Mama was enraged when I dropped out. Have since taken courses here and there since, but the career I kinda fell into didn’t require a degree. I was an Eng Tech, mostly inspecting road construction. Broke a lot of glass ceilings before I had to stop working. OK, I’m going to stop rambling now. So, what’s the dress code for the upcoming Wally nuptials? I’ll need to go shopping at the thrift store. They have lots of retro clothing, sa it’s my fave store.
Go you…funny how strong females were stubborn from birth…accepting the word no is a long leaning curve…Im find of getting there. Kind of, almost, just…or probably not even close! : )
I was best at backstroke, could never do butterfly. I had to laugh, one of my main goals in life was to be able to jump of those high diving boards as well. Up and down all day sometimes like the ultimate retard!
The dresscode is come as you are, based on the Walmart philosophy, the uglier it is, the more we like it!!! Im sure the reception next door at Dunkin Donuts has no dress code either!!! I like the one with pink icing and sprinkles NOT the strawberry one. Place your order now, Ill order in advance so we dont have to queue up, I dont queue!
Nah. It’s in in in inininin all in so many ins it’s invisible. I told you I am Alice in Wonderland.
Hey….are these old posts back up??????
Yes it would appear so. I can see them too.
She eats concrete for breakfast, but I am sure she has a tender side as well…always she won’t admit it here! (Now I am in real trouble)…
I have felt the kindness, it’s no secret! Your ok.
Yes you are in trouble….we don’t do nice remember. Take your meds!
I have to go to Walmart to get them…but I don’t remember where I put my tutu and orange hair.
I seen a rather large fellow wearing them a bit ago in a Walmart parking lot… sorry.
That was me.
Awesome outfit!!
I know, and thanks. Its my Sunday Church outfit. Walmart is a Church isnt it…Im so screwed if its not!
Yes it is…the latest trend is to get married there.
WOW. My destiny. And dream. Ill hang out there next time Im in tbe States. Which will probably be never. Last time I was there, 1979, I inspired Trump to build a wall. We got detained at the Tijuana boder cos Dad didnt realise we needed passports to get back in to the States. That was fun!!!!
You didn’t need a passport from Canada to the Excited States back in the days…before paranoia became the norm.
I will set it up for you at Walmart…who is the lucky broom (I mean groom)?
We were on a day trip to Mexico.
Dunno who the unlucky broom is yet, some random Ill find in the carpark on the day, poor guy. Ill just choose the best outfit at the time I think. I now know to avoid the guy in the orange wig and a tutu, thats a start in the process of elimination although he will be drawn to my mole hair beard and monobrow. Maybe the hacker???? Could be hot, who knows?
Hey Kirsten…I am outta here for good this time. I thought I should say goodbye. Don’t cry, I know you will miss me, but there are lots of other turkeys out there.
I will keep the image on the hairy moles and monobrow in my mind forever…
Take care,
Yeah… it’s a church… uh huh… your good.
Hallieujah, Im saved.
You are the rather large rascal? I should’ve known…can’t trust those Kiwis.
Or trannys. Oops…not PC. Sorry if anyone here is transgender. Other than Raphael.
Same thing…
I am transhuman…half alien, half stranger, half foreign. That’s 3 halves, so what.
Hey, you can be whatever you want as long as I havnt seen you in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Or was that the inspiration for your Walmart outfits?
You did a typo that the ghost non moderator hacker missed..you typed stranger not strange. Do you remember years ago there was a military guy Buzz in here…very OCD that used to correct everyones spelling with rude posts?? Why couldnt Neale call him back in to moderate? I got in trouble for spelling a surname of a singer wrong, he started a debate on best version of Hallieujah. Buzz…where are you when we need you?
Who puts these random chats up the top? Neale or Mr Nobody…a new mystery? Seriously.
Oh. You mean buzz lightyear. I am mrs. buzz lightyear, by the way. My other nickname, true story, is mrs. batwoman and drake the rake. My uncle called me dacus rake us because my papoo was named Bill Dacus.
The rascal stole them from me, I knew it. These were priceless items!
Kristen… the tough one, has them. She has the largest balls so the crotch should have A little swing room… if she gives them back.
I was thinking that too! Weird!!
Raphael β’ a few seconds ago
Neale, this is my 4th attempt at answering you…my first comment was taken out 3 times, and quickly.
First, the exact sentence being displayed before a post is taken out is:
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Global conversation.
Thank you for looking into this. You must make some people very uncomfortable for your site being hacked to such an extent! You are obviously doing something right to provoke such a reaction…you have my sympathy.
As far as the topics of violence/self-defense and authority/coercion, these are huge questions, and difficult to answer. The problems are that these responses create endless vicious cycles…as everyone claims self-defense when using violence, and as a government that claims authority and uses coercion to discipline a population it views to be irresponsible causes such a population to forever remain irresponsible, as such a population behaves correctly not out of maturity but because of a fear of the law. Fear never lead to maturation or evolution…
Regarding sanctions, anything could work if it was applied fairly and with integrity. Unfortunately government corruption causes the UN to censor certain nations but to elect, for example, Saudi Arabia to sit on the Human Rights and Women Rights Commissions, Saudi Arabia being a terribly oppressive dictatorship that stones women to death and is about to execute a young man for the “crime” of having publicly professed to be an atheist.
I think we might have to find a way to raise honest human beings…without this crucial foundation, nothing we ever do can stand!
Thanks Jethro, let see what happens with this one…as I wrote before, if a hacker is playing games, this post will remain.
Glad to help, We know Neale is VERY aware now. Time to wait and see.
Have an awesome night!!
You too Jethro, and thanks for helping!
Jethro….remember a few weeks ago was when this all started, with my posts as replies to you being deleted so you reposted all mine on your comments and we just laughed about it, you saying you were the non existant moderator. Just mine were erased first, then Victor, then Sam now others. I think its just games as they dont seem to target any specific point, but Ive actually had mine removed for well over a year, anything vaguely anti Neale, I assumed it was Neale so didnt think anything of it. So I would assume its a Neale fan, now covering his tracks.
Two people in here work in IT, another lives and works online.
Seen the movie Misery????When I just resigned in with Disqus this week I noticed it said this site now needs email verification via Disqus to be able to reply…that wasnt a requirement a few months ago. SO….Neale doesnt speak to me, perhaps you may be able to find out if Neale made the change. If not, the hacker must have, therefore has hacked between Disqus and this site…and now has our email addresses!! Thats not cool.
K -
Saudi Arabia buy’s loads of weapons ,fighter jets missiles etc …..money talks hypocrisy walks .
So the real problem is money ,profit .The UK government sells the weapons and justify’s this by saying it creates jobs ,keeps people in employment .You are right the corruption is at the highest levels .
Saudi Arabia is a massive problem with its strict beliefs and oppression of free thinking .
I believe there must be some kind of governing body that manipulates and is above who we think does govern us ?
I enjoy your posts Jethro, real heart there !!-
Stephen I wish I deserved the compliment. That post belongs to Raphael. I copied and pasted it for him so that it wouldn’t disappear. I will forward your message below in your name for proper credits.
No worries and thanks .
Neale…for about two years many of my posts used to say awaiting moderation, then some would show, others not, plus any anti CwG messages were always removed..UNTIL THIS WEEK. I thought I’ve always been screened, never swearing or anything dodgy.
Ive always assumed this was your staff, and respected your right to not allow any messages up, lots were deleted as well, some after 13 mins, others a day later. My logic would be that the official moderator got alerts when certain people log in so they can screen them. I used to assume Erin and Marko were moderators.
Are you now saying this wasnt you??? If not ‘they’ve’ been here for years, and were working as a vigilante fan until a week or two ago. Ive also been ‘kicked off’ here, denied access via Disqus, that doesnt bother me, but curious if this was with your knowledge?
I think I know who it is anyway.
Has anyone else just had an email from hello disqus suggesting a ‘remember me’ instant log in, when it does that anyway? Never had that before.
I have received the email, but ignored it.
I didn’6t receive that email. Remember me is a phrase I say with my guy and I spoke that this morning. It drives him to movement. Whew All I do is say that and he moves and grooves. I didn’t hack though. Just a coincidence. Serendipity is magic.
Magic is everywhere and in everything.
Wendy: βSoβ¦ your adventures are over.β
Peter: βOh, no. To liveβ¦ to live would be an awfully big adventure.β-
And, here is another. I am Alice. I have the magic in me. Glasses shrink. Drinking glasses, of course, among other items Phew catew and cacarici bird talk π Anyway here is what I was going to say. Sometimes I believe 6 possible things before breakfast, though Lewis Carroll said “6 impossible things.” I have seen six possible things always before breakfast that seemed impossible before I knew magic was real. I did an updo on Alice. You know, Carrol was kind of a wierdo but love that story. I have seen many things shrink so it can fit in my purse.Tiny bottles and glasses, puzzles and all kinds of stuff. Cat fight over this one HAHAHA Here is another:
“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.
Which road do I take, she asked.
Where do you want to go, was his response.
I don’t know, Alice answered.
Then, said the cat, it doesn’t matter.”
Here is another:
Alice: “This is impossible.”
The Mad Hatter: “Only if you believe it is.”
I save the best for last,dedicate this to my guy HI.
“Actually, the best thing you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures. . .”
by Lewis Carrol, Alice and Wonderland
Definitely a great quote! update; Lifetime of magical adventures! I would take both roads.
Here is another:
“If you don’t know where you want to go, then it doesn’t matter which path you take.” so says the Cheshire cat.
At the moment you are in the same intuitive loop or portal as me.
First with thoughts about scones, then I was working with the Osmonds song Paper Roses for something, then Alice in Wonderland, my quote is “But I dont want to go among mad people”, “Oh, you cant help that, we’re all mad here”.
In case you are unaware of it, when people are working on something strong and for the greater good, the Universe kind of opens up intuitive pockets of randomness that others pick up on. I typed the quote about impossible things before breakfast on Saturday.
Thats what all your ramblings are…you picking up on these from a lot of people, and a lot are mine, at least a couple of dozen in the last few months, you did early last year as Giaon as well.
Im on Beatrix Potter at the moment….a love of books is something anyone intuitive can relate to, as we all tend to talk and write a lot so love this quote, and its so true.“There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story, you never quite know where theyll take you”.
Im studying, and have written a whole series (just for me), of Trixie Belden books. In the original ones there is a ghostwriter in one book called Mr Appleton, presumably named after the Beatrix Potter character who said the above line.
There is real majic in the Trixie Belden books…they were my childhood, and my prize possession still. I was Trixie, I looked like her as a kid and still proudly wear a Trixie Belden tshirt….a groupie!!!! The original author was really onto something..every name and detail was specifically chosen for a reason, Ive spent years studying every detail in them to crack The Mystery Of Trixie Belden, everytime I find something it leads to another mystery for me to resolve, when studied they are true good majic and completely interactive.
Much more fun than The Mystery Of The Shadow Moderator.
Its funny.
Take care,
K -
It is funny how pockets work. Just today, I heard people singing It’s a Family Affair all because I posted that silly silly silly post. Hackers and slackers, but oh my GOD. Beatrix Potter. I AM that I AM. I picked up my copy late in life while touring Leeds Castle, just a deja vu but oh so powerful, especially the dungeon. Not really, it was the front door. I walked in and felt like a queen with a capital Q. It is funny, isn’t it?
OH I was singing Paper Roses the other day. And, then again Paper Roses was my favorite by Marie. What big teeth she has.:) To grandmother’s house I go. I hope I don’t meet a big bad wolf, but a nice one will do π Nevermind. I am heading over to match or harmony you know where singles mingle to meet a real wolfman jack π alright, look, we are seriously getting serious now. I don’t know why I talk to you Kirsten. I am not sure if it’s the best or the worst you bring out in me, but Neale probably needs me, at least, to get serious, okay?
Hahaha. Sorry I know I trigger ‘rambling’ in you, and alter your plane to a frivilious one. Any personality is the best side of that person!!
And yes, light workers always have problems with electronics, Im not one anymore, I dont like lighting up like a Christmas Tree for evil to hunt down. Im 100% grounded now, my ‘lightbeam’ is now down to an Earthly grounded level, in me, rather than above and around me. Although big crystals still unground me, thats about it. Im not on your train or wall btw. Just the Soul Train…or perhaps the Gambler.
Im making a Paper Roses dress…from toilet paper! Why? Because I can!!
K -
I wouldn’t anny up with my coin basket. The joker is wild and always double or nothing. That’s two in one and one in two and that is all me.
Interesting. a toilet paper dress. Guy tells me tishies I use are way too powerful. My makeup too. He makes me take a nibble. Why? He says if I don’t, it will cost him a revolution. I can’t just drop a tishie or put on makeup regular. Why? I don’t know. He is so weird.
By the way, I am not just picking up vibes. I’ve got my own vibe, ya know. I actually do believe every heart in the big gaion and I’m not capping that okay? Just for meanness. I am serious when I say, we each have a train but we mingle love only and anyone training in on me so much that I have to deplete so much that things fly before my eye, I think someone needs to hop off the train of me lol unless it’s love, of course. Just that I would add that tot he pondering. I am really leaving now but not for good π
Odd indeed.
I didn’t receive it. But I haven’t changed anything on my Disqus account in years.
Love and Blessings Always,
Neale hasn’t responded to me in quite some time. If you think it will help I will post under my name. I’m not not having the amount of problems as others but I don’t think I’m any kind of favorite either. I had to verify my address every time I created a new account. Even the first time a year ago. Its my belief that discus is changing things up a bit and it’s creating problems as change always does.
From Kristen,
Jethro….remember a few weeks ago was when this all started, with my posts as replies to you being deleted so you re-posted all mine on your comments and we just laughed about it, you saying you were the non existent moderator. Just mine were erased first, then Victor, then Sam now others. I think its just games as they don’t seem to target any specific point, but I’ve actually had mine removed for well over a year, anything vaguely anti Neale, I assumed it was Neale so didn’t think anything of it. So I would assume its a Neale fan, now covering his tracks.
Two people in here work in IT, another lives and works online.
Seen the movie Misery????
When I just resigned in with Disqus this week I noticed it said this site now needs email verification via Disqus to be able to reply…that wasn’t a requirement a few months ago. SO….Neale doesn’t speak to me, perhaps you may be able to find out if Neale made the change. If not, the hacker must have, therefore has hacked between Disqus and this site…and now has our email addresses!! That’s not cool.
Definitely a hacker, come to think of it. My email has been hacked and I started receiving spam email soon after signing back up for disqus. I don’t know if others here are victims, but I know I have been with the numerous invasions into my two years ago email list. I am receiving emails from people I wrote to 2 years ago and they send me replies and I am like I didn’t write that. That is an old email. Don’t know but something’s not right.
Years ago when on the CwG Spirit Forge blog site, that Neale disassociated from, they hacked into my computer and sent a virus to crash everything, couldnt be repaired. They even pointed out when a friend did a post from my computer saying it was from the same IP address as me, they were tracking everything. They were finally open about it, and it was on 60 Minutes or 20/20 but the segment is no longer online. Were were openly attacking anyone who disagreed with Neale. For that reason I only use a tablet for the internet other than Youtube music, too expensive if people get access to your computer.
Fanatics of anything can be incredibly dangerous, and as Ive pointed out, Ive had my posts screened and deleted in here for definately over a year, I assumed it was Neale, and respected his decision on his own site.
Im actually suspucious that just anti CwGers were the target like me, until Jethro pointed it out and reposted my replies to him, now is just covering their tracks by being random. Mine now all stay up. Im sure its someone in here, a no life Larry, and not a Disqus problem.
I gave your messages the glue they needed to stick around! Every message is important in a place where figuring out human function is in process. There’s no such thing as an unimportant human being. Weird? Yes! Unimportant? No!
If I’m under suspicion, I would have removed everything about time machines. Speaking of, I haven’t seen true friend in a while. He was saying intelegent things finally.
Neale probably made his time machine and he’s back at kindergarten where he wanted to go back to, so he can rewind breaking his brother or friends toy truck. Seriously…thats what he wanted a time machine for amongst other childhood things, I asked!
I read the posts and remember. I wasn’t very happy with him and reacted poorly. It was a lesson for me.
Neale is not that stogey, but you are free to stand in the corner of kindergarten π
Kindergarten. Oh my god. What torture. They tried to make me lie down for a nap everyday. Dear God and then nothing but a plastic refrigerator and stupid stove, Okay? Remember I am the Cardinal and on the 50 yard line not. I am nothing but head tackle and long pass at the finish line π Time Machine wow blue clocks ticking not long. I dropped mine by the grid just smiling out front smoking a cig. Damn the lights went out. NO HEB near me, but they want my cigs. Oh well. Do speak about time machines. I want to be a space traveler, too π
Kindergarten..haha. I loved it and stayed friends with the same kids from age 3 until probably 13. I have a photo from a fancy dress party at kindergarten. Im in a blue glitter leotard with a fluffy rabbit tail and white three inch platform shoes with matching rabbit ears, holding a tray on a neck ribbon thing. Wtf….my mother dressed me as a Playboy Bunny selling cigarettes when I was 4. She still cant explain why other than it had been my sisters costume and fitted me, so I wanted to wear it. My sister was 6…does that justify it?? Nuts.
Oh my god. Here we go again π I can’t help but laugh. Neale. I am so sorry. Do you realize this wall is a lot like facebook. I know but energy happens or not. Platform shoes and wedgies too. Corkscrew nothing oh man. What a memory. Ok. Here is my memory of me in grade school. Elf. I was an elf. Green. Green hat, green leotard and a green feather. Mum a loser, didn’t even show up. Alright. I raised myself. Heck she was just an idiot. We’re talking Graceland. First grade, okay? Oh my God. I had plenty of dresses. She thought I was a doll. Her a hairdresser. She began to experiment on me, put my hair up teased it in a big boofant. I know I didn’s spell that right, but Ms. Crow my first grade teacher said, “What has your mother done?” I was so embarrased. She said, “Come on.” and proceeded to take me around to every room in the school, ‘Look what the mother did to this child.” Dear god. Ms. Crow. She was let’s just say I was cool and wore brown leather to school when that wasn’t cool for a alittle girl. Here we are and I walk in with a brown leather dress on. All the others in baby blue and looking pretty with their bows. I sit down politely. Mrs. Crow said, “Michelle, put your coat in the locker.” Being sort of shy. Really I was. I said, nutting. I was mortified. Everyone laughed. I said, “This is not a coat.” My best friend, also named Karen Michelle, was my goto. She has bright orange, glow in the dark orange neon hair. Whew We liked the same boy, Ricky. Skinny, short, brown hair and brown eyes. Chased him all over the playground and right up the rocket slide.
Early bloomer. Really it was fun and he smiled. I just tried to kiss him and he ran up the rocket slide and that was it. I don’t think I got one, but maybe two. What else. Oh yea. Halloween. Alright. Everyone knows you gotta make up your own costume. It’s the best. Spray paint green all over my body. Aluminium foil made into antlers not. These were antennas honing into HEB everywhere all the way from here to China and back to Tawain and all over the land. This was a full blown Martian costume. I put a square box on my head and painted it green too. It’s a wonder no one had to rush me to er for the noxious fumes. Like I said, I raised my self. Just call me Pippi longstocking. -
Hahahaha. Neale will know that conversation will always end up where the participants take it to…things more interesting to them than the topic!! He should find more interesting topics to retain the participants interests. In my case….they end up talking about nothing in general!
Imagine a photo of me in my playboy outfit and you as an elf? We would be in a firing line. My friend that had callipers on his legs was dressed in cardboard boxes as a robot..thinking back now, thats really mean! Callipers like Forrest Gump.
Shoot Mrs Crow….I love bouffants, would love to be brave enough to wear my hair like that every day, I settle for a Kardashian bun or high pony. Bring back the 60s!!! (Oops, I was still an egg then..1970 baby). But that brown leather story is hilarious to me. I have a photo of Mum, pregnant with me but not showing, on a catwalk in a western style brown leather mini with crop top two piece, 1969, hair up in a bouffant strutting her stuff…maybe we have the same mother. Mum was a fashionista, and you were too, damn Mrs Crow was just a boring old fart with no idea about fashion! I wore shorts, tshirts and flipflops to school, jeans in winter and on a girly day I was the height of Holly Hobbie fashions with my cork wedges and patchwork style, Im sure I rocked it, photos say otherwise!!!. I still wear Pippi Longstockings tights, patterned tights are cool (Im my eccentric world).
Poor Ricky….you stalkers!
We never had Halloween, thats new in NZ. When my daughter was in primary school I dressed her as Cruella De Ville with toy dalmations pinned to her goth outfit….eek!
Xx -
Not really a stalker. Just a kisser wannabe. He said I have cooties π so we chased him. My idea to chase him up the rocket slide. It was fun in Graceland. Hopefully, you don’t have the same mother as me. She’s not doable as a good mother. That’s all I have to say about her. Truthfully, I have a grandmother who helped me raise me. Thank God for Iva Ross. Related to Betsy. We went on many trips, one to our old castle, Rosland Chapel in Scotland 1988. I touched the Green Man in that chapel Wow Wee what a vision Ha Anyway, Wore my hair in braids. True indian style. I am Pocahantas always. Dad called me Pocahontas but Mrs. Crow. Gotta hand it to her. She saw me as a dreamer. She nominated my underwater Turtle Painting to the big contest and it one. It was on exhibit at a big museum. I won in all of Memphis. 1st grade. Once I went outside to eat grapes while she was giving a boring dear god lecture on homework. I walked back in, sat down, she said “turn your homework in on Monday.” I said, “What is it?” She said, “I just told everyone. Weren’t you listening?” Another embarrassment, not nearly as embarrassing as when I was caught daydreaming while the class was reading Romeo and Juliet. My arch enemy. Actually she was a friend but oh so annoying as a human. laughs like a hyienna and she started laughing because I was dreaming in school. The teacher asked me something 7th grade Ms. Maxwell Michelle. Michelle. Michelle. Suddenly laughter. Jane coop er oh dear god. She cackled like not real. Just hackle cackle. it was embarrassing cuz I got caught daydreaming. I was in dreamtime. I do daydream still daydream. It’s good for you.
Mine was a good mother, both my parents were great for me….they left me alone to just play or read, and had their own lives within our stereotypical nuclear family. I was stubborn from the day I was born, they were young, Im the youngest child and born when my parents were just 23 and almost 22. My life was great….for me, sister probably thinks otherwise as she wasnt a tomboy like me, I dont recall her much in my childhood other than family outings…when I think I ignored her. Still do really, and I completely forget I have 3 siblings in their 20s as well. Oops!!! Not that they would want an annoying 47yr old big sister in their faces! Parents are bad enough. Haha.
My so called mum was 15. My absentee father was 17. Thank God for grandmothers. Way too young to be considered parents.
Wow…just babies themselves. Yip, thank goodness for grandmas. My nana is 95, i take her on roadtrips where we eat crap, drink rose wine and crochet. Its fun.
I miss my grandma. She passed at 83 or 84, I forget which. What an Angel in the Highest! We went everywhere together. Take care. I’m off to write my own books.
Me too, Ive been writing most of the day. My shop is quiet this week and I cant be bothered making stock like I should be (icing flowers, animals etc) so im typing away. Perks of being the boss…I can go on strike at work! Although writing makes me drink far too much coffee…not cool. But just those fake cappucino sachets, not too strong, so Ill live another day!
Take care, Kirsten, and all here. I am off to write my own books. I am sure there is a heaven where I don’t wait to sip my morning coffee. I hate cold coffee. I will be sipping my coffee and typing away. Take care!
My mom was 15. Dad 17. I was am the most independent human I know. My sisters are enmeshed, codependent. Not a great getup from the getgo. My grandmother allowed freedom. That’s why I consider her my Mother. My own mother was jealous of her own mother. Crazy. Too many parents, not enough independent free thinking souls. In fact, I might disown my own mom.
If I am under suspicion, I am not moving nothing, nada nada. Why? Because he loves me. He has to. I am too sweet π
I don’t know but Larry and Mo gotta go. Mine started oh gosh forever ago it seems. I don’t think it is about anti-Neale people so much as it is about lightbeamers, actually. Indiana Jones. That’s me and all my electronics, phones, facebook, you name it it has been hacked. What else can I say. It’s a dangerous internet. If you can’t beat ’em just shine a light and use word only iin a nice way π
One more thing, I have yet to find a decent blog on disqus. Negative energy in rooms I have seen, including the creative ones abound. Same deal with Beliefnet. It’s not the greatest platform, in my view. Too bad I have not come across a decent platform free from extremely hostile energies. Maybe divorcing completely from disqus is the way to go. I am not the boss of anyone but me, so I might sign off. I only mean to suggest that perhaps Neale might want to think about creating his own divorce from disqus and going on his own merit like changing change.. Just do another .com. I don’t know. It does not appear to be global. What’s the fear of being on one’s own? Have a good day all!
The following post was immediately moderated because I went back and edited it. This is what is happening to my posts. Everytime I have to add a new line and hit submit, it immediately reverts to “This post is being moderated.”
This is fill of love and can’t understand why it would be moderated. There is a glitch indeed.
We really need to call out bad behavior, and send our best to the world we live in. We send out like a beacon in the night, a lamplight, that guides the sea captain like a lamp lighting his true way, a true lighthouse light to pave the way for light only across the endless waves of sea smacking the sandy shore. My only question remains, if God came as a true Eve in a true Adam and a true Adam in a true Eve, then why aren’t we expressing more of Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards All. If we are truly created in the image of God and Goddess, why are we expressing so much competition? Why are we not celebrating the true light we are in God’s grand Mind and Heart? Climate change is always occurring, whether we admit it or not. The sea experiences all kinds of trash and sends back that which love carelessly drops for the great absolving ocean to contend with, but Love conquers all. Eventually we will knit a unified piece, a holy sacred garment. What we crochet with through all time and space is a tangled mess, it seems. A garment is as good as the threads upon the lighted back upon whose highest intentions meet and face off the darkness visible. I know I signed up to help, but I wonder sometimes if my mission will ever see the light of a real bright sunny day. The energy visible threads through true Life only if made of true silk. We always receive that which we give to every thread of a holy sacred garment. From wherever a thought travels to wherever God sends and resends, we can only do our best in sending out the highest thought dreamable in any given moment. Vive Le Moment is my motto always. Live in the moment and do our best.
You are right, I noticed that changes to a post (even changing one word) almost guarantee that it is moderated and then taken out…but not always…another important clue in the ongoing mystery.
It’s a wild thing for sure. I wanna know for sure. It doesn’t seem to love me. And, the wind cries mary and then hey joe. What do you know. Can’t stop singing. Alright, this is it. We’ve got a hacker and a singer. I’m not the damn hacker. I’m just the singer, yet it still is a wonder I haven’t been deleted. What’s the subject π
Music, that’s the subject. I want a rock, 1/4 minus chat actually, my driveway is sinking.
I want a rock. I want island, What a beautiful song by simon and Garfunkel. Wow We used to sing it growing up. But the words. They’re depressing. “It’s laughter and loving I disdain” just doesn’t sound like rock material. ‘I touch no one and no one touches me.” But, the sound is beautiful. A different era. 1/4 minus chat? What do you mean? You want an angel all in one. That’s me. I don’t know what to do about a sinkhole. Many men fall in real sinkholes, but I don’t know. It’s taking mighty angels to figure that one out. Maybe you mean you want me to stop chatting? Actually, I am that I am. I am going to get seriously serious soon, especially since Kirstin Madame Sistwah says there is a real hacker on board since 2012? Holy batman. What in the heck? That’s scary. I have had so many laptops hacked. It’s not funny. Let’s solve the world’s crisis and get serious. And, get Homeward Bound. I wish I was Home where my thoughts escape me. .Home where the music’s playing. I’m serious now. :()(((
Chat is gravel, why I don’t know, I called it gravel and was corrected. It’s small rocks whatever it’s title.
No, don’t stop posting. Serious or not is for you to decide. -
Alright. Seriously, we could chat about North Korea, which I hear detained some Americans today. What to do? We should all think on that and send our best.
I guess kicking butts til our boots are shiny is off the table.
These boots were made for walking.
And, that’s what they do. On this day this boot ‘s gonna walk all over you :O) Frankie, baby, is me.
I am just wearing my black leather tie up gladiator sandals. I love them and sleep in them. I have slept in my boots since I was a little girl. Can you believe that. Remember that mermaid movie. I am the one who wears boots everywhere. That’s what mum called me. What a dork. π dork and mindy not. I am just me, lil ol me π
Yes…very dorky!!! Im in brown riding boots.
No. NO. NO. I am hip, honey. I love black riding boots, too. Brown is me though. I am rustic oh so rustic and desire more of it. Someone is playing with my cups. They are brown and sitting beside me. Had 4. Now one is missing π Please bring it back whoever is playing.
chat is gravel but has rocks in it I guess. Where are you, Jethro, stuck in the middle of gravel no more?
Thanks for looking into this, Neale, and every one else for reposts, etc.
I’m not sure what is going on, but when someone mentioned that emails may have been hacked, I checked mine. I thought my increase in spam was due to recently buying a domain. Now it seems that it’s not. Emails I haven’t in any way indicated are spam, some of them personal, have ended up in my spam folder. I’ve changed my email password, and would suggest others do the same if they see anything suspicious. I’ve also reported it to Google as I use Gmail.
I’veβ had a WordPress blog before, and doubt that most bloggers untick the check mark for automatically removing posts with links and for offensive language. It doesn’t look like that’s changed in how it looks. I haven’t added Disqus to a site, so I’m not sure how that works.
I’ve seen the comments marked for moderation that can be read if one clicks on them. I’ve also received notices for posts that, when I go to reply, aren’t there. Whatever’s going on, it’s not been consistent. That, to me, implies a person rather than an algorithm, just based on logic. But if Neale’s not given anyone else “privileges” to moderate, then the site’s been hacked, I would guess.
Love and Blessings Always,
WordPress. I have three. I have used comments section before, but this last blog is different. I simply post and go my lightbeam. It lands wherever it chooses to land as light only. I might open the blog but I have been busy with trying to develop my new platform. I looked into adding Disqus, but have seen not but one site I love the energy from, well, actually two. I linger here for some Godly reason, I guess. Just joking Neale. See? Neale is funny. He can take a joke π :p) Anyway, anyhoo, any which way, there is a single Horton heres a hoo. I can’t imagine Neale granting total freedom to moderate, but it is disqus I blame after seeing some of the crud I have witnessed on its blogdom land. I won’t be adding Disqus to my baby blog. I do miss the Messenger Circle but ah well. I guess Neale chooses what he wants when he wants to debate a single point. He is a good debater at any rate. what’s the topic? Sorry, for my meanderings. I am such a dumb romantic. What a dreamer. Dream dream dream Puppy Love died never. Donny Osmand My First Crush. Syanara means adios amigos.
Hey Annie,
I am attempting to link paintings and podcasts to my Marquis theme WordPress site. Do you happen to know how to do it? I can do it probably, but it’s taking so long, and I just want to hurry this site up. Thanks π
I’m not entirely sure. I know that there’s a place to upload media, but I’ve not worked with podcasts. I think it’s in the admin panel? If I remember right, there’s a media link in the admin menu. But that’s off the top of my head, so I can’t beβsure. If I figure out anything different,I’ll let you know.
Love and Blessings Always,
Thanks π I recently created a cooler look and can’t function the damn thing. I’ll have to contact tech support. My other premium was easy to work. We should just be able to hit send and go, but I need links for my paintings and voice for my song and poetry. I went there. Still can’t figure it out but will soon do it. Thanks!
Good luck. I finally picked out a domain, host and theme, but have to go through support to even download the darn theme! Been waiting hours and hours. Twiddling my thumbs, waiting for a response.
It sucks when you’re in flow and have to grind to a halt.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
I did, too. Technology. I took fortran but I had to have help from a engineer to handle computer science. I thought it was boring. Input junk. Output junk. I am a mathematician who doesn’t tie her gladiator shoes. They fall off actually when I walk by. Ok. I had to have help downloading my theme. Don’t feel bad.
My first “computer” was an IBM 1120 where I had to keypunch cards, then feed them into the monstrosity that took up a whole room. I learned Basic and BasicA, plus DOS in it’s earlier versions. I didn’t really take courses, I’m just the type to dive in and start playing with a new program or app. I learned long ago that it’s really hard to crash an app, and there’s always power off/power on if it does. The most challenging was a Unix based system I was admin for at a lawyer’s office. Yuck!
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
What a coincidence. My first computer was actually the university’s. They had cards and 1’s and 2’s. What a change in our world since then. There was something called Basic Fortran I think. At any time I took Computer Science, I thought it too robotic but actually I liked the theory. I had to use the services of another who I helped with Calculus, my forte. And, physics. Tall dark and handsome, he was. Okay. I worked as a legal secretary in a law firm and had to type ya know and run around looking pretty. That’s about it. Met a lot of nice lawyers but I decided to be a English teacher while I was there, so happy ending
If someone wants to do an experiment: Jethro? Anyone? Reply to me first, then flag this very post as “inappropriate” and let me see if the sentence “Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Global conversation” comes up, and if this comment is taken out. If this is the case, then that’s not a hacker problem, but an angry individual who is trying to cause random chaos on this site.
I’m game. I’m curious to see what happens. Here goes…
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Done. It asked me if I was sure I wanted to flag it. I tapped OK. Now I’m going to reload…
Well, I still see it, but it’s only been 15 minutes.
I also took a screenshot just in case anything changes.
Nothing has happened, the post is still here…it doesn’t seem to be the problem, so it could actually be a hacker. Thank you for trying Annie!
I had wondered that myself, so I was glad to give it a try. I didn’t even know until recently that was an option when I found it by mistake and backed out of it. Well, one more question answered.
Love and Blessings Always,
Proceeding by elimination…now it is in Neale’s hands. I hope he gets to the bottom of it!
Hello Raphael, What a beautiful name, angelic π I did my experiment and did not get deleted. That hacker must love me. That doesn’t speak well. But, it’s a miracle nonetheless that I was not deleted. Neale, please put a new topic up. We’re ready already. Shew
Hi Neale,
Oh the relief to find out from you Neale that this site is being hacked and that you are onto it and determined to fix it. Sorry for my desperation comments to you becoming increasingly strident. It will be such a relief to have our posts to others remaining after spending so much time writing them. I find sharing views here so spiritually uplifting and thank you for the opportunity to share with others here. Love your work Neale.
God Bless and Love,
Marko…you havnt been posting for the last couple of weeks much. Are you having problems as well?
No problems for me. I informed Neale about what was going last week & he responded in the last blog & more so on this one. I hope it resolves soon.
Cool, just wondering since you’ve been quiet, if your posts may have been eaten by the monster as well.
Take care,
I’m not into the current drama, but I understand the frustration & as mentioned before, I hope it resolves soon. But I’ll be here as I have for years, always up for a good discussion on Neale’s current topics.
Hi Marko. If you don’t respond, I don’t blame you, but you have known me for years, so why is the Messenger Circle not around? I would have rather gone there. We seemed to talk more highly there, at least I did until I didn’t. Not really. It was a growing pain that shot the moon. Is it gone. I can’t find it on the internet. Love you anyhoo π
It is there, BBSD, go to CwG connect. The Messenger Circle is now “The Village”. Now under what name would I remember you?
um God. I didn’t know that it is still here. Thanks! I think I went by Michelle, to be honest. Who remembers. It’s been awhile π I’ll try to find it.
Go to the bottom of this page & you will find CwG connect how to join etc.
Thanks, Marko π
Hi Marko, I’m having difficulty understanding which thing to join. CWG Connect. Heck, I am already a member under a name I forgot π But, is that the same thing as the Village? Last I was on Connect, it had many threads and not a single post that was updated every couple of days or so. Is the Village like the Old Messenger Circle or is it a place where there are lots of threads to many different things like videos and such?
Neales current topic is the hacker!!!
I have nothing to contribute save what I said already.
I know. It is a boring topic. I told him somewhere we need a new topic or we can talk tutu and Mexican cafeaulait. Actually, Brazilian is hot too but not for sale. I always give the leftover grinds. I can red tea leaves, coffee grounds, pizza pie pans. Just call me Tabitha and Sam.
Mr Hacker…I’m pretty sure I know who you are, and please stop it if you dont want me to out you. Im a real life Trixie Belden…there is something online from 2012 about this that I can put a link to that I recalled reading in another of Neales sites, autistic memory for trivia! If you want to work as a moderator for Neale, then ask him.
Thank you,
Do tell. NOthing like a memory from 2012. Phew Trixie? I am Tabitha and sam, so we should be able to figure it out. π
No, Im not telling if they stop, its Neales responsibility not mine, I just tried to find out since I think it started with my posted being deleted for the last year.
Post it note not to neale. He is too laid back I guess. If there is a criminal on this site, announce it.
Please see note above where one of your replies is missing.
Love and Blessings Always,
“Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. Rather, ask yourself, what about this have you judged bad, and what, if anything, you wish to do to change it.” -Neale Donald Walsch
Be the change π Gold accepted mightily, the lightbeam kind, of course.
“Good” reminder, LOL.
Seriously, though, I needed to hear it. I’m not having my best days of late, and am still waiting for my epidural on the 22nd. So I decided to work on my passion project and hit a brick wall there, too. I guess I’m either going to choose to be in waiting more or I’m going to find another something to work on. I don’t always wait well, so I’ll probably be working on a logo or something.
I don’t think I judge things as “bad” anymore, but rather whether or not it’s beneficial for getting us to where we intend to go.
I think if someone were to threaten the life of someone I know, I’d put myself in the middle of it somehow. Probably with my big ol’ mouth first as I can’t do physical violence to another. Verbal, yes. Physical, no. Couldn’t even do violence with a sponge bat and a punching bag in a safe room in therapy. Or maybe I’d offer mine in exchange for my loved one’s life, if opening my big ol’ mouth didn’t already cause me to lose my life.
Love and Blessings Always,
Verbal, yes. Physical, no. You are too sweet. I am evil kineval when it comes to my kids. Actually, call me Muhammed Ali. I might turn into Mussolin I if someone came after kid.
I saw and experienced enough violence by the time I was 10 years old to last a lifetime. The last time I got physical, all I did was put my hand on my ex-roommate’s chest and push hard enough for him to take one step back. That was after I tried to control my temper while he pushed my buttons for about half an hour. When I told him I was controlling myself, he said “bring it!” and I did. By the time I put my hand on his chest, I’d already shredded him to ribbons with my tongue. The push was for emphasis. That was enough for me to tell him the next morning that I’d be finding my own place, even if it was a dump in a bad neighborhood, because I don’t believe in violenceβfrom me or anyone else.
I have a habit of not needing to be physically violent. Verbally, though, I’ve gotten out of control. I go cold as steel. Did so for my stepsons on more than one occasion, althoughβ their worst enemies were their mother and her boyfriend. I heard on more than one occasion that, out of the four of us, I was the best parent, even though I had no legal claim to either one. Shredded all three of the others more than once over our boys.
The tongue is mightier than the sword, in my case. Unfortunately, I learned how to fight dirty from my family in that regard.
Love and Blessings Always,
Well, that’s good for you. Like I said, a tongue goes only so far, but only for my kids would I use every tool at disposal including the disposal, kitchen sink and refrigerator, too, pliers, tweezers, nail, hammer, screwdriver, nail polish, licquor bottle lacquer the criminal up and throw away the key. When my kid isn’t involved, I can bat an eye and calm a criminal right away. I did that a couple of times. A mad driver was behind me at a redlight and he wanted to race when the light turned green. He raced me down and forced me to pull over. It was crowded and I wasn’t in a spaceship at the time so to speak. He jumps out of his car and comes up to my window which it was hot and rolled down and he wanted to punch me. I looked at him while he ranted and smiled, said “I am sorry.” He stomped off but not angry then. Damn. Men. Love ’em and hate ’em. I got testosterone too when it comes to my kids though. No batting no eye if someone is right in front of me trying to harm one.
Wonderful Annie, my wife goes cold as steel too and on rare occasions flays a deserving recipient with her tongue leaving him speechless. (Why is it always a male?). Not me though fortunately, others since she is wonderful and loves me. But do you think this attribute is solely that of women? I have never seen this in a man.
Love to you and Blessings
Bruce -
Hmmm… Well, now that you mention it, I think that the only man I saw who did it well and often was my father, who learned it from his mother. My four brothers never picked it up from him, preferring physical fights or screaming, but they weren’t on the receiving end of the cold, shred-you-to-bits verbal violence as much, either. Except for one, and he’s (last I heard) a pacifist. Walks away from fights altogether, or tells the other to take the first swing. (They never doβhe has cerebral palsy.)
I’m old enough that my family was raised (after my father left) with modified traditional roles. The girls couldn’t do the hard labor, like lawn mowing or cleaning the gutters. The boys weren’t allowed to do the delicate things, like cleaning the chandelier or polishing the silver. But, the boys were encouraged to cook and sew and do laundry, and the girls were encouraged to use hand tools and repair electronics and pursue careers.
We still lived in a society that encouraged boys to fistfight and girls not to. Now, it seems, they’re both encouraged to get physical. But I don’t think the reverse applies as it’s women who generally give out tongue lashings. (I never discriminated, though, shredding both males and females). Men seem more apt to throw one-liner insults, but don’t use that cold, steeliness that makes people wither and feel about an inch tall. (I also learned how to do that with just a look, or so I’ve been told.)
I don’t know. Maybe it’s in that one leg of the X chromasomeβ y’all are missing! ? (Just kidding… sort of.)
Love and Blessings Always,
Anything I can help with Annie?
Now it suddenly shows up, an hour after you posted it.
Here we go again! I got an email that you replied to me, but I don’t see it here.
You asked if there was anything you could help with. I’m fighting with the company I bought my theme from. I’m aggravating them hourly, so I think I’ve got it covered. ?
Love and Blessings Always,
Spot on Jethro!
“All of that having been said, if somebody comes into my house or approaches me on the street and is moving to kill or injure my loved one, I am going to use physical force, if that is the only means that will work, to bring an end to the threat or the assault.”
Me too, but I don’t believe we are all ONE or that I have a soul with an agenda. If one believes these things, then isn’t the proper response, (or the greatest version/highest vision thing) to allow that other person’s soul to fulfill its agenda by attacking you or your loved one? After all, if we are all ONE, the soul of the person being attacked must have wanted it to happen in some way – to fulfil some agenda of it’s own, right? The souls of the Jews that Hitler killed, at some level, wanted it to happen, right?
That you would react as I would, with self defense, as designed by evolution for my survival, seems contradictory to the message of ONEness and soul’s agendas and all that. Besides, even if we have souls, why should we care about their agenda? We – our self-aware consciousness, is apparently not “our soul” as we speak of it as having its own agenda. “We,” our self-aware consciousness, will not be going along with that soul, assuming it exists, when we die, given that the processes that give rise to and support that self-aware consciousness will cease to operate.
You’re oversimplifying, and I think you’re doing it on purpose. I don’t think Neale has ever said that we know any Soul’s agenda other than our own. (Or that he’s perfefct, for that matter.) We can’t know what the Soul’s agenda is for the one who is attacking or the one who is being attacked. It may very well be that by attacking and being confronted with an unwilling assailant, the attacker is going to have a wake-up call that’s part of their Soul’s agenda.
Being part of All That Is doesn’t mean that we stand by and let things happen. Just because someone attacks, that doesn’t mean it’s part of our Soul’s agenda to simply submit to the attack.
You’ve already made it abundantly clear that you don’t believe in Souls, or in Oneness. On the other hand, I believe that “I” or my “self awareness” if you prefer, does exist on the other side of physical death. You’re entitled to your own opinion, of course.
Love and Blessings Always,
You can call it oversimplifying, but I call it “cutting to the chase.” I didn’t say that Neale said we know any soul’s agenda other than our own. I don’t think he’s said we even know our own soul’s agenda. That, I think is what we’re supposed to try and figure out.
It could be, for example, that his soul’s agenda is to elect for him to be attacked in order to experience that as part of that soul’s growth or development, or experience, and perhaps, by practicing self defense, he’s interfering with his soul’s agenda. As he indicates himself: “My mind struggles with this every time I look at it,” it’s clear that he doesn’t know what his own soul’s agenda is, or he’d try to do it – or he worries that he’s acting at odds with it – after all Jesus went to the cross, mythical or otherwise.
Perhaps he doesn’t know, because there is no soul and no agenda. Seriously, given that there is no evidence for souls or their alleged agenda’s, it’s all just an intellectual pleasantry. We can’t guess what the alleged agenda of an alleged soul might want us to do either as attacker or victim, because there’s no evidence for either.
If you knew for a fact that your “I,” your self-aware consciousness, was not going to survive death, would you live this life any differently? Would knowing that this is all you get, make you consider whether you’re doing the best you can with what you have, because there are no second chances?
“If you knew for a fact that your “I,” your self-aware consciousness, was not going to survive death, would you live this life any differently? Would knowing that this is all you get, make you consider whether you’re doing the best you can with what you have, because there are no second chances?”
If I did not believe in God or the Soul with a High Agenda, and I thought for a “face that my “I,” my “Self=Aware Consciousness was not going to survive death,” I would not do a thing differently. That means I live from my heart, my true awareness. I give All All I’ve got to give as Love Sweet Love, and that gets me by in the world and hereafter. When we live from a true heart, we always give to each other that which we would not mind receiving. What it all comes down to is Love gives only that which it would desire experiencing itself, meaning only Love, Peace, Joy, Compassion, Truth, Wisdom and Joy. It does not attempt to maim another, lest he or she receives that gift. My ex, who was abusive, actually is needing a total hip replacement, so we get that which we put out. Always.
This seems to be the response of most people. There are those who say that without the threat of punishment, they would run out and kill, rape and rob; but I doubt that’s true for most people, and if it is, it simply means they are bad people.
Karma, unfortunately is not something we can depend on. Many people do many bad things, and exit this life without ever having “paid” for them, and the chance that they will experience their “payback” in some other existence is so small as to be unworthy of consideration, in my view.
“There are those who say that without the threat of punishment, they would run out and kill, rape and rob; but I doubt that’s true for most people and if it is, it simply means they are bad people.”
In your cosmology, what do we do with those who are simply bad people?
As far as karma goes, I have never done karma, but am willing to do karma to help raise the earth’s consciousness to the high point where we don’t have to exchange energy with any bad people.
“In your cosmology, what do we do with those who are simply bad people?”
There must be consequences for antisocial behavior. People who don’t want to go to Hell, also don’t want to go to prison.
I am certain that through the many cycles of evolution, especially a revolutionary evolution, that God has been imprisoned for love. Somewhere along the way, there are innocents who have been imprisoned, so the question of “consequences for antisocial behavior” is actually more complexly answered. Is imprisonment of criminals and innocents alike the best means for solving the world’s problems or producing more criminals in the long run towards creating a highly functional and sustainable future that lives in love for the whole world? I wonder.
If they are in prison, they are not reproducing. That’s good for the human genome.
Patrick, this gets into some big theories on quantum energy again, and I am certain we will begin another debate that I don’t feel compelled to engage. We produce with our thought is all I am adding to the mix.
You are oversimplifying. Yes, we can each come to understand our own Soul’s agenda, and we can act from that. To try to guess another’s Soul’s agenda is not my place. I act from who I am.
Neale has stated his Soul’s agenda before. I won’t speak for him. I didn’t read it the same way you did.
Your question is moot. Since I do know by having been in communication with my Soul that I’ll survive death, I can’t play “what if” as if I don’t know. And I don’t believe I need any “second chances” because I cannot fail. That’s not my understanding about why I would choose to return to another physical incarnation.
Love and Blessings Always,
Continuing to live in some form or other, after this life is “a second chance” whether that life is supernatural or as a reincarnated person. If this is all we get, then anything else is a “second chance.” It’s not about failing, unless you consider the death of your self-aware consciousness to be a failure.
I know you hate it when I say this, but there’s every reason to think that when you were “in communication with my (your) soul,” you were hallucinating. Our brains do stuff like that, and then make those experiences feel more “real” than reality itself. Some researchers think it’s because those thoughts bypass the “reality check” or “fact-checker” portion of the brain, so the neural pathway gets laid down without that “fact-check” processing. It’s similar to what happens when we dream, but dreams don’t get laid down as memories in the same way as when we are awake, or partially awake. These occasional hallucinations are pretty similar to what schizophrenics experience, and can be brought on by strong emotion, stress, etc. One thing for sure – if you don’t have a functional brain, you won’t be having “communication with your soul” or anything else!
I see choosing to incarnate in physical existence as a fresh and new start at the beginning of each incarnation. It’s not a second chance at anything. It’s a chance to try something entirely new and different. The same goes for being in a metaphysical state. Each provides unique opportunities.
My brain functions just fine. No, there’s not “every reason to think” I’m hallucinating. There’s very good reason to think I’m communicating with my Soul as I have been given information that I have verified. It’s actually more similar to an OBE or NDE, which have also provided verifiable information. None of them are hallucinations. I’ve experienced hallucinations as a side effect of medications. They have an entirely different feel.
I know you hate it when I say this, but just because you’re willing to write off my own personal experiences doesn’t mean that I am. And just because you’ve started yet another scientific book that gives you new language in which to frame the same ideas doesn’t mean I am ever going to agree with you.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Do you hear yourself? You’re so anxious to disagree with me that you contradict yourself. A “fresh and new start” is a second chance, or third, or fourth or 500th… It’s another chance. “A chance to try something entirely new and different” is a second chance, another opportunity. You really have to try and massacre the language to say something different.
You do understand that we can manually stimulate OBEs now, right? It’s a function of the brain. “Hallucinations” may not be the right word, but what you are experiencing is almost certainly a function of the brain. Remove the brain, or specific parts of it, and you will not have those experiences. Damage the brain in the right way, or stimulate it in the right way, and you may have many more.
I’m not sure how I’m framing the same ideas differently, because the last book I read was one of those “Learning Courses” series on the discovery of the Higgs Boson, which has nothing to do with consciousness. Discovering it did complete the standard model, which means it left no opening for supernatural, magical, soul, god, essential essence or consciousness forces that can act on things in our natural world without us being aware of them.
You seem to have disdain for those who read science books by people much wiser and more knowledgeable than your beloved Neale, whose books are pretty simplistic by comparison. And your final sentence reminds me of the debate between Bill Nye (the science guy) and Ken Hamm the literalist fundamentalist. Nye was asked if he could ever change his mind, and he said, ‘absolutely – just bring on the evidence. Show me a fossil human skeleton at the same sedimentary level as the dinosaurs, for example.’ Hamm, asked the same question, said nothing could ever change his mind. The bible said it, he believes it, that settles it.
You have, in the past, at least inferred or implied (if not outright statedβI’m not going to go searching) that reincarnation is about another chance at somehow righting whatever it is we’ve failed to do in this life, using the same kind of phrases. What I’m saying is that’s not what I believe. I believe each incarnation has its own singular purpose, whether it’s the first or the thousandth, and none include some carried-forward failure that we somehow need to make right.
What can be manually stimulated in the brain might be similar to an OBE, but may not be the complete experience. I’m sure science could stimulate the sensations of my eating a cheeseburgerβthe taste, the smell, even the manipulation of salivary glandsβbut that doesn’t equal actually eating a cheeseburger. As I’ve repeatedly said when you argue against subjective experiences, I’ve verified information that wasn’t otherwise available through any other means.
You’ve started using the terms “System 1 brain” and “System 2 brain” and “reptilian brain,” terms you were not using before. If I recall, you did mention reading about those ideas in another book.
Neale is not “my beloved,” nor do I automatically believe that scientists are “much wiser and more knowledgeable” than he, nor are their readers. Much wiser and more knowledgeable about what? Science, maybe. Humanity? Maybe not. I don’t have disdain for those who read science books. I’d have to have disdain for myself, which I do not. I do have disdain for those who write off the personal experiences I’ve had in favor of what they’veβ read in a science book.
My beliefs are based on my own personal experiences. Yours appear to be based on what what you read about the latest scientific theory. That was the point of my last sentence, regardless of what you read into it.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
I don’t recall commenting on what “I” thought reincarnation was. Why would I? I don’t see any compelling evidence for reincarnation. If I said anything about the purpose for reincarnation, it would have been something I got from a New Age writer like Neale, Michael Newton, Thomas Campbell, James Monroe, etc. I read books on both sides of an issue, (assuming there’s a legitimate reason to do so – Bruce, for example, provided no such reason to read his book).
Getting a “second chance” doesn’t necessarily imply that one has to fix something – it only means that we don’t die when our life processes stop; we get a second (or perhaps I should say, “additional”) chance. Thank you for sharing what you believe about reincarnation; that doesn’t change the fact that we are talking about second chances.
I am unaware of researchers being able to stimulate the taste, smell and salivary glands that equal eating a cheeseburger, though we are certainly headed in that direction. If we are able to achieve this, and there is every reason to expect that we will, if indeed consciousness does emerge from the brain, then this technology (new company announced by Elon Musk will work on this), will help obese people stop over-eating, and may help with many other similar problems. What if you “tasted” a cheeseburger, while eating a dry granola bar? What happens now is that a person munches on a bowl of sugary snacks and the reptilian brain says, “Yeah, pile it on! It’s juicy and fat and sweet and nutritious and you may not eat for another four days, so pile it on,” while the cognitive brain looks on in horror. The idea that we can and likely will do so, however is evidence for consciousness being a product of the brain, and not otherwise.
Without knowing the particulars of what it is that you think was confirmed by other means, I cannot comment on your subjective experiences, but I know enough about the brain, to know that such things practically always have a rational explanation if you dig deep enough. There are coincidences, things we know but have forgotten that we know, false memories, manufactured memories, and so on. These things are very well documented. We know we cannot fully trust the subjective experiences of the brain. It’s wrong too often, to give it carte blanche.
Ah, the System 1/2 thinking system.. that’s not new. That’s pretty well understood. I read an article this week on WaitButWhy about Elon Musk’s new business venture “Neuralink” creating BMIs (body mind interfaces) and the article reviewed the state of our knowledge, and so that was at the top of my mind – something I knew, but had not considered in a while.
Perhaps I should have used the term “enamored” rather than “beloved.” You always jump to his defense. What would you say if he publicly announced that he manufactured the whole thing?
I have had “personal experiences” as I’ve mentioned before. I recognize that they were generated by the electrochemical processes in my brain, while you go with magic. So be it. I guess we shall have to agree to share our disdain for each other’s positions. I’m OK with that. I overestimated you, so I’ll put you back on my mental pegboard in a different place.
First, why would you use a reply to me to take a potshot at Bruce? I feel that’s inappropriate, and it’s something you’ve done before (and not just with Bruce). If you have an opinion about whether or not his book is worth reading, you really ought to address that with him.
No, I am not talking about second chances. I’m talking about the process of life. The movement from one stage of life to another to another to anotherβ… Maybe you parroted the words of someone else regarding reincarnation being a chance to correct past mistakes. As I said, I’m not going searching for it.
I used the stimulation of the brain to simulate the eating of a cheeseburger as an example only, not as a statement about where science is in relation to achieving it. I guess I should have clearly stated: “This is meant only as an example of what brain stimulation might simulate, not a statement about where science currently stands on its ability to actually do so.” You either missed the point entirely, or purposely chose to avoid it. That point is: Just because the brain is artificially stimulated doesn’t mean that anything more than a mere simulation is being produced. It doesn’t rule out OBE’s as something more than can be manually stimulated in a scientific experiment. (It also doesn’t rule out that more than the brain is involved.)
You have repeatedly “commented on” subjective experiences before. Why stop now? Oh… wait a minute… you didn’t stop commenting on them. Subjective experiences “practically always” have some “rational explanation,” and our brains are “wrong too often” to trust them. (But we can apparently trust them for anything to do with science, observation, interpretation of data, etc.)
Tell me how I rationally knew my mother passed over precisely at the time that she did when I’d no clue she was fatally ill, that I knew who was in the room with her, what they said, the song she was singing with her last breath (or even the fact that she was singing)… all while I was 2000 miles away at the coast with no phone or other means of communication.
Tell me how I rationally knew about verbatim phrases in a heated discussion between one of my sister’s friends, who I’d met maybe half a dozen times, and her husband (I’d only seen him darting out of their apartment once), as well as their movements and mannerisms, and details of a room in their new home I’d never been in.
Tell me how I rationally knew my sister was in a series of three rear-end accidents, the dates and times they occurred, at what intersections they occurred, who was or wasn’t in the vehicle at the time, and that she had whiplash, not in her neck but in her upper back, after the third one (but not the first two).
Tell me how I rationally knew my grandmother, living in Ohio while I was in California, was sick and needed help, prompting my mother (who’d known about my knowings my whole life) to call and, when she got no answer, had the neighbor check only to find out my grandmother was seriously ill from eating spoiled food and had to be hospitalized.
Things happen for which there are no rational explanations. In my opinion, limiting oneself to only those things one can rationally explain means missing out on too much life has to offer us.
No, “enamored” isn’t appropriate, either. Nor is any other term that implies anything more than admiration for someone who’s an international best seller, who put many of my thoughts into words, gave me some tools to use to develop a deeper level of Spirituality that’s enhanced my life, and who I’ve found personable, likeable and believable. I can easily say the same about Mike Dooley, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni (and more, if I were to wrack my brain over it). When you blatantly attack someone I respect, I will stand up for them in their absence. I believe that’s the just and proper thing to do. When you blatantly make fun of or misrepresent their ideas, some of which I share, I will stand up for those, too.
Neale’s books still affirm by putting into writing what I believed in before even picking up Book 1, and they’ve since presented ideas and tools that have expanded my mind and improved my life. I would be disappointed in the man if he were to say he’d “manufactured the whole thing,” but it wouldn’t wipe out the benefits I’ve received from his writings and teachings.
No, it’s not “magic.” It’s Spirituality.
Whether you overestimated me or not remains to be seen. But, I have to wonder: Is there a rationally proven explanation for having a mental pegboard in one’s mind? If not, you might be hallucinating it.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Sorry, I thought you really were proposing that we could stimulate the brain to think it’s eating a cheeseburger, but you did use the world “could” indicating a possible future, so yes I misinterpreted.
Mostly I just expounded on it though. Let’s chat about this some more because it’s interesting.You said, ” I’m sure science could stimulate the sensations of my eating a cheeseburgerβthe taste, the smell, even the manipulation of salivary glandsβbut that doesn’t equal actually eating a cheeseburger.” Actually, aside from not ingesting the cheeseburger, from the standpoint of the mind, you would have indeed eaten a cheeseburger. It’s all just data. It’s all particles. We could easily implant false memories in the mind in order to help people with obsessions, for example. Funny question arises… What happens to those false memories when the person dies? Are they treated as “real” memories by the soul, assuming it exists? Does the soul take those fake memories along? For that matter, when you die, does the soul separate the real and fake memories that occur naturally? In either case, how are they transported and into what, given that the process that produced them has ended. From the standpoint of the brain, the experience of eating an induced cheeseburger will be created in the exact same way as normal memories – they are the result of actions of particles transporting and storing information; it’s just that the information will come through wireless interfaces that communicate directly with neurons. We’ve already demonstrated this ability and can manipulate prosthesis and implant cochlea for the deaf, with much more to come. The more we learn, the more it seems that the brain, not some external consciousness, essential essence thingie is responsible for all that happens in our minds.
You’ll have to look up the research on OBEs (by mainstream scientists, not guys like Radin) because you will never believe me, so I’m not going to argue that. In controlled experiments, people experiencing OBEs never see objects that are placed outside of their field of vision, and that applies to self-induced as well as manually induced OBEs. Trust me, back when I believed in this stuff I searched high and low for good evidence. I gave up. The new age rags will run articles talking about “NEW” evidence, but it never is. The easiest way to research something you want to challenge is to add the word “debunked.” Search for: OBE debunked. There will be plenty of material to start with, and if you pick the right ones they will provide sources.
I’m not concerned about hurting Bruce’s feelings. He repeatedly accused me of lying and making false assertions without indicating what they were. He avoided answering most of my questions. He’s a big boy. He can handle it. The “ding” at Bruce was really more of a prod to you. You’ve made no comment on his book, yet it purports to support what you believe, so why haven’t you expressed interest? Have you read the first chapter? It’s really odd that I was the only person here who actually engaged with him on the content of his book – otherwise all his discussions here fall into the class of Kumbaya from my perspective – that or whining about the moderator and being rather accusatory towards Neale in that regards. I thought for sure people here would ask him how he proved the paranormal and ONEness with hard scientific evidence, but nobody but me asked, and of course I never got any real answer except – buy the book. Imagine if that’s how Neale responded to all his questions – “Leave me alone. Buy the book.” LOL.
Without a really indepth consultation by a professional, for which I am certainly not qualified, it would be difficult to do more than guess at the explanations for the experiences you listed. Some are probably false memories, others were likely constructed out of what you knew about the players, some are probably manufactured memories – things you convinced yourself that you knew ahead of time, but really didn’t. We all do that sometimes. A lot of times this sort of thing happens when we hear the phone ring, and a thousand thoughts run through our head, and 99% of the time there is no match, but on that 100th ring, the stars align and you think the thought and get the news and it all seems like it was paranormal. There’s little sense in me trying to convince you otherwise. Your “condition” if I may call it that is of great concern to researchers because many people with far less compelling stories than you, are afflicted with it. There is nothing that can be said to them to dissuade them that their experience wasn’t real, and that can have bad consequences for the person in some cases. Take the experience of the mother whose visions of Jesus are “so real” that she drowns her kids. This is an area of current study of interest to neurologists as well as psychiatrists.
Hey, no problem standing up for Neale. I enjoy the debate and he seldom chooses to engage personally. I’ve come to realize that as I think more carefully about some of his material, it doesn’t hold the same allure that it did when I first read it, and doesn’t make the same sense it once did when I look at it carefully. The whole concept of ONEness and nobody doing anything their soul really doesn’t want to do, is a very clever way of relieving ourselves of responsibility for whatever we do or whatever happens to us. We must have wanted it. They must have wanted us to hurt them. After all, we’re all ONE. Somebody must have wanted to get hurt, or somebody’s soul’s agenda was that they should get hurt. Who are we to question that soul’s agenda? All we have to do is be helpful and hurt them! You can go down Alice’s rat hole with this stuff. You can justify anything, and any consequences that matter, only matter here, so if you get away with it here, you’re golden; because according the Neale’s concept of ONEness with his god, there’s no punishment there – wherever or whatever the afterlife is.
You made note that Neale’s books “affirm” what you already believed before picking up CwG1. How often do you read things that challenge what you believe? When is the last time you read something from someone besides me, that challenged your beliefs?
Until you can prove that it (soul, god, essential essence, etc.) exists, then it IS absolutely indistinguishable from magic. We all make judgements about other people and categorize them. We can’t help it. It’s part of being self-aware and noting the self-awareness of another. Our brains operate on, and love patterns, so we look to fit that person into a place on the pattern. It’s something we often do with that reptilian brain I mentioned earlier, and something we should try to do with our cognitive brain, but it happens either way. Obviously I don’t see a pegboard in my mind, but I do know that I have moved you around the virtual pegboard a few times, as I’m sure you have done with me. If we’re not constantly reevaluating, adjusting, modifying, changing, etc. then we’re dying.
Patrick, Are you in a bad mood? It just seems like you are arguing for nothing. You insist on needing God and evidence he or it or she exists. I’m going throw god in a cardboard box, pack him up with extra tape, and mail him ups. What’s your address. I’m just kidding. By the way, don’t pick on Alice. Do you think she fell in a Rat hole or just a tree hole that is odd? I am being facetious. Seriously, I get your point. You want evidence, but unless you believe that it is a possible possibility, God won’t present anything. That’s my belief.
“Actually, aside from not ingesting the cheeseburger, from the standpoint of the mind, you would have indeed eaten a cheeseburger.” Ummm… the whole point of actually eating a cheeseburger is to ingest it, thereby providing calories for the physical body. Since there’s no sustenance from a simulation, what’sβ the point? The same goes for the OBE’s that are produced by stimulating the brain, in that they may well be merely simulationsββlacking in substance.
As I’ve said before, I believe more than once, I have an incomplete understanding of the specific details around how metaphysics works. I’m still learning and growing. Therefore, I will not debate you about specifics. You should be OK with that, since I’m admitting that I don’t know what I don’t know. Avoiding all that cognitive dissonance and all.
I would warn you to be careful about the use of the term “false memories,” however, as it’s been used for some years now in regards to sexual assaults. Perpetrators have latched onto the idea and twist it to use it as a denial of allegations. You might find yourself triggering someone who hasn’t yet healed those particular wounds and end up with a whole lot of vitriol you don’t deserve.
The same goes for calling my experiences a “condition,” which makes it sound like an unnatural affliction and uses the same term that is used in a derogatory tone by the (at least local) police and sheriffs whenever they stop someone who’s not in a vehicle and looks “disheveled” (the latest euphemism for the homeless).
I don’t have a “condition.” I have a life.
“In controlled experiments, people experiencing OBEs never see objects that are placed outside of their field of vision, and that applies to self-induced as well as manually induced OBEs.” But I have. On more than one occasion. You’re conveniently ignoring that fact.
Why would I choose to ignore my own experiences, or explain them away as some matter-only related hallucinations, when that’s not the level at which I experience them? My experiences involve all three parts of who I who I am. When knowledge is made available to me, it comes from one or both of the nonphysical parts of me. I’ve βmade myself familiar with the feeling of their energies, so I recognize the source.
“Dinging” by referencing someone else than to whom you are replying is, in my opinion, inappropriate. I have not yet read the first chapter of Bruce’s book. Reading isn’t a priority when I’m unable to focus. I won’t say why because doing so in the past has gotten a negative, judgmental response from you. Following this column and reading news articles are all I can handle at the moment.
And, again, you’re oversimplifying. You’re forgetting that it’s possible to act from our humanity rather than in alignment with our Soul’s agenda. Free will, remember? I thought you knew CWG better than that. You’re also leaving out cause and effect.
When I could afford books on a regular basis, like back when Book 1 was first published, I read sacred texts, rediscovered and banned texts, scholarship on sacred texts, self-help books, science books, books on art, IT books, medical books, biographies, books on the paranormal, channeled books, historical books, and even the occasional novel. (And I’m sure I’m leaving topics out.) I have well-rounded interests. I was ribbed by my co-workers for always having a book in hand. I don’t avoid books that challenge my beliefs. I have had to be more selective for several years now because my financial situation changed.
It’s not magic. It’s Spirituality.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Well you let me know when you have objective evidence. Till then your experiences are of no value as evidence to anyone but yourself. If you had more knowledge of the current state of scientific knowledge and understanding, you might be more skeptical of your beliefs.
I know you think you’re giving “reasons” but they sure sound like “excuses” to me. You have the ability to read through my posts with a fine tooth comb looking for tiny things to criticize and try to turn around on me. If you have that ability – you can read a darn chapter in a book. If you believe in this ONEness stuff, why are you more interested in debating someone like me who questions it, than in looking for actual “hard science” (to quote Bruce) to support your beliefs? If you have limited capacity, why do you choose me over something more educational – given that you don’t seem to appreciate anything I have to offer.
My experiences are of value as part of the growing body of human experience, adding to the conversation about those things of which human beings are capable. They have also been valuable to friends with whom I’ve shared them because it validates their own experiences or expands their ideas. The knowing that came to me about my grandmother was certainly of great value to her and my family. Just because you don’t find value in them doesn’t mean that’s true for everyone else.
I guess you didn’t notice how long it took me to reply to you. It took a good deal of time and focus. Why do it? Because I believe that your material-centered view of humanity and the way in which you disrespectfully comment on this site shouldn’t go unchallenged.
“You have the ability to read through my posts with a fine tooth comb looking for tiny things to criticize and try to turn around on me. If you have that ability – you can read a darn chapter in a book.”
Who the h*ll do you think you are? You have no right to pass judgement on me, my abilities, my reading choices, what I consider important or how I choose to spend my time. You complain about personal attacks against you, yet you’re certainly not above doing precisely what you complain about. You’ve insulted Neale, Bruce and me just in this exchange alone.
At least I’m not a hypocrite.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
I don’t see any personal insults, only questions about the veracity of your experiences. (I’m actually concerned about you, because I think you may have a “condition” in addition to the other medical and mental “conditions” you’ve shared with everyone). Remember that you can only be offended if you choose to be offended. If you see my disagreement with you as personal insults -well that’s your problem, not mine. I haven’t called you stupid or a pathological liar, or anything like that. You brought up the subject of your experiences, and invited commentary. I am allowed to doubt you – and I do! I do know more science than you do, after all.
You would do a much better job of challenging me if you had some actual objective evidence to work with, and I will repeat that I think that if you had a greater scientific understanding, that you might use a little skepticism on your own beliefs. As I see it, your focus is on combatting me without adding to your arsenal of weapons to use in that debate. All you can really do is accuse me of being mean for not accepting your subjective experiences. It’s a losing game, when I’m always updating my knowledge base. If you only have so much energy for focus – why am I the most important thing to spend that energy on? Is Neale is incapable of defending himself? He knows I’m here. He’s addressed me personally before. Your rush to defend him kind of strikes me as do religious extremists who apparently believe their god can’t defend himself so they have to do it for him.
On the other hand, debating issues pertinent to the CwG mythology with you, I am certainly open to and largely why I am here, but if you think I’m insulting Neale, by questioning his beliefs and motives, I’m going to guess that it’s bothering him far, far less than it bothers you. I have yet to call him the spawn of Satan as I’m sure he’s heard many times before!
This is where mindfulness training is so handy. “What am I thinking about? Why am I thinking this? Does this do me any good? Does this do anyone any good? If not – find something more useful to think about!” (I wrote something like this and posted it on my desk for months till it became habit. I got that idea from Neale, I’m pretty sure, and I still use it when I find my mind on the hamster wheel). Don’t waste time using your precious focusing resources on defending Neale from me – debate his points – absolutely, but come on Annie, if your focusing resources are limited make them count for something more important than reminding me what an awful person I am. I already know that, and am comfortable with who I am. Older people are allowed to be cantankerous sometimes. You do, at times, illustrate a sharp mind and I enjoy debating “issues” with you, but we always end up in “personalities.” Ugh. I enjoy sparring – it keeps my mind sharp – but I’d rather spar over something more important than what a jerk I am. Yes! I am a mean, nasty, insensitive individual. I admit it. Happy now? I’m not changing. It works for me. Now if you’re finished playing the victim again, let’s move back to the subject…..
Why is it simplistic to assert that anyone who gets harmed wanted that to happen in order to fulfil their soul’s agenda?
You had a crappy youth, as you’ve made abundantly clear. Obviously your self-aware consciousness – the “I” that is debating with me – did not choose that life. This means your soul – something that must be separate from the “I” chose that for you. It’s what your soul wanted. Neale always speaks of it in third person. He refers to it as your soul, but it seems more to me like you are its biological machine. In any event, why were the hardships of your life what your soul wanted? Was it so that you could share your sad story in forums like this? What does your soul get out of it? What’s the motivation for the soul to condemn the biological machine it intends to inhabit to misery? (I’m not necessarily speaking specifically about you, but in more general terms). What does one’s soul get out of it? What do “you,” the self-aware consciousness that is you, get out of it?
Does what “you” get out of it even matter, since “you” probably aren’t going along for the trip when the soul returns to the ONEness and selects another biological machine to continue its agenda. Why should we care about that soul after it treats us so shabbily?
It makes a lot more sense to me that there is no soul. I ended up with my life circumstances as mere happenchance, as did all of us. No soul planned my life, and if it did – what right did it have to do so, or am “I” the self-aware consciousness but an expendable slave to it?
For your information, my reply to you wasn’t the most time consuming or important thing I did yesterday.
I’m not playing victim. I’m stating objective facts.
Being dismissive, suggesting I have a “condition” and passing judgement are all personal.
No response to the “issues” portion of my post? Figured as much. Just interested in personalities, again. I’ll pass; but I will note that in putting your personal affairs out there for all to see, you are inviting personal comment and have no business being offended when you don’t like what you hear.
I would expect human beings to be respectfulβnot dismissive, suggest I have some “condition” because I have Spiritual experiences, or pass judgement on me with a “holier than thou because I believe differently and I’ve read more than you” attitude.
It’s called being humane.
Maybe I’ll take the rest of your posts more seriously when you learn how to be respectful.
That ain’t gonna happen, unless you make it so. Respect has to be earned.
I didn’t say that your reply was the most time consuming or important thing you did yesterday, did I? (straw man). What I said was, “if your focusing resources are limited make them count for something more important than reminding me what an awful person I am.”
Yes, we have exchanged personal comments – but that’s because you always insist on bringing the discussion around to personalities, instead of sticking to the main subject.
With regard to the first part of your post – “what would be the use”? There are all sorts of uses. If you could feed a person healthy fruits and vegetables and let their brain think it was eating a fat, cholesterol laden cheeseburger, then that would provide a very valuable health benefit for an obese person who struggles with weight loss. It’s a brain problem. The reptilian brain tells us to eat everything we can for as long as it lasts, because over the course of our evolution that was what kept us alive. For some people, the cognitive brain is unable to overcome the reptilian (System 1) brain, so being able to fake out that brain might have benefits.
Simulations of course are vitally important to pilots, shuttle operators, air traffic controllers, police officers, etc. From what I recall, people who have had self-induced and manually induced OBEs see no difference between the two. In either case, it’s a simulation. You aren’t actually going anywhere.
“If one believes these things, then isn’t the proper response, (or the greatest version/highest vision thing) to allow that other person’s soul to fulfill its agenda by attacking you or your loved one? After all, if we are all ONE, the soul of the person being attacked must have wanted it to happen in some way – to fulfil some agenda of it’s own, right?”
The proper response is no thought. Whose soul is highest? The one willing to aim a bullet at a loved one, or the one willing to die to defend a loved one’s life? The hi soul always takes precedence, in my perspective.
Define the “highest” soul, and who gets to decide that?
Your own inner highest Being, assuming you are God. If you don’t believe, Virginia, believe in Dorothy or me or santa or elf or whatever you call the highest soul you got, but you don’t believe so who decides for an atheist? I don’t know. Your inner call to the “other.” We do have morals and ethics that call to the other’s well being. Who’s well being would you defend if Hitler were at your door attempting to gas your relative? Anne Frank, me. I would hide me and call me the highest high soul and run, I guess. The high soul would be the one hiding Anne Frank in that case, but you want me to define soul and it is undefinable. You are me if you would defend me. The Soul is both seen and not seen. It’s physical and not physical. It is a Mind like nothing and a nomind like something. It has a rock and leaf and no rock and no leaf. It is a clock and no clock. It is time and notime. It is space and spaceless. It is a mystery and a solved puzzle. It’s everything and nothing. It is here and not here. There and not there. It’s green and gold. It is also every rainbow and every pot of gold. It is also penniless. It is Seen. It is also Unseen. It moves and is stillness. Simultaneously it’s both love and war. The Sacred and the Profane. It’s like peace and love and love and peace and all in Compassion when it would die for love in the highest without a thought to the contrary. It would dive into death for its loved one. That’s all I know
You seem to propose that we all get to define what the soul is and what the “highest soul” means, for ourselves, except that you seem to insist that only those who believe what you believe are capable of defining what a highest soul is. You therefore appear to deny the atheist the right to define the soul as something allegorical, for example. In this you echo Neale, who rails against the legacy religions but who favors those who believe in them, over those who do not, (even calling non-believers dangerous), because without unfounded “belief” he has no chance of putting forward his movement. He needs the same kind of people who believe in those legacy religions that he says got it all wrong. Believe instead in what he proposes, he preaches, because God spoke to him. However like all the other prophets and messengers the gods have spoken with, none has ever been provided with anything that could be used to verify the reality of the alleged conversation. It’s time for evidence.
People have to be willing to take things on faith, rather than evidence, in order for religions of any flavor, including his, to take root. The atheist who wants to see compelling, objective evidence, is excluded from the conversation because he or she relies on critical thinking rather than belief. The believer is not interested in having their beliefs questioned, so eliminating the atheist from the discussion is the simple solution. It’s also the cowardly solution, and one that limits the personal growth of the person unwilling to challenge their most closely held personal beliefs – in my opinion.
Patrick, I am big on critical thinking. As a teacher, that is a priority, the single most important thing I teach. It is on my syllabus. I teach how to think critically. Your first two sentences misinterpret my entire belief system. I believe there are many ways to the top.
“You seem to propose that we all get to define what the soul is and what the “highest soul” means, for ourselves, except that you seem to insist that only those who believe what you believe are capable of defining what a highest soul is. You therefore appear to deny the atheist the right to define the soul as something allegorical, for example.”
I offered that, as an atheist, I am not quite sure because I am not an atheist, but I still perceive a way for an atheist to act in the highest possible manner in alignment with my truth about soul. I said in other words one has a call to the other. What I mean by this is when we see someone in need, we respond as if we are willing to provide what they need, simply because we act on morals and ethics. We have an innate knowing what is the moral and ethical thing to do in life, as human. The call to the other is a big topic in Literary Criticism. Check out Levinas. My sentence here offered that interpretation of one way an atheist might coexist in an otherwise soul believing world. Just because you don’t believe in a soul does not mean you should act unethically. Just because someone claims to believe they have a high soul does not make an ethical person.
” If you don’t believe, Virginia, believe in Dorothy or me or santa or elf or whatever you call the highest soul you got, but you don’t believe so who decides for an atheist? I don’t know. Your inner call to the “other.” We do have morals and ethics that call to the other’s well being. Who’s well being would you defend if Hitler were at your door attempting to gas your relative? Anne Frank, me. I would hide me and call me the highest high soul and run, I guess. The high soul would be the one hiding Anne Frank in that case, but you want me to define soul and it is undefinable. You are me if you would defend me.”
Sorry if I misinterpreted you. I have trouble with language that is not straightforward and precise, and you have a distinct style that I struggle to follow. I’m not much of a poet.
Of course atheists can be moral – they are probably more moral than most believers, given they have contributed to overcome the morality of the Church (genocide, slavery, sexism, racism, discrimination against the disabled, homophobia and more).
The discussion was souls though, and how one defines the “highest soul” whatever that is, and who gets to determine that definition I still don’t understand from your answer what it is or who gets to decide.
Morality is both ingrained through evolution, and cognitive. Altruism has been pretty well determined to be an evolved trait. It’s good for the survival of the species. There are many examples in nature where altruism can be seen as an evolutionary trait. It is also a cognitive task.
If you are walking by a railroad switch and there is a train coming down the track, and from your position you can see that if the train stays on the track it’s on, it will mow down and kill 5 people, but if you throw the switch, it will go over to another rail and kill one person. Do you throw the switch? What does the “highest” soul do?
“The discussion was souls though, and how one defines the “highest soul” whatever that is, and who gets to determine that definition I still don’t understand from your answer what it is or who gets to decide.”
I am very much a liberal who believes many go to the top by many different ways as long as one is using morally sound behavior in all they think, say and do. I also believe it does not matter whether one believes in a soul, assuming one is ethically bound to humanistic behavior.
“If you are walking by a railroad switch and there is a train coming down the track, and from your position you can see that if the train stays on the track it’s on, it will mow down and kill 5 people, but if you throw the switch, it will go over to another rail and kill one person. Do you throw the switch? What does the “highest” soul do?”
Believe it or not, I had to throw a switch on a train inbound and it was actually to save my own self, so I don’t know. In that instance, gaseous fumes were pouring in and the train was loosing grip on the track, so I had to pull the switch. As far as a jumping train goes, it is difficult to answer what I might do. There could be five bad people with dark souls and one heavenly one on the other track. I guess I would have to use my intuition and save the one.
Souls are of The Source, represented by the Sun. The Source decides the definition, but humans are no where near having the highest soul. First we must seek to attain the perfect human soul. That is showing the pisitive human traits of love, joy, humour, beauty, undeestanding, righteousness, communication skill, patience, acceptance, logic, altruism and many more, plus being capable of a long list of human physical abilities. A perfect human soul will then have their relevant God dwelling within them, and have an awareness of The Source shining on them…they will shine in some way, shape or form.
You are saying that “The Source” whatever that is, decides the definition of the soul, but in proposing this “Source” you are defining the soul yourself. So your answer is that You get to define what the highest soul is, and you assign it a variety of human characteristics.
Nope…because you choose personal limitations, therefore are forsaking a lot available to you, you are unable to comprehend the truth.
We are a manually made species, the introduction of us to Earth being the story of Adam and Eve. BTW you earlier implied that I must think Earth was created 6000 or so years ago if I support scripture.
Old books do not state this. They say Creator created the Earth then God kicks in later, its Christian changes want readers to think God did a few thousand years ago.
You fail to comprehend that our thinking minds, personalities, humour and emotions are matters of the soul, not the brain. Our soul is an energy form that is also our aura. This differentiates us from other primates.
Its easy to google The Source Kabbalah if you actually wanted to understand what Im telling you, rather than saying “The Source..whatever that is”.
All you are proving is that you are stubborn and being selective on what you choose to understand, because the physical is easy…you cant personally dispute anything, but as soon as you encounter things that require you to delve deep in to yourself or believe others, to find the truth, then you slam that door in your own face.
What you said above is a complete load of crock, this is all typed with a smile at your 10year old tantrums when faced with ‘invisible’ matters, but one thing I do not tolerate in life is people telling lies about me. And that includes distorting my own words to fit into your own thinking a bit better!
Grow up, and research something if you truly want to understand it instead of asking people questions, then throwing their answers in your personal trash can!!
; ) -
I will get to your Kaballah soon enough. Few people know anything about it, so for you to chastise me for not knowing that the “Source” you referred to was this particular “Kabbalah Source,” is for you to be rather naive in thinking anyone here knows much about your religious views. Your sect is pretty small and unknown, so don’t get all huffy on me.
I am reading a very large book called “The Other Bible” that includes all sorts of texts from Nag Hammadi, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Christian and Jewish apocrypha and I know the Kabbalah is in the table of contents. I’ll get there.
If I can try again, it seems that you are telling me that if I want to know what the highest soul is, I have to learn your religion and become a believer in it like you. Thanks, I’ll pass; but I will study it when I get to it. I think I recall this Source, perhaps from an earlier book – Book of Enoch, perhaps… ?
If you don’t believe that human creation took place approximately 6000 years ago, then what do you believe? What does your religion teach? When did mankind arrive on the scene? Did we evolve or were we literally created as a breeding pair? If so you are going to have to explain the DNA because it doesn’t work for a single breeding pair. Most traditional Jews I speak with treat the creation story as pure myth, or allegory. Don’t tell me I’m an idiot because I asked if you thought the world was 6000 years old, tell me what you believe.
Not religion…I dont do or support any religion.
Neales books any many others talk about The Source, the ether of energy, so I would have assumed you were aware of that. The Source is Universal, not just Kabbalic, The Source of all metaphysical energy.
I do THINK the creation of humans as we know it took place 6000years ago, just not the creation of Earth, obviously. Im sure the story of Adam and Eve is about the introduction of white people to Earth, a slightly different race to others already here, and ‘white’ in Gods image. Remember sriptures are just one families records and stories, some mythology just as other races have as well in their historical stories.
If you want to read a brief rundown of The Source and sould just google Tree Of Life Kabbalah, there is a common diagram. And yes I know the information will tell you its not possible to do The Void journey part on Earth, theyre wrong!!!!
Take care, and if this tone sounds grumpy, its not, just typing fast before a customer comes to the counter.
Xx -
You think that white people were introduced to the earth 6000 years ago, and “white” in God’s image? Seriously? If I said that I’d be castigated as a racist bigot.
This is the first time I’ve heard this incredulous hypothesis. If I say anything more I’ll get in trouble.
Wow Patrick.
Not racism at all, whats wrong with acknowledging there are different races of the human race on Earth. How is that racist? Your interpretation of that is like saying lions, tigers, panthers, cheetahs etc all look the same and have the exact same behaviours. Odd thinking. I would have thought racism means to discriminate against a particular race? I live in a multi cultural area, everyday my customers are Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, South African etc, as are my neighbours. Yet again your misinterpretations of peoples comments distort things turning them into a negative, when they were a neutral comment. You really should look into why you do this…..deliberately to be a jerk, or just the eternal pessimist????
Remember when I speak of God I am strictly speaking of the God, amongst many, that became the God of the Israelite family. Step out of the ingrained Christian view of God being the God of all on Earth, then you will see things differently.
Scripture states one of Adam and Eves sons left with Gods mark on him so others couldnt kill him, obviously stating there were other people on Earth!!
Ive based my thought on lots of studies, years of studies, including having half fijian siblings and noting that caucasion females have longer harder labours and more difficult births compared to others…one of Eves curses.
Seek and ye will find….sometimes you can only end up with theories, does it matter, when at least you try?????
: ) -
What is a good book on kabbalism? I am interested in reading up on it. I am told I am a siddha. where is this In the big scheme of kabbalism tree. I don’t know a thing. I could just be a broccoli bush π
The word Kabbalah just means knowledge, and the Tree is just the journey through life that everyone does. The Buddha tree, Hinduism knows it as do Native American teachings. Its nothing new, in Scripture its similar to Jakobs ladder. Everyone is on the same journey to re-become a perfect human soul, meaning as humans were meant to be, by definition.
Near the top there are many different branches acknowledging everyone is different, like a major at University. My majors are Psycheology and Universal Law.
The Siddha branch is the Hindu term for the healing path on the Road to Wisdom, where in old days they would help oversee a community with ‘knowing’ and wise advice. Moses is identified as a Wise One, but his incredibly wise teaching is to say no to everything asked, then its up to individuals to work through things until they can change his no to a yes for themselves. Incredibly evolved teaching, a true Kabbalic teacher who can force his students (like me) to learn hard and fast. The fat Buddha smile represents this same teaching. If youve read the Clan of The Cave Bear books they are amazing for learning about the old ways like Kabbalah in society, especially the medicine woman who is a Siddha, able to access the ‘knowing’ of her ancestors, from memory I think her name is Iza. A complete human soul can access ‘knowing’ seperate to intuition or instincts.
For the basics on Kabbalah Maggy Whitehouse is the best, I just googled and her books I have are all still available. Shes an English Catholic minister that does stand up comedy!!! She gets straight to the point, unlike other Kabbalic books that are quite complex and confusing.
When they all say you cant enter The Void on Earth, thats crock, I have. The top line not in books, is in Revelation in scripture, the last stages of the human journey, just look up the meanings of pearls and all the gems in the pearly gate walls in a dream book or online…the traits to be a perfect human soul to work through before we can return to Eden (a perfect life with complete freedom) and eat from the final fruits of the Tree of Life and be immortal.
Take care,
Xx -
Thanks for the information. I will reread Revelations. Started it a year ago and got busy. A lot in it. That’s for sure. I’ll check out the books you mention. Thanks again!
Hi ya,
Just read the end couple of pages, after the white throne.
Yes, Relelation in its entirety is confusing, but its taken from Isaiah, Daniel, Hebrews and other sections and all put together by someone with new prophesies thrown in..doesnt mean its true. Its not in order and confusing, lots of different things mashed together. The bit about The Rapture was added by Christians. It took me years to plough through it all, translating every word with a dictionary to make sense of it all.
The last few pages are Kabbalah though.
Xx -
Thanks, Kristen. I’ll reread Revelation. I read Daniel and Hebrews, but in sections. I’ll check and see which part is Daniel. Thanks again!
Sorry…Maggys book Living Kabbalah is a good one as it relates it all to every aspect of life so Id look at that one first for an overview, its interesting to read and kind of interactive.
6000 years ago a white god created white people in his image? That’s what you are claiming? You may be able to get away with saying that, but if I proposed that nonsense anywhere except perhaps an all-white, Southern Baptist church in Alabama, I would be raked over the coals and strung up to rot.
I certainly acknowledge different races, as well as the process of natural selection that led to them. The idea that white people were introduced 6000 years ago, is one of the wildest and most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard, and it definitely has racist overtones, particularly when you refer to a white god and being created in his image. You expect black people to accept that?
What’s the alternative to the Adam and Eve myth? How about truth? How about reality? How about overwhelming evidence that mankind evolved over millions of years? How about the evidence that as people moved north, they no longer needed the pigment in their skin to protect us from the sun, thus that trait provided no advantage (natural selection) in the new environment. Humans evolved lighter skin. In order to absorb enough sun and vitamin D, we needed lighter skin as we migrated north. Those who evolved lighter skin, enjoyed better health, and passed on those genes. Those who didn’t get enough Vitamin D got sick and did not reproduce as successfully. There’s no magic here, just basic science and nature.
Call me a jerk if you like, but please go visit a collection of black people and tell them a white god created white people in his image 6000 years ago, and let me know how that goes over…
Stop distorting things to be racist, yes that is being a jerk.
Lots of Gods or dietys have created different races and species on Earth over time, the Human Experiment as its commonly known.
Yes I know about genetics etc, I studied it for years. Dont forget we also need to absorb vitamin D in order to be able to process Vitamin C as well,, companion vitamins and minerals are colour coded…vit C from citrus which look like the sun. Btw my pale daughter with a rare auto immune disorder (dermatomyitis) only gets a tan if she takes vitamin d supplements BEFORE summer. Before doing this she just burnt or stayed pale, the rest of us just have to look at the sun and tan easily. Or that a spring tan, natures addition to ‘natural selection’ that made us white, is necessary to tan us before the intense sun of Summer as its ghe bodies form of natural sun block, and we absorb more vit d in spring after citrus in Winter to prepare our bodies for the Summer sun….so your logic is evolution and natural selection took away our melanin pigments, then kicked in with a way for us to regain it in Spring and Summer because we need it after all?????
Im a green eyes mutant…although none of my kids are. Scientists are now doing studies to determine if the use of sunglasses is slowly eraticating the green eyes gene and many families like mine, two green eyed parents, are steering toward brown and blue eyed kids. Perhaps that evolutionary change is no longer required since the green mutation was to prevent sun or snow blindness?? More people are now breeding hazel eyes, or like mine, mustard/brown inside with a blue rim…so are green eyes actually real or do we actuall have the brown and blue pigments together but seperate, they never actually merged, its all an illusion. You can also look into why kids are now having much darker eye rims with paler eyes than their parents. Since youll know pale eyes are a lack of pigment like their skins, is excessive sunblock use starting to alter the genetics of eye pigment??? Or is it just al illusion due to darker rims, that natropaths believe is linked to dehydration since the width and density or iris rims changes during the day? But then, kids now drink more water than our generation ever did? Or are they all anaemic, which is known to lighten irises and skin tones? If so…why? Different diet with more chicken than red meat OR because sunblock is preventing vit D, therefore vit C absorbancy, which could then have a link to iron absorbancy…perhaps also linked to so many allergies?
Youre the science geek, you cant isolate out skin pigment changes, nor anything in science, without looking into every related aspect. Skin tones would not lighten so excessively without drastic eye and hair colour changes as well so your ‘theory’ would indicate caucasion people should not be able to have dark brown eyes or hair either??? Its the same pigment in skin, hair and eyes??
What about the real purpose of natural selection…idiots without a sense of self control (yes I know the brain alterations) kill themselves at war, in accidents etc before they go on to breed more idiots, and jerks dont breed at all cos no female wants them!!
The monster ate my reply..hope you got it, or the version before I edited it and added more.
Neale you said that economic means are an option that could be used as a deterrent for despotic regimes .However have the west not tried that with Saddam Husain in Iraq .As I understood it the consequences for the people where terrible . I also thought we were imposing sanctions on North Korea and Syria for that matter ? It seems that when you have dictators in power that rule with an iron rod, and are using killing and the threat of torture to achieve their aims this approach has little effect.
Wonderful !Stephen! I’d put you on my negotiating team. Why you might ask? To establish a forever peace treaty with regular meetings aimed at resolving mutual difficulties with the strange but beautiful concept “That Love Conquers All”.
God Bless,
Neale…I agree with you. If anyone tries to harm my family or myself and they cant have sense talked into them within a few minutes…theyll be lucky to make it out alive. I would over punish, use a lot more force than equal to theirs so they would learn never to do it to anyone ever again.
A friend of mine was raped when we were teenagers, the bas..rd snuck into her house early evening before she shut windows and hid all night, so assume he fell asleep. That morning as soon as she got in the bath he stormed in to attack her. She zoned out and somehow kept her wits about her when he wouldnt leave, getting him to turn on a stereo etc to get fingerprints, and calmed him down, telling him she forgave him, then made him leave when the phone rang, work wondering why she was late.
Anyway…he was caught a few years later, a serial rapist still in jail 25 years later I think. Talking to him as a savvy 19 year old and forgiving didnt change a thing, he went on to do it to others for a few years, including a 14yr old I think.
Moral of the story….people dont break into houses or threaten people to be nice, they are screwed in the head and will just go on to find another victim unless someone wants to spend a lot of 1:1 time on them….thats what counselling in jail is for!
People who are a danger to society need to be stopped, and if jail or physical force is the only way to stop them, then so be it…every action has a reaction, and each victim or potential victim has the right to choose their own reaction, something perpetrators are gambling with.
Hi Neale,
I don’t know that you remember me, but I was on the old Messenger Circle. I spoke a lot then about my similar biggest awakening moment around the time you began writing CWG, in the late nineties. I, too, had an energy move through my body, my hand, so palpable. It felt like a warmth and electricity that was visible. The room’s temperature changed, and my hand began to write, like a freewrite (because I am a teacher I say that), but it began moving. The pen stiffened even. Letters began pouring through me, but I was told several years ago that the world was not ready for my books. At my birth, I was scheduled to give a collection, but that mission was altered, apparently. Again, we have a similarity in that my first memorable OEB, though I think I had them previously (as a baby who was found across the street in a neighbor’s yard eating tulips. There is just no way that I could have crawled out of a window at that age, so who knows), occurred in around January (because I was studying physics, magnetism, later in the year. That’s how I know it was around the time of your OEB) 1980. My book that I wrote the very next morning was put away or thrown away by my mother. It was a story that really was a first memorable conversation with God. I recall being up late and falling asleep with my physics book on my lap. Suddenly, I remember rolling and rolling like in a tunnel,not a gardenhose tunnel, but something like that. A circular tube, and then I saw the colors red and black, red and black, red and black and then there was a loud pop and suddenly I was floating above my body. I remember looking around and seeing clothes on the ground. I looked at my body lying on the couch. I, too, thought to myself, “am I dead?” It felt like fun, so I moved out of the house and recall stars and blue sky. Then, I heard laughter and just my memory faded, but I was told that I was not to remember all that I heard. I do remember this. It was so powerful that I will never forget being told that it was The Council I was speaking to. I felt such love, indescribable warmth and pure love and joy and laughter. It was so odd because I could hear the laughter of all at the Council meeting, and I said, “I don’t want to go back.” I was given the option then of staying, but told that if you go, you will not want to come back Home until the mission is done. Your mission isn’t done yet.” I said, Okay, but I cried to leave God. Then, I knew I had to go back to my body. I guess we are on some portal opening that links somehow. I hope to found out how this portal called Earth in 2017 shares All Love in order to help lift all to a New Earth. Thanks for sharing. I find it interesting about the visible particles through walls. I, too, have that experience when I walk by a wall. It is odd to have eyes that see.
Blessings to you,
It seems, from our totally spontaneous little experiment yesterday, that silly posts do not get monitored or taken out…only those that are serious and meaningful are “reviewed” and deleted. This could imply deliberate rather than automatic action, an actual hacker rather than a glitch in the system.
I wish Neale and everyone here the very best, which is, when all is said and done and the dust settles, and the world drama ends, to love and be loved, and be love.
So long and thank you for the opportunity to express ourselves and exchange ideas…
I’m going to miss you, my friend. Be well, be who you are.
Love and Blessings Always,
Thank you Annie…if I am not myself, who will be? Ha ha…
I will miss you too!
Take good care
Bye Raphael,
Take care and spread the joy of Love Sweet Love.
Bye babybluestardust/Michelle, take care!
R/M -
I’ll miss you, Mewabe. Love to you π
Thank you Michelle, love to you and to all!
R/M -
Alright. I was just moderated, Neale. Give me back my love sweet love on this wall. That post was edited and promptly sent to the slush pile. Damn, can’t you help me get published, being as we are in the same damn portal, okay? π
Oh he’ll be back.
I noticed that as well, experimenting with silliness. Ill cry my tears as a reply to your sad farewell letter to me somewhere below.
Take care,
The hacker stole the comment I tried to reply, or you deleted it.
I need to be out of here as well, far too much time spent chatting.
Nice chatting with you, and of course Ill be crying, I am right now (or peed my pants).
You take care and stay happy….find that love, all three forms and I wish you all the best. Im glad to read the lovely memories of my beard of hairy chin moles will stay with you….its very hot!
See you at Walmart sometime, Walmart in the big sky.
Later Bobski,
Kirsty (real name)
To return to a post above. We became involved with Saddam Hussein ostensibly because of Weapons of Mass Destruction, which it turned out didn’t exist. However, we moved in, took over the banks, took over the oil and left very little of value. I’d be curious to know how much of the money from those banks wound up in one or another of the Bush clans bank accounts. We raped, pillaged and plundered all we could then left. Our skirts were just as dirty then as they were after Pearl Harbor. Right now the internet is “bragging” about how militarily powerful we are. When does it stop? When do we have PEACE? And what about 9 11? We were duped again? Why? For money? A billionaire (Foster Gamble by name) spent a
great deal of money identifying the world’s problems; then refused to spend a penny to “solve” them. Why? Does that make sense? Is there any compassion for others there?
Back to the topic at hand (or, at least related to it), issues beyond the sensationalism of the latest presidential escapades continue to crop up, not garnering much attention.
Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Director of our Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart (USMC) has said just this morning (according to the Washington Post, transcribing in real time):
“Unless we change something where we introduce either U.S. forces, NATO forces that changes the balance of forces on the ground, changes the fighting outputs on the ground or add additional training and advising capability at lower levels than we do now; the situation will continue to deteriorate and we’ll lose all the gains that we’ve invested in over the last several years.”
This isn’t about Syria, folks. This isn’t even about Iraq. This is about Afghanistan. NATO and the US are still dealing with the aftermath of the war in Afghanistan, as well as Iraq, and has become involved now in Syria, where we’ll also have to deal with the aftermath.
Follow the money. Who benefits from war, it’s escalation and it’s aftermath? Those are the people currently pursuing a continuation of violence and destruction by lobbying (or bribing through donations to political campaigns) our governmental representatives who keep us at war.
How do we convince these people that violence is unnecessary, and even detrimental, to humanity, or get them to care?
I’m all for my own Spiritual walk through this life, but as a member of humanity, I’m also concerned about what’s happening to my fellow human beings as a result of sanctioned violence. My representatives have already heard from me.
But I’m asking the questionsβ: How do we make a difference in opposing global violence and destruction? How do we help those who profit from it care more about their fellow human beings than their bottom line?
Love and Blessings Always,
I would agree that we are almost surely ramping up in Afghanistan. I’m aware of a large and growing project in my business over there intended to support growing numbers of troops. (Unfortunately I didn’t win this business! GRRR! Someone asked recently if I was in a bad mood…. ).
I would imagine that the intent of a buildup or surge is to drive the Taliban back into the hills, as they have grown bolder and once again are looking to start beating women in soccer stadiums and impose strict Sharia law on everyone, cutting off hands, chopping off heads, stoning people to death – the whole Sharia horror story. They are moving in again, and taking over territory including some significant towns/cities.
Who benefits? Perhaps some oil companies benefit from secure pipelines, but the women and children of Afghanistan also benefit if we keep the Taliban from dragging them back to the 12th century (not that they are far from that). I have often thought that one of the most valuable things is to expose them to western values. Consider what an oppressed Afghan woman must think when a jeep full of soldiers jumps out and unquestioningly takes orders barked at them from a woman. That’s got to leave a valuable and empowering impression.
The violence is necessary unless we want to turn over those poor people to the vicious animals who are going to make them pay worse than before, if we aren’t there to prevent it. We can surely turn and look the other way; after all it’s just women and kids, but is that who we really are? Until we can get the Taliban to give up their god, I think the best we can do is kill as many of them as possible.
I am sorry Patrick. I didn’t mean to imply that you were always grumpy, but it seemed you were a little at the time. It was me who asked if you were in a bad mood Sorry, but GRRR is a little grumpy and now I know why. I am behind the times on the news not been reading the news.
Here is my two cents for what it is worth. I am not sure we can teach western values so readily to Afghanistan or anyone without creating friction and in some cases a great loss of culture variation. That is not saying I approve of violence, but if we look at the impact of Colonialism, we see that it is oppressive to attempt to modify another country’s traditional values. We should not attempt to do this without support from other nations. It’s not done easily without the help of many.
Also, women tend to submit more often than men. I generalize but we are more submissive, in general, I think. I could be wrong about that but I think women overall tend to more often than not agree with the culture they are raised in, unless inspired by extreme desperation to change, and, if they are so beaten down, they are likely to not apt to change readily. Also, they are placed into the dangerous situation of being viewed by the patriarchal system as rocking the boat. Once the boat is rocked, who knows what the men in charge will do. Patriarchs can get accusatory and violent, so it is a challenging situation to attempt to help without outside help. I guess tread softly is the answer.
I never thought Colonialism was such a good thing and I don’t believe we benefit in the long run by attempting to cause a complete overturn of a different culture’s core values. Of course, I don’t think violence is ever a core value. I just believe the answer is acting with the support of all nations. It takes a village to make a positive change in the world. Perhaps, this, like chemical weapons being used against a nation’s citizen, requires many.
Well, I’m grumpy now – at your response. We can’t teach them western values? Being against slavery is only a western value? Slavery is OK, everywhere but in the west? It’s only wrong in certain places? Slavery, sexism, and racism are only wrong for us, but not for everyone else? Beating your wife is OK anywhere but in the west? Forcing female genital mutilation is OK everywhere but in the west? Stoning women to death for adultery is OK anywhere but in the west? Refusing to allow women to drive or go out unattended in public is OK anywhere but in the west? Why are these things wrong for us, then? Either these things are wrong and immoral, or they are not – or you are proclaiming that we are somehow a superior race or society, and that they are incapable of participating in civilized behavior. Perhaps they don’t possess sufficient intelligence? What are you trying to say?
There’s a great deal of condescension in your response, as I understand it. Those poor dumb people, they just aren’t smart enough and advanced enough to understand that these things are wrong, so we should just let those suffering, continue to do so?
Who cares if it creates friction? That’s what is required! Friction was required to end slavery in the US, along with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Friction was required to address racism and equal rights. Friction was required for women to vote and own property. You’re saying that these things are only good for us, because those poor dumb schmucks aren’t capable of enjoying freedom, rights and basic human dignity? Is that what you’re claiming here? Why are these things only good for us?
Or are you saying, it’s just too hard, and none of our business, and we really don’t want to know about it? We talk all this Kumbaya spiritual nonsense, but when it comes right down to the rubber meeting the road, spirituality doesn’t apply to those raised in other cultures by deplorably demented religions. Too bad for them. God decided that they should not enjoy basic liberties like the rest of us, so he placed them on the other side of the world, outside our view so we wouldn’t get upset thinking about how viciously he treats them – and particularly the women. Yeah, let’s put on blinders.
Yes, in cultures where women are treated as property, as they were in Judeo-Christian countries until recent times, women have been more subservient. What choice did they have? Until recently it was perfectly acceptable to beat one’s wife.
Women in the west have largely broken out of that immoral sexism – but we should deny it to other cultures? What’s the rationale for that? Either it’s good to be a subservient woman – in which case you should get off of this forum, cover your head, stay in the kitchen and shut your mouth – or it’s not, and everyone should have the right to pursue the same rights that you enjoy as a result of the “friction” that others put in place so you might enjoy them.It’s very odd that so many women have a total lack of compassion for their sisters in other cultures. Your response is not unusual from “spiritual” liberals who seem to feel that basic decency and human rights and liberties only apply to us. Very odd and unfortunate indeed. The solution is to empower these women so they can raise their sons to be decent human beings and break the cycle of religious extremism that defines women as a man’s property. Every society that has progressed and cut back on overpopulation, implemented better vaccinations and health care, and developed better jobs and grown the economy, has done so as a result of empowering women.
If other nations won’t act, and we have the ability to, we are bound to try. Maybe we wouldn’t be so responsible otherwise, but we went into Afghanistan and offered them hope, kicked out the bad guys, then abandoned them – and the bad guys are coming back. It’s no wonder we aren’t trusted. I hope we go back and kill the crap out of a bunch of Taliban Islamic terrorists, and give those women the same chance at a decent life that you enjoy. Afghanistan is one of the most backwards countries in the world. If we can do it there it will set an example for others to follow.
I disagree with “tread softly” in this case. We should make it clear, as with use of chemical weapons, that some things will not be tolerated, and if that means a war of cultures, so be it. The Islamic culture is inherently flawed – even worse than the other Abrahamic cultures. We are at war with it, whether we want to acknowledge that or not. In any event, it is at war with us!
Alternatively we could try to invoke a global conversation about the illegitimacy of the Abrahamic gods, but when I proposed this, I was shot down, given that we might create friction, and rumple a few feathers, so what the heck – let’s go kill them all instead. That will be good for the economy at least.
“Slavery, sexism, and racism are only wrong for us, but not for everyone else? Beating your wife is OK anywhere but in the west? Forcing female genital mutilation is OK everywhere but in the west?”
Do you honestly believe that these things don’t occur in “the west”? Read some alt news sometime, or just walk out your front door. Women and children are regularly kidnapped and sold in the slave trade here in the US and Europe. Women have certainly not reached equality here in the US. Racism is rampant in the US. Wives are regularly beaten, often without consequences for the one doing the beating. Female genital mutilation doesn’t occur as often here, but it does happen.
Maybe we should change our own culture before we get self-righteous and force our imperfect values on another country. Then we could example the benefits of our values without being hypocritical.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
So we should abandon all efforts to make the world a better place until everything is perfect in our own back yards? That means we just give up, because it will never be perfect. What a defeatist attitude.
Keep in mind that many of these cases you refer to are perpetrated from people who are not from the west. These slave rings generally aren’t run by westerners.
We do “example the benefits of our values” as in the example I provided, in which a military vehicle stops, a woman in charge barks orders and male soldiers follow her commands. That is a way to “example the benefits of our values.”
All this talk of spirituality and compassion, yet you would simply abandon them to their misery because things aren’t perfect in our own houses? Perhaps you want to reconsider that. Otherwise take your spirituality and wad it up into a little ball and throw it away, because THAT is hypocritical.
Read my post again. I didn’t say I have the solutions. I said I was asking the questions.
And I didn’t suggest doing nothing. I was hoping for some guidance on an alternative to more violence.
Amen. We need to punish those who do heinous crimes right here on our own soil. If we are so grand at solving this problem, why do we express and experience it here in the grand ol’ US.
Obviously, there is still a moderating problem. I responded nicely, even said I love you and it is missing in action. Did you get it?
Just so you know, I saw your post in an email notification. Unfortunately, I deleted it so I can’t post it here for you. ?
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Thank you for thinking of me, but it was not much, just telling Patrick that I never offered a solution to the problem of sexism in another country, only that we should tread lightly, lest we garner hatred amongst “foreign” territories that we ultimately have no control over. Unless we desire to maim and kill everyone in our path, I think seeking gentle support from allies is the only way. Colonialism did not really work, did it? and a little more. I also added that women never had it grand and we have yet to see a female president, so who are we to give grand advice on how to keep women in a non-subjective role. Other than that, I had not much. Love to you
We could instigate a program of investing in schools, hospitals, education .Show the population that change Is possible without killing.All that money wasted on death could have been put to better use in building up the infrastructure and educating people to eventually help themselves.
They have to see the benefits and then they would be more likely to go along with the changes eventually seeing the benefits.
You have to start somewhere how long know have the Afghanis been without peace .What we are doing their isn’t working a more holistic strategy has to be implemented .
This has been proposed. Thomas Barnett (The Pentagon’s New Map) suggested some time ago that the US military should be divided into two parts and trained in different techniques. On part was the “head of the spear” the force that goes in, kills everybody and wins battles and wars. The second force would be trained police and MP officers to keep peace. The training for both is very different, and must be, if each is to achieve its objectives.
We did invest a lot, and much of it was stolen, so we need to do a better job of that. Bush had no interest in the military police idea. He and Rumsfeld were only interested in the spear.
Both parts are needed. You can’t build schools and hospitals while Taliban are beating women in the square and stoning homosexuals. The spear needs to take them out – and as many of them as possible – but unless we want to keep doing this, then we’ve got to invest in a portion of the military dedicated to keeping the peace through law and order, and to train the locals how to do this themselves.
You aren’t going to win the hearts of people who believe their religion insists that they subjugate all infidels – and that’s us – unless you address the god problem; and apparently nobody wants to do that.
The problems that need to be addressed in this world are endless, so pick your battles for which you put your precious energy. If it’s the topic of war, then that’s where you get involved.
Agreed Marko, Not to put down the conversation at all, Giving very much thought to something we can’t do much or anything about, or don’t intend to create an action for, is quite redundant. If we believe there is nothing we can do, don’t give it another thought. If there is something we can do, act now, as soon as possible, make the correction. How much of our valuable time should we put into a problem which we believe we cannot solve? Isn’t that a “waste” of our time?
I think it’s a waste if we are often in a state of frustration, disgust & condemnation regarding world problems. I often say “Live in the solution, not the problem.”
If we are feeling frustration, disgust & condemnation toward our government & world problems, what are we sending out into the world?
So I promote visualizing living in the United States of Enlightenment. That we have a wise government, wise politicians, wise leaders, wise people etc. to help change the tide toward creating what we desire.
Here, here!
Sorry Jethro, I accidentally crowded out you response above to Marko
Bruce, never let your conversation be detoured by anyone! Bump me or anyone else if you have something to share. Nobody will be insulted.
Fantastic Marko! More More! Also perhaps visualising all weapons rusting and arms sellers joining the ranks of the unemployed and those bankrupt. As without these, what a fantastic and different world it would be. Yet no one seems to notice or care about them. We have all become blind!
Also following on from this surely we need to abhor thinking about the negativity of Trumpism and possible world conflict, or time wasting with negative people who do not honour truth. Positivity is a free gift that we should enjoy, plus never forgetting the gift from Marko in following his magic words to: “Live in the solution, not the problem”. Wow!
Make art out of weapons or melt them down for other uses.
Hi Marko and Annie,
Annie raised the big one. Namely how do “we”stop war. Marko I think gave the only answer I think possible with just the handful of people here – we must “Live in the solution, not the problem”, and visual a beautiful future for all of us. Neale of course is right when he suggests we are co- creators with God. Thoughts are things, and imagination has the power to change everything. So we must all show what we can achieve if we only try by doing what John Lennon told us to do. Imagine ! If many do this surely a tipping point for the better cannot be far away and let all weapons of war rust forever.
God Bless you both
We (the US) have been involved in 79 wars since 1700, and we’ve never been out of a State-of-War during that same period.
One way I feel having learned from Neale I suggest is to do nothing. There that got you going. But for me I see God fully in control now ( as always) and needed changes for the best will happen. Trump will fall and the world will have learned much by his abuse of truth so that when he does, we will all wish to do the opposite of his examples and most certainly honour truth and inclusiveness rather than separation throughout the world. Already war is now abhorrent to all of us so we have learned much and will learn more.
Love and Blessings to you too Annie and forever. I am always at your side,
i wonder if anyone has noticed that the so-called “moderator” or “deleting” at this site occurs usually when someone writes a post, then attempts to go back and EDIT that post. I m wonderful if there is a glitch in the software that causes edited posts to be deleted. Hmmm….we’ll check that out. In the meantime, try posting entries without going back and editing anything. See if those posts “go through.”
I don’t believe that editing is the cause. I had two messages to Bruce that I edited just last night that have remained. Though an entire string of messages was removed that had been posted by Raphael, Kristen, Stardust, and myself. It may not be everyones experience, but editing has not effected my posts this far.
Mine have yesterday and it seems long and serious ones are attacked – except always Patrick’s and if you quickly check his posts you will see this is the case – he is immune. Also Patrick continually abuses others incessantly without reason denigrating others beliefs and Neale. I sense a hacker in collusion with Patrick – why else is Patrick here?
I noticed one of yours was missing, but as I have said, it was in the email box, no loss.
I have a lot of respect for Patrick. while it can be easy to be irritated by his well formed arguments, sometimes leaving a person with nothing more than unproven beliefs to argue with. He is a teacher, not necessarily of subject, but of presentation, I think He’s a good man whether he and I agree or not… and he’s been here roughly a thousand years. ; )
I’m going to let everyone be innocent until proven guilty. We have a group of good people here. So what if one of us is a bit lunar, we all are in one way or another.-
Thanks Jethro – I agree he is a man of good heart, but one can waste time in arguing with him, since he refuses to read anything carefully with an open mind (even a research paper), which differs from his paragym. If I gave my book to him even, I don’t believe he would be bothered to read it. Selfishly, I don’t think I can learn from him but i sure am learning and associating with you and others here. But am seriously very time poor, and do lots of things helping others elsewhere.
No argument is ever wasted. look at every argument and find what you have learned, not what you failed to teach.
Helping others is the goal but have you truly ever failed? If you have failed in your attempt to help another, what then have you done for yourself in the process. If you have learned something yourself, you have succeeded. What will you do with what you learn? Time is a precious commodity that I myself are short on. Do always what you must do. -
There you go with those words of wisdom again! I think I’m going to start collecting them, then have them hardbound so they’re always available to me. Maybe I’ll have two made and send one to you. Only I’d have to figure out which “you” to send it toβJethro, Charles or Roy! ?
Please tell your wife she’s lucky to have you.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
I agree. Yet he cancelled past posts once before I had a chance to copy them, also. This time I think/hope he has agreed to leave them for us all.
Btw I love my soul (God) unconditionally, I think you do too Annie. That is where the Buddhist spark of God we are told resides ready for our prayers and to give us everything we want – unconditionally!
Love and God Bless.
Bruce -
I’ve read many books on Buddhism. My favorites are by Thich Nhat Hahn (hope I spelled that right), the Vietnamese monk who put his life on the line during the war by saving people without regard for his own safety. He’s even made connections with Christianity by comparing the Holy Spirit with the Beginner’s Mind. Then, of course, there’s the Dhali Lama, whose joy is infectious.
I did read the Dharma talks based on the oral traditions of the Buddha’s teachings, such as the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths. They hold great wisdom and helped me see the difference between pain and suffering. I no longer suffer because I no longer hold negative thoughts about what is.
And, yes, loving oneself unconditionally as a part of All That Is naturally leads to loving all unconditionallyβalthough sometimes from a safe distance. All that unconditional love, in my opinion, opens doors to all kinds of abundance, though not necessarily of those things many covet. There can be an abundance of love, compassion, joy, serenityβregardless of physical circumstances.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
But you and I know that those gifts you mention are truly priceless, yet when young we favoured material possessions more.
Love and Blessings to you sweet “Google” Annie.
Bruce -
Hi Annie,
Just to say Patrick is doing everything he can (see below) to get me to respond, but it is never going to happen – l promised him this earlier that this would happen if he continued his personal abuse and warned him. But he ignored this, so l told him that was the end. Bad behaviour I reckon should always have consequences otherwise if met with appeasement (such as epically occurred with Neville Chamberlain prior to the last World war) then bad outcomes always seem to follow. Same with children, if there are no consequences then darlings become tyrants. I find though an apparent dilemma with “Love conquers all”, but suppose as with children ( and with adults and with dictators), the correct approach should be the same, a reaction equal but not greater than the misbehaviour (sanctions perhaps in the case of dictators), followed by Love – as we are equal (and One). Any comments Annie?
Love and Blessings
Bruce -
I have blocked Patrick, choosing to move on to things which better serve me in who I choose to be. I didn’t like who I was becoming in my thoughts about him, even though I believe his treatment of others should be confronted. Whenever he posts, all I see is “This user is blocked.”
Yes, actions should and do have consequences. Patrick has every right to be here and express his own views. I’m a believer, though, in equal but opposite energies. (Except for when tongue lashings are called for.) After repeated attempts to express myself were met with repetitive dismissiveness and disrespect, I have now chosen disengagement. When I do see that message, I say a short prayer for him and simply let him be.
Unconditional love can be given from a distance, when appropriate. And being Spiritual doesn’t mean I have to give innumerable opportunities to another to incessantly treat me as if I’m inferior. Like a child who throws a tantrum for attention, sometimes it’s best to deprive them of the reaction they’re seeking.
Sanctions can include choosing to withdraw and allowing another’s negativity to fail to elicit the expected reaction. Any other sanctions are up to the powers that be, not me.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Hi Annie,
Wonderful as usual, I like particularly “Unconditional love can be given from a distance”. One can learn so much from you Annie. I reluctantly have had to do this with a son – very much like Patrick. Eventually one must to protect ones feelings and avoid despair. But one can still Love albeit from afar!Like others I am sad Jethro has gone. I did not expect him to delete his posts and I did hope to copy some, but missed out.
Love and God Bless
I think it is so hard though to ignore negativity. We are swamped with it – even here. Guess who? I grieve for Americans having to live in their current swamp of negativity of Trumpism with little immediate chance of draining this swamp. Nevertheless we must, must, must ignore this and instead all imagine together a beautiful loving World thereafter.
Love and Blessings to you also,
Bruce -
If Donald Trump’s actions only affected him, I would agree with you. But he is, after all, the President. What he says and does affects me because I’m an American. How he acts represents to the world who we are as a nation. Since he’s acting childish, it’s even more important to oppose him because he has weapons of mass destruction at his disposal.
Maybe this is where Neale’s two-pronged approach might be useful. His acting childish actually gives us a clue as to how to treat him. I don’t think we should ignore what is, but bring it into the light. When he lies, misdirects, misstates or misrepresents the truth, we must say so to those whose job it is to discipline and teach him. In this case, that includes the other two branches of the government, which are supposed to have equal power in order to provide checks and balances. If they fail to do so, then we must use our voices and our votes to replace them with someone who’s up to the task.
Fortunately, a Special Prosecutor has just been appointed to look into the whole Flynn-Trump-Russia-Comey issue. The request was made without going through Jeff Sessions, a Trump appointee. The Special Prosecutor is a former FBI Director who served under Republican Presidents. Already this morning, Trump was whining on Twitter about it.
So, calling out his behavior in order that he might be disciplined and taught could be one prong. The other would be to meet or exceed his negativity with positive energy. That starts with each of us as individuals and how we choose to walk through this world. In deepening our relationship with Divinity, we can be more positive in our own lives, which affects those in our closest circle, who affect others, and so on.
Ignoring a problem doesn’t necessarily mean it will be resolved. My father was relentless in tracking me down. Come to think of it, it took a two-pronged approach with him. I threatened to write his employer, suggesting they look into his application (he regularly claimed to have gotten that MA from the U of Dayton) and speak with his long-time secretary at the Community College District (whose name and phone number I had) who’d typed up personal letters to my mother and us kids about the divorce and wouldn’t tell me why he suddenly resigned but might be willing to share it with his current employer. At the same time, one of my sisters wrote him, threatening to mail a mock-up of a “wanted” poster to all his neighbors, exposing him as a pedophile. Never heard from him again.
Sometimes more action than positive energy is required.
Love and Blessings Always,
Apparently I got deleted!
Thank you Annie. Jethro, Charles, and Roy are the epitome of oneness. What one knows the other knows, what one thinks the other thinks, and yet there seems to be a constant argument going on between the three. I’ll tell you this, I’ve told her over and over how wonderful I am, she only agrees when I’m not thinking it myself totally catching me off guard. Very confusing… and refreshing:-) I tell her too how wonderful she is and I make it a point to thank her, on occasion, for all she does for me. I might be able to exist without her but I doubt I could function as well as I do. She was a gift from the universe. Now I gotta go give her hug! It’s going to wake her up I’m sure. Ever see someone smile and growl at the same time? I’m about to….
Wonderful thank you Jethro – we are forever in step (Oneness).
Give me your book for free and I’ll read it. However I may post a response to it, as well! When you start off trying to prove the paranormal by attempting to debunk evolution, things can only go downhill from there.
Thank you Jethro.
Your welcome Patrick.
Having a different thought about something does not make someone evil. It doesn’t even make them wrong. It simply means we are talking with someone who doesn’t agree. I’m sure each one of us in a room together would find something to enjoy about the other, too bad we would have to be in a room together for that to happen. “Is that who we are?” The judges and the jurors? I like that you don’t hide your honesty, maybe that is the attraction. Each one of us believes what the other is saying, but to different degrees. Sometimes that is wonderful, other times it can be painful.
Y’know, if any one person repeatedly goes beyond the norms of civil, respectable debate, there’s a way to block their posts from your view. It’s in that little down arrow next to each comment.
Love and Blessings Always,
Thanks Annie, I did know. But I only have been attacked by Patrick to date, and that did not really bother me much. He is a great time waster and stupidly I thought I might be able to help him, but persisted too long. I now realise he is is wedded to a materialistic science point of view and is probably thinks he is doing mankind a service (and us) by challenging our beliefs to protect everyone from our nonsense – by getting us to realise that we should replace our non-materialistic views with his. Just like climate deniers who are blind to anything other than their fixed, irrevocable views. As I said elsewhere, little has changed since the days of Galileo. But Annie I think you are wasting your precious time with him, as I was.
Love and God Bless,
Bruce -
If you go back a few columns, I posted that I’d no longer be replying to him. But, in my own way, I tried yet again found myself drawn in. I’ve now chosen to block him, since he stated he feels my Spiritual experiences are a “condition” and he was personally dismissive and judgmental. I decided he’s not worth the stress and effort as he clings to his materialistic viewpoint as stubbornly as any fanatical religionist I’ve met. He’s not worth my health and serenity.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Xx -
Sensible Annie! in withdrawing, I think though he is probably of good intent, but completely resistant to change his views, and instead trying to change ours. I honestly therefore cannot understand why he is here – probably (and bless him) trying to change us to his views for the good of mankind. However, seriously when he refuses to even read scientific papers properly and respond, nor wishes to read even books available that point out the nonsense of peer review, it is like dealing with those professors that almost destroyed Einstein’s career and nearly succeeded, beautifully shown in the TV series/picture “Genius” or the Catholic Churches attitude to Galileo – he even came close to death! Also climate deniers who stick to their beliefs and are hostile to facts.
On this my wife and I cannot understand why – any ideas Annie? We are at a loss!
Love and God Bless
Bruce -
Honestly, I think at least part of it’s personal. He revealed that he was very attracted to CWG, and even said he “evangelized” its messages (though he often misstates them). For whatever reason, he became disappointed in either it or Neale (he’s mentioned being questioned by, I think, someone on another blog), and then apparently decided to make it his mission to save the rest of the world from anything nonscientific, especially “charlatans” who believe in any kind of Divinity. And, like any extremist, the rules of civility and respect don’t apply.
Actually, I feel sorry for anyone who automatically rules out the possibility that there’s more to life than what can be scientifically proven. I’ve had my life enhanced and deepened so very much by allowing for what’s possible, and believing that human beings are capable of so much more than can yet be explained by objective measures. I think that’s why I got drawn in again. I wish for everyone to have what I have, Spiritually.
I’ll admit, too, that part of my contention with Patrick is that his viewpoint comes close to the views my father shared each time I confronted him. My father states that nothing can be considered true unless it is “verifiable” and, since he didn’t “recall” having done those things I’ve always remembered and there were no witnesses, I could have “imagined” them, had “false memories” implanted in my mind during therapy, or taken them in “vicariously.” (My father is very careful with words. To “recall” is different from “remember” in significant ways.) Now, how would a two year old “imagine” abuse? And the only way I could have been exposed to such things to take them in “vicariously” would have to have been to witness them as they certainly weren’t things shown on TV back then. But such arguments are against his worldview and therefore wrong.
I had to decide with my father, too, that being in contact with him was detrimental to my health and serenity, and cut him off. Sometimes we need to care for ourselves by limiting our exposure to toxic people, especially when their choices in worldview are set in stone.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Hi Annie, You say “Honestly, I think at least part of it’s personal. He revealed that he was very attracted to CWG, and even said he “evangelized” its messages (though he often misstates them). For whatever reason, he became disappointed in either it or Neale (he’s mentioned being questioned by, I think, someone on another blog), and then apparently decided to make it his mission to save the rest of the world from anything nonscientific, especially “charlatans” who believe in any kind of Divinity. And, like any extremist, the rules of civility and respect don’t apply.” Thanks for that Annie, so I guess I was right – he wrongly thought he was doing the world a favor, and that he knew the “truth” about science. Yet I who passionately love science since it is the best method we have yet found of explaining the world around us. – found quickly, that he knew little – not even about materialistic science, let alone quantum physics. Patrick should have been looking for experiments which used, “Solid science” – which demands independent replicated experiments (elsewhere where possible), otherwise if this is impossible, one must use probability analysis e.g. one cannot carry out experiments in a black hole. Seems he does’nt even know that this is necessary he must use if he wanted reliable results. (Incidentally this was the gold standard I used religiously throughout my book and why it took 15 years of effort, not boasting – I am past that! I’m just the same as any human seeking enlightenment. Probably had 1000’s of reincarnations to get this far. Plus he was an extremist like your father Annie, I feel your pain Annie and frustration. I agree totally with you, becoming fascinated with science like myself is not necessary for spiritual development, there are multiple ways. It is though difficult for one to understand why there are so many with rusted-on ideas like your father and Patrick, but my my even mentioning “rusted- on” i.e. “the American rust belt” – this gives me the answer. Pure ignorance, due to lack of education and opportunity plus perhaps lack of appreciation of education by parents. Poor Patrick and your father, As Neale says we are all to blame, not them, due to all of us not making excellent education available to all humanity with no exceptions. In my case, I was overly privileged by a father who missed such an opportunity and demanded I gained a University degree. What Love and I never appreciated it – ever! until now! I’m serious.
Thank you sweet Annie for all this! And thank you too Neale for this opportunity for growth!Love You and Bless you always Annie,
Bruce -
I have been seriously “spammed again Annie, when I posted an important reply to you. It was quite long and did no corrections. i somehow need to sort out how i can repost. I tried re-posting by shortening it but placed in in the wrong position so i cancelled it. When I tried re-posting it – it was immediately blocked saying that I had already posted it – which I hadn’t really but had cancelled it.
Gotta be a human in this time zone that has hacked the website and is watching every new post ignoring little ones and concentrating on large ones – and like Patrick thinking he is saving the world from our rubbish, C’mon Neale, Please do something to rid us of this tiresome hacker – pronto!!! -
Bruce, here’s your deleted post. ?
Bruce Scott-hill
Hi Annie, You say “Honestly, I think at least part of it’s personal. He revealed that he was very attracted to CWG, and even said he “evangelized” its messages (though he often misstates them). For whatever reason, he became disappointed in either it or Neale (he’s mentioned being questioned by, I think, someone on another blog), and then apparently decided to make it his mission to save the rest of the world from anything nonscientific, especially “charlatans” who believe in any kind of Divinity. And, like any extremist, the rules of civility and respect don’t apply.” Thanks for that Annie, so I guess I was right – he wrongly thought he was doing the world a favor, and that he knew the “truth” about science. Yet I who passionately love science since it is the best method we h ave yet found of explaining the world around us. – found quickly, that he knew little – not even about materialistic science, let alone quantum physics. Patrick should have been looking for experiments which used, “Solid science” – which demands independent replicated experiments (elsewhere where possible), otherwise if this is impossible, one must use probability analysis e.g. one cannot carry out experiments in a black hole. Seems he does’nt even know that this is necessary he must use if he wanted reliable results. (Incidentally this was the gold standard I used religiously throughout my book and why it took 15 years of effort, not boasting – I am past that! I’m just the same as any human seeking enlightenment. Probably had 1000’s of reincarnations to get this far. Plus he was an extremist like your father Annie, I feel your pain Annie and frustration. I agree totally with you, becoming fascinated with science like myself is not necessary for spiritual development, there are mul tiple ways. It is though difficult for one to understand why there are so many with rusted-on ideas like your father and Patrick, but my my even mentioning “rusted- on” i.e. “the American rust belt” – this gives me the answer. Pure ignorance, due to lack of education and opportunity plus perhaps lack of appreciation of education by parents. Poor Patrick and your father, As Neale says we are all to blame, not them, due to all of us not making excellent education available to all humanity with no exceptions. In my case, I was overly privileged by a father who missed such an opportunity and demanded I gained a University degree. What Love and I never appreciated it – ever! until now! I’m serious.
Thank you sweet Annie for all this! And thank you too Neale for this opportunity for growth!
Love You and Bless you always Annie,
Bruce -
Hi Bruce,
What is the American rust belt? I just ask because rustic life is what I am guided to express in this round of living life. Just wondering if it is a real energy force field in earth or holographic invention. I am beginning to think the whole earth is a holograph of what might be had there been no angel as a whole in existence. Thanks.Love,
M -
Bruce, if you haven’t yet noticed, BabyBlueStardust has a question about the post I reinstated for you from my email.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Wow! Did you take Condescension 101 in school, Bruce? Was that your major? Because I read books by real scientists, rather than just Dean Radin, does not make me uneducated.
You said, “Pure ignorance, due to lack of education and opportunity plus perhaps lack of appreciation of education by parents.” Are you talking about me?!!! Without knowing a thing about my educational level, or anything else about me? My parents certainly appreciated a good education and saw to it that I got one. I read a book a month on a variety of subjects – physics (including QM), consciousness, evolution, philosophy, religion, and yes, even woo. I’ve read Biocentrism and My Big TOE, and Journey of Souls and Monroe on OBEs, and so on. I have looked at as many sides as I can, so don’t pompously talk to me about being ignorant.
Perhaps your posts are deleted here because you make stuff up out of the blue with absolutely no evidence or information to back up your assertion. Have you considered that?
I don’t know if I know more about quantum field theory than you do, because you are very reticent about getting into any sort of discussion using your own words – you insist on sending me to the works of others, whose material I am largely familiar with, apparently because you are unable to debate in your own words. Where are the repeatable experiments that prove the paranormal? If there was such evidence, you wouldn’t have to be so frightened of, and antagonistic to, scientific peer review.
Do you have any compelling, objective evidence for even a single one of those reincarnations? If not, then you have nothing, but superstition and fantasy. If, after all these reincarnations, this is the highest level of spirituality that you have achieved, all I can say, is don’t stop reincarnating.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply when it comes to my father. Second in his class at his parochial HS (Mama beat him out for Valedictorian). BA in Civil Engineering from Notre Dame; then nearly a MA from the U of Dayton, but argued about suggested changes to his thesis and wouldn’t make them; switched to Education and got his teaching credentials from U of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
He got a job as a Prof on a new Junior College campus opening local to where my uncle was in Law School. Moved up the ladder quickly to Head of Dept, then Asst Dean, then Dean, then VP of the District. He was a big fish in a big metro area, regularly on the local TV stations, served on the church board, and was doing the speaker’s circuit.
He was definitely headed for a political career when he suddenly resigned and left town to be Dean at a Community College in Tucson about five years later. Never could find out why, except that it wasn’t voluntary. The student paper in its last edition under his watch had a caricature of him in an almost clownish bow tie with an unflattering caption about his having “a secret,” apparently a take-off on a popular game show.
I don’t doubt his claims to having a genius-level IQ, but many psychopaths have high IQ’s. I studied two years of Psych (2nd year was Abnormal Psych) and my best guess is narcissistic personality disorder with psychopathy, and Bipolar II with anger mania and delusions. Some of us ended up with the Bipolar though not nearly as severe and got help. No mental illnesses on Mama’s side but plenty on his, so I figure it came through my father. Have to guess, though, as he was paranoid about mental illness and refused to have even a psych consult when what he thought was a heart attack was a massive panic attack. Scott Peck’s The People of the Lie helped me understand why I’d never be able to reach him.
Trump reminds me of him. A lot. But, I wouldn’t be who I am if it weren’t for my father. If you haven’t read it already, Neale’s Little Soul and the Sun helped me reach a better understanding of the relationship. Without his Soul having agreed to be utter darkness, I wouldn’t have felt my Soul’s Light shine so brightly. I wasn’t able to remind him of who he really is, though, as he refused help. Without it, he was too toxic to even be in touch with him.
I don’t know Patrick’s background other than what he’s shared here, but he uses some of the same phrases I heard my father use on the occasions when I confronted him. They both attempt to get me to doubt my own personal experiences using logic when that’s not the issue. And they both write with an air of, not quite condescension, but maybe more of a dismissiveness, as if I should accept their reality rather than my own because there’s been no observer present. With my father, though, I had the scars as proof. With Patrick, he simply refuses to consider the intricate details of some of my experiences as proof, even when I had no means of knowing the things I knew.
C’est la guerre, as Mama used to say. Both are a non-issue at this point. I’ve chosen to withdraw from engaging with Patrick by blocking him since I feel I did my best, which is all any of us can do. Further debate would get us nowhere, and I find his attitude only undermines his arguments.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
You talk about me, and then block me. So spiritual…. So childish. So petty. So hypocritical.
The more you whine, the more I am drawn to question your memories. Your father your priest, and other family members you accuse, have no opportunity to defend themselves here. I would never take your word, based on what I’ve learned about you here, without an opportunity to hear from the other side.
You block me so that you can disparage me without allowing any response – that’s so courageous and spiritual (sarcasm). I really don’t want to be here to talk about personalities – but you insist on taking every discussion down that path.
Boy you can stoop low Patrick.
I call them the way I see them. There are people who do things they are ashamed and guilty of (often times the shame and guilt comes from their church – and the Catholic Church is notorious for this), and these people compensate by creating false memories and shifting blame to someone else. I have no reason to believe this is the situation for Annie, but I have no reason to believe otherwise either. All we get is one side of her sad story that she insists on sharing again and again. If it is a false memory, then every time you tell it, the memory becomes stronger and more real. You lay the neural pathways down again and again and again until it IS real. This “could” be the case here. We have no way to know otherwise.
I didn’t want the conversation to degrade to discussing personalities, but Annie always takes it there, so if she wants to play that game, I can play too.
Bruce, I inadvertently replied to the post I copied from my email for you, so ended up replying to myself. ? If you look for it, you’ll find it. Consider it a treasure hunt. ? ~Annie
Hi Annie,
Regarding your re- posting below of my shortened original which was falsely identified as spam and then cancelled incorrectly thank you over and over, truly in Neale’s much liked adjective, you are magnificent. I don’t know how you did it but it was very important to me – because while replying to you l ended up enlightening myself …… Really! funny in a way. Oneness with ones soul? and Yours? The answer to my question is education as you see, but also yours re extremists, but those without education. Wow!
Love you forever Annie,
I was fortunate enough to have not deleted the notification email, so I just copied and pasted it here for you. I was glad to do so.
I often find myself rediscovering what I haven’t given a thought to in years while posting or writing, answering my own questions or being inspired. For me, writing is one of the most beneficial tools I use daily. I’m often surprised either while writing or when I re-read what I’ve written. There’s something about having to not just mentally but physically form my thoughts that’s therapeutic.
Love and Blessings Always,
Hi Annie,
Writing is therapeutic. Thank God for spell check. I love writing all kinds of stuff. When I was little I started a newspaper, door to door with neighborhood gossip π Everyone wanted that newspaper. Filled it with what I heard from my own home lol Grandmother mortified, as usual but laughed all my life about the gig. That document has been saved throughout all life as a newsprint that created nothng but storm after storm for those living in the path of the mighty word stolen. My uncle tried to claim he did it, but it was me. I employed him as an underwriter. It was all my plan. Damn. I also gifted the corner drug store with poems for a dime each, just to buy penny candy, nothing but hot tamales, my favorite or jawbreakers you know the worse things for your teeth π I gotta go.
You know, Annie, you chastised me for speaking about Bruce in one of my post responses to you, but here you are, speaking freely about me, holding a lengthy conversation, and doing the same thing you condemned me for. Isn’t that just a wee bit hypocritical?
I’m not bothered, I’m amused that I have so much influence.
With the information you shared here, I have to say that I am presented with a thought I had not previously held – and that is – perhaps you did make up all that stuff with your father and the priest. I had never considered this option in the past, but now I must do so.
Once again, my worldview is not set in stone, as you illustrate yourself in pointing out that I changed my views.
You don’t know me at all, Bruce. I have changed my views a couple times. I was once one of the biggest advocates for your imaginary god as anyone here, but as a result of reading books by real scientists, I discovered that it was all nonsense, and I changed, yet again, to follow the evidence. Challenging one’s beliefs is difficult, but I’ve done it a couple times. Have you?
Once again you criticize peer review, the foundation of the scientific process. If the standard model of physics is to be proven false so that your superstitious beliefs can take over as the new rules of physics, it will require peer review. Someone will have to prove that everything we thought we knew about the laws of physics and our natural world is completely wrong. That’s the way it works. The fact that you are unwilling and unable to do so just makes you a whiner and a poor loser, and it means that your ideas have absolutely no chance of achieving success in a wider market. At best you can only sell to people who already believe what you are selling.
Why do I matter so much to you and Annie? You both detest the fact that I dare to question you, but you are so fascinated that I do, that you are drawn to posts such as this. I’m getting to you, aren’t I? Truth has a way of doing that!
What a bunch of self-serving, condescending blather from someone incapable of holding a reasoned, informative debate.
The difference between climate change and your superstitious universe of ONEness, is that climate change has compelling, objective evidence, and your fantasies do not. I am certainly not a climate change denier, and to attempt to make that connection is beyond absurd.
Bruce, are you accusing me of hacking or being in contact with someone who is hacking this site? Do you have any evidence for that absurd accusation?
Tell me, is it “spiritual” to accuse people of crimes when you have absolutely no evidence for them?
Pat is here to provide the other side of the story. You can’t have a decent conversation without entertaining all points of view. I’m sorry that you are unable to entertain competing points of view without getting your panties in a wad. At your age you should have learned how to deal with that by now. The theory of cognitive dissonance, perfectly explains your responses, and those of others here, when their unfounded beliefs are challenged.
You have denigrated Neale in earlier posts, asserting that he must be actively involved in blocking your posts and those of others. Can you spell “hypocrite”?
I am not in any way involved in hacking this site, and I’ll thank you to keep your ridiculous accusations to yourself until and unless you have some actual evidence to support such nonsense. I wouldn’t even know how to go about it. You plagiarize, you falsely accuse others (both Neale and I) and you back away from any attempt to explain your views in your own words in layman’s terms, and I’m supposed to be the bad guy?
“I m wonderful if there is a glitch”…. Typo?
Hahaha, ironic! He could try to edit, but it may be deleted!
I’ve edited comments and they’ve not gotten moderated or lost in cyberspace. I don’t do it often, but the comments have always updated with my edits.
Love and Blessings Always,
Annie your too sweet to delete, but have you lost any posts whatsoever?
I don’t think so. I think that all I’ve had to deal with are slow postings, where it hangs up for a while. That, though, could be my tablet or the connection to the site. I have blazing fast WiFi, but I think sometimes there are so many built-in apps fighting in the background. You know, all that stuff that comes with the purchase and can’t be deleted or disabled. Or it could be the high volume traffic at the site, especially when we hit as many comments as we did on the last column.
And I’ve lost some of that sweetness of late. I had to take measures to stop having my motivation, intelligence and Spirituality insulted.
Love and Blessings Always,
Hi Annie,
Last week Raphael, Michelle, Jethro and myself were all on at the same time, all chatting in real time and replies came straight up. I think that would define as high traffic with 4 posting together. But Jethro says below that chatty string is now gone….that would be maybe 20 comments in a row…has to be manual. I have a new tablet as well, Samsung, and find its faster than a laptop. And wifi is NZ is slower than elsewhere.
Take care,
K -
Yep, that sure sounds like a hacker. If there was that much traffic and it all posted, then mysteriously disappeared, I can’t think of another explanation. Mine’s a Samsung, too. Galaxy Tab A, so I can see it. Before, I was doing everything by itty bitty phones.
Love and Blessings Always,
~Annie -
Same tablet. Glad you got one…I couldnt function without a tablet now, especially the camera, I dont even use a normal camera now.
Take care,
That chatty string needed deleting frankly, but the ones to Patrick that were serious didn’t need deleting. How could anyone even moderate or send it to us as if it is being moderated? We can’t just flag it and then send it. I don’t get it. I am computer illiterate, frankly. It’s boring to me. I would rather be listening to music or something. My tablet is actually a dell and my lcd screen locks up. Is that possibly hacked? Literally, it locks and I can’t open a new comment when new comments show us they are new comments, which is a good thing, but I can’t open them at all. Oh well. Have a good one. Take care π
When you type as a reply it shows to that person as a email notification so they can always see it, even if they are removed by anyone.
Im computer illiterate as well, but I hear a lot of tablets can lock up and if you have a few things open they often want let you open more. Evertime I finish online I press the button to close all apps and tabs Ive been using, try that. I think tablets hold them ‘semi open’ sometimes like phones do. All electronics bore me senseless as well, like cars, a necessity of life but thats all I need to know!
Its hard to hack tablets, phones and computers are much easier, and all have really good inbuilt virus scans so more emails end up in junk or spam if you just use a tablet…or so I believe. I didnt even know dell made tablets.
Patrick works in IT…..try him.
K -
Oh. It’s a laptop. See? I told you I am computer illiterate π I love using them for writing and googling but other than that, I can live without them. Patrick woks in IT? Maybe he can help me figure out how to post my poems and posts on my blog. I gotta go. But, the lock on my computer is more than normal behavior. It’s a real infesting from hell space is all I know. Visible particles jumping in and out of blogdom. I am tired of hopping visiibles π
Re Dell….I think Dell laptops are made to have a 3 year life, everyone has problems with them. I did…but I dropped it! No wonder!
Tablets are like an iPad but not Apple and smaller, sort of look like a really big mobile phone, very easy to use with camera, video recorder and very easy for online as they load straight away and show mobile versions of sites so save a lot of time and fit in a handbag.
With Samsung you can just put your phone (except Apple) on to portable wifi modum setting, then can use your phone plan as wifi for tablet when out and about. Thats what I do at work, I dont want wifi vibes around all day at work, it agitates me. They are huge in NZ, people just shove them in their bags and use them at school instead of a laptop, and Uni to take notes, especially people who send photos a lot as you type email, then click attachment, take the photo of whatever then send….no farting around at all.
Take care,
K -
I have had so many laptops. It’s unbelievable and tablets, big phones, little phones, t mobile, apple, Samsung always me. I have literally a shelf life of a techno gizzo of about a day. Literally of course, I mean within a day my laptops have some weirdness visible happening. I have the best viral protection known to mankind. It’s always Kaspersky and they are on it. So, go figure and I never open crazy attachments ever. I am not that stupid, though I may talk silly. I am not that stupid. Have a lovely night.
My reply here was deleted…wtf? It wasnt edited and just about tablets and viruses…perhaps a new clue….the ghost has somehow done it with a type of virus thing.
It’s weird, Kristen. Maybe it is a virus thing, but I have had so many depleted that were and were not edited I don’t pay attention to any of it much at all now. I have faith that Neale will get it figured out. Virus? Could be. The internet is rampant with cyberattack, I hear.
Being good to ones self is not a loss.
Same here. I never seem to find mistakes until after I post.
Yes, that is what happened, probably to all of mine that were deleted. I tend to go back and revise; stickler here doesn’t like a typo π
I was able to add a semi-colon to my fragment just now as an edit π
I’ve had that message of awaiting moderation for about a year, and any anti CwG messages WERE deleted, not now though. I found the trigger was mentioning any scriptures at all. General chit chat stayed in, I was definately manually moderated and screened, no question about that at all. I was always sure someone got a message when I logged on as many were deleted between ten minutes and an hour later. Id always assumed you employed a moderator to screen certain people.
That hasnt happened since Jethro pointed it out a couple of weeks ago BUT I did have one to Patrick yesterday deleted, that I did edit BUT it was also disproving his evolutionary theory with genetics science.
When we type we can see if others are typing, therefore you must be able to access records of who is logged on and when to determine who it is, if manual.
Its not just edits…there could be two different things going on. Im pretty sure I know who is deleting mine at least but dont want to falsely accuse, and other than yesterday, they seem to have stopped targetting me.
Take care,
I don’t allow followers with my disqus now, perhaps Neale, that’s why I dont get deleted now. Perhaps you could suggest people disallow followers which may make it harder for them??
Excellent suggestion! I’ve just done the same as I’m not really looking for followers anyway. For those who don’t know how to do this, just go to your Disqus account settings and make your profile private.
Love and Blessings Always,
I’m sure thats why I dont get deleted now, my ‘hacker’ either stopped when this discussion came up or when I deleted disqus and restarted with a private setting, although I dont know if someone was a follower, Ive never looked.
But followers do match Neales wording of ‘shadow moderator’, I find what I call ‘language majic’ is generally something failproof, a Universal Law to use as a tool, I use it all the time.
Xx -
Mine wasn’t a follower. I closed my stardust down, but what was my other name π moondust or something. Anyway, that one too many linking from nefarious bloggers on disqus Inviting me to weirdness visible. So I learned a lesson and closed me down.
You were disproving evolutionary theory with genetics science? Wow, I’m sorry I missed that. I’m sure I’d have had a good chuckle. Evolution is a fact.
You would have had it as an email reply alert. Yes evolution is a fact to some extent, but not to the extent you think.
I saw the email. There was nothing in it that disproved evolution. You went off on some tangent regarding eye color, when we were talking about skin color. I deleted it before I realized it hadn’t posted here.
And it’s not my evolution theory – it’s a theory that for all intents and purposes is a fact and is treated as such by all but a handful of cranks and religious fundagelicals, who face the burden of proof if they are to deny it.
Maybe the moderator is a machine, and it’s evolving a self-aware consciousness, and its “original sin” is to arbitrarily delete posts in an attempt to advertise that it is now an artificial intelligence….. or not. LOL
Except quite a few think you are the ghost moderator. You should speak up if you arent. I dont think you are but you do work in IT so could perhaps offer to help Neale.
Let people think what they will. If they are willing to attribute to me capabilities I do not possess, then cool beans! It’s always nice to be overestimated!
My expertise is in data communications and networking. I connect IT systems together. I don’t work directly with servers or applications, and wouldn’t have the slightest idea of how to hack the Disqus platform. I swear at my laptop any time I have to do a system update and encounter problems. What I do is move 1s and 0s from place to place. I started selling modems when they were very large and very expensive, then moved to networking using a variety of technologies, many of which are now obsolete now. I moved to the satellite industry over 15 years ago, and move 1s and 0s to the underserved, mostly in third world countries. Neale talks about a global conversation – I implement the infrastructure to allow that to happen.
I suspect that I have few problems here because I have been here a long time, I use my Facebook identification to log on (I wonder if that has any bearing); I use my own identity – anyone with a little google skill can find exactly where I live if they are so inclined. I’m probably on a “safe” list.
Aha, yip, you’re brave using your full name online, I dont even have my surname on business cards…people have no reason to need it!
Mewabe said years ago he used a fake name here so his business clients couldnt google him or read everything in tnese forums (he’s an artist, mainly consumer goods packaging etc and is an activist doing the letters erc for Native Americans).
Are you ok with any future potential clients or employers reading all of this, and your kids etc?
Just a generic question. -
I use FB for personal stuff and LinkedIn for professional contacts. If someone is going to google me, and then not do business because of my positions on certain things like religion, then I would just as soon not do business with them. I can think of only one time when that might have happened, and it was with a US company. Most of my business is overseas. I’m providing broadband satellite service to people who don’t have internet, so the sophistication level is lower.
I am more careful on FB and no longer participate in Muslim forums. I had my life threatened twice. Christians just tell me I’m going to Hell, which gives me an opening to ask, “which one,?” but some Muslims apparently have limited self control. I would have to read their Qur’an in order to be justified in participating in religious discussions with them, and I haven’t done that yet, so it’s best I not talk about things I don’t know enough about.
I get leads for churches in the middle of Africa who want to broadcast their sermons to the internet for all the world to enjoy, and part of me is revolted by the idea, while another part of me is happy to take their money. I go with the money. I’m practical. Like Neale.
My family is familiar with my positions. I’ve mentioned my sister to you, I think – the one who introduced me to CwG. We debate from time to time. I don’t know if I told you this story, but she sent me her copy of CwG1 back when I was in my very angry atheist mode after reading the bible for the first time and discovering everything I thought I knew was a lie. It turned out that the CwG book was a misprint, and one section was duplicated, while another was left out entirely. She had never even noticed! I did. That gives you an idea of the difference between us! LOL.
What…..did you just imply you are out of your very angry atheist mode???
Huge difference between you and I….I wouldnt take the money, Ill be poor forever, I never sell out. Ive turned down so much work in principle, I wont do cakes involving guns other than paintball, army theme, Apple logos, nothing satanic or promoting statue dietys like Buddha, no nudity amd spend a fortune ensuring eggs are free range, as much stock as possible has a low carbon footprint, biodegradable bags etc. Principles are an expensive exercise, as are morals and convictions, the price we pay for inner strength and standing by what we believe in.
Whats the point in having principles or strong views of you dont reflect that in your personal life???????????????????? Just so you can argue?
Sooo..if Yshua/Jesus turns up and asks to buy your soul for a million dollars, you’ll say ‘yip sure, money talks and Ill be a part of promoting anything I dont personally support if you pay me enough’.
Now thats true hypocrisy…..the practice of claiming to have standards or beliefs that are contrary to ones real character or actual behaviour.
At least youre honest…but do you want to shoot yourself through the other foot now so I can watch, or do it privately?
Haha. -
Oh yeah. I’m not nearly as angry as I once was. You have to understand that when I post here, it’s often with a smile on my face. I enjoy the debate.
I respectfully disagree with your position, which boils down to discrimination. If one puts out a sign that says they are selling wedding cakes, then one is obligated to sell those cakes to whoever wants to buy them, regardless of whether or not one likes their color, race, sex, religion, sexual persuasion, etc. If I put out a sign saying that I am selling broadband satellite service, I must ethically provide that service to anyone who wants to use it for legal purposes. I won’t sell it to someone from Iran or Syria, where it is illegal to send US technology, and if I knew a system was to be used for illegal purposes, I would be justified in not supporting that. I’m sure some of my systems are used to send you spam from places like Nigeria, but I can’t police that, and it’s not illegal, at least where it originates.
So, yes if the Church of the Holy Roller has a minister screaming about Jesus’ imminent return and he wants people all over the internet to subscribe to his channel or send him donations, and thus wants to buy my service, I will gladly part this fool from his money. (Just as Neale does – did you get that joke?)
Its not discrimination, its about respecting the different views of eachother, understanding differences and respecting that people in business have the right to choose their own work.
So you seem to think a building company owned by a Christian family should HAVE to take on a job building a brothel, casino venture although their own beliefs forbid those things??
WOW, no wonder America is screwed up with that attitude.
Your negative thinking distorts everything to seem negative, thats so screwed up!
I advertise that I do cakes…that doesnt mean I have to do every cake people want, and its not discrimation about people at all, who cares their colour, gender etc, what does that have to do with anything? Who even notices peoples colour, gender, sexual orientation anymore, move on, its not 1960! -
“Its not discrimination, its about respecting the different views of eachother, understanding differences and respecting that people in business have the right to choose their own work.”
So if you walked into a Muslim owned restaurant and the owner refused to serve you because you were a woman not wearing a Ha-jib, would you have any problem with that? What if he refused to serve you, just because you were a woman? What if you were a gay woman and you walked in with your girlfriend, and he kicked you out; would that be permissible discrimination – because it’s unquestionably discrimination.
As for the brothel/casino question – that’s a good question, but in reality, if the Christian knew what the building was for, they would be under no compunction to bid on it – or could make their bid the highest if they needed to submit a bid for political purposes. However if they bid on a project and after submitting a bid, discovered that the building that they bid on was going to be used for purposes they disapproved of then that would be discrimination – they should be forced to complete the project they bid on (assuming they won the bid), and/or be penalized with a monetary settlement. I agree with the policy that says you should not discriminate on the basis of sex, religion, country of origin, disability, sexual persuasion, and maybe other things I haven’t thought of, if you are offering products and services to the public.
If you have a privately owned business with a specific clientele, that may be a different situation, but if you are open to the public, you should treat everyone equally and leave your prejudices in the back room.
My situation is really more like that of the builder. I don’t have to follow up on requests from leads that are clearly religious in nature, but I know that failing to do so is discrimination, so I contact them and treat them as fairly as anyone else.
As for, “its not 1960!,” that may be true, and we’ve come a long way since then; but there are still people who are discriminated against for one reason or another, and women are often included in that list. If a business is open to the public, they have an obligation to treat everyone the same. I lived in America as a young boy in 1960 and I remember what that was all about. It was, in large part, about businesses refusing to serve certain people because of their skin color. What you have said here, seems to me to indicate support for their position. Do you believe those businesses should have been able to deny services to blacks, and that Martin Luther King should have been locked up and the key discarded?
I don’t see America messed up at all, at least not in this regard. There are many things about America that I am not proud of, but our movement for civil rights – to force businesses open to the public to treat everyone fairly – I’m on board with that.
Either you are missing the point, or I havnt been able to make it.
I agree we honour any deal we enter into, but also respect individuals in business have the right to decline any work BEFORE committing to it based on their own beliefs and principles. That is nothing to do with serving people in a shop, its about personally MAKING somethjng you dont believe should exist…its about the item, not the customer at all. Stop distorting. Ive already said I live in a multi cultural area, including having Muslim customers in a Hajib, because I stock Wilton, a Jewish brand so their products are kosher. Im talking about handmade goods to order NOT stock in a shop.
NZ never had discrimination, especially racial, Maori were given the same rights as Kiwis since the beginning, and we were the first country to give women tne right to vote. We never had your wierd concepts of racial discrimation. Prostitution and gay marriage is legal here, schools openly have gay/trans etc clubs etc. The things you point out are things that actually dont exist in our world, other than visually noticing differences, thats normal.
Exactly my point….you dont have to follow up on quotes that are clearly religious in nature, just as I dont have to do cakes I dont personally support. Why should society bullies like you be able to force me to put the beliefs of others before my own beliefs, when its nothing to do with discrimation, purely my personal beliefs NOT race based at all. -
I’m willing to go along with the idea that you have not been able to make your point – otherwise I have simply taken your words literally as they have been written.
I disagree that businesses should have the right to decline work – such as serving food in a restaurant, or providing other goods and services before committing to it, based on their own beliefs and principles. If one’s beliefs and principles include discriminating against others because of skin color, country of origin, gender, sexual preference, religious beliefs, etc., then they are a bigot. If their business is open to the public, they should not be permitted to discriminate and should be subject to legal proceedings and possible monetary penalties.
Don’t call me a bully. I’m not the one advocating for discrimination here. Perhaps your insistence that you’ve never had discrimination in your country (something I have no information about), means you simply don’t understand what discrimination really is.
Oops, I see you did, to Bruce. You should post that up the top as I think a few people may suspect you.
You cant isolate out skin colour with evolution, you need to take eye, hair and all other pigment based matters into account and the internal body changes that occur, rather than just saying ‘we all used to be ‘black’ and are now white with evolution’. There are hundreds of factors at play, not just our skin no longer needing darker pigments for sun protection. As I said, if scientists do their job properly rather than being selective, then I might believe them.
Of course evolution plays a role in all those related factors as people migrated from one environment to another – but we were talking of skin color. Scientists are not being selective – I was selective in discussing evolution for a specific trait that you attributed to your god. You claimed that your God created white people about 6000 years ago in his own image. I simply countered that evolution explains how we got white skin.
I don’t really know that it is your site causing my email to be hacked, but it has been happening a lot lately. Just now I had 50,000 emails that were in my inbox (I never delete. It is a wonder it hasn’t exploded), but I put them back in inbox after they were sent to outbox or trash, actually. I might have to sift or change my email passcode altogether. Whoever it is sends my old emails back to me with new messages from the senders, or they add a new message with my name as sender as if I sent them to myself. It’s a scam, but I truthfully don’t know that someone posting regularly would want to hack someone’s posts here or blogs or personal emails. I have just junk mail, which is why I don’t check it much or sift it at all. Just department stores really Dresses I buy online and junk mail. Frankly, I might have to sign up for spiritual mail.
Wow….delete everything you dont need and dont give your email to stores or businesses etc. I only use email for work, and then not much, plus Mum emails occasionally. This is the only website I go on so never even get junk other than a rental car co and delete all emails, laptop recycling bin and texts weekly.
Cleanout all your junk and old emails woman!!!!!! Thats a part of hoarding!
Hoarder not. I was hacked in a big way before I came back to global. All my emails were stolen, passwords changed. It was not reopened until a month ago. I’ve got important emails saved to lawyers and such, so I will sift but haven’t taken time to do that chore. Still learning to walk again. That’s been my focus. That and my blog which is a mystery. I have to contact the admin just to upload my podcast and posts.
Hi Michelle,
Yip, save what you need then dump the rest, and from your recycle bin as well. I would more suspect you opened something with a virus attached, but lots of viruses now need you to be interactive, like reply to it often using a business deal and logo, then it becomes just a game to the losers who sent it, they just like playing head games, no profit in it at all.
Possibly like our hacker here although it did start with anti CwG messages.
Id suggest getting another new email with a different company, and just give it to the few people that count and use it where things are important and see how that goes.
Sorry, I didnt mean hoarding like crazy people on tv, I just meant computer hoarding, its a new thing, I was joking to you about it.
Apparently they are finding that some people now are ‘hoarding’ all texts and emails, recognised as a form of loneliness, where it may be their only people contact, a bit like people on talk back radio all night then ghey read ghem all a lot, like love letters or imaginery friends!
Something new for psychologists to have a field day with, and make $$$$ from.
And yip to your other reply, Patrick works in IT, a rep for business systems so may be able to help, and should be able to help Neale as well if someone asks.
Xx -
Hi Kirstin, No I don’t have imaginary friends here, there, or anywhere, not somewhere, not nowhere. wtf π no hoarding of any imaginary friend or email. I am lazy. I just said I had to reopen my email but I am not afraid of a hacker. I report them. That’s what I did. No problem to report it. I hear the whole world is getting cyber attacked. It’s all over my email. I have had these email accounts for years and years, so not deleting that life. Lawyers use it, too. That’s how I knew I am aol. I am off and downloading word so I can write my own One Love book. Cheerio to all here π
I know…wtf???? Some people seriously do hoard emails.
Yip I heard on the news about cyber attacks, will read about it soon.
Take care,
Xx -
Hi Are you on Connect? I love Neale’s new sober site, the Self-Selected. It’s lovely and no hackers. Love to you.
I’ve made posts without editing, without links, without hard language, without breaking any rule, and they have been taken to ‘moderation’ no matter what…
Thank you Annie, a great answer, I was curious – once seen it is a spectacle to behold – magnificent, but no aggression just plain words with nothing, yes, nothing left out with devastating accuracy chilled to the bone but without rancour or aggression so common in males. If one could bottle it we could use it to stop all wars (just joking), But it sure shows a true tactic specific I think to the fair sex which one might think to use in peace negotiations if needed. Thanks again for your wisdom – better than Google!
Love and Blessings, Bruce
Hey, Y’all!
Totally off topic (but I’d rather post it here than on social media), but today is a special anniversary. It was one year ago today that my best friend and I signed a lease for the mobile home I now live in, ending eight months of homelessness. (And next month I’ll be making my final payment, and will own it outright.)
It’s a joyous anniversary because it’s yet another adventure that was challenging that I survived and from which I learned so very much, yet bittersweet in that Christie isn’t physically here to celebrate it, having passed over last fall. But I know she celebrates it with me regardless. Both Biscuit and I still feel her energy here, sometimes so strongly that I hear her off-color running commentary on life and Biscuit treats me differently, as if I am her (which I am, in Oneness).
I just wanted to share that with peopleβ I’ve come to know and love here, rather than those who don’t know me quite as well. (I miss you, mewabe, my friend!)
Thanks for the indulgence.
Love and Blessings Always,
That’s lovely, Annie. Congratulations on your celebration. wow eight months of homelessness. Good for you on overcoming that struggle. It is weird how many called to help lift a new earth to heaven experience many of the same struggles. I didn’t call or intend the driver to run over me, but it happened anyhoo. that put me wow in a state of ahem let’s just say doubt. My faith took a dive, but I believe even Ram Dass, after he experienced a stroke, had some quiver of a doubt or at least a smudgeon of a question, “Why me?” But, what a guy. I love Ram Dass. Anyway, you mentioned knowing your loved one was near. I know my grandmother is near every time I think of her. What a lady, an angel actually. I miss her. Love to all.
Hey Annie,
Thanks for sharing that with us, first and foremost, we are all people, who cares the topic or site!!
Congratulations, and Im so glad for you that things are looking so bright, there isnt much that can beat the security of your own home…the security that tomorrow isnt the scary unknown and hopefully remains that way. The senso of acheivement from struggling and conquering, even getting debt paid off, is priceless. Enjoy and embrace it, better than any drugs..
Ill have a drink for you, pink rose bubbly, my favourite wine, with bittersweet chocolate to include Christie.
Cheers to you, Christie and Biscuit and may your home stay the home in your heart.
Xx -
Congrats and wish for Oneness with you which I am lovely Annie
Neale, I read your book when i was 5 years old I remember seeing the problems of the church, churches, schools and everyday life. The hypocricies the double speak the deception etc. i have had in many ways my own conversations with God. I grew up hating him for most of my life. I used to be a part of many cults trying to be a great disciple and i realized God has made many mistakes while God is our creator and he is much more wise than we r. I see God as the ultimate evolved being I see him as time and time again teaching us his ways and giving us many oppurtunities to become a highly evolved being like so many other civilizations. However there are highly evolved beings who have the perspective of good (Non violence) compared to violence (evil) I have been on both sides of the spectrum i choose balance Good and evil are perspectives . There is no right and wrong there is only order, chaos ,balance ,stability and instability. These also are perspectives as well However God has killed people God has had temper tantrums God has committed many acts of “good and evil” in order to experience himself. He created us for that same purpose we are tools to be used by him and we use him as well as others to achieve the purpose of gaining the ultimate experience sharing is caring .
Neale….is Therese still involved in this site? Or did she leave completely when you changed to exclude the other contributors a few years ago?. I remember reading something when they accidently didnt block a contributors/moderators chat in 2012, talking about how someone was able to ‘get in’ and access their conversation…probably not realising they hadnt blocked public access to that part of the ‘behind the Global Conversation’ since I somehow saw it.
Marko is/was friends with Therese, I recall him in the chat, which is why Ive always assumed he is a moderator in here and works for you.
Not implicating Marko by any means, but perhaps Therese may know how to resolve this since I see others are saying it’s still happening, It could be something like happened before, where something in admin was accidently left open which has allowed someone to ‘sneak in tne back door’.
I have a wierd memory for Trivia, if you need to hunt back, all I can remember is it was in 2012, well before the peace campaign stuff, and a guy Kevin was unwell at the time so couldnt participate in whatever you were organising (remembered that as my own friend Kevin was an alcoholic as well).
Hopefully you can get to the bottom of it,
AGAIN….not implicating Marko at all, just an idea to try.
I deleted my own post below, not the ‘ghost moderator’, hopefully Neale read it.
What were you feeling when you deleted your post?
Nothing…it was just to do with the hacking that people seem to think has started up again, but mentioned an old moderator from years ago and I just didnt want it to be misinterpreted, as people do. Its someone who noticed someone in a moderators section of CwG who shouldnt have been, so she may be able to help Neale sort it out.
Glad to hear your working on it. Curiosity got the best of me.
Someones got to try, Neale hasnt exactly kept us updated on anything.
I have been reading other articles this morning and have noticed a trend in the delivery of bad news that’s been going on around the world for the past four years or so with the question, “Is This Who We Are?”. Yes, this “is” who we are! If it wasn’t who at least some of us are, it wouldn’t be happening. Why the surprise? Why the anger? Why the confusion?
Since we have learned to posses things and claim ownership of anything, we have learned the need to defend. If we intend to give something to each other, why so much defense when It appears to be not accepted? There is and always will be a desire to be “right” whether Right and Wrong exist or not. It does not matter which words are used to describe positive and negative, it is there all the same.
War is not guns and missiles, war is words, guns and missiles are the result. We start a new war every time we feel our words are not accepted. What war will “you” feel a need to be fighting today? What will you believe is so important that you must attack another with your thoughts? To the topic.. Who will you silence to defend your ideas?
Is this who we are? The evidence says yes! “What war can you put an end to today?”
The same war I fight every day…..to stop suffering and fight to get more consequences in place, and to try and intercept reincarnation paths where people are knowingly causing suffering preferably before they do. I managed to get 3 pet shops shut down a couple of years ago, and fought my butt of with God about the SPCA, and the next year our govt gave the SPCA a million dollars in funding. Every fight is a war, everyone is in some form of war even if unknowingly against a world they just dont like. Its a hard fight, and sux that so few fight, but worth the sacrifices IF we fight with good intentions, good will ultimately win no mayter what it is, but its a damn hard war!!!! Sometimes I think the hardest fight is against complacency and selfishness.
A battle for sure, I would call it a peace keeping effort because I agree with your effort. So, I wish you the best. Greed, selfishness and ignorance are at the front of my battle. Unlicensed workers saying they have skills and then cause more damage. It’s hurting a lot of people where I live. I’m one person and the youth around here seems to prefer welfare checks. It will all come together when it’s suppose to. That’s how god works in my life. Everything happens as it should.
You put a different perspective on my post, thank you.
Hi Kristin,
Good luck fighting the battle of trying “to intercept reincarnation paths where people are knowingly causing suffering preferably before they do.” It’s a tangled net, a fabric consisting of so many threads interwoven throughout worlds and worlds of worlds. I believe we live in a multiverse of many multiverses, but a Cardinal Rule is always in place. Free Will of a Soul. A Soul has Free Will to reincarnate, don’t they? A soul who chooses to harm another always gets what they put out somewhere out there or here, either here or there, or somewhere in an alternate realm. I don’t know. It seems dangerous to force an interception of a soul off a reincarnation path. It’s more like only GodHead can do this work. I know we are God, but the relation between a certain soul and GodHead is unique and chosen to exist in a coordination, a time, a space. That’s between God and the individual soul. If a Soul determines a little soul is attempting to cause harm to many or to one, then that soul is taken off and transformed to a new energy level where it cannot harm another. That’s my understanding. I could be wrong.
Take care,
Hi ya,
Yes I know…its the cross I chose to bear, and I studied for years for it, to get to a plane I can reach, so its safe for me. I still need a literal Guardian Angel close by a lot of the time…trust me, Im probably the most hated person in existance.
We are allowed to intercept ill intent, in working for the greater good, compliant with Law, Karma and through legal means. Its the sign of the white cross, God of righteousness and Lord Almighty of Justice, and I choose to work from that intersection point in the centre.
The protective matrix around Earth is damaged now, evil and anything can get through, weavers cant keep it together anymore, but working with consequential and other Laws it is possible to weave new threads, or garments, to change present and future paths. Sometimes the catalyst only needs to be someone held up in traffic to change a thread. One pet shop I got shut down had the catayst of parvo getting in, we got a puppy that died, and that started the threads of a new path for the owners. We target catalysts to stop suffering, one small catalyst can change everything. If a kid forgets their lunch so heads home, a peodophile wont pick them up, then the reincarnation path of the one reincarnated/possessing that child physical body, is changed. Its often with the Law of Synchronicity amongst others.
Yes reincarnation paths are hard to intersect and fracture, and freewill is in place, but I fight with ‘when in Rome do as the Romans do’. Fighting that they MUST comply with our Laws on Earth..that mean they cant come here with support to go against our laws, like peodophiles, those making a profit from the suffering of animals etc, and must respect the freewill of conscious parents before reincarnating into a child so stop arranging for cancer etc.
Its hard work, but we’re getting there.
As Y’shua said, God is a God of the living, not the dead, He is the God of Law, not reincarnation, and is on my side with this one.
Screw them, if they dont like Earth Laws then dont be here!!! Evil have been let away with far too much for far too long, and if I have to personally cut their balls off one person at a time and watch them bleed to death then so be it.
Well, I honor you desiring to battle evil. I am this, too, and have always been this but with my gift of remote now I actually am awaking to a new realization. The truth is I just yesterday came to this new realization. I am studying Wingmaking material in conjunction with CWG and a lot of others like Ram Dass, Ester Hicks, Quantum Physics and just a lot. But, I realize we are many planes and dimensions and realms. Realm is a plane through a planet with many souls, many minds, ,many bodies that mingle in a tri arc manner only, so you are mingling in quantum mind space with the worst kind of life form and these old dead weights were amalgamated for eons with not much other than a physical mind of hell space on our new earth planet we are lifting and lifted to the future already done. Now, there are many planets, past present future and all have alternate and parallel realities. As you attempt to alter something in a line in the future, you don’t know but you may be cutting your nose off to spite your face. We change planes as we express new ideas.and as you zoom to another soul, you may carry a lot of old baggage or not to that old dead weight or a heap of a lot of new baggage to your own self, and this gets dropped to a different level here on our planet. Lightworkers have to be so careful.
I know, and dont worry, I know what Im doing. As long as you find the correct safe place to fight from and affiliate to the correct people/planes etc and work with Laws its fine, I got asked to, I am someones eyes and ears on the ground.
Yip, its hell out there. -
I know it. I see and got eyes and ears and God in me on many grounds, in flight too so I know it is hell fighting the dark.
The Law regarding freewill is that there is Law and Freewill…thats it. So all freewill must be compliant with Law!!! Basic logic there.
What you call the Godhead, I call The Source. Same thing.-
I know that you call it Source. So do I my point is that it’s a soul choice only. No one can truly manipulate life. God doesn’t allow that. We all have free will. No one but no one can force someone to not do as they wish. That’s the highest Law.
Hi, no, the highest Law is that Law exists, and all Laws forbid causing the suffering of the innocent. Look up the word innocent in a dictionary, it covers animals, children, physical bodies and righteous people. In Isaiah Lord Almightys judgements cause ‘woe to you who deny justice to the innocent’. Many fight this same battle, within those Laws.
I don’t need to look up innocent. I am all for the innocent. The truth is in our relative world, we see injustice. In faraway or nearby distant lands, do you know all the laws? Stll, I stand by my God. You better not mess with my soul. I might swing back and turn you into a crawdad lol
Haha. I look up words all the time, working with Law its important to understand words, to understand the Law.
Universal Laws cover everyone and everything in existance, for which there are probably 100 Laws, then there are Cosmic and other Laws for different realms and species, just as Earth is a mix of Laws that include Human Laws, with Law introduced in Scripture by God that we add to. Christs like Y’shua introduce more, thats their job, but generally introduce them worded as a story, hint, suggestion or vague comment, for people to take from there. They plant a seed for us to grow.
I dont and cant mess with souls, unless you have a plan to cause suffering to another, but I dont personally change that, I only push for it….the only way I can is to alter your mood with speech, everyone can, by either pissing people off or making them smile!!
But in saying that….a crawdad might be fun, no idea what it even is! -
It was a bit of a joke. I actually looked up crawdad two days ago. It’s a mini lobster π don’t worry. I am not trying to turn you into a crawdad π smile, please. Did not mean to piss you off. You can’t alter aother’s mood, by the way. That’s a soul choice, too. Your cosmology insinuates that you have preferential treatment whereby you are given access to another’s soul code, and that isn’t my cosmology. Sorry if my cosmology pisses you off, but there it is.
I am not in a bad mood, just giving an alternative perspective. That’s all. Don’t take it personally. We are debating as we kid each other. -
I was typing with a smile, I always am! Nothing pisses me off, heck, Id be an angry bitter twisted monster if I allowed that!!!
Ahhh, here, or in Australia we would probably call a crawdad a yabbi, we only have big crayfish here. Sounds fun though, except its too cold to swim at the moment. Maybe a cat…then I can just sunbathe and have slaves to feed me!Hey…no I dont have preferential treatment al all, you know how it works, you just have to careful who you affiliate to, to ensure you are safe. If I had preferential treatment I certainly would have had a more pampered life, I dont at all, same struggles as everyone else, a lot of the time much worse since being a working single parent is just a harder life in general, and have been under many attacks just as you have, you name it, Ive had it. We all choose a cross to bear, and I chose to choose trying to stop suffering, and working hard to do so.
No I dont have access to souls, but those who work trying to prevent suffering, can have access to reincarnation/Akishic records, I personally dont, I never leave my body and dont want to.
You can alter the moods of others, sometimes just a friendly smile, or kind or harsh words can alter a mood, therefore individual energy.
Take care,
: ) -
I think I am that, too. I want to be pampered and sunbathe, live like a cat. I am near a cat now and what a life just to stretch in the sun. Fur ball, butterfly. I have not eaten a crawdad. I don’t like lobsters really. I worked in a seafood restaurant and walked in and screamed when I saw the big sink full of shrimp with eyes, black, looking at me. I was a vegetarian but learned to eat shrimp. First date Red Lobster. I didn’t know but ate the tails. Boyfriend Tim, aka Cheech, said “what are you doing with your tails?” I said, “I’m eating them. Aren’t we supposed to?” Dear God. Life is meant to laugh. Have a good one!
Haha…I can see you doing that at Red Lobster!
I love cray, shrimps, prawns and scallops..everything else looks too gross to be food! But I hardly eat anyway, I forget, duh! But I have managed to put on 3kg, yay, its a struggle. If I forget to eat for a day a kg falls off. Grrrr. Its a struggle to try and stay at 55kg (5’8″ so thats still skinny). Never remembered to eat as a kid either so was always scrawny.
How gross to see food alive, Ive never seen that and dont plan to. A crayfish here is around usd$60 raw uncooked, a luxury item for sure.
Im a cat at heart…..lazy, stubborn and could sleep in tne sun all day.
Xx -
I am pleasingly plump but not really. I am125 lb or 57 kg and 5’3 1/2. As long as I remember to eat, I stay that weight. Usually I flux between 115 and 125. We have to account for things like boots and chic brest weight and that’s 20 at least. I am going to delete this in a second but it is fun to know we can account for weight like that. The shrimp weren’t living. I was a waitress. made darn good money. I always had 200 in my pocket, all in 1’s. I’ll have to try crayfish. I love cats, but only really Eddy like that. This butterfly character is used to me and likes the sun. I love soaking the sun. I gotta go.
Take care π l
Youre weight is average.
My boobs would account for 100gr, and that would be on a good day!!!
The thing is, there are studies that show that the planet is steadily becoming less violent. You can google the question of whether the world is becoming more violent and find many reports that report that this is not so. There are few if any county-to-country wars going on right now – I can’t think of a single one right now. That is very rare for our planet. There are a handful of civil wars going on, however, such as in Syria, Ukraine, Sudan, Venezuela and a couple other hot spots. Murder and other violence rates are also down on a global basis. We’re slammed with bad news, but maybe we should tune some of it out, because just because violence sells, doesn’t mean its pervasive.
I completely disagree that “War is not guns and missiles, war is words, guns and missiles are the result.” As long as only words are flying, the guns and missiles are kept at bay. It’s when the words stop that these are broken out of storage to take the place of words. That is not to say that there isn’t a case to be made for war. I think we are doing the right thing, going back to help Afghanistan after we set expectations that we would help them with the vicious Islamists who want to terrorize them. It would be nice if we could have a war of words with those mentally ill and delusional religious fanatics, but that is not possible, and thus, they cannot be permitted to propagate their religious evil unchallenged.
The long term solution is to empower women so they can raise boys who will not be the backwards, sexist losers, that their fathers are, and so that their daughters will learn to stand up to such men.
Great Patrick now we are talking this is exactly what we have to do empower women educate girls everywhere for FREE !!!
There is a great book called The Chalice and The Blade by Riane Eisler it goes into some detail about this and how we have moved full circle to worshiping a male god of war and one that condones violence.
The violence from religious cultures and fanatics against women is abhorrent from Honour killings to F G M to control and subservience. It all has to be challenged . However it has to be challenged with dialogue not more violence and in transcending the religious beliefs that are creating so much suffering on humans . We have to challenge the teachings not each other. The teachings are what is causing the turmoil in the minds of those fanatics .They start in school reading from the same books as you know .So we have to dialogue with those teaching the young and release the control that their god fearing understanding promotes .
Is war sometimes necessary to stop more war ? No doubt at our level of evolution it makes no sense to let mad men kill with impunity when all other avenue’s have been tried in a transparent way.-
Hmm, I’m not sure it should be free. I like the policy of “micro-loans” in which women are given small loans to start a business. This model has proven to be very successful in some countries. Getting a loan instead of charity, instills responsibility and teaches the ladies how to handle money and investments.
Violence is never the first choice, but in places like Afghanistan where there is no opportunity for bringing the Taliban to the table to discuss religion, the only option I see, is to stamp them out as best we can, in order to create enough peace so that programs like those we are discussing can have an opportunity to work.
The question of assassinating Asaad is an interesting one. The downside of such a national policy is like that of torture. If we do it, then others are justified in doing it to us, and we give up the moral high ground.
I mean education has to be made free as its a right not a privilege like the air we breath.
Unfortunately formal education is not free. Someone has to pay for it. I would also disagree that it’s a right like the air we breath. Rights are things we claim, hold and protect. There are no other rights. It may be that society will decide that there is a right to education, health care or any other feature or benefit, but these are not rights endowed upon humans simply by virtue of being born here. Most rights have to be defined, fought for, and then defended. We don’t even have the right to die as we may wish, if we are incapable of doing it ourselves.
Society determines our rights. It gives them and it takes them away, and as part of society, we participate in that dance.
In any event, sending our soldiers back over there to beat back the Taliban so that there can be peace so that people can be educated, means we Americans are going to pay for the “free” education that they supposedly have a right to, and much of that will require the military to make education possible in the first place. Without us creating and supporting that right for them, no such right exists. I have no problem with paying for that, and would much prefer to pay taxes to help those people than, for example, to put up a wall of separation with our southern neighbor, but many in our society think a greater right is to prevent people who aren’t like us from coming into our country. Welcome to the dance.
Patrick said — ‘Society determines our rights. It gives them and it takes them away, and as part of society, we participate in that dance.’
It would actually be difficult to conceive of a much more mush-brained, flat-out wrong notion of natural human rights…but, then, you don’t believe in any sort of ‘creator’, so… People have certain natural rights simply by virtue of being born, and any ‘society’ which does not recognize such today is rightly labelled as ‘backward’, or ‘regressive’, etc., etc., etc.I guess if society decides our rights, then you won’t mind when the majority vote to put folks like you to death, for whatever reason.
Ignoring the insulting language, without which you seem incapable of communicating, here or on other blogs, I will defend this popular assertion. I didn’t originate this.
We really need to start with a definition of “rights,” and determine if they are something esoteric (i.e. what should be) versus something real (what is).
If you are born into a society, for example, where you are Jewish and there is a Fascist leader that the country’s population supports, and that society decides that you should be put to death, then those Jewish people have no rights. That particular society did not respect or support their right to live. No gods or souls or devils made that happen – the people of the society and it’s leader made that happen. The rights, or lack thereof, of that particular group of people was decided by its society.
If our society decided to put atheists and agnostics to death, that would mean we have no rights. The Essential Essence or Universal Consciousness or Yahweh, Allah, Vishnu or any other god is not going to step in and endow anyone with rights. Our rights come from society and they must be stated, staked out, and defended or they can go away. Nobody understands that better than the 2nd Amendment crowd. They know the bible doesn’t give them the right to own guns!
You point out one of the dangers of democracy, and why the US is a republic, rather than a democracy. In a pure democracy, what you propose, with regard to voting to kill atheists/agnostics, for example, would be perfectly legal and acceptable in that society. In a republic, however, one agrees as a part of that society, to adhere to a rule of law that generally incorporates some things we refer to as human rights. Without incorporating those things and having laws to establish and defend them, no such rights exist and the majority can indeed strip the minority of any rights it might have, at any time. That’s why it’s a good thing we are a republic.
Proving only that you utterly fail to comprehend the nature of rights. I would suggest a more rounded education.
Perhaps you could give me one? Please explain the nature of rights to this poor ignorant, man. I look forward to being blown away by your brilliance and intellect.
Every human being has certain basic rights. The simple fact that a society does not recognize them does not negate them. Sometimes, it’s is solely up to the individual to defend them. That’s how human progress happened.
I will go no further down this road with you, as your method of ‘debate’ is always devious, dastardly, diverting, and duplicitous. I have no desire to play your stupid games. You want a better education, go get it for yourself.
Ah but that’s a common fallacy. You are trying to derive IS from OUGHT. What ought to be rights, does not make them rights. There is only that which “is” (as this site notes time and again), and what “Is,” is whatever society determines to be rights – that being those that are stated, staked out and defended.
If we are going to discuss what rights “ought” to be, we can do that, but these rights will still change over time as society changes. This is why I began by defining rights as esoteric (what ought to be) and real (what is).
“The isβought problem, as articulated by Scottish philosopher and historian David Hume (1711β76), states that many writers make claims about what ought to be on the basis of statements about what is. … The isβought problem is also known as Hume’s law, or Hume’s guillotine.” Wikipedia
ROTFLMAO “Devious, dastardly, diverting and duplicitous.” Wow! How much effort did you put into that sentence!? Was your thesaurus helpful? Did your mommy help?
Proving yet again that, not only are you completely devoid of any understanding of the concept of natural rights, but are also wholly without any of the characteristics you profess to seek, admire or honor.
Again, just as I already knew, so…what’s new?
I understand the concept of natural rights – I disagree that they exist. They are something we can argue “ought” to be; but, as I see it, the only natural right we have when we’re born is the right to eventually die, though of course religious and medical authorities often attempt to deny that right for as long as possible in order that we might suffer for medical profit or religious beliefs.
Gross Prophet,
I believe we all have the inherent rights of access to life, drinking water, clean air, food above starvation levels, shelter from the elements, clothing, sanitation, life-saving medical treatment, literacy…
Some things are our right by virtue of having been bornβregardless of nation, color, gender identification, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion (including atheism and agnosticism), political party (or undeclared), citizenship status, wealth (or lack thereof), or any other means of identification used for the purpose of exclusion or exclusivity. In other words, treat each other with as much unconditional love and compassion as we show ourselves.
Human beings really need to, in my opinion, guarantee such rights for all other human beings, as well as all other living things.
Love and Blessings Always,
Where do these esoteric rights come from? Who defends them? How can these rights exist without a society that embraces and protects them? Answer – they can’t exist without a supporting society. Our rights are established by the societies we live in.
Some of the things you list can not properly be called ‘rights’, as they would require the imposition of force to ensure. A human being only naturally has rights to his own life, and the freedom to pursue whatever strikes his fancy of the moment — so long as, in that pursuit, he does not infringe upon the concomitant rights of another.
While civilized, rational beings would naturally attempt to ensure things such as adequate drinking water, clean air, basic shelter, literacy/education, or even medical treatment — none of these things can, or should be, labelled as ‘rights’, as to do so bastardizes the very concept of rights, and leads inevitably to the chaos we see today.
Thank you for your thoughts, and for the kind manner in which they are expressed.
I can understand your disagreement. Violence of any kind is a product of the mind and usually starts with thoughts and words. words are thoughts in action, any action is an extension of thought. The war starts as soon as a disagreement starts, and escalates from there. The only question left is how long until the argument escalates to fists, or guns and missiles. Or deleting of posts. Which could be a mere glitch.
“there are studies that show that the planet is steadily becoming less violent.” That’s good news! Why do we have to search for it? Why isn’t it on a special segment on every news station.
We could certainly benefit from being raised differently whether is it be by mom “or” dad. It takes both parents working these days to get what the parents think they need. our children are being raised by an unloving system, same as children with one parent. I don’t know how it is all over the world. Its what I see around me though.
But disagreement does not have to escalate to war. If there is to be a war, then a war of words is to be preferred over a war of violence. Somebody will win the war of words, just as the wars of violence are generally lost or won. Do you know how we ended up with the current form of Christianity? There were a half dozen or so competing sects including Ebionites, Marcionites, Gnostics and proto-orthodox. They held different views of the divinity of Jesus, applicability of Jewish law, and so forth. Over time, the proto-orthodox won the war of words and became the Orthodox, and then later became the unHoly Roman Catholic Church, and the rest was history. All based on a war of words.
Admittedly after that, the winner did use violence to stamp out opposition, so they defended their position with violence, but they obtained it almost entirely through a war of words. Overcoming slavery required the violence of war, but making a serious dent in civil rights was much less violent, though there certainly was some. We’re slowly moving in the right direction, with more yelling and shouting, and less shooting and killing.
I propose a global war of words over the legitimacy of the Abrahamic gods. If we don’t fight that war with words, sooner or later, we’re going to have to fight it with violence, I suspect.
I remember an episode of Star Trek on which a planet was visited and the inhabitants were going nuts because there god was supposed to be coming back in a couple days. It was back when my parents were going to church… religiously π I’m reminded of that every time someone says they are ready for the rapture. You have stated that there is no proof of that god, I have never seen or felt the things my parents and grandparents talked about, most every person I ever knew who was heavily “into” the Bible were fairly abusive and spoke as they were fairly violent. The self proclaimed lovers of God are the customers who gripe the most and the loudest about paying there bill. If I’m out and about working or traveling on Sunday, all those church folks turn the roads into hell, not because of the number of cars, they are impolite, breaking the laws, and in a hurry to get to the restaurant so that somebody else has to work on the Sabbath and not them, to indulge in their excessive need for food and drink at the buffet. So removing their idea of God may not be such a bad Idea. The war concerning the Abrahamic God has already been deadly violent for thousands of years. Truth be known though, I have no problem with the message that I was taught about the same God, It’s how people are using God to be evil, mean, and nasty. If removing God forces those people into being honest about who they are, I’m all for it. To be able to do it without guns and missiles would be a plus.
Hi Patrick,
I love what you say re empowering woman. In their nurturing way of bonding with and spending so much time with their children, if they had our views, belief, and wish to end wars forever, they alone could succeed within 10 years in this. Such an opportunity and yet as Neale says, It is us who are responsible, as we men do not even grant them the equality they deserve.
Patrick said — ‘The thing is, there are studies that show that the planet is steadily becoming less violent.’
And yet, according to your BS story about ‘cognitive dissonance’, we should all be getting more and more frustrated, anxious, belligerent, etc., etc., etc. You’re a real piece of work…
Fortunately the number of people affected by cognitive dissonance is also coming down. The latest poll results show once again that religion in America is on a steepening decline.
Your original thought had nothing to do with just America. No matter, I knew that you would come up with yet another lie to try to justify whatever you say.
Um, what lie? Anyone can google the latest Pew Research, Gallup, or Harris polls to see the latest results from each of them on religion. What specifically, did I lie about?
When I look at the places where religion is not declining (it mostly tracks with population growth), I would predict more cognitive dissonance (manifested as terrorist attacks for example), than in those places where religiosity is declining. We see more strife and conflict in places where religious beliefs are very strong – such as the mid-east. It’s just an opinion. You need not accept it.
But you must be nasty and insulting – that’s who you are. You talk to other people on other blogs who dare to disagree with you in the same way. Sucks to be you, GP.
Virtually all of your bombast is based at least partly on lies, inferences and suppositions. This is borne out by your copious body of work here. I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time playing your version of intellectual whak-a-mole. Sorry.
I knew you wouldn’t be able to provide an example.
As I said, I have absolutely no intention of spending as much time as you seem to compulsively need within this venue. I know what I know, I have a pretty good idea of what you DON’T know, and I have no interest whatsoever in playing your stupid games.
So, adios, m/fer.
so, again, GP; no example, no evidence. You call me a liar again and again, without providing examples or evidence, as though your saying so, makes it so.
So Annie – you “up-vote” many of GPs insults to me; are you going to up-vote this one? To GP’s benefit, I must say that was a clever way to get an obscenity past the moderator.
But – just an idea Jethro, words start from thoughts, so we need to think positively and abor negativity. As you have said earlier to concentrate on the solution, but even more to imagine constantly, every day, a world beyond this swamp of negativity where there is peace, love and caring for each other. Then that will indeed happen! We just have to imagine!
Exactly Bruce, A change in the way the world is thinking. To be more on my target, the way our governments think.
Dear Neale,
You must take a look at the events that are happening in Venezuela since the past month. Venezuelans are claiming for their Freedom and the only weapon they are using are the Venezuelan Flag and their Dreams of Prosperity and Peace. The Dictatorship is responding with the darkest evil we have known so far, and the people are growing stronger in their will to fight back darkness with Light. It is absolutely beautiful to witness this group of young protesters fight the National Guard with their gas masks, gardening gloves (to return the tear gas bombs), wooden shields and even their musical instruments! It is sublime!
This new stage of Human Consciousness is happening right now in Venezuela. That understanding of violence not being the answer to solve our situation. It is not even considered as an option from the side of the people that is being murdered, tortured, and put to a lot of suffering. We are following the path of Forgiveness and Love.
Venezuela is giving birth to the “Spiritual” Freedom (the material freedom we already conquered when Simon Bolivar did his Revolution, but this revolution took a lot of blood, too many civil wars, brothers against brothers). Now it is different, we are going through a lot of pain and suffering (we are going through the first Humanitarian Crisis in our history), facing horrible and dark times… BUT the spirit of the people, their will to continue this path towards Freedom, is inspiring!
Thanks for your books and for creating this space.
Best wishes,
It is beautiful to see the spirit of Love shape a new world. Thank you for sharing your heart here.
All the Best on your/our journey towards a World of Love only,
Thanks so much for reading and responding my post The Era of Love is already here, it won’t be long until we are all alligned with It.
Let all pray for a big Alignment. Thank you for being part of the Era of Love.
I disagree absolutely about everything Isabel has said here, I’m sorry.
I’m venezuelan too, and I’ve witnessed from first sight what has happened here since 2002 and beyond.
With 400+ comments I don’t know if anyone will read this, -or if this will be ‘moderated’ as other comments I’ve written before.
But ok, some facts: from my view:
– The opposition that is making such actions in my country is NOT peaceful at all. It is VERY, STRONGLY, ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT. I know that the majority of people participating in the protests is peaceful, but there are hit groups that act in a rampant highly violent mood. They close the streets, attack whoever want to pass or remove obstacles, sometimes killing them with straight shots in the head, break trees, destroy semaphores, attack hospitals, schools, institutions, burn all kind of public transports, vehicles, houses, buildings, put metal threads between the streets for decapitating people in motorcicles, attack policemen and National Guards (that are strictly unarmed for controlling protests) with molotovs, stones, house bombs, and even bullets. And many protesters have been killed in the midst of the protests with no possibility of police or NG’s could do that. Many have been killed in accidents in the roads. The objetive of such STRONG VIOLENCE is to create a civil war for declaring Venezuela a ‘failed state’ and in that way, to intervene the country by an international coalition. As has happened before in other countries and times.
– Venezuela is NOT a dictatorship. It is absolutely ridiculous to comment on that, but it is necessary due to the fact that international media, repeats time after time that lie. Nicolas Maduro was elected in free, universal, secret, elections in April 2014. The very next day of its election, violent protests arised causing 12 deaths. At December 2014 there were other elections for city majors (there have been around 20 elections in the last years of this ‘dictatorship’). Two months after that the violent opposition created very violent protests for 6 months that created 43 deaths, 800+ wounded, and millions in material losses. Clearly, that was not for ‘lack of democracy’, or for lack of elections. Thew wanted to remove President Maduro at all costs, as it occurs now.
– The philosophy of violent opposition in Venezuela since 2002 has always been: “Go away NOW, or I’ll burn everything”. Chavez was overthrown by a coup in this way in 2002, for 47 hours. Year after year, the opposition has done the same. And now, the very same with President Maduro.
– This violent opposition is clearly and shamelessly being financed by the USA and other countries since 1999. An example: how do the protesters get gas masks, shields, and other weapons for their violent actions? This articles are HIGHLY expensive in our country and nobody could afford these items. Ok, they are provided by the covert ops violent opposition. And this is just a tiny example.
– I could go on and on, but a fair and objective research, ahead of biased media will tell you more.
As in other opportunities, my country will find peace after all this inducted violence.
This does not mean in any way, that there are not motives for protest. But violence is NOT the way.
I say it again. Violence is not the way.
Dialog and Peace are the ways.
God bless Venezuela. So it is.
P,D,; I’m very grateful I could see Isabel’s post. With 400+ posts it could be very easy not to see it. I thank God for the ‘good luck’.
Greetings and blessings for you, Isabel!
(This is the reply I wrote to Isabel yesterday. It was deleted by someone or something. Let’s see if it is eliminated again):
I disagree absolutely about many things Isabel has said here, I’m sorry.
I’m venezuelan too, and I’ve witnessed from first sight what has happened here since 2002 and beyond.
With 400+ comments I don’t
know if anyone will read this, -or if this will be ‘moderated’ as other
comments I’ve written before.But ok, some facts: from my view:
– The opposition that is making such actions in my country is NOT peaceful at all. It is EXTREMELY, STRONGLY, ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT. I know that the majority of people participating in the protests is peaceful, but there are hit groups that act in a rampant highly violent mood. They close the streets, attack
whoever want to pass or remove obstacles, sometimes killing them with
straight shots in the head, break trees, destroy semaphores, attack
hospitals, schools, institutions, burn all kind of public transports,
vehicles, houses, buildings, put metal threads between the streets for
decapitating people in motorcicles, attack policemen and National Guards
(that are strictly unarmed for controlling protests) with molotovs,
stones, house bombs, and even bullets. And many protesters have been killed in the midst of the protests with no possibility of police or NG’s could do
that.Many have been killed in accidents in the roads. The objetive
of such STRONG VIOLENCE is to create a civil war for declaring Venezuela
a ‘failed state’ and in that way, to intervene the country by an
international coalition. As has happened before in other countries and
times.– Venezuela is NOT a
dictatorship. It is absolutely ridiculous to comment on that, but it is
necessary due to the fact that international media, repeats time after time
that lie. Nicolas Maduro was elected in free, universal, secret, elections
in April 2014. The very next day of its election, violent protests
arised causing 12 deaths. At December 2014 there were other elections for city majors (there have been around 20 elections in the last years of this ‘dictatorship’). Two months after that the violent opposition created very violent protests for 6 months that created 43 deaths, 800+ wounded, and millions in
material losses. Clearly, that was not for ‘lack of democracy’, or
for lack of elections. Thew wanted to remove President Maduro at all
costs, as it occurs now.– The philosophy of violent
opposition in Venezuela since 2002 has always been: “Go away NOW, or I’ll burn
everything”. Chavez was overthrown by a coup in this way in 2002, for 47
hours. Year after year, the opposition has done the same. And now, the
very same with President Maduro.– This violent opposition is clearly and shamelessly being financed by the USA and other countries since 1999. An example: how do the protesters get gas masks, shields, and other weapons for their violent actions? This articles are HIGHLY expensive in our country and nobody could afford these items. Ok, they
are provided by the covert ops violent opposition. And this is just a
tiny example.– I could go on and on, but a fair and objective research, ahead of biased media will tell you more.
As in other opportunities, my country will find peace after all this inducted violence.
This does not mean in any way, that there are not motives for protest. But violence is NOT the way.
I say it again. Violence is not the way.
Dialog and Peace are the ways.
God bless Venezuela. So it is.
P,D,; I’m very grateful I could see Isabel’s post. With 400+ posts it could
be very easy not to see it. I thank God for the ‘good luck’.Greetings and blessings for you, Isabel!
This is my original reply to Isabel:
I disagree absolutely about
many things Isabel has said here, I’m sorry.I’m venezuelan too, and
I’ve witnessed from first sight what has happened here since 2002 and beyond.With 400+ comments I don’t
know if anyone will read this, -or if this will be ‘moderated’ as other
comments I’ve written before.But ok, some facts: from my
view:– The opposition that is
making such actions in my country is NOT peaceful at all. It is EXTREMELY,
STRONGLY, ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT. I know that the majority of people participating
in the protests is peaceful, but there are hit groups that act in a rampant
highly violent mood. They close the streets, attack whoever want to pass or
remove obstacles, sometimes killing them with straight shots in the head, break
trees, destroy semaphores, attack hospitals, schools, institutions, burn all
kind of public transports, vehicles, houses, buildings, put metal threads
between the streets for decapitating people in motorcicles, attack policemen
and National Guards (that are strictly unarmed for controlling protests) with
molotovs, stones, house bombs, and even bullets. And many protesters have been
killed in the midst of the protests with no possibility of police or NG’s could
do that. Many have been killed in accidents in the roads. The objetive of such
STRONG VIOLENCE is to create a civil war for declaring Venezuela a ‘failed
state’ and in that way, to intervene the country by an international coalition.
As has happened before in other countries and times.– Venezuela is NOT a
dictatorship. It is absolutely ridiculous to comment on that, but it is
necessary due to the fact that international media, repeats time after time
that lie. Nicolas Maduro was elected in free, universal, secret, elections in
April 2014. The very next day of its election, violent protests arised causing
12 deaths. At December 2014 there were other elections for city majors (there
have been around 20 elections in the last years of this ‘dictatorship’). Two
months after that the violent opposition created very violent protests for 6
months that created 43 deaths, 800+ wounded, and millions in material losses.
Clearly, that was not for ‘lack of democracy’, or for lack of elections. They
wanted to remove President Maduro at all costs, as it occurs now.– The philosophy of violent
opposition in Venezuela since 2002 has always been: “Go away NOW, or I’ll
burn everything”. Chavez was overthrown by a coup in this way in 2002, for
47 hours. Year after year, the opposition has done the same. And now, the very
same with President Maduro.– This violent opposition
is clearly and shamelessly being financed by the USA and other countries since
1999. An example: how do the protesters get gas masks, shields, and other
weapons for their violent actions? These articles are HIGHLY expensive in our
country and nobody could afford these items. Ok, they are provided by the
covert ops violent opposition. And this is just a tiny example.– I could go on and on, but
a fair and objective research, ahead of biased media will tell you more.As in other opportunities,
my country will find peace after all this inducted violence.This does not mean in any
way, that there are no valid motives for protest. But violence is NOT the way.I say it again. Violence is
not the way.Dialog and Peace are the
ways.God bless Venezuela. So it
is.P,D,; I’m very grateful I
could see Isabel’s post. With 400+ posts it could be very easy not to see it. I
thank God for the ‘good luck’.Greetings and blessings for
you, Isabel!-
Oh my Goodness! What a lot of lies and half trues written here. Not worth at all going through the same build-in-size speech of the Dictatorship I hear from every single government official. So, let’s debate on facts.
At first I have to admit that I felt angry against what you wrote here. Too many years hearing the same lies repeat over and over again. I took some time to calm down and find my center again. So, I think it is all GOOD! The fact that people like you (I mean, people defending the dictatorship in Venezuela) are in this community, reading Neales’ books, getting in touch with all this elevated ideas means that the TRUTH has already won! It won’t be long until you can also see the truth and recognise the giantic leap Venezuelans are making. I am happy for you, this ideas will open the eye of your Soul!
Now, just to clarify some numbers, as maths can’t lie, how can you explain these facts:
– 43 deaths since the protests started, most of them with shots to the head. There has not been ONE single proof, whether it’s video or photo, where opposition protesters have been carrying weapons. In fact, all weapons are carried by government officials and the paramilitary groups alligned with the dictatorship. From these deaths at least two where soffocated in their homes: one old lady and a 2 months old baby. The amount of tear gas that has been used against peaceful and unarmed civilians is alarming. Brutal repression, like the Dictator, BRUTO.
– If this “government” have been so peaceful and good, how can you explain that since Chavez won in 1999 the number of violent deaths grew bigger every year, from 5.968 in 1999 to 28.479 in 2016, with a total of 283.366? Comparing this number with the actual deaths related to terrorist attacks IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD, during the same period of time, Venezuela is 100.000 deaths on top. Terrorist violent deaths where 188.268 since 1999. So, it seems that the violence has been a state policy. There is plenty of information about Chavez’s administration giving weapons to civilians to build this groups called “CΓrculos Bolivarianos” just for the purpose of “protecting” the Revolution. These are the paramilitary groups that are assassinating our young protesters, mostly students!
– On the other hand, how do you explain this:
“(Reuters) – Venezuela’s infant mortality rose 30 percent last year, maternal mortality shot up 65 percent and cases of malaria jumped 76 percent, according to government data, sharp increases reflecting how the country’s deep economic crisis has hammered at citizens’ health.The statistics, issued on the ministry’s website after nearly two years of data silence from President Nicolas Maduro’s leftist government, also showed a jump in illnesses such as diphtheria and Zika. It was not immediately clear when the ministry posted the data, although local media reported on the statistics on Tuesday.
Its statistics for 2016 showed infant mortality, or death of children aged 0-1, climbed 30.12 percent to 11,466 cases last year. The report cited neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome, and prematurity as the main causes.
Hospitals often lack basic equipment like incubators, and pregnant women are struggling to eat well, including taking folic acid, factors that can affect a baby’s health.”
“Humanitarian Crisis” normal people would call it. Over 11.000 child deaths in 2016 (in Syria it was 652). OPEN YOUR HEART’S EYE VICTOR. Oh! And for the sake of everybody, please don’t say that this is the “USA Empire” attacking our babies.
To finish this message I would like to share one last idea:
In my understanding of God, LIFE is the most precious gift we have, every single life is a manifestation of God, a window to find Him and for Him to see the Infinity of His Creation. So, I just don’t get how someone could see any Goodness in a System that lets so many precious lives perish and not do anything about it.Venezuela already stood up!! We are walking towards the Light! Truth will prevail and we will open the door towards Freedom for all Humanity!
I have a thought on the moderator issue… I login here using my Facebook login. Other options are Disqus, Twitter and Google. I wonder if there is any correlation between the type of login and the loss of posts…..
Disqus shows up when I click on your profile. Does facebook wall link in when we sign in with facebook?
I doubt it, but I don’t know. I’m unaware of any way to “jump” from here to FB, and nothing I post here shows up there and vice versa. I think it’s just used as a sign-in mechanism using secure credentials.
Disqus shows up when I click on anyone else’s profile as well, but we’re in a Disqus forum, so that makes sense. However our sign-on details may come from another social media; and perhaps there’s something in that process which has become problematic. Perhaps folks could share what source they sign in with to see if there is a correlation between those having problems and the sign-in mechanism. Basic troubleshooting – look for correlations.
Well, I thought about using facebook just to test the water, but Disqus pops in and says they need access to all my new friends and profile pics and heck. I am just keeping my disqus separate from facebook. Maybe Neale will give us a new subject, though he is working hard on that new website, I see.
Hmm, I don’t recall being asked that – but it was probably years ago that I first used FB to login here.
Thanks. I have many passwords and sites, so I am just going to keep what I’ve got and use babybleustardust.
I wrote a reply to Isabel Teresa Plaza Urrutia, and now it has dissappeared…
No note about being ‘moderated’ this time… :-/
I checked that it appeared, and yes, everything was alright until 11 pm, 05/16/17. I checked twice.
Today 05/17/17 it has dissappeared.
The mistery continues…
What do you use to login to Disqus with? Facebook, Twitter, Google or Disqus?
Always with Disqus. Via my email.
Just now I realize that I have two ‘accounts’. I noticed because this name is just “Victor”, and the other is “Victor Lopez Rossi”, with my Facebook picture.
This is because in my office the predetermined log in surely is Disqus. When I’m in home it must be Facebook.
But, I did a reply to a comment by Neale yesterday from home (just after I replied to Isabel), in other words, via Facebook log in, and it has not dissappeared. It is there yet.
The mistery goes on…
This may be useful info. Annie blocks me, so she won’t see this, but she has no trouble posting. Someone ask her if she logs in via FB or via Disqus.
I login with FB, and seem to have few, if any problems. The login engine could the the issue here.
This is the reply I wrote to Isabel yesterday. Let’s see if it is eliminated again: (from my home, I guess, via Facebook)
I disagree absolutely about
many things Isabel has said here, I’m sorry.I’m venezuelan too, and
I’ve witnessed from first sight what has happened here since 2002 and beyond.With 400+ comments I don’t
know if anyone will read this, -or if this will be ‘moderated’ as other
comments I’ve written before.But ok, some facts: from my
view:– The opposition that is
making such actions in my country is NOT peaceful at all. It is EXTREMELY, STRONGLY, ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT. I know that the majority of people participating in the protests is peaceful, but there are hit groups that act in a rampant highly violent mood. They close the streets, attack whoever want to pass or remove obstacles, sometimes killing them with straight shots in the head, break trees,
destroy semaphores, attack hospitals, schools, institutions, burn all kind of public transports, vehicles, houses, buildings, put metal threads between the streets for decapitating people in motorcicles, attack policemen and National Guards (that are strictly unarmed for controlling protests) with molotovs,
stones, house bombs, and even bullets. And many protesters have been killed in the midst of the protests with no possibility of police or NG’s could do that.
Many have been killed in accidents in the roads. The objetive of such STRONG VIOLENCE is to create a civil war for declaring Venezuela a ‘failed state’ and in that way, to intervene the country by an international coalition. As has happened before in other countries and times.– Venezuela is NOT a
dictatorship. It is absolutely ridiculous to comment on that, but it is
necessary due to the fact that international media, repeats time after time
that lie. Nicolas Maduro was elected in free, universal, secret, elections in April 2014. The very next day of its election, violent protests arised causing
12 deaths. At December 2014 there were other elections for city majors (there
have been around 20 elections in the last years of this ‘dictatorship’). Two months after that the violent opposition created very violent protests for 6 months that created 43 deaths, 800+ wounded, and millions in material losses.
Clearly, that was not for ‘lack of democracy’, or for lack of elections. Thew wanted to remove President Maduro at all costs, as it occurs now.– The philosophy of violent
opposition in Venezuela since 2002 has always been: “Go away NOW, or I’ll burn everything”. Chavez was overthrown by a coup in this way in 2002, for 47 hours. Year after year, the opposition has done the same. And now, the very same with President Maduro.– This violent opposition
is clearly and shamelessly being financed by the USA and other countries since 1999. An example: how do the protesters get gas masks, shields, and other weapons for their violent actions? This articles are HIGHLY expensive in our country and nobody could afford these items. Ok, they are provided by the covert ops violent opposition. And this is just a tiny example.– I could go on and on, but a fair and objective research, ahead of biased media will tell you more.
As in other opportunities,
my country will find peace after all this inducted violence.This does not mean in any way, that there are not motives for protest. But violence is NOT the way.
I say it again. Violence is not the way.
Dialog and Peace are the ways.
God bless Venezuela. So it is.
P,D,; I’m very grateful I could see Isabel’s post. With 400+ posts it could be very easy not to see it. I thank God for the ‘good luck’.
Greetings and blessings for you, Isabel!
I disagree absolutely about
many things Isabel has said here, I’m sorry.I’m venezuelan too, and
I’ve witnessed from first sight what has happened here since 2002 and beyond.With 400+ comments I don’t
know if anyone will read this, -or if this will be ‘moderated’ as other
comments I’ve written before.But ok, some facts: from my
view:– The opposition that is
making such actions in my country is NOT peaceful at all. It is EXTREMELY,
STRONGLY, ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT. I know that the majority of people participating
in the protests is peaceful, but there are hit groups that act in a rampant
highly violent mood. They close the streets, attack whoever want to pass or
remove obstacles, sometimes killing them with straight shots in the head, break
trees, destroy semaphores, attack hospitals, schools, institutions, burn all
kind of public transports, vehicles, houses, buildings, put metal threads
between the streets for decapitating people in motorcicles, attack policemen
and National Guards (that are strictly unarmed for controlling protests) with
molotovs, stones, house bombs, and even bullets. And many protesters have been
killed in the midst of the protests with no possibility of police or NG’s could
do that. Many have been killed in accidents in the roads. The objetive of such
STRONG VIOLENCE is to create a civil war for declaring Venezuela a ‘failed
state’ and in that way, to intervene the country by an international coalition.
As has happened before in other countries and times.– Venezuela is NOT a
dictatorship. It is absolutely ridiculous to comment on that, but it is
necessary due to the fact that international media, repeats time after time
that lie. Nicolas Maduro was elected in free, universal, secret, elections in
April 2014. The very next day of its election, violent protests arised causing
12 deaths. At December 2014 there were other elections for city majors (there
have been around 20 elections in the last years of this ‘dictatorship’). Two
months after that the violent opposition created very violent protests for 6
months that created 43 deaths, 800+ wounded, and millions in material losses.
Clearly, that was not for ‘lack of democracy’, or for lack of elections. They
wanted to remove President Maduro at all costs, as it occurs now.– The philosophy of violent
opposition in Venezuela since 2002 has always been: “Go away NOW, or I’ll
burn everything”. Chavez was overthrown by a coup in this way in 2002, for
47 hours. Year after year, the opposition has done the same. And now, the very
same with President Maduro.– This violent opposition
is clearly and shamelessly being financed by the USA and other countries since
1999. An example: how do the protesters get gas masks, shields, and other
weapons for their violent actions? These articles are HIGHLY expensive in our
country and nobody could afford these items. Ok, they are provided by the
covert ops violent opposition. And this is just a tiny example.– I could go on and on, but
a fair and objective research, ahead of biased media will tell you more.As in other opportunities,
my country will find peace after all this inducted violence.This does not mean in any
way, that there are no valid motives for protest. But violence is NOT the way.I say it again. Violence is
not the way.Dialog and Peace are the
ways.God bless Venezuela. So it
is.P,D,; I’m very grateful I
could see Isabel’s post. With 400+ posts it could be very easy not to see it. I
thank God for the ‘good luck’.Greetings and blessings for
you, Isabel!
I wrote this reply to Isabel Teresa Plaza Urrutia yesterday. It was deleted by someone or something. I’ve posted it in other two places, and now here, as an experiment. Let’s see if all or some of them are eliminated again:
I disagree absolutely about many things Isabel has said here, I’m sorry.
I’m venezuelan too, and I’ve witnessed from first sight what has happened here since 2002 and beyond.
With 400+ comments I don’t know if anyone will read this, -or if this will be ‘moderated’ as other comments I’ve written before.
But ok, some facts: from my view:
– The opposition that is making such actions in my country is NOT
that the majority of people participating in the protests is peaceful,
but there are hit groups that act in a rampant highly violent mood. They
close the streets, attack whoever want to pass or remove obstacles, sometimes killing them with straight shots in the head, break trees, destroy semaphores, attack
hospitals, schools, institutions, burn all kind of public transports,
vehicles, houses, buildings, put metal threads between the streets for
decapitating people in motorcicles, attack policemen and National Guards
(that are strictly unarmed for controlling protests) with molotovs,
stones, house bombs, and even bullets. And many protesters have been killed in
the midst of the protests with no possibility of police or NG’s could
do that.
Many have been killed in accidents in the roads. The objetive
of such STRONG VIOLENCE is to create a civil war for declaring Venezuela
a ‘failed state’ and in that way, to intervene the country by an
international coalition. As has happened before in other countries and
– Venezuela is NOT a
dictatorship. It is absolutely ridiculous to comment on that, but it is
necessary due to the fact that international media, repeats time after time
that lie. Nicolas Maduro was elected in free, universal, secret, elections
in April 2014. The very next day of its election, violent protests
arised causing 12 deaths. At December 2014 there were other elections for city
majors (there have been around 20 elections in the last years of this
‘dictatorship’). Two months after that the violent opposition created
very violent protests for 6 months that created 43 deaths, 800+
wounded, and millions in material losses. Clearly, that was not for ‘lack of democracy’, or for lack of elections. Thew wanted to remove President Maduro at all
costs, as it occurs now.
– The philosophy of violent opposition in Venezuela since 2002 has always been: “Go away NOW, or I’ll burn everything”. Chavez was overthrown by a coup in this way in 2002, for 47 hours. Year after year, the opposition has done the same. And now, the
very same with President Maduro.
– This violent opposition is clearly and shamelessly being financed by
the USA and other countries since 1999. An example: how do the
protesters get gas masks, shields, and other weapons for their violent
actions? This articles are HIGHLY expensive in our country and nobody
could afford these items. Ok, they are provided by the covert ops violent opposition. And this is just a tiny example.
– I could go on and on, but a fair and objective research, ahead of biased media will tell you more.
As in other opportunities, my country will find peace after all this inducted violence.
This does not mean in any way, that there are not motives for protest. But violence is NOT the way.
I say it again. Violence is not the way.
Dialog and Peace are the ways.
God bless Venezuela. So it is.
P,D,; I’m very grateful I could see Isabel’s post. With 400+ posts it could
be very easy not to see it. I thank God for the ‘good luck’.
Greetings and blessings for you, Isabel!
Hello! I am new to this website and before last week I had never heard of Mr. Walsch. A few months ago I had some experiences where I thought I was loosing my mind, which I guess is what woke me up. Last month I had some different experiences, but still categorized in the loosing my mind department. Fortunately in the 4 months in between those experiences I learned about awakening so last month was actually a lot of fun. However, I have yet to find anyone who has verbalized anything like my experience, and I am still having a difficult time verbalizing it myself, but I think I may have an idea about the disappearing of posts, etc on your blog. I just want to say that the more angry or frustrated one gets because they believe someone else has deleted their comment, the more it will happen. This is not one individual hacking into a website, it is a lot deeper, and more into the supernatural. Without getting into the whole God Vs. Satan debate, I think most can agree that is there is good and evil, and while nothing in itself is good or evil it can be used for good or evil. The internet is one of those things, but I am starting to believe evil is starting to take over, and I am not talking about porn sites etc. I am talking about creating frustration. Your frustrated because the post disappears, which feeds the negative. At this point I am only going to say my experiences include dealing with and being shown certain things concerning the internet. This website is trying to wake people up to a different reality than what the negative or evil wants, it’s going to cause frustration when it can. Just a thought. π
Hi Stacie,
CwG doesnt believe in good and evil…dont start that whole conversation!! They dont believe in Satan either.
But I do, and I think we are now in Satan/evils prophecised rule. Yes, tne internet as a whole is a part of ‘evils’ games. Sattelites, wifi and anything electrical in the air, especially cell towers damage the protective matrix shield around Earth, allowing evil and goodness knows what through.
Look at the Apple logo….Eves tree, tje forbidden Tree of Knowledge, and the first Apple computer was sold for $666.66 (Satans number). The Vodaphone logo was also 666. Its all out in the open, google ‘evil logos’ or something. They dont hide it, nor do celebreties like Katy Perry and others doing the Satanic hand signal.
Nothing is hidden, its in clear view, people just choose not to see it all.
If you look at Scripture, its blatantly that people are being influenced into doing all the things that carry consequences (CwG dont believe in judgements or consequences like jail either). I made a list once, and again, its blatant.
Ues yoyre right about frustration, it doesnt bother me, I dont allow anything to bother me, but anger, frustration, confustion, time wasting, people not listening etc are all things of a personal hell, as are most negative traits, and thats clearly the game although they are very selective what is removed….anything anto CwG and anything where people know what they are talking about. Its manual, but yes you are right about what is feeding them.
Take care Stacie,
C’mon you guys you know the stuff Stacie is right – if you give enough oxygen to something you feed it, and if you believe in evil ….well, you are actively in danger of creating it. So, we must stop this negativity and replace it with positivity – as thoughts become things! So I don’t consider this hacking…. evil. It is just created by someone with a different agenda from us and must be blocked – as he/she is simply a pest. Not evil, but someone who things he is saving the world from us. Patrick is trying to help with his IT skills and I think Neale is working on a long time solution. Hurrah!
Welcome Stacie – you were led here like all of us!
God Bless and Love,
Thank you Bruce for the welcome!, I look forward to learning more, about everything!
Hey Stacie…your comment to me has ben stolen!!!
Yip, God works with blatant signs, the problem is what to reconcile them against.
Most of us have been through ‘awakenings’, it can be scary, but most people would have read info to prepare them, as you did, but many dont notice.
You’re right, hell isnt a physical place although many people in the same place may experience hell. Its a mental state and can include cursesm especially financial…most spiritual or truly religious people end up there at some point. If you look it up in a dream interpretation book or online ots all explained quite well…often used as a state to force us back on the right track through trying to sort things out, and get out of that confused state. Its very easy to end up in hell, but very hard to get out. Our physical world and bodies are an extension of our mental/suol/spiritual world, so just watch closely. Many people end up hoarders, addicts. One of my hell things was car repairs constantly…I was heading in the wrong direction completely unknowingly. But then I also bought soooo many new clothes in that time, which represents an abundance of ‘how we present ourselves to the world’ and different sides to our personality. A desire to collect something means an abundance in what that represents (dream book again), so you can ‘read’ your phtsical life, although, asxI said, a period of confusion in a type of hell goes hand in hand with anything like this.
Whatever your new journey is, just look straight ahead, stride, be incredibly observant AND listen to all signs.
Take care,
This is absolutely unbelievable!!!
I posted a reply 3 times!!! at 3 different places and ALL OF THEM DISSAPPEARED!
What I’m doing now is this: I logged out from my Facebook account, and I logged in from Disqus…
I’ll put again my reply to Isabel in the same 3 places as before… Let’s see what happens…
But definitely, something very, very strange is happening here…
Hi Victor,
Ive had things deleted again as well, mine were for over a year, I assumed it was Neale so let it go. But this week Im a target again….the only difference…Ive been talking seriously on matters I know about rather than just chatting!
Jethro noticed it first, that mine were deleted…then bang, everyone was a target. Mine generally stayed up for between ten minutes and an hour…time for someone to manually read them before deleting.-
Yes, I’m starting to believe that this is the result of a human hacker…
I’m writing for the 10th time this reply to Isabel Teresa Plaza Urrutia, but is deleted every time!
Let’s see what happens now:
I disagree absolutely about
many things Isabel has said here, I’m sorry.
I’m venezuelan too, and
I’ve witnessed from first sight what has happened here since 2002 and beyond.
With 400+ comments I don’t
know if anyone will read this, -or if this will be ‘moderated’ as other
comments I’ve written before.
But ok, some facts: from my
– The opposition that is
making such actions in my country is NOT peaceful at all. It is EXTREMELY,
STRONGLY, ABSOLUTELY VIOLENT. I know that the majority of people participating
in the protests is peaceful, but there are hit groups that act in a rampant
highly violent mood. They close the streets, attack whoever want to pass or
remove obstacles, sometimes killing them with straight shots in the head, break
trees, destroy semaphores, attack hospitals, schools, institutions, burn all
kind of public transports, vehicles, houses, buildings, put metal threads
between the streets for decapitating people in motorcicles, attack policemen
and National Guards (that are strictly unarmed for controlling protests) with
molotovs, stones, house bombs, and even bullets. And many protesters have been
killed in the midst of the protests with no possibility of police or NG’s could
do that. Many have been killed in accidents in the roads. The objetive of such
STRONG VIOLENCE is to create a civil war for declaring Venezuela a ‘failed
state’ and in that way, to intervene the country by an international coalition.
As has happened before in other countries and times.
– Venezuela is NOT a
dictatorship. It is absolutely ridiculous to comment on that, but it is
necessary due to the fact that international media, repeats time after time
that lie. Nicolas Maduro was elected in free, universal, secret, elections in
April 2014. The very next day of its election, violent protests arised causing
12 deaths. At December 2014 there were other elections for city majors (there
have been around 20 elections in the last years of this ‘dictatorship’). Two
months after that the violent opposition created very violent protests for 6
months that created 43 deaths, 800+ wounded, and millions in material losses.
Clearly, that was not for ‘lack of democracy’, or for lack of elections. They
wanted to remove President Maduro at all costs, as it occurs now.
– The philosophy of violent
opposition in Venezuela since 2002 has always been: “Go away NOW, or I’ll
burn everything”. Chavez was overthrown by a coup in this way in 2002, for
47 hours. Year after year, the opposition has done the same. And now, the very
same with President Maduro.
– This violent opposition
is clearly and shamelessly being financed by the USA and other countries since
1999. An example: how do the protesters get gas masks, shields, and other
weapons for their violent actions? These articles are HIGHLY expensive in our
country and nobody could afford these items. Ok, they are provided by the
covert ops violent opposition. And this is just a tiny example.
– I could go on and on, but
a fair and objective research, ahead of biased media will tell you more.
As in other opportunities,
my country will find peace after all this inducted violence.
This does not mean in any
way, that there are no valid motives for protest. But violence is NOT the way.
I say it again. Violence is
not the way.
Dialog and Peace are the
God bless Venezuela. So it
P,D,; I’m very grateful I
could see Isabel’s post. With 400+ posts it could be very easy not to see it. I
thank God for the ‘good luck’.
Greetings and blessings for
you, Isabel!
Hi Victor!
I wanted you to know I saw and read your post. I think it is important that people share their views of what is going on where they live. The media is not reliable, it has an agenda, and for whatever reason, it always sounds ridiculous to me. Anyway, I did not read the post you were responding too, but I appreciate you sharing from your point and I completely agree that dialog and peace are the way.
Thank you Stacie!
I agree with you. We must be very careful with corporate media and its agenda, that is the agenda of ‘the ones in charge’…
Peace and Love for All ONE…
Nobody can escape the confusion of…..
“The Shaderator”!!!!
I shouldnt laugh, and its obviously not me, but I actually find it quite funny!
Was never good with discipline!
Its even funnier that a few weeks ago when you noticed it, you said you were the non existant ghost moderator.
I know its not you…but that is hilarious. I think theyre just jealous that you noticed it and claimed their throne so decided to up the ante, to get attention.
Thats a cool name, like an axe or serial murderer that the police and media name.
Hi Shaderator,
Care to grow some big boy balls and take off your pull ups and ID yourself?
Get the attention you so crave.
K -
I’m just making fun of it. Every evil villain needs a good name. Hopefully the only attention will be a good laugh.
What I noticed is more than half of “your” messages were missing, because you pointed it out. At the time, I received a notice everytime somebody posted something and it was easy to see. now I get a notice only if someone responds to me, the long conversations were overloading my email page, which is also why I redirected to a different e-mail. Thought I would go with another name too and that upset the universe. I’ve had a few posts not show up or waited moderation, or were seen as spam. Almost every time a new name popped in, they complained that their post was missing, like Sam, Stardust as moon’something (who says she was Sam), and Bruce. Then it escalated from there. but when Mewabe came back as Raphael, he couldn’t get hardly anything to post. Neale stated a couple times that it wasn’t him. and then this article was posted by Neale. A lot of things have changed since the beginning of the year. Neale started communicating with us, since the book came out, the new article every week has slowed or stopped, and the topic this month is missing posts. Neale said he was greatly effected by his surgery, maybe he is greatly effected by the negativity of this site as well. There is more than missing posts happening here.
Hey Jethro, just so happened I was on my way out from the connect where no hacker exists, but I only referred to me as Sam cuz my guide calls me that as in Casablanca. Go figure nutting. He always calls me Sam and Tabitha. What’s that got to do with the price of eggs in China? Just a saying. It means it has not a whit to do with a hacker, okay?:) π π π lest he think I am facetious, I am defending the notion that any of us who regularly post are the culprit. I don’t know a damn thing about IT. It bores me to death. Still can’t post on my own new cool looking blog, but will get to it. I am in a new group and have to read more stuff for it, so my time is limited, especially when the topic is still Hacking. Neale, dear, how was Madrid? By the way, I came upon a picture where I know I have been there in Madrid. At any rate, a nice bubble bath in Madrid I am sure helps Neale recuperate. I am going to probably delete my own damn posts. Everyone, sometimes I deleted my own posts because I can, but never would I delete another person’s post. My posts, usually the good ones, have been deleted multiple times by something. Don’t know what but I do know the internet is rampant in many ways, but that will get better. why? Because we are aware we are aware there is a problem. I have to go. Have a good day, all. I’ll check back. Hopefully, Neale will be adding a new topic but can’t speak for him actually. Just know we should talk about his new book, but maybe he doesn’t want to enter this negative space; however, it is only getting negative due to everyone’s ongoing loud talk about the hacker. I won’t give a hacker a whit of my energy. By my choice. I am going to read Neale’s book today. Maybe he could print an excerpt for those of us who still can’t download the latest amazon app on my new laptop. that’s all π
Then it was misunderstood, I thought I seen you tell Kristen you were those two people, I haven’t seen Tabitha. I don’t care one way or the other, just sayin. Missing posts started happening a lot when Sam appeared the first couple times, its only escalated from there.
Sam, the poster here not me but the I assume he is a he is a real person, right? I am a she and real. There is my picture. I notice many don’t put there faces to the post, but look at me. I am me. I never didn’t call me Sam but I didn’t mean the other male Sam who posts here regularly. I mean we are One Love but he is individuated and a regular poster. Where is he? He hasn’t been in here for a bit, but I would not presume he is the hacker just because I am not that way. I meant Sam, the figure character in Casablanca and Sam on Bewitched. It’s just a joke between my God and me. That’s all π
Got it π You have a good too.
Thanks, Jethro π Hopefully, we’ll get Neale, out of tiresome chatter about a hacker, to post part of his new book. Can’t wait to download that thing on amazon π Love to you π
Sam in here is Sam Sam green eggs and ham because a month ago he said Sam..I am. He didnt die or get eaten by the Schmucerator, he posted above.
I am sam I am man. That was my favorite book growing up, that and the buckets of paint book. I used to read those over and over again and again. I’m glad he didn’t get eaten by the schmucerator. Glad you put your money where your mouth is and hung a picture π which one is you? Take care.
The loserator dickerator certainly is hungry..maybe hes just racist and doesnt like green eggs.
Im the one you cant see….the old one, with daughter (blond) and my baby sister (half Fijian) at a halloween party at a creepy village museum. I was a creepy bride ghost…just cos I fell in love with a wierd white silk dress like layers and layers of shredded fabric so it was an excuse to buy it.
Altho wearing barefeet all night was a bit of a killer, but ghosts dont wear shoes!
Unless its the ghosterator in here, then who knows? -
Well, the ghosterator is still acting out I see. When I click on May articles on the right it said 0 comments but then when I clicked on headline, I saw three. Ah well. Creepy man. I was a hippy Halloween. Love and Peace to me. I was also Renaissance yeah San Antonio River to me. Anyhoo, that is a good reason to buy a costume. Silk? You should see my Ralph Lauren cream leather pants I got today. Can’t wait to dance in them π Dickerator How about incinerator? Loserator. How about tickerator. Bugalator. Stickamama no more. How about lickalator or lacquawakashikashakaeratorblueserator. I am a baby bleu. How about a bleuorator? That’s me. Baby Bleu.
See Neales latest thread is on humour….victory!!!!!
Maybe hes enjoyed our funny threads rather than your previous idea to return to sensibilities. I hope so…joy starts with a smile.
Xx -
I never was serious about returning to mere sensibility. Dear God. You must not know me at all. That isn’t even doable. not even in my scheme. Yes. Funny. Neale has always been funny. Glad to see so much of his old soul shining goldining baby bleu lining again. I guess I rubbed off of you and onto him π I’m just kidding Kirsten. You’re funny. We seem to compete and I am not that even. I am grown up so grown up that if you look up you might see me in the starry night consciousness like the big Central Sun Consciousness by day by night I am baby bleu starry night sparking high night. Alright. Godnight to me. Have a good one!
Im not competitive!! Well not in here anyway. : ).
Goodnight. -
alright. sorry for thinking. I’m just overresponding maybe. It just seemed like you said I wasn’t fun. Too sensitive, I guess. You said something like I’m practical. I guess that’s not a bad thing but I am fun, so sorry for thinking. Take care π
Sam is a real person who posted here, right? I read his posts. Mine Sam and Tabitha comes from a figgin movie called Bewitched, which is something I adored as a child. I watched it everyday like clockwork, so my Beloved God called me that and it stuck. I am sure there was a Sam, right? Everyone here read his posts. I don’t know what happened to him, but everyone knows my name, Stardust baby bleu and Michelle. Besides, we all speak in a unique manner, so it’s not like we can even fake it. It just is part of our language. Energy speaks through word and typed word is word, so who knows but I am sure Neale will get to the bottom of the hacker. I am currently recuperating my leg. Not even possible for me to hack. At any rate, all have a lovely day!
βSam is a real person who posted here, right?β
Hmm, let me think. Yes, I think I did π
Yay. I’m glad you’re real. I love your name. Every Sam I have ever met is a good guy, so how are you? Hopefully, that hacker will stop. I’m getting hacked on fb as usual :0) I have to close a few walls there soon. Spamming is rampant there. That’s all I am talking about never again. I am focusing on love and light and peace and joy and I amness hi
βEvery Sam I have ever met is a good guy, so how are you?β
As I got posts removed as well, I must be a good guy. Only βbad guysβ stay unharmed. In fact, this place is perfect for everyone in self-doubt: βam I good or bad?β. Post something and find out π
alright π here is a test for the shmoderator moderator illuminator to hellilator alligator π crocodilator now or lator mmmm that was some good candy back in the day. beam me up scotty. Houston do we have a problem π
Wow…thats one heck of a name. Shmoderator Moderator Illuminator to Hellilator Alligator Crocodilator Noworlater!!
Is there a hyphen anywhere? Perhaps Snakelator could be in there too!
Snakelator doesn’t fit in my scheme. Actually there are good snakes that keep the bad things away so if it’s a snake from my land, then it’s a good snake like sharlotte’s web has a good spider. I used to like no spiders and snakes but then I write children’s books now so I love all things, only all good things, so Snakelator has to be from my land of freedom to be only love hi ho he no hyphen to it. So, Houston what’s up, Neale? Is there a problem with the Shaderator Blockerator Sniderator Smockeraor Letgoerator Neverorator. Okay, this is another test. I test the Shaderator Mockerator Lackawanabeorater. Macka Wacka Lacka Hacka Wacka Doo. Jabberwacky man. Hey, How was Madrid. Send pictures on your wall we can all talk about life as a conquistador in Madrid or learn a little.
Ah yes….I was trying to remember Sam.
Sam, Sam green eggs and Ham in the silly thread!
Well, as long as it made you remember π
I know…I said to Mewabe/Raphael that something ‘felt’ really odd and off balance in here a few months ago. Still does.
Take care,
You think?
Take care
Yip, I think Neale is unwell and trying do to far too much for his age and health. Of course he communicates with a new book…he’s an author, thats what he does, writes and sells books.
Ive only ever had alerts if someone replies to me, perhaps you had a disqus setting to get all posts alerted to you. Eeek!
Stacie is now targetted, she replied to me and its gone.
I need to stop wasting time in here chatting but Im waiting to read what Neale has done about. Ive given him a trail of clues about who I’m sure it is but I doubt he reads these, and all his sites, or thos would consume his life!
It isnt fair though, when some carefully think what to type and take the time to contribute in here, Im now starting to think Neale doesnt care, which is a bit disrespectful to those who are his fans. Id be peed off if I was a fan.
Take care,
Oh theres no reason to ever be peed off over somebody not doing what you think they should do, especially after you get them to move out on their own… whoops, wrong direction.
I think it’s all about a new site. when everything changes, change everything. Theres a new book and everything has changed.
you told me there was three languages being spoken, what did you mean?
The world is a stage and we are players playing role after role, changing our names with every fleeting dream of a dream turning into a higher brighter goldener dream that spins on many axels. Spin. Spin. Spin. The world is turning, turning, turning. Sunspilk. Honeymilk like goldenhair Rapunzel. Rapunzel, rapunzel let down your hair and share the goldenrod silken hair. Alright, today I am Sunspark, so highly sparkly so bright and starry that if you fly to its vicinity you get like pure baby gold baby gold.
Hey Neale,
I just got a message from Disqus saying they want me to add a link to my browser because “comments might get stuck” and they say the link prevents it from happening. I wonder if stuck comments or something in their software is causing posts to drop off. Just a thought. π π
Hey…..Jethos gone and his posts are deleted, did the snakeralor eat him?
Snakerator? Not me.. I only have green snake in my garden, that and gold, silver lining baby bleu.. Whew I wouldn’t eat a thing that would eat a thing like jethro like a snakerator loserator incinerator testalator gooselator noworlater neverorlater never at all.
Oh, no! I so love his wit and wisdom. Jethro, please come back to us! There’s a new column, if that’s what you were waiting for. Please?
Love and Blessings Always,
Mmmmmm….very odd, even for in here. No arguments that I saw. He typed a couple of brief things to me as replies, then when I went to reply, his posts were gone. Thought he may have told you he was going.
Take care,
Spiritual Annie, and Kirsten, I think he may have been cleaning out his box maybe, and he’ll come back. I do that some days. I have faith Jethro will return π Take care π
I sure hope so. I don’t like that all his comments are gone. Such tidbits of deep wisdom! Oh Jethro, dear Jethro, wherefore art thou?
Haha, you just gave me a sign for something Im writing. Theres an English character just arriving, a cousin, who was a Shakespeare stage actor in the authors books (I write my own Trixie Belden books for fun). Its set in a Manor and I was wondering if I should be lame and use that line when he arrives, it crosses my ‘lame line’ although would be funny. Michelle just typed something about a Manor to me as well, and ghe refrrence to it in the original boojs is just after a conversation Michelle and I had about English scones last week. Guess thats the go ahead!! My pride can go out the window!!! Lamest scene ever coming up!!!
I wonder if perhaps Jethros wife saw all the I Love Yous etc in here or something.
Take care,
K -
Signs, signs, everywhere are signs… Or so the song goes, I think. I loved Shakespeare in HS. For our final, we were to dress as a character but not tell anyone who we were. I put on long red fake nails, wore a long gown in deep purple (made from dyed sheets), and kept wringing my hands together. Every now and then I’d rub at the back of my hand with a lacey handkerchief, and I mumbled to myself a lot. I also showed everyone a pic I had of a dog from when I was young, a Dalmatian named Spot. ?
I got an A.
Love and Blessings Always,
Nary a word nor a warning. Just *POOF* and gone. ?
Like a fart in a strong wind….
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