What do you think?

Recently I posted a series of questions that I suggested it would be fascinating to ask every person we met for the rest of our life. I promised that I would answer those questions myself — even though most of the visitors to this site already know how I would answer them — just for the record.

Here are more of my answers to those questions.

Is there such a thing as the human soul? (I answered this in my last entry here, so now I move forward with this continuing inquiry.) If not, are humans simply two-part beings, comprised of Body and Mind and nothing more? Within that context, if we hold this to be true, what is the best, the most fruitful, the most fulfilling, the most joyful way to live our lives? Is there any reason to behave in a certain way, other than to avoid the punishments or consequences of civil law or the disapprobation of our friends, relatives, and peers?

I believe that human beings are more than two-part beings, comprised of Body and Mind. But let us suppose for the sake of this discussion that we are. What, then, would be the best, the most fruitful, the most fulfilling, the most joyful way to live our lives?

I would never presume to answer that question for anyone else. Each person must decide that for themselves, obviously, and their answer would be intensely personal.

For me, the answer is found in Conversations with God. There I was told: “Your life is not about you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.”

I have come to understand that this means my life is not about “local” me, or “little” me — the part of me that identifies as the person I see in the mirror every day. It is about all the other “little me’s” that adorn the Earth. Or, if you please, it is about “universal” me, or “big” me — the part of me that is One with everything and everyone, and which chooses to express that, thus to know it in my experience.

Even if all of this last part is just stuff that I am imagining, I can’t imagine a better, more fruitful, more fulfilling, or more joyful way to live. Sadly, I didn’t learn this until I was in my 50s. And even then, I have not practiced it nearly as much as I would like. But at least now I know what for me is the pathway to true happiness, and I’m doing better than I ever was before at taking it.

The next question I have been considering…Is there any reason to behave in a certain way, other than to avoid the punishments or consequences of civil law or the disapprobation of our friends, relatives, and peers?

For me the answer goes past simple “self improvement,” which is essentially a solitary pursuit, and it also goes past the desire shared by most of us to be our “best selves” for others. For me, the “reason to behave in a certain way” has to do with the evolution of my species. This feels to me to be a really meaningful endeavor to which to be committed — and I have felt especially dedicated to this cause since reading Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species.

That newest text in the CWG series of books, released just seven months ago, tells us that now is the perfect time for our advancement as a breed or genus of sentient beings. We no longer have to wait for this to occur through centuries and millennia of evolutionary adaptation within our species. We can now exchange “adaptation” for the much more rapid — the unbelievably rapid — process of “imitation.” When imitation replaces adaptation as our evolutionary driver, we can achieve Critical Mass and Species-wide transmogrification within years and decades, not centuries and millennia.

So the way for us to move ahead right now in our evolution is for each of us to self-select; to say: “I am going be one of those who wishes to send a message of Who We Really Are to everyone whose life I touch, creating a ripple-in-the-water effect.”

Don’t think that it doesn’t already have an impact, because it does. The only question is not whether ordinary people can do that. The question is “What shall be the idea that drives them forward?” What shall be the understandings that are now being embraced by humanity, collectively?

Is it possible that there’s something we don’t fully understand about God and about life and about ourselves…the understanding of which could change everything? That’s the question of the hour. So if you’re wondering what direction we should now be going, I would say that the direction that humanity is now invited to go is in the direction of answering that question.

Is there something we don’t fully understand about God and about life, the understanding of which could change everything? If there is, what is it, and what does it look like to embody it, to embrace it, to be an exemplar of that new idea?

Every spiritual master who has walked the face of the earth has answered that question with a resounding “yes!”, and then demonstrated what we might find it useful to understand and to implement more fully, through the living of their own life. Now, all of us have an opportunity to do that. All of us. By simply saying “I self-select.”

By the way, those who might have an interest in engaging in this process may go to: IHaveSelfSelected.com This is a very simple Internet site that gives people an opportunity to join with others around the world who say, “I’m all in.”

The hope and the idea is to invite and encourage everyone whose life we touch to accept their own spiritual inheritance and embrace their True Nature.

Do you want to see something that describes our True Nature with imagination in just over four minutes? Watch this. Here is what the wonderful team at MindValley did with this message. You’ll be glad you saw this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8EBwV9UctI


248 responses to “What do you think?

  1. Marko Avatar

    The main answer from reading this blog from it’s very beginning and the “Messenger Circle” from many years ago has been pretty much the same. Which is:

    Improve your own state of mind, your own state of being and let that be the influence of which you touch the world with your light of being, which is self improvement. You don’t change others, you change yourself and thus influence others to “imitate” your state of being.

    That has been the most oft repeated answer from CwG and this blog and it’s responses from those that read it.

    Your blog post above said of self improvement “which is essentially a solitary pursuit,” which it is, except when it’s done in discussion groups when it becomes more social or tribal.

    That’s the answer I see most often given here. Improve ourselves, evolve etc. If I missed something, I’m open to what that is. However, that is the answer I’ve seen given the most repeatedly within the CwG commUnity.

    1. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      Amen! Absolutely!

    2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


      I understand what you are saying as I’ve heard (read) it often here and elsewhere: Be the change you wish to see. That means it starts with each of us going internally to discover who and what and where we are, and why. It naturally affects those around us when we change. Life is like a dance–if one changes their own steps, others must either adapt their own or stop dancing with us.

      I think, though, that we’ve reached a point where it’s no longer just about “being a light on a hill,” silently. With where humanity currently is, on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea, with our current President and political system, with our ecological crisis, I believe the time has come to be more vocal, and more visible, in being that light.

      Social media has changed the landscape. It’s now possible to post to Facebook or make a simple 140 (or 280) character Tweet that also shines that light. I believe those can have a larger impact, a quickening of our conscious evolution, than being who we are, silently.

      If Neale had been silent, where would we all be now?

      Love and Blessings Always,

      1. Marko Avatar

        Yes that is another way, but not the only. When we work on ourselves that leads us to inspired action or non action depending on what we decide to do. For me, I’m becoming a little more politically involved. But becoming enlightened is still on the forefront and it’s that wisdom I hope to bring to the table of any commUnity action I get involved in.

        1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


          I never intended for it to sound like I was promoting “the only way.” If that’s how it sounded, I apologize. Of course, any grounding in working on our own enlightenment gives us wisdom that can be of service in creating change.

          Love and Blessings Always,

      2. Raphael Avatar

        It’s an interesting dance that we must dance as spiritual beings…because, when we know where the world is going and why and how, and that humanity has chosen this path, all that is truly left is compassion.

        I have come to understand that I cannot change humanity’s collective mind and choice, and that even if I could, I shouldn’t. But I am still an activist, out of compassion for all who suffer: people, animals, the planet. I can participate in altering certain things, small things, temporarily…saving an old growth forest, saving a prisoner who is being tortured, saving a river, saving an animal from lab experiments, saving a child, etc…but eventually all hell is going to break loose globally. That’s inevitable, because that’s humanity’s choice, as I wrote before, a shortcut to rapid evolution. And when it happens, the only effective response will still be compassion, which is, as others have said, love in action.

        To be silent in the face of all that is happening, or to take no action, does not necessarily imply a lack of compassion however, as a person can pray, visualize or meditate, from a sincere heart (very important) to mitigate the suffering of the world. The best is to do both…

  2. Raphael Avatar

    Forgive me for being a bit cynical…but I am not certain that most people in our present world, and especially in America, would imitate a positive, more evolved type of behavior unless it could quickly lead them to the bank and to acquiring a larger piece of the materialistic pie. After all, everything is for sale today, even spirituality, and unless something can lead to profit, it is considered useless and it is ignored or discarded, even human beings such as the old and poor who can no longer produce or consume.

    Perhaps I am not American enough to think in these terms (thank God).

    By contrast:
    “…The majority of the (American) Indians shall always be poor, for as soon as they get something, it is given away. Their generosity has certain spiritual compensations, for it keeps them in the lap of Nature from which they get much inner strength.”
    From the book
    The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian
    Joseph Epes Brown
    Dec 26, 1947 letter

    1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


      We are in a sad state of affairs, worldwide and as Americans, so I understand your cynicism.

      Your quote reminded me of the stories I heard first at my Granny’s, then my Mama’s, knees. My grandparents were wealthy, beyond what they could ever want or need for themselves or their children. Their lives changed, though, because of the Great Depression and WWII. They found they were no longer comfortable with their wealth (the money wasn’t in the stock market, so they didn’t lose it) when so many people were suffering around them. Mama grew up being dragged to work at soup kitchens, and delivering food and clothing to those living in “tent cities.” They also took in the “war orphans” in America–those conceived as men and women who were afraid they’d never see each other again would give in and have sex as a possible final farewell, with the resulting children being left on church doorsteps.

      Mama used to recall how her own life changed when, during mass, the church bells suddenly started ringing all over town. It was Pearl Harbor Day, when the United States entered WWII. She said it, and the war, so affected her that it changed her worldview. Movie reels showed the utter destruction of London, Hitler ranting about–well, everything, the rumors of the exermination camps, the rumors of the resistance in France and Poland… The world changed, and it changed her.

      After the war, here in America we were so grateful to have won, and our soldiers came back wanting a “good life” to replace the horrors they’d seen. My grandfather never spoke of his service, where he fought, or what he saw. It changed him, turning into a miserable, penny counting miser. That attitude, combined with years of cigar smoking (and possibly mustard gas) led him to an early death from cancer.

      My Granny, though, never changed. By the time she passed, she didn’t have much other than the home she owned and a few hundred dollars in the bank. She had continued her charitable work, and when she could no longer do the work herself, she gave money so that people could be paid to do the work or buy the necessities.

      Mama was like Granny, believing in charitable work. My father eventually became quite wealthy himself, having hit the political speaker’s circuit. She got used to being able to give more than just her tithe to the church, to donate to local charities, to stay involved with both time and money. But her world shifted yet again when my father left as he’d hidden most of his money and lied in court. Our family was suddenly on the receiving end of charity until Mama found work and got promoted enough for us to no longer need it. She taught all of us fiscal responsibility and charitable responsibility. If one cannot donate money, one can donate time.

      I guess my point is that, having heard these stories until Mama passed, I understood that life can change drastically in a moment. It can change to a crisis, or it can change to a solution. What I have added in my own life experience to the story is that if one is grounded in who they are and what they believe, it’s easier to help create a solution.

      Yes, the world is in chaos. But chaos brings change. Many see the current chaos as the birthing pains of a new solution. That the last day of a crisis is the first day of a new beginning. I’m one of those people.

      That doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes get overwhelmed and have to back off of the barrage of news, or even my activism, for a “breather.” But when faced with the choice of feeling cynical and hopeless, or grounded and hopeful, I try to choose the latter.

      Just some meanderings throgh my mind, offered in love.

      Love and Blessings Always,

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your family’s experience Annie…We can contrast the beautiful actions of you grandmother and mother with the current mentality of American “survivalists” who, contemplating the prospect of social collapse, accumulate weapons and ammunition, over 300 millions weapons to be exact.

        I don’t feel hopeless about humanity as I know its ultimate destiny, which is amazing beyond words, but I am aware that it will get a lot worse before it gets better. I remain grounded in the natural world, and look at the current human world as one would a passing storm…my feet are on the earth and my mind is with the earth and all living things.

        I however try to avoid false hope…such as the hope people had prior to 2012, about a sudden spiritual transformation. These sort of thoughts are, in my view, a bit childish and self-defeating, originating from a lack of understanding about how transformation actually works.

        I understand Neale’s desire for optimism, as his alternative would most likely be despair. That’s the choice most people have. I feel neither…I was shown the future (vision), and I understand what humanity has to go through, by its own choice. The period of intense darkness it is about to experience is actually a shortcut to evolution, the same way a life threatening illness can lead to emotional, psychological and spiritual healing.

        1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


          I, too, have been “gifted” with information (not visions, but knowings) that there will be utter darkness before humanity comes into its own beingness. I even know that the darkness will not end before I pass on to what’s next, on the other side of what we call death. All I can hope to be, therefore, is me, in both the emptiness and fullness of who I am.

          I wouldn’t say that humanity is still in childhood. Rather, I would say that we are in that selfish and awkward stage of puberty, where hormones rather than reason, and personal incentives rather than what’s in the interest of us all, takes over. Or, at least, some of us are. (A certain leader comes to mind…)

          I wish I were as grounded as you are, my friend. There are short moments when I am, which are worth more to me than I have words for. I only hope that those moments continue to grow in frequency and in length. But, I guess that’s why Buddhists call it a “practice” rather than achieving perfection.

          Love and Blessings Always,

        2. AKA Patrick Avatar
          AKA Patrick

          According to something in one of the CWG volumes, God told Neale
          we (earthlings) are a relatively young species.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            It is interesting to note that for most of the Indigenous people of this hemisphere, the Indo-European is viewed as a younger brother, and even called such by the Kogi Indians of Columbia…and not because Indo-Europeans only recently showed up here, but for other reasons.

      2. AKA Patrick Avatar
        AKA Patrick

        I fully agree with your philosophy. I too do the same sort of thing.

    2. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      The American Indians are poor only in terms of the materialistic. They are immensely rich spiritually. They have a depth of understanding unreached by the average human. I remember an Alcoa commercial on TV years ago, where an Indian was astride his horse next to a freeway. He looked down at the empty cans pitched thoughtlessly out car windows into the ditch. The camera remained on him long enough to see him shed a huge tear. I can relate to that. The Indian is in tune
      with the environment, with Nature. He understands the context in which he lives. Most humans don’t.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        That was Iron Eyes Cody, an Italian-American actor. He claimed to have Native American ancestry but did not (his ancestry was Italian and Sicilian, which his sister and documents confirmed. However he adopted 2 Lakota children).

        It does not matter…his heart was immersed in Native culture. Like Grey Owl, he chose his dream and dreamed well.

        “…For the Indians, however, nature was their temple, and within this sanctuary their showed great respect to every form, function and power. That they Indians held as sacred all the natural forms surrounding them is not unique, for other traditions (Japanese Shinto, for example) respect created forms as manifestations of God’s work. But what is most unique in the Indians’ attitude is that their reverence for nature and for life is central to their religion: each form in the world around them bears such a host of precise values and meanings that taken all together they constitute what one would call their “doctrine””.
        Again from the same book The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian

  3. Jethro Avatar

    “Is it possible that there’s something we don’t fully understand about God and about life and about ourselves…the understanding of which could change everything?” This is the question of the hour, This is the question of our lifetimes. We are constantly wondering what we are suppose to be doing. What is right, what is wrong. We will always have someone else defining that for us because everyone has the answer but cannot answer the question for themselves.
    I have been waking up, fixing my coffee, watching the morning news, Gathering my clothing, showering, then headed out to do some project. Even in times when the power was out or the well was drying up, or ice on the ground… The days start pretty much the same no matter what. The end of the day has been pretty much the same as well. On the couch, paying attention to something that allows me to set down, waiting for my body to say it’s time for bed. Morning or evening being a time for reflection. Ultimately wondering what could have been done better, how will I proceed, what is the next best move.
    Could it be that Life is about constantly wondering what it is about life that we don’t fully understand? Have we always had to wonder that or is it something that has only come about in the last 100 or 200 years?
    We are living our purpose daily and wondering what our purpose is. We are doing things daily and wonder what it is we should be doing. Daily we get out of bed and start being who we are and wonder what or who we should be. Why? What has become so confusing about living that we don’t understand we are living? We are using a flashlight and looking for a flashlight so that we have enough light to find a flashlight, we are looking through our glasses trying to find our glasses so that we can see to find our glasses… Could our only problems in life be judgments or opinions of other human beings? Would we desire to be something different without other humans around? I wonder, Do we face each day trying to be someone else or do we spend our days setting an example for others? An astounding Yes to both, Even when we’re not trying. Who will you try to be today and for who will you try to be?

    1. Craig Avatar

      I am learning that we have all we truly need and it is our wondering thoughts that restrict our ability to live in the abundance of life.
      When I reflect on my life I find failure in my attempts to improve. But when I leave my aspirations and live as circumstances predict then my concerns are overcome and my aspirations mean nothing as they no longer have any life value for me.
      What provided the giver of life, creator of all can only really achieve his purpose when I become nothing.
      Abundance is here and now it is when we believe it is wealth and possessions we miss the target and became life questioners not life life livers…

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


        I hear what you are saying, and there are some things with which I agree, based on my own life experiences. I know that I have had everything I’ve needed each moment of my life. The proof is that I’m still here. That leads me to believe that I will always have what I need, based on those innumerable moments of a nearly 58 year life.

        Yes, it’s easy to go astray from who we really are when we are caught up in aspirations or ambitions or wealth or power or the latest crisis. But it’s also true that setting goals, achieving them, and setting new goals can lead to growth. If I had allowed only the circumstances of my life to move me, like a rudderless ship I’d bounce around willy nilly with no desire to be or do more. In my case, I’d have been dead by my own hand decades ago, or locked up somewhere for having killed my father.

        I would say that, rather than “becoming nothing,” Divinity evolves through the experiences of all of it’s creation, including us. If I were “nothing,” Divinity would experience nothing through and as me, and evolve less.

        Now, I can and have stood in the way of Divinity’s evolution by doing things against my nature. Some of those things in my life have been avoidance, self-pity, and despair. But even those things lead me back to Divinity when I tire of them and start to question why I’m stuck in those places. It’s like I’ve heard Neale say time and again: we create a contextual field so that we can appreciate our light because we’ve experienced darkness.

        It’s been my personal experience that one eventually tires of darkness and naturally seeks one’s own light. Not all find the Joy of their own light because they look outside themselves for Joy. It’s also been my experience that when I share my light and my Joy it affects others, and Divinity evolves even more as they change and have new experiences, as well.

        I would say, then, that Divinity can only achieve it’s purpose when I become everything.

        Love and Blessings Always,

        1. Raphael Avatar

          Hey Annie, I know that I am going to be playing with words in this following comment, or with concepts….bear with me.

          But you do not have to become everything, because you already are. All you need is no longer think in dualistic terms, such as being “this” or “that”…you already are “this” and “that”…the self and the other, the outer world and the inner world, the one and the multiple.

          This is your true nature. You are, as we all are, a doorway, through which the outer and the inner, the self and the world, the individual and the universal, pass through in rhythmic patterns, as does the breath, and are at once one, in perfect unity, and two, in perfect relationship.

          In perfect unity of mind and body, with what is called in Zen a “beginner’s mind” (open, present, uncluttered, calm), you are enlightened without having or wanting to claim it, because you are in focus, here and now, at the center of the self and the universe, grounded in All Being within your being.

          1. Craig Avatar

            Raphael Becoming your true self. Becoming nothing of the false facade we tend to carry around 80% of our life. Well explained I follow but reflect using my own words so that I comprehend.

          2. Raphael Avatar

            I agree…Do you know the origin of the word personality? From the word persona, Latin, literally meaning ‘mask, character played by an actor.’

            We can learn a lot by looking at the origin of the words we use every day!

          3. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            I stand corrected. In fact, I considered editing my post even before you replied. The edit would have been to the last sentence, which I would have changed to:

            “I would say, then, that Divinity can only achieve its purpose when I come to understand that I already am both nothing and everything (no thing and all things).”

            One of the tenets I’m drawn to most in Buddhism is the “beginner’s mind.” I see it as simply being, without assumptions or presumptions. It’s that place where, simply, I am. I don’t often stay long in it because physical pain pulls me out, but it is pure bliss when I do reach it. There are few words that can convey it.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          4. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            And again I say: “Amen!”

          5. Raphael Avatar

            There is one thing about pain that I learnt: it is often naturally associated with fear, triggering a fear response, because pain is a signal that something is wrong that requires our attention or else.

            When we become more conscious of the fear that comes with pain and let go of it, pain becomes just another intense experience…and more bearable. As a matter of fact, embracing it can make it go away or can lessen it, while fighting it makes it more excruciating.

          6. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            Pain is a fascinating topic for me as I’ve had different experiences with it at different times.

            There’s a difference (obviously) between pain that is inflicted on us that may not even cause an injury, and the pain that’s telling us to pay attention to something that’s amiss. And then there’s pain that ends up developing because of what was inflicted in the past that has caused something to be amiss in the present. There is pain that can be felt in the body as a sensory memory of previous pain, and pain felt in a part of the body that’s been removed. Then there’s chronic pain, which is a continuous reminder that something’s amiss of which we’re already aware.

            Any of these pains can have fear attached in forms that match the cause of the pain. There can also be other emotions attached that make pain worse, at least for me. I’m in more pain, for example, when I’m depressed. In fact my docs in St. Louis argued over the connection, with my regular doctor insisting my pain was worse because of my depression and my psych doc insisting my depression was worse because of high levels of chronic pain. I think it’s both playing off each other as when one eases, so does the other—and it doesn’t matter which is eased first. Anger and anxiety also increase my pain.

            Then there is the difference between pain and suffering. Most times, pain no longer causes suffering in me—I don’t often attach emotion to it, but simply recognize it as a physical sensation, over which I have some control. I don’t stand or sit without shifting my weight regularly, for example. I’ve learned to pace my physical activities with regular rests in between (though I still stubbornly tackle things I shouldn’t so that they get done). I meditate and use visualization.

            There’s a saying in chronic pain communities. We’re often asked by docs to rate our pain on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being defined as “the worst imaginable pain you could feel.” Those in chronic pain often simply reply, “It’s off the chart.” The reason is because, as time goes on, we automatically accept higher pain as our new “normal,” so what we used to call a 10 becomes an 8 or even a 6. I always laugh because it’s so completely subjective that it’s useless as a measurement, except maybe as showing a pattern about how we perceive our pain. My “worst imaginable pain” didn’t have to be imagined because I’d already experienced higher pain than most in my childhood. (And I get tired of having to explain all that to a medical doc!) Instead, I use what I’m able to do as a gauge—how far I can walk, how long I can stand and cook, how much I can lift.

            There’s also something to be said for distraction, whether it’s reading or socializing or even watching a silly movie. And when I’m being present for someone else, my pain fades into the background. There are also physical distractions—the brain can only consciously process so much sensory input. My recent bout with biting cockroaches and the itching involved distracted me temporarily from my pain.

            Pain has so many angles to it, at least for me. I learned young to detach from it, only to have to feel it full on as an adult in order to heal it. I “reattached” to my body’s sensations (I couldn’t even describe what hunger physically felt like before therapy), only to discover I had chronic pain conditions. I was very angry, at first. I’d healed much emotionally, revisiting hell in order to heal, only to find another kind of hell on the other side of it (or so it felt at the time). But I came to understand that some of my conditions are most probably because I had detached from my body, overusing it and not knowing it. (All that doing more than the men in the same field just to prove I was worth being taken seriously took a toll.) And, yes, some of it can be directly connected to the abuses I experienced. I also had to heal from that.

            Wow. A much longer reply than I expected to write. It’s a fascinating subject for me for obvious reasons.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          7. Marko Avatar

            To Annie and Raphael. This is an important topic to be sure!
            I’m going to post my response on top for ease of finding it.

          8. Kristen Avatar

            Annie, have you tried visualising a huge ball of hot blue light in the pain areas like some healers do? It will only work if you believe it will though, real majic is like that, similar to faith healing and placebos.
            Does your back pain originally stem from your girly bits, or did it start with a trauma there, either physical or mental?
            I can try something if you want me to, just from here? Im just thinking that you sort of have no chakra down there anymore, more sort of a jumbled mass of pain energy that cant sort itself out as there is a block so it cant travel up above your belly button, and cant get out via your feet as only the planet can take it…like grass on soft ground, wet sand, flowing water…places you cant get to and cant be upright long enough?

          9. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            I’ve been using a golden healing light, my feet rooted in the Earth, with the light flowing through my spine, out of my crown chakra in a shower, surrounding me. I will try a blue light, though.

            Lots of trauma was to my girly bits, throughout my early childhood and into my early 30’s. I no longer have them, though (hysterectomy at 35 due to fibroids growing from the outside of my uterus and, as discovered when biopsied, precancerous growths in my uterus). Having to have a hysterectomy made perfect sense to me, because of the years of sexual abuse caused me to dislike my feminine side before therapy. That’s a lot of negativity focused on one aspect for literally decades. In fact, I was surprised I didn’t have cancer.

            My back pain is a combination of things. It started with degenerating and bulging disks, possibly connected to abuse but also definitely from my own misuse. Then the stenosis was discovered (buildup of cartilege and calcium deposits inside the vertebrae which eventually push on and squeeze the spinal colum and can eventually cut off oxygen to or permanently damage the spinal column). Then an additional bulging disk and arthritis were added, and now the disintegration of one disk means I have two vertebrae directly rubbing bone on bone, which generally causes bone spurs but I don’t have those yet because I no longer bend in my low back.

            Please feel free to try. It would make sense that there isn’t much energetic movement as there isn’t much physical movement. I no longer have the natural “arch” in one’s low back, but slouch when I sit or stand. To try to bend my spine into that natural “arch” increases my pain beyond what I can handle.

            The past few months, I’ve started falling. It’s not that my hips and knees simply can’t hold up (although they’re not in the greatest of shape) or adjust because of my back. It’s that the pain reaches such a level that my knees just “go weak,” kind of like when one faints.

            And now there’s more unexpected red tape to see the neurosurgeon. It was he (I found out) who wanted x-rays of my entire spine. When his office called, they said they received the radiologist’s report, but they need the actual films. They also need the disk I have of the lumbar MRI I had taken in February. Only after he has reviewed them will he decide if he will take me on as a patient. Having no car, I’ll have to try to convince the radiology office to courier my x-ray films (they don’t mail well), and I have to go buy some kind of bubble envelope to mail the disk to his office.

            I’ll taken all the help I can get. And thank you.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          10. Kristen Avatar

            Visualisation is a tricky one, it has to work with whats actually possible, and unfortunately showers are either metal or plastic so non absorbant, and my theory, and a theory only nothing more, is that your own energy sort of always has your signature or imprint on it, so trying to get it go down a drain COULD have a negative impact as thats a yuck place and into treatment plants. Unless you can visualise following your own energy through the drains then out to see which is mentally exhausting, you cant break the link until it reaches the sea.
            Golden is masculine happy energy, not telling you what to do, you know your own body and would know to work with instincts, but I personally wouldnt use gold on females, silver is female energ represented by the moon. Green is good as well, the colour of Raphael as a healer and is via the sun, blue is general healing representing the sky, spheres of colour and oxygen. Pink is girly love. Indigo is fine but never crossing to purple for females. Losing the back sway isnt cool, that really screws with things and internal organs. The groin chakra, that Im sure you know, isnt exactly where most diagrams show, its more toward your back almost in line with the top of your butt crack. If you have muscle use there, breathe deeply and you can sort of lift it up. When people lose muscle tone it can drop and almost end up in the internal organs rather than ‘free floating’ and its really hard to move it back….anger manifests in the grounding chakra, hence sex crimes of hate, control and anger.
            Ill give it a try, youll be asleep because of our time difference I assume. I wont cross my energy to yours, Ill use universal energy but it does carry the energy of others, let me know if anything is different or you ‘feel’ someone or something is around, it will just be energy, not a person but you may feel it.

            That sux about red tape again, our medical treatment here is free. A GP refers you to the public system specialists, appointments are generally within 3 months, then you get what you need and go on the surgery waiting list, that can be up to a year. We take it for granted, and people still complain! If only they knew how lucky we are.
            Why dont they just email the xrays and results? Ours are all just emailed straight from the radiologist to whomever, they only ‘print’ them if we ask for a hard copy. America is sooooooo behind in so many ways.
            Take care Annie,

          11. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            Now that you mention it, I’ve always preferred silver to gold. (Atually, bronze is my favorite metal.) In fact, I can’t wear gold jewelry. I’ll try a switch to silver first. Green is also connected with the heart chakra, so it makes sense for green energy to aid in healing. Hadn’t thought of the blue–the only blue energy I’ve seen in meditation relates to my Soul. Certainly that could aid in healing.

            I do believe that energies can heal. I also believe in cause and effect, though. There are conditions that I had prior to therapy that I no longer have, but there have been others that have been exacerbated by decades of negative thoughts and energies (not to mention misuse and genetics). As I said, I wasn’t surprised to find I needed a hysterectomy. I’ve also had my gallbladder removed (holding in all that angry “bile” for all those years and/or genetic as my grandmother and moter both had theirs removed), had a partial mastectomy due to a VRSA staph infection (which my surgeon had NEVER heard of attacking milk ducts before), and I have a row of trigger points in the muscles and tendons attached to my right scapula (holding in anger, as if physically holding one’s arm in the position to throw a punch, but never actually following through).

            I guess in some cases the cause matters because dealing with the cause itself can heal the physical body, where in some case the cause doesn’t matter as much as reopening the blocked energetic pathways that have been affected.

            I used to use crystals in my healing visualizations, as well. Usually simply quartz as a means of magnification, but sometimes also rose quartz when I was feeling less loving, amethyst when I was feeling less Spiritual. I find myself drawn to moonstones (as did my great grandmother) and turquoise (my birthstone before they were all changed to gems) and pink (not red) rubies.

            So many rabbit holes to go down, and so much time in which to enjoy them!

            Love and Blessings Always,

          12. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            OK. I don’t know what you did, or when, but I have felt a number of changes going on from my mid-back, through my low back and hips, and into my legs for the past few days. I almost can’t walk because my back and joints are acting differently than what I’ve gotten used to. (If that makes any sense.) It’s as if my right hip had unfrozen a couple of days ago, and I had a hard time keeping my balance. Then it was as if my body felt the need to purge something through every possible means, worse than having a bout of the flu. I got so weak from it that I lost some time between running to the bathroom, sweating like crazy, then having chills at night. I’m on the upswing from it (I think) because I’m not as weak. But, my right hip and low back still feel “looser” than they have in a long time. My toes aren’t as cramped as they usually are. My sciatica’s on a slower burn down my leg. I’m not sure what it is that got purged, but that’s slowing down (thankfully). I know that we’re onto another column, but wanted to let you know something happened. I think it’s a good thing, so long as my gut’s finished gurgling.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          13. Kristen Avatar

            Oops….sorry, Im smiling but its not funny, I know. You know how anything from ‘invisible’ means is, you just need to say aloud for it to stop. I just did one big dose on Monday afternoon but I was given extra energy, heavy strong male energy almost like a vacuum to use. I just did the healing visualisation of a back shot of a female standing on a Miami west coast beach in the sun with gentle waves, mid calf standing the the water, then a huge ball of marbled aqua, apple green and musk pink energy from knees to waist then got it swirling quite fast and supercharged it to keep working for a week at least. All the negative energy was directed to flow downwards then washed away out to sea, kilometres and kilometres away until it no longer carries your signature.
            I did heat it up and do pain relief in and a blast of hot hot healing ‘oxygen’ into your lower back.
            Do you want me to stop it? A male energy put it in place for me and showed me healing hands that he was heating it with.
            Are you quite tall? My image of a female silhouette sort of grew to a male size?

          14. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I’m 5’9″, so above average for a female, and quite fluffy, too. I do get mistaken for a male from the back sometimes.

            I’m not surprised at the male energy. I’ve felt it around me before, and even dreamed I was male several times. And the hands are what I literally use to heal others, as well as visualization for healing myself. The color that came to my mind was a blue-green turquoise, also not unusual as it’s my original birthstone.

            I’ll accept any help that works!

          15. Kristen Avatar

            Mmmmm marbled aqua and apple green is turquoise when blended, my marbling may have blended. Look up paua shell….NZ ashtrays! See the pink bits in that…paua blending is how I tried to keep it but need movement.
            Ill top it up tomorrow…its normal for remote healing to take a few days to reach the person, done properly without creating links between the two people its sort of woven an really physically moved from me to you, rather than wishful positive thinking or faith healing.
            Remember to just say stop aloud if its too much, or let me know. Should have warned you that it will be real!

          16. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I’d never expect anything other than real from you. 🙂

          17. Kristen Avatar

            Haha, I missed my calling as a con artist! Wouldnt life be easy if we all got the memo? Look up Pineapple Lumps ad on youtube….oh well!

          18. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick


        2. Craig Avatar

          Now that was a mouth full. I agree in principle but see my comment to Jethro.
          Yes scripture also refers to light and living in the light… What this is is Christ the will of the divine in us…

          1. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Most don’t catch this subtle distinction: God’s Will IS OUR WILL! He permits Us to decide that for ourselves. Are We not Sons and Daughters of God?

          2. Craig Avatar

            That is debatable AKA. I want a some wine for health reasons at work. My employee does not permit alcohol. Free will implies doing as it pleases but the truth is it has consequences which with the wine example may lead to me losing my job. With God’s will logos it is exactly the same shema to acknowledge and live by the exact rules or logos accept and live by the perceived insight. Not a choice contradicting insight…. His will hear and do. My will hear consider and what I find relevant I do. Not the same. Not implying the same and never can imply. But that we are all animals with bodily responses that has nothing to do with free will it has everything to do with being alive…
            That is how I have learnt to approach this topic for just saying whatever I do is his will leaves us in animal mode not progressing to enlightened mode…

          3. Kristen Avatar

            It states there is Law and Freewill….that works.

          4. Craig Avatar

            A little bit further. Law is will or desire to achieve certain outcomes. Kristen this tells me the laws are basic social norms for human interaction or relationship with higher being or other humans. As for free will that is applying these principles or applying knowledge that fruit of the tree of life.
            I do not think we can ignore the fact that shema and logos mean two different things but are both translated to imply the manifestation of the law or ultimate desired outcome…
            We can right all the books we want approach this from which ever angle we think right. The bottom line is that what was intended to be said is in Job and explained throughout the rest of the ancient scripts and found in the dogmas of Christianity, CwG and other so called enlighted approaches including new age movement. All hope they are right. Patrick asked why and we could not justify a correct response as all things are determined by freedom of choice…

          5. Kristen Avatar

            Yes and no. First is our freewill decision to want, accept and embrace Law. Many Natural and Universal Laws are automated, other Laws are mandatory, some are dictatorial, some are personal imposed on us like parenting, the workplace, imprisionment etc. If we dont choose to respect Laws (where legal of course) then we are paving a hard road….by putting freewill before Law.
            The two go hand in hand as a figure 8 entwinement relationship, without one, the other is pretty screwed. There are thousands of Laws in place from above.
            “Law is will or desire to achieve certain outcomes”..again, yes and no. Depends on who’s desired outcome it is. Most peoples differ, so its hard to generalise that enough to be able to define the very concept as you did. Religion is based on Gods desired outcome…that doesnt mean people desire the same as God does for them. It has to their freewill choice to allow God to determine a path if they choose His way, Universal Law forbids intervention in human affairs. And Jesus said you are not to impose religion on anyone for religion is a freewill choice.

            Re Job…if God ever treated me like that I would tell him to pee off in no uncertain terms, I will not be an enabler and allow anyone to mistreat or abuse anyone. God knows that, my freewill deal is that God may choose my path BUT He may not cause my suffering.

            Re the Tree of Life, be careful what you read on that. Most info is actually about the Tree of Knowledge, the two trees are very similar but only the righteous and/or innocent can access a Tree of Life.

            And I agree re the manifestation of Law, I love Law and studied for many years, probably damaging my brain more than it already was, and the more you embrace it, the more fun it is, and the more you see constantly, doors get opened WHEN you earn or can find the keys.

            It could be explained to Patrick, but its all a waste of time when they dont want to hear your answer, they prefer their own. If he thinks I didnt discuss or explain things because Im unable to, or because he’s right, then he’s choosing to believe a lie. He wasnt asking out of interest, he was asking so he could argue.

            Take care,

          6. Craig Avatar

            So we only know as if looking in a mirror. We measure everything through our eyes but only find meaning when we relate the perceived information to our own insight. We do not impose religion as religion is a dogma we define faith as choice action and results trusted on from the life experience of others. When it becomes our own life experience it is no longer faith but fullness of life convection or our reality…
            Thank you I do not keep well I loose with dignity.

          7. Kristen Avatar

            Hi Craig,
            Yip, I think much is about perceived information, although the word perceived, based on perception, simply means its an interpretation only, we dont have enough information for it to become a proven fact yet. So perception if often wrong…but how it’s meant to be. Whats the fun in life if we know everything?
            I personally seperate teachings in scripture from religion, so only view a small part of scripture as religion exclusively. Lots is what God wants as well. In my personal views, religions like the Amish and Muslims use the parts that are exclusively religion and cast the rest aside…thats where religion becomes about control and dominance.
            Re faith…I personally define faith as a gift given to us, not something we choose to have, put in place ourselves or define. If God or others give you faith in them, including people on Earth then its based on THEIR actions that we experience, rather than us trusting it based on the experience of others. I see faith almost like trust…something one party gives to another, Im incredibly literal with words, and try not to deviate from the dictionary meaning.
            Lose? Lose what?

          8. Craig Avatar

            Loose Self-centeredness to be example of living not of activity…

          9. Kristen Avatar

            Mmmmm, unsure. On the Tree of Life, and when you get to a certain part of the life journey you become almost reclusive with your personal life, and become quite judgemental of others, and impatient and intolerant. Zero tolerance for those who make stupid choices, lose their pride etc. You do become quite self centred, the focus there is on your own little world and everyone and everything else as a bit isolated from you. Yshua/Jesus was like this during those few years writtten about.
            Im unsure if you ever move out of it, while retaining altruistic traits, I havnt in over 5 years, you become a bit of a snob I guess. May pay to ask Raphael, we were on the same journey at the same time, my ‘teacher’ was working alongside his ‘guide’. Its sort of like coming out of hell into a different headspace world where you focus on yourself, and merely observe others, no longer wanting to be any part of a ‘we’ with them.
            Tablets about to die…grrrrrm sorry

          10. Craig Avatar

            Let us reflect on Yeshua he was angry and intolerable towards those who know the requirements but fail to adhere to them and introduce their own requirements. I am in agreement with that and this is the reason why dogmas are religion and faith the outcome of the right choices when they are made. As for faith being the gift from YHWH so Paul reiterated but our understanding of gift stuck to bestowed on or earned instead of prize if I may call it such. Life salvation and eternal life. We perceive their existences or deny them based on our knowledge or cognitive ability. Take them out the way and live then we do not focus on the prize the purpose or outcome we focus on being the example…
            Living in truth…

          11. Kristen Avatar

            Remember though that while Yshua said he will give immortalitity to anyone who believes in him and God as his father, when the story gets to Revelation not many actually end up with a Heavenly life, most end up with a crap one. Entry to Gods Heaven as Yshua talked of, and then the final one on Earth, are near impossible for most to get into. Read scriptures by blocking out whatever anyone has ever told you, including any churches, and you’ll read a different story….I only acknowledge what is actually written, nothing more, and even then, remember prophecies are only true if from God, therefore any arent.
            I dont buy into the whole salvation, Yshua saves etc teachings, as they are purely the words of Paul and people, clearly evangelists, and do against what Yshua, God and Revelation actually say….good PR for churches though, in recruiting members!

          12. Craig Avatar

            Remember Yeshau came to save the lost sheep 2000 years ago. Nothing to do with our saving. That is still a personal issue. But there are guidelines not attitudes…

          13. Kristen Avatar

            Thats where it gets tricky….he came to round up and save the lost sheep of Israel, Israelites, and even questioned if he should be healing or teaching others. Thats where I dont understand Christianity…there os always the unknown as to whether Jehovah is just the God of Israelites, descendants of Israel or Abraham & Sarah, or if He is the God of all, as Christianity teaches and invites.
            He replaced the animal sacrifices once and for all, or more Levites (Im a Levite) to allow automatic forgiveness for the few things the OT defines as sins, that were forgiveable with animal sacrifice offerings BUT not the other things defined as Laws…Priests cant forgive crimes or breaches of Law, their vows state they MUST try to stop all crimes or can be punished.
            I can only acknowledge what scriptures state, or a Rabbi teaches, everything else is manmade by Christians, including Yshua here to ‘save mankind’. When and if he returns its as the toughest judge ever, and its war!

          14. Craig Avatar

            Very confusing indeed…
            What you believe is your covenant.

      2. Jethro Avatar

        Neale has stated something I really like, What is happening today that will matter when your 90? Of course given that your not 90 lol. Neale says it better. Our days are only as important as we make the moments of our days and most of it means very little in comparison to our entire lives.
        There is no such thing as failure if growth is obtained, in the moment growth is obtained, it becomes a valuable experience. Live life for the rest of your life, not the best of your death.

        1. Craig Avatar

          Thank you Jethro for the reflection on what was shared.
          I am a child of the 60’s. What you say is true but the only true value we can add is through the creators intent. When I coach you to become self sufficient I have taught you to be your best. When I teach you to be an electrical engineer I teach you knowledge and skills reliant on the availability of say electrical generators. What have you gained? A means to earn money not to add your worth to societies. That may be a matter of different interpretation of what is worthy and what is valuable…
          Make a valuable contribution every second you can. We have no time to fix our errors for then we are defeating life’s evolution and just rehearsing our input…

          1. Jethro Avatar

            What is “the creators intent”? My parents created me and I’m still wondering what their intentions were.

          2. Craig Avatar

            Our parents either wanted children or didn’t know about birth control and accepted the consequences. What the origin of this earth intended is any ones guess. What I have accepted is that love, compassion etc are attributes of this origin as is hate and inconsideration etc. So it can be anything from killing, orgies, humbleness, or whatever behaviour you may be able to think of. Not all bring about harmony but every behaviour brings about some sort of change. And change or evolution seem to be the purpose. The question is which outcome do we desire…

          3. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            To love you enough to help you grow and evolve into whatever you
            want to be.

          4. Jethro Avatar

            Life is given without intent. Once we are alive it is our own intention to stay that way. Sometimes without concern for another’s intentions.

          5. Kristen Avatar

            They were horny!!

          6. Raphael Avatar

            Good guess…

          7. Kristen Avatar

            Just a guess of course!

          8. Raphael Avatar

            Oh yes but an educated one?

          9. Kristen Avatar

            Yip, Im actually Jethros mother, trust me on that one!
            And I thought that was the one thing requiring no education?

          10. Raphael Avatar

            It’s an education in itself…but without any graduation ever.
            Your sons will be excited to know they have a new brother, albeit illegitimate.
            Or are you just pretending to be his mother because you have plumbing problems and are hoping for a freebie?

          11. Kristen Avatar

            No plumbing problems, but heck, thats a good scam, you’re into it!
            Yip, they’re excited alright, although Im struggling with explaining the birds and bees logistics since he’s older than me!
            Must have been when I was still a ghost.

          12. Raphael Avatar

            The ways of the Lord are mysterious, we all know that.

          13. Kristen Avatar

            My answer for everything….my way of saying wtf?

          14. Raphael Avatar

            But next time you are a ghost, cover yourself a bit better with these loose sheets that blow in the etheric winds, and you won’t get in trouble and have a son before being born, and then have to say “The ways of the Lord are wtf”. At least that’s what a mother would say, I suppose.

          15. Jethro Avatar

            I was pretty sure that was the case. Life isn’t planned… sex is.

          16. Raphael Avatar

            “Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans”.
            John Lennon

          17. Jethro Avatar

            I really like that one!!

          18. Kristen Avatar

            Yip, if they told you otherwise, they were being polite.

          19. Jethro Avatar

            Being a parent myself, I know the truth.

          20. Jethro Avatar

            Life is a job we do that we should teach others our experiences or as you said, “Make a valuable contribution every second you can.”.
            I find myself relating many things that happen on the job to life and vice versa. It’s all connected because it’s all part of life. We are all amazing until we’re not, and even then we still are.

      3. AKA Patrick Avatar
        AKA Patrick

        A wonderful psychologist, Dr. Wayne Dyer, (now deceased-transitioned)), learned the way God creates. A simple formula: ” I AM…….” YOU fill the blank. After all, we are co-creators with God. The only thing we can’t create is ourselves. We are the body(ies) of God in the world. He Lives In, Through, and As Each of Us. I like to think of Us (Humans) as servo-mechanisms of God.

        1. Craig Avatar

          AKA I am still struggling with that concept after Wayne claimed he can choose to live and earth and categorically state this intend. He kicks the bucket and cancer with all human possible treatment cured zero. Be realistic here Wayne did not understand I Am that I Am. Neither do any Greek and German founded psychological insights as the concept was I Am if you trust in. I Am if you believe in. I Am will prove everyone different because I Am is ultimately in control and we the creation only have a lifespan…. Nothing more. What we achieve in this lifespan only partially reveals YHWH consideration and 95%’ of the time reveals our mindset and knowledge based conviction. I for one do not believe in me being God. I believe in being humbled into magnificence by applying what I understand to be our blueprint instruction…. Male or Female…

          Not gender but intellectual natural abilities not learnt or conditioned towards…

          1. Kristen Avatar

            With you there….I would never even think about me or us as a part of God, we are human, a humble creative funny smart thinking species by design, and still a work in progress.

    2. Raphael Avatar

      I get what you are saying Jethro…why so many questions, so many inquiries, so many complexities, so many complicated concepts? All we need is to exist freely in the fullness of our own being, in the reality of the present.

      When we are present, truly and fully present in body and mind, the flow of our consciousness arises spontaneously and effortlessly from the actual circumstances of the present. We laugh when we feel joy, cry when we are sad, work and rest when we must. The mind is not cluttered with concepts. The results of this in terms of quality of life are extraordinary: buoyancy, vigor, straightforwardness, simplicity, humility, serenity, joy, perspicacity, adaptability and compassion.

      This is called natural living. It is also called the Buddha mind, the Zen mind…the mind of the untaught child. When you are fully here, in the fullness of the present moment, that is enough, and that is All That Is, for we are not here alone…being itself is a spontaneous communion when it is done consciously, here and now.

      1. Jethro Avatar

        All the questions… I was just writing my thoughts mostly. The complexity is something humans strive for and it is something that confuses me. Why does it have to be so complicated, sound complicated, be explained complicated in such a way that we find more awe in something that is already awesome.
        I have been teaching a person to do plumbing, not live life, just how to work with plumbing. He is excited, he has found something he loves and he works hard to learn it, yet he makes it so complicated and confusing when he tries to explain back to me, the project I asked him to do. There is still magic in the project because it’s new to him, he places the power of the job above himself because it’s still amazing. I remember the “magic” feeling back when I started. It was amazing and I held thoughts of amazement at how it all worked. Nearly 30 years later, it’s another day of the same old thing. I know what it’s for, I know what to expect, and I still enjoy it because I get to shine on occasion. I feel the magic again in teaching this fellow what to do and explaining why a plumber is so important and how we keep people alive and telling the stories of how people have died from poor plumbing practices. I also get to share my past to someone who is hanging on to every word, when before, my stories have bored many…
        What’s the point of this story? Life. It’s the same. It seems new everyday and some people are feeling the magic, some are still excited about it and wishing to know more while hanging on to every moment, others, just don’t understand it. People believe it’s complicated and there must be a secret to how it’s done, and then we people who are making it more complicated by trying to explain it. Maybe because it is still complicated to them. We are born with the knowledge, the “secret to life” is in us and nobody understands that. I did not understand it for many years. Now that I do, I am baffled at people and the complicated theories that they explain to me. Nothing has been left unanswered.
        This statement explains 99% of life and has nothing to do with aliens from another planet… “for we are not here alone…”

        1. Raphael Avatar

          “for we are not here alone…”
          Thanks Jethro, but I wasn’t referring to aliens.

          1. Jethro Avatar

            I know that Raphael, I was avoiding alien commentary before it got started.

          2. Raphael Avatar

            Trump wants to kick illegal aliens out of the US…so there’s your proof that aliens do exist. I rest my case.

          3. Jethro Avatar

            LMAO, but are they green or grey or gray? I knew the proof was in the politics!!

          4. Raphael Avatar

            Whatever color they are, at least they are not orange. Someone needs to tell our dear leader to ease up on the self tanning lotion!

          5. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            For Trump, all they have to be is non-whites.

          6. Kristen Avatar

            Good move…that discussion triggers Mataias time machine requests.

          7. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            I gather he doesn’t like it here or now.

          8. Kristen Avatar

            Or me, since he had a need to point out ‘no wonder the internet hates Jews’. Maybe he needs his time machine to get into the modern world, and out of the year 23AD or 1940 in Germany! Like his hatred toward Jewish people is something new, or cool!

          9. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            I like Neale’s line from God: “There are no aliens”. In fact, there is no ONE or no THING, except God.

          10. Kristen Avatar

            Something ‘feels’ odd about you and Jethro at the moment? Or your posts possibly? All ok?

          11. Jethro Avatar

            I’m glad to see I’m not the only one seeing it. Feeling it actually. I have not realized Raphael being off, but I feel it in myself. I may be bushwacking life right now rather than on my normal path. Business calls have been through the roof and my new employee has changed many of my habits. Strapped for time!!! I’m maintaining my sanity… I think?

          12. Kristen Avatar

            Good to hear although sanity is soooooo overrated.
            It sort of feels like aggression to me, which could be rushing I guess. Although in saying that, a blitz of extra work and income is a good thing.

          13. Jethro Avatar

            The ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner isn’t overrated, forcing yourself to constantly do it because you believe you must most certainly is lol. A person must be a little insane to properly sort out all of the phone calls. I’ve been blessed though, it’s just that my thoughts have been mostly on work.

          14. Raphael Avatar

            Odd, strange, peculiar are all part of my personality, thanks for noticing.
            I am a little bit off as well, no longer feeling fresh, a little bit moldy, rancid, stinky. I’ll take my yearly bath soon, not to worry…I bathe in formaldehyde, it keeps me young.

          15. Kristen Avatar

            Good to hear. I prefer to bathe in Moet, I have it on tap, or so the council think based on water rates but formaldehyde is a great option. Ive heard there is a side effect of toenails falling off, but thats probably just a conspiracy.

          16. Raphael Avatar

            I don’t have to worry about toenails, I have hooves. I save money on the shoes I do not have to buy as well, so I can also drink Moet from the tap. It all works out! Cheers!

          17. Kristen Avatar

            Hey how cool, I’m a unicorn!
            Cheers Mr Ed!

        2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


          There is one phrase in what you wrote that stands out for me:

          “I feel the magic again in teaching this fellow what to do and explaining…”

          My friend, you have simply become an Elder, full of wisdom rather than knowledge. It’s no wonder to me that you are feeling the “magic” again.

          Love and Blessings Always,

          1. Jethro Avatar

            Thank you Annie. That’s a wonderful perspective and I will try to keep it in mind. There are many great things to be learned when we are the student, but learning as a teacher can be very fulfilling.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          2. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            I like the line: “Each One teach One”. We really teach each other while teaching Ourselves. I can also relate to the comments about the Lakota. I’m one-eighth Cherokee, which I didn’t know till I was 62. Now I’m 81.

          3. Jethro Avatar

            To learn is the first goal in life, the second goal is to teach and continue to learn. When we think we have it all figured out, we must start over at the first goal. Finding out your Native American late in life just explains why its been so hard to find shoes that fit.

          4. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            If you ever need reminding, you know where to find me. 🙂

      2. AKA Patrick Avatar
        AKA Patrick

        That is, BEING itself is a spontaneous communion WHETHER it’s done consciously or unconsciously. Don’t be confused by the terms conscious and unconscious. Here unconscious doesn’t mean knocked out or asleep,
        but running on a sort of auto-pilot, without really thinking about it. How do you drive your car? Unconsciously. (Even though you’re wide awake while doing it.)

        1. Raphael Avatar

          True, nothing can change our true nature (being), But we can experience it as fully conscious in the here and now, or on automatic drive with our mind somewhere else…either way, we are. But the best is probably to do both…according to natural needs.

      3. Kristen Avatar

        You know whats nuts for me? Trying to understand the opposite to what you are saying, I have no concept of the opposite, you’re talking about ‘normal’.
        Brain injuries do that, mine from oxygen deprivation when I drowned as a kid…the bits that dont work like never ever waking up naturally (I would sleep 24/7 without lots of alarms, once my brain is asleep Im basically comatose), no concept of time, almost absent memory, no appetite or thirst, confusion with technology, brain blank moments, no concept of doing unimportant things or things I dont want to do, stubborn beyond stubborn, far too honest, inability to absorb boring non fiction etc. Its really wierd and now Professor Brain is gone from here, (Im not giving him more information!)…..it almost seems to me that somehow our brains have ‘evolved’ in a way that now means New Age and other teachings are needed to rewind people to a thinking that people like myself, with brain injuries, have as our only way of thinking. I actually find it quite hilarious that the CwG books and thousands of others are teaching people how to be more like those with brain injuries….perhaps there is quite a simple answer to all these questions Neale asks….just line everyone up , kill them, then recusitate after 10 minutes, and voila, the human race is fixed and renormalised!!
        Its all hilarious.

        1. Raphael Avatar

          Everyone needs a death and rebirth once in a while…I never had brain anoxia, but I too have no concept of time, when I sleep I am out of this world, gone, I am also stubborn, and have many of the other traits you describe. I almost died of pneumonia as a toddler (the doctor said I would), perhaps it has something to do with it.

          1. Kristen Avatar

            Google Star Children, it happens a lot, and Im sure its deliberate to alter brains.
            With my type of damage, mainly to my hippocampus and hypothalamus plus all the ‘centre parts’, brains compensate by enhanced development of the frontal and temporal lobes, enhancing creativity and all sorts of things.
            Its all odd, and I probably would suspect you did have anoxia, probably hypoxic anoxia where its a shortage of oxygen rather than anoxic anoxia which is no oxygen for a time. Anaemia can cause hypoxic anoxia as well, hence the creative chaotic traits of many new agey vegetarians. Perhaps we were originally made herbivores and its the consumption of meat that developed brains via the hypo and hippo and glands in the first place.
            Im sure thats why ‘evolved’ people lose appetite etc…the changes they make to themselves lessen the use of the hypothalamus and it sort of stops working, hence no appetite or forgetting to eat and drink, weight loss and a lean build, feeling and hating the cold and needing more heat, low blood pressure and slower heart rate therefore calmness.
            My brain mystery is wondering if this is how we are meant to be? There has to be a link to the hypothalamus somehow. Its so funny talking about brains now Professor Brain Gannon is gone….wonder if he ever studied his own and realised all his learning from books is probably what brings on the dementia hes wary of since its in his family, academia bypasses the crutial parts of the frontal lobe, the thinking for yourself centres. Academics have a higher rate of dementia than others, drumming information into your memory clearly does damage!

          2. Raphael Avatar

            Funny…and odd. I do forget to eat or drink, I have to remind myself…I can forget to drink for several days, getting what I need from food exclusively, and without suffering in any way. I usually eat once a day, unless I do a lot of physical stuff. I have a lean built no matter what I eat (I wear the same size clothes as when I was 20), I have low blood pressure and a slow heart rate.

            I got the answer though: we are lizards.

            I was always this way…also slower growth than usual. At 18 I looked 15, etc. I have been called a “kid” throughout most my life, always looking much younger than my age. It can be annoying…

            I think some scientists do postulate that the eating of meat caused brain growth in humans. Then why didn’t it do the same in snakes? I completely stopped eating meat 3 years ago, but still eat raw goat cheese and yogurt. After you stop eating animal flesh (animal corpses to be exact) for a while, you really no longer find it necessary or palatable. As a matter of fact it tastes strange and feels even weirder.

          3. Kristen Avatar

            I can tell my my eyes, like right now, when Ive forgotten to eat or drink for too long, so just got sushi and fresh oj. Eyes are really tired and my rims turm blue and get really wide, I actually feel my eyes doing it over an hour or so, a bit like sand on my eyes. Usually a Sat arvo when Ive worked all week so forget to eat or drink.
            Dunno if I look younger….wishful thinking.

          4. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            You should hear the latest channeling from Kryon (a channeled Being). On another forum to which I belong, I viewed and heard yesterday that the body has unknown devices (organs, I assume) that know how to heal any malfunction. In essence, Kryon is saying that the Divine provides for and fully protects us all.

          5. Kristen Avatar

            Yip, and I agree with that, in a simplified form we know it as auras and charkas BUT like all ‘majic’ and things from the Universe, it will only work if we have an open mind or believe in it, like faith healing and placebos. Problem is all things manifest physically, so those things need to be dealt with as well…read my chat with Annie in here somewhere.
            I’ll take a look, thanks.

          6. Kristen Avatar

            Hi ya…I just read the Kyron channelling. I had to smile, I havn’t read those for years, but Annie and I were just talking about Indigos in here, as he has. Smiled, but not surprised at all, thats how the post 2012 new energy works, everything is parallelled, even between different websites.
            When he talks of the new energy, if you read the last few posts chanelled, thats sort of how it does work but he hasnt mentioned the emphasis on music when mentioning people will or should switch to watching their own version of TV….youtube!!
            The new energy is quite hard when it hits you like a brick, and it does for some people, for me it was in a new agey gem and crystal shop, I had vertigo, blurry vision, loss of appetite, poor concentration and many changes for a few months, it can still hit me when ‘I forget’. It does work as he speaks of, like almost developing allergies to drama, mess, unnecessary things, groups of people, planning in advance etc. You’ll also read in here talking about brain damage…..read it in context with Kyrons words, the new energy really really works well for me…I dont need to try and use the parts of my brain that dont work anyway! Pedants and many are really struggling with it though, people no longer listen to them, the frequency changes effect brains as well, you switch off instead of pretending to listen or read.
            I only read a few of the channels, will take a look at other later, interesting though. I wonder if he will speak of a loss of time, and time speeding up. Its now November but feels like about April to me, its all a blur, but again, thats how my brain works so I was able to adapt easily. Others get quite sick if they receive the higher frequencies one on one rather than in general enmasse, as brains adapt to it all. One huge thing is mobile phones, and actually all phones…..you hate phones and headphones, they sound odd and since senses are heightened, anything in your ears like headphones or a phone held close makes you want to scream…..things revert to a couple of hundred years ago I think, when there was only pheriphial hearing (sorry, can’t spell it), vision is the same. Look at peoples eyes, very dark wider iris rims are becoming incredibly dominant, especially in kids, thats the new energy in their souls…Id hate to be a school teacher or dominant parent, those kids will react badly to control, discipline, homework, drama and anything of the ‘old energy’.
            Take care,

          7. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I did die, and was resuscitated, more than once as a kid, as part of my torture. I also had seizures as a kid.Then there’s my NDE in the ambulance when I nearly starved to death, which I can only describe as completely mind-blowing. Maybe my disconnect from time stems from those experiences? I did notice time changed drastically when I wasn’t working a Mon-Fri “normal hours” job. My only routine centers around taking meds and supplements, and the day I get my monthly check. Otherwise, I rarely know what day of the week it is, or the date.

          8. Kristen Avatar

            Google Star Child as well Annie.

          9. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I did Google Star Children, but it was hard to relate to because it was about activities as children and, well, mine was all messed up. But then I followed a link to Indigo Adults, and I found myself nodding my head in agreement all the way through the article.

          10. Kristen Avatar

            Yip, good…Indigo children are similar to star children, and both can lead to Indigo Adults, interesting huh?

          11. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            Definitely so. So much that I’m going to have to look into it some more. I’ve heard the terms “Star Child” and “Indigo Child” for some time, but most information is about how they act as children. With my childood being so messed up, I could never connect.

            The first article I read about “Indigo Adults” had seven characteristics, each explained in two or three paragraphs. I started out nodding at the first couple of characteristics, then saying “yes” out loud, to going, “oh, really? that, too?” There wasn’t anything that didn’t fit. Of course, most would fit any ageing hippie, too, who wasn’t in it just for the sex and drugs.

            So now I’ll be going down the rabbit hole of researching Indigo Adults. What fun!

        2. AKA Patrick Avatar
          AKA Patrick

          In a way, you’re already in touch with God, with your Oneness with Him/Her/It. It is said, and very wisely so, “I Am All There Is”. Also, I don’t quite think Neale ever proposed lining everyone up to kill. He knows and fully realizes there is already too much “forcing” in the World. What You need to realize is that You are that God who says “I Am All There Is”. Always have been; always will be. We “Collective Society”, have been in denial of our Divinity for much too long .

    3. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      It’s not even TRY to be! We ARE! Constantly, completely. You cannot stop being yourself.

  4. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

    An insteresting question that I found myself asking, re-wording Neale’s: Would I act any differently if I believed that I am two-part being, consisting of body and mind, without a Soul?

    For me, the answer is a resounding “no.” I say that because, as I look back at some of the things that I’ve done in life, they’ve had nothing to do with my biological body. They did include the workings of my mind, though, in the form of feelings the mind can produce. The biggest of these for me, even as a child, was empathy. I was the one who would approach the lone girl everyone made fun of at recess, sitting and talking with, and listening to, her. I even did this despite the reactions of my classmates.

    I started doing volunteer work in Junior High School, and walked 30 miles to raise funds and awareness for a wolf sanctuary in Missouri. I was the youngest volunteer swimming instructor in the summer “playground program,” having already learned all I could be taught, starting at age 11. In High School, with Mama’s encouragement, I became the Secretary of the Neighborhood Association, which mainly consisted of housewives and their husbands. (I’m not sure they’ll ever forget my open invitation to buy lunch at school for everyone, who to a person wanted to close the campus for lunch, so that they could see, smell and taste what was being served as a “nutritional” lunch there–my point being that it provides no nutrition if it’s inedible.)

    I’ve never stopped volunteering in some form or another, whether it be for church or school or a cause or a politician or an abuse survivor. I don’t do it for recognition, or to avoid the penalty of law, or to make myself “look good” in the eyes of others. I do it because when I believe in something, I believe in supporting it with my time and talent and heart (and money, when I have extra). I invest my Self in it.

    These are all things that I did before therapy, before CWG Book 1 started me on a new Spiritual journey, before and during disability and homelessness. They are things that I continue to do to this day. Every day I come across someone who is homeless (they have several “gathering spots” nearby during the day, when the shelter is closed), and they all know me. Some I’ve brought home to spend time indoors when it’s too hot or too cold or raining, to get out of the elements. I share meals and cigarettes, when I am able. Some I’ve even taken in, for months at a time, so they are able to save up for a place of their own.

    I’ve never done it to be noticed. In fact, I’m an introvert and have social anxiety. I’ve never done it because I’m “supposed to.” In fact, I can be quite the rebel when someone tells me I “should” do something. I simply do it because it feels like the natural thing for me to do.

    Taking the extra step, talking with those who feel invisible, caring for those who can’t care for themselves, speaking out about issues which I feel are important to all of humanity–these are all things that have felt like the natural thing for me to do. I could no more pass a homeless person sitting on a bench without saying “hi, how are you?” or walk away from someone on their own healing journey from abuse than I could stop breathing.

    I’ve had a couple of times in my life when I’ve been recognized for having touched people’s lives (which always makes me feel uncomfortable because I don’t believe I’m doing anything more than anyone can do). One was my 10 year High School reunion. People I didn’t even remember interacting with came up to me, saying they were glad I was there so that they could thank me for something I said or did that affected them. Others involved the church I was attending. My first year there, the Pastor came up with a new “perseverence award” that was named after me, because I had to fight the cliques that had formed in order to do ministry work. Another was when I was given the “Teddy Bear” award for the year, for outstanding ministry work.

    So, that’s my take on how I feel it is natural for me to be, regardless of avoidance of breaking the law or for my own self-interest.

    Is there something that I may not understand about Divinity, the understanding of which could change everything? To me, it would be pure hubris to say that everything there is to know about Divinity, or Life, or Humanity, is understood. More than once, humanity has been presented with opportunities to see or learn something new. Science has given us some of those answers in the form of our physical reality that we co-create.

    But there is more than that, as well. A photograph of a monk who has set himself on fire, another of a young girl running naked in the street in Vietnam with war waging all around her, the photos taken of the Earth from space where there are no boundaries between countries and nations, the incredible photos taken by the Hubble telescope of new stars being born and far-off galaxies–all of these things have moved people to see things differently, to think differently, to act differently.

    I’m sure that I will never understand everything there is to know about Divinity, or Life, or Humanity, in this singular lifetime. I simply don’t believe it’s possible. Divinity is far too vast and complex for my mind to understand it completely. Life changes all the time, so there are always new things to be learned. And Humanity itself is constantly and consciously evolving into new areas to be learned about. And at any moment, there may be something that happens that affects me in a way that makes me see any of these three things from an entirely different viewpoint, changing my life in drastic ways and causing my understanding to enlarge.

    What I’d like to say to anyone and everyone is that I’m not extra-ordinary. I’m no different, no better, than anyone else. All of us are capable of doing things we never before imagined. All of us are able to shift our worldview, or that of humanity, or Divinity, or ourselves. Much of mine was shifted for me due to circumstances, but much has also been self-driven. I’ve found that, when one loves unconditionally and feels compassion for the Earth “and all her relatives,” it’s addictive. I cannot not care anymore. Nor would I want to, despite the complications it sometimes adds to my life.

    My signature that I close with, by the way, is actually a bit of shorthand about what feels natural for me. The long version would be “Love and Blessings for All of Creation, Always, and in All Ways.” That, too, feels natural.

    Love and Blessings Always,

    1. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      Not to belittle your experience for a moment, but I too am an empath. I found it very interesting to discover that there is an empath’s guidebook (in PDF form) You might like to google it and save it to your computer. The down side (or dark side) to empathy is that many true empaths wind up absorbing the feelings of the individuals they have feelings for so completely that they even take on illnesses of the person or persons for whom they feel badly. My empathy has caused me to adopt a foreign family to help them out. So my empathy has been positive and beneficial for them (and me).

      1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

        I haven’t personally taken on someone else’s illness or pain (whether physical or emotional) as my own—though I of course respond to it.

        I believe we’re all capable of being empathetic, but it means feeling emotions, which some people avoid because they’re “messy.” For myself, I feel most real when caring about another honestly and openly.

        I don’t believe humans were meant to be isolated, but are social beings (even introverts like myself), because that’s the whole point. Relationships of all kinds help us decide who we choose to be. For me, that includes animals, plants, water, the Earth herself.

        Thank you for the suggestion, and I will Google it.

        Love and Blessings Always,

        1. AKA Patrick Avatar
          AKA Patrick

          “No Man is an island”

  5. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

    I almost want to apologize for this post (almost), even before I hit the “post” button, but I feel a strong desire to say something–and I am who I am.

    I have felt much freer to be who it is that I am, saying what I want to say here in my own words, having constructive discussions, these days.

    I’m glad that we are able to exchange ideas, frame them in our own way, even disagreeing, without the expectation of being attacked or having our personal experiences written off as merely biological. I know that I could have responded differently when I felt a reaction to those comments, even by ignoring them, but more strongly felt that letting those comments stand as they were was unnatural for me, and so I played a part in the tension that sometimes arose here.

    I don’t apologize for being for who I am. I just want to express my gratitude for y’all having endured it as well as you did.

    Love and Blessings Always,

    1. Jethro Avatar

      You have done nothing nor have you said anything ever that has required this apology. Just as the arm does not agree with the weights we lift to build our muscles, to endure thoughts which we don’t agree only makes our minds stronger. This is why I say, “Every post is of great importance”…But, it’s nice to not face a rebuttal every time we write something.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Indeed, disagreement, like gravity with muscles, makes your mind stronger, in the sense that it invites you to analyses and clarify your own viewpoint in the face of opposition, and to alter it or teak it when necessary….as long as disagreement is genuine and honest and does not become a way to exercise the ego and make the ego stronger, rather than the mind.

        When disagreement becomes a desperate struggle to prove oneself right by any means, then we have to see it for what it is: an expression of psychological distress, of lack.

        But even then, we still have an opportunity to learn something about ourselves, in the way we react. This is what life is also about…self knowledge. When we avoid certain uncomfortable situations, it says something about us, it indicates that we are not confident that we can react in a way that matches the image we have of ourself…that something might come out of us that we would rather not face and keep suppressed and buried.

        Many spiritual people are very attached to their self-image. This is why their fear what they call negativity, because it triggers their own unhealed inner negativity and causes them to react in ways that shatter their self-image. But spirituality is not at all meant to be about self-image, quite the opposite, and it is definitively not supposed to be about suppression!

        The liberated individual no longer fears himself, for he knows himself fully, he knows his own “demons” and his own “angels”, in other words his wounds and scars and his ability to heal them (Confucius didn’t say that).

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, we knew you would give it up eventually!!
          Annie and I tried Cluedo to see what happened to Mewabe…it was the butler, I think she was right monts ago.
          Did you hear what my Walmart husband did in Colorado?

          1. Raphael Avatar

            It’s always the butler.
            Your Walmart husband was in colorado? That didn’t make the evening news…I give up, what did the little rascal do this time?

          2. Kristen Avatar

            Nah, I think it was over a tutu, he’s American…the conspiracy is always a diversion to racism or terrorism.

          3. Raphael Avatar

            It’s a known fact that pink tutus cause people to loose their marbles…especially at Walmart.

          4. Kristen Avatar

            Well thanks for the warning, albeit a bit late. Ill go for the guy in the blue tutu next. Or is that Kmart?
            Have you heard the song Issues…damn that quirkiness reaches your soul, love songs that can do that, its rare.

          5. Raphael Avatar

            Yes very good song…it does reach and goes right to the heart of the matter…no bull, just the powerful truth, but well said.

          6. Kristen Avatar

            And theyve captured that elusive beat and music that blocks everything else out and recalibrates your brainwaves into a ‘happy’ rhythm.

          7. AKA Patrick Avatar
            AKA Patrick

            Ran across a statement on the back of a car which said: “The power of Love will win when the love of power is defeated.” Something to that effect. (A song by Jimi Hendrix)

          8. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            Ha! Do I win a prize? (It’s always the butler, lurking and listening unobserved!)

          9. Kristen Avatar

            Well I thought crims were more creative than always being the butler…but hey, what do I know, Ive never had one oddly enough!

            Yip, of course you get a cool prize. You get to watch Lurch do the Wednesday Dance on Youtube 3x. Visualise whomever you want in here as Lurch!

          10. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I had to laugh… long and hard.

            Know what Christie’s nickname was? Wenzday Addams. Or just Wenz for short.

            Know what we used to call my 6’6″ uncle? Yep, it was Lurch.

            Know what happened when Mama kept complaining about us kids “lurching” while she was cooking? My sister bought this crazy wormish looking thing that had wire inside so it could be posed, and placed it on the top of the range, leaning over it, naming it “Lurch.” (Mama was a good sport. She laughed and left it there.)

            Sorry, but the only dances I’m willing to admit I was good at were the Latin dances, especially the tango, in which I competed a little bit before I regained my sanity, just prior to a Las Vegas competition. Well, that and the Electric Slide, required to be danced at weddings, and by lesbians at half-time during football parties. (Don’t even mention the Duck Dance, a St. Louis tradition. I’ll deny it completely.)

          11. Marko Avatar

            My wife and I have done a lot of ballroom or dance sport and enjoy it a lot.

          12. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            Actuallly, I took two years of private lessons, which led to local competition, which led to regional competition, which led to the national competition in Las Vegas. I loved the drama of the Latin dances, but could do a fast German waltz with the best of them, too. Imperial Swing was fun because of the music.

          13. Marko Avatar

            We do East coast swing and have done Lindy hop in the past. There is an unusual mix of swing and tango called Swango. There is also West coast swing. What is Imperial Swing?

          14. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            It was explained to me that Imperial Swing is what came out of the after WWII era dancing that transitioned to “rock and roll swing” in the late 50’s and early 60’s. Country Swing, for example, is (from my perspective) step right, step left, rock step. In Imperial Swing, the count becomes a very quick 1-2-3 right, 1-2-3 left, rock step (or a kick). All turns and swing-outs and other fancy moves begin with the first count of the 1-2-3 right step and finish on the rock step (or kick).

            I’ve never heard of Swango (hard to imagine as the beats are so different), or known that there’s a difference between swing dances on the coasts. Of course, I’ve been out of it for about 30 years or so.

          15. Kristen Avatar

            See, I told you it was a cool prize! Just cooler than I thought. Id just been writing about it in my fiction book thats set in the 70s!
            Lesbians have a dance for half time football parties?????????????????????
            You should see me rock the Time Warp…In my book Im training unicorns to do it. Ok…so theyre ponies that the little girl ‘Tuesday’ puts horn hats on, rescued from a circus so can dance, but no one will notice! I need them cos I have a therapy thing that I call Unicorns in Aisles, where you can create a funny memory so your brain pulls that up before a sad memory related to the same song or situation. I first did it when someone hated chapel aisles as her strong memory was of sobbing as her brother casket was walked out when she was 18, he was military. Plus his song was Whiter Shade of Pale. So I needed my unicorns to be put to work in the aisle to make her laugh, and learn to play Whiter Shade of Pale on water glasses. That should make her watch rather than run…tough love therapy…its psychology fiction.

          16. Kristen Avatar

            Thats me play Whiter Shade of Pale on water glasses, not the unicorns! They couldnt get it right, not as smart or trainable as I first thought!

          17. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            At least in the Midwest, where I first came out as a lesbian, it was “normal” for lesbians to have football parties. And, yes, it was an absolute requirement that the Electric Slide be danced during half time. People who were unwilling were shamed into it. It was part of the “right of passage” of coming out as a lesbian. (I’ve since discovered I simply don’t love based on gender, but on personality.)

            My very first VHS movie purchase was The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and now have it on my tablet and regale my neighborhood with its music on a regular basis. I used to go to the show religiously (I’ll let you guess as what character) every weekend. I wasn’t able to go to the final showing in St. Louis, which was a real bummer. It was a huge part of my “breaking out” years.

          18. Kristen Avatar

            I saw the movie at the theatre when I was probably 15 and didnt get it at all. I freaked out at the guys in drag, felt sorry for Rocky and had no idea until I was probably 18 that gay existed or that people cross dressed. I wasnt even raised in a small town and my high school had 1000 kids so wasnt small, wierd how it never came up, publically or at achool. I can remember the word ‘poof’ used for ‘camp’ guys (all 90s terminology) and two guys seperately at school were what would now be clearly ott Boy George types with only female friends, but I never once heard a word about them and the guy Chris was my sisters good friend so at our house a bit. Actually, I just remembered, one of her other friends was lesbian but I never heard it mentioned either until Mum asked if I knew she was gay on the way to her funeral in around 1992ish. Im unsure if in NZ people were just accepting and it was a non issue, people didnt actually have to come out, or if we were just dumb and niave. Google Topp Twins, they’re comedians, both gay twins, and have always been ‘out’ in NZ, as has a singer Anika Moa….its just never been an issue that Im aware of, and parents here seem to be open about gay kids. I just had one get stuff for her sons 18th trans party.
            Ill look up the Electric Slide.

          19. Kristen Avatar

            Haha…the electric slide, I googled it. I’m sooooooo ‘straight white middle class’…I rocked that in its day…but in my below knee bike pants things, floro or patterned gstring leotard, pom pom socks and sneakers…we did it at aerobics, I never knew it was a real thing!

        2. Jethro Avatar

          I agree. Being a fake person is the worst example we can set. Unless we are in training for ourselves to be better for real.

    2. Kristen Avatar

      Hi Annie,
      I get it…weekends were always nicer in here!
      I personally think our, and especially your, tolerance and patience levels were beyond what anyone should expect, we should have fought back sooner.
      Annie, if anyone should be even vaguely feeling apologetic it should be for being bystanders allowing bullying, the last thread even talked about that. Including Neale.
      Take care,

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Who was he ultimately fighting against? Himself. He had to convince himself that his scientific dogma was correct and the only true way, because he hated that part of himself that fell prey to religious dogma earlier in his life. He felt like he had been conned and he was angry about it. And then he had some personal resentment against Neale, for abandoning a project in which he put much effort (he explained this a while ago, but not so succinctly).
        He is apparently looking for something to believe in to the exclusion of all else (the true “god” of science), with the fervor and obsession of a zealot. However he has very little self awareness. That’s always a dangerous combination.

        1. Kristen Avatar

          I know, and know at his core he’s a good person, its just that any fanatics who are also pedants is a horrible combination, narcissism doesnt help much either!
          You know the stupid thing with it all…….he threw away what he had, threw away two diffent truths and positive paths, one via scriptures, the other via Neale in favour of nothing. Go figure. But it could have all bern resolved if he simply asked a church and Neale for a refund for his books he’d bought..heck, Id refund him double what he’d paid!
          That conflict you speak of has to start with a mirror…who am I?, then I am….., before we even start reading the works of others, you need that baseline.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Yep…basic self-knowledge…without it, we are as a cork floating on a stormy sea.
            But I think he is still searching, and will eventually find something to which he can relate…perhaps through meditation…once his anger subsides.
            Pedants are just people who compensate, being fearful of looking ignorant (and that pure wisdom is from a 500 years old fortune cookie I found during my stay in Chinatown).

        2. AKA Patrick Avatar
          AKA Patrick

          Interestingly, a famous mental principle from the Course in Miracles very succinctly states: “Projection Makes Perception”. Pick up that thought, and you soon see David Icke following on its
          heels with his 840 page tome, “Perception Deception”.

    3. Raphael Avatar

      In my view, no apology necessary. Honesty is always the best choice, at all times…to be who we are, fully, rather than pretending to be something else, the way certain new age individuals attempt to appear perfectly composed and in control, or even saintly or holy. Indeed never apologize for being who you are…if you are not who else will be you? Beside, there is absolutely nothing “wrong” with who you are!

  6. Jethro Avatar

    I’m happy to report that the government grunted hard enough to get there heads out and look at the weather. I sense that there is still just a smidge of denial, “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause”. Extremely likely?! Almost there!

    “””The Trump administration released a dire scientific report Friday calling human activity the dominant driver of global warming, a conclusion at odds with White House decisions to withdraw from a key international climate accord, champion fossil fuels and reverse Obama-era climate policies.
    To the surprise of some scientists, the White House did not seek to prevent the release of the government’s National Climate Assessment, which is mandated by law. The report affirms that climate change is driven almost entirely by human action, warns of potential sea-level rise as high as eight feet by the year 2100, and details climate-related damage across the United States that is already unfolding as a result of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit of global warming since 1900.
    “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century,” the document reports. “For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.””””

    1. AKA Patrick Avatar
      AKA Patrick

      According to an Australian friend of mine, global warming is (like most everything else) not what it seems. He says it’s a concoction of Al Gore to make him more money. Maybe so. I know not personally. Nor can I prove it. His book seems quite

      1. Jethro Avatar

        Well you are very correct. How can we prove what is the cause of it? Is it just a natural happening? I didn’t find out from Al gore that the world was changing, I found out Al Gore had an opinion about it when investigating the changes I seen. This isn’t all happening so Al can be richer for sure. Could we be blaming the change on gases produced by humans because that was the initial statement? Possibly. Should we be trying to figure out if the change is Human made so that we can correct it? Most certainly!!!

        1. Kristen Avatar

          Im the same, I was watching plants and things changing for years. I think the problem is they still talk of global warming, when that term should be thrown out and just use climate change as the term…no one can dispute that!

          1. Jethro Avatar

            I would have no problem with that.

          2. Kristen Avatar

            Good to hear….just make sure you let the world know they have your approval. Haha.
            It’ll never happen though, scientists are an odd bunch, and dependant on research grants…acknowledging anything effectively makes them all redundant, its much more profitable to play the ‘global warming’ game to keep their jobs, wouldnt surprise me one bit if Al Gore was their paid PR and public spokesperson to push them in the spotlight every now and then.
            More $$$$$ for research grants, more govt funding and more cool toys and gadgets to play with! To finally say ‘guess what people, our climates have changed so adapt, prepare and get used to it’ doesnt require much, 75% of the population could do that already!
            Boy….how refreshing being able to say that freely in here without Professor G ranting and raving at me for the next week!

          3. Jethro Avatar

            I’m keeping the climate secret to myself, don’t want to alarm anyone. I’m glad to hear someone else recognize that scientist are reliant on grants and must watch what they say and what answers they give. I’m not convinced they are all being honest, but does it really matter? I don’t need a scientific scale, like a thermometer, to know it’s hot or cold outside or that plants have stopped producing fruit recently due to farmers using sprayed chemicals for everything. The only people not seeing the problem are the ones causing it. I would rant at you to make you feel more at home but I just don’t have it in me. And I agree….

          4. Raphael Avatar

            According to OECD, more than 60% of research and development in scientific and technical fields is carried out by industries, and 20% and 10% respectively by universities and government.

            Corporations, most of which contribute to pollution in one form or another, would have no interest in pushing the global warming agenda. Government might, because of the politicization of this non-political issue.

            Yet the majority of money for scientific research comes from corporations (industries).

            Conclusion? We can safely assume that the scientists who have come up with the global warming data haven’t done so to please the corporate funders of their research, but have come up with non bias research.

          5. Jethro Avatar

            That makes sense. I’m sure there are also those who fund studies in search of an explanation for what we are witnessing. It would be beneficial for some sort of explanation given the news we are getting from the media. Either way, the studies are there and telling us what’s going on right or wrong. There is a part of me wanting to hear that it’s not human caused, but I’m not believing any part is natural.

          6. Raphael Avatar

            The bottom line is that this now global civilization is unsustainable…every else is just details, in which we are getting lost and which cause us to loose track of the essential: we cannot continue to growth forever.

          7. Jethro Avatar

            1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
            2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
            3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
            4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
            5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
            6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
            7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
            8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
            9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
            10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

          8. Raphael Avatar

            I don’t agree with everything on the Georgia Guidestones…but there are some interesting ideas.

          9. Jethro Avatar


          10. Marko Avatar

            There is alarming research that we are losing a lot of our bugs and that is another dangerous sign of things to come. Not much publicity on this but I hope more media may report this.

          11. Raphael Avatar

            The bees are dying because of pesticides…while certain types of insects (such as the beetles that kill trees), viruses (from mosquitoes) and bacterias are spreading north because of the changes in climate.
            But the media is more interested in Trump’s latest tweets…

          12. Marko Avatar

            Ya, it’s a fricking political circus with Trump.

            I’m working and playing to see that we have wise people. That we have wise leaders and wise government. Because that’s the world I choose to live in. It may not be or appear that way, at the moment or even the near future, but I’ll add my energy in the direction that is most favorable to what I choose to experience.

          13. Raphael Avatar

            That’s a good outlook. The interesting thing is that every extreme (such as with Trump) causes an equally extreme reaction…so I wonder if a great change will come after him, or if the population will go back to the same old routine of believing politicians’ promises (lies) and to slumber.

          14. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I believe that we all have a unique gift to offer Creation, and that our current political climate suppresses those gifts (or attempts to).

            Maybe the backlash will be the releasing of all people to use their gifts without fear (an equal and opposite reaction), and the world will awaken!

            (Ha! How’s that for positivity?)

          15. Raphael Avatar

            Logically, there should be a reaction to the current, repressive political climate. I would love to hear a loud popular voice…but people are so stressed and distracted today (I think on purpose) that I am not certain that they can sustain a social movement…not to mention that the suppressive tactics of the police state (as with the occupy movement) have become extremely sophisticated.

          16. Marko Avatar

            Where is Bernie when you need him! 🙂

          17. Raphael Avatar

            I have heard that unions are looking into the possibility of creating a third political party…Bernie should head this party!

          18. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I believe you are right about the distraction. It is one of Team Trump’s most effective and most often used tactics. If he’s in a tweetstorm over “disrespecting” the American flag by taking a knee during the National Anthem (a total misrepresentation of the movement, BTW), then no one’s reporting on the fact that he’s appointing uber-conservative federal justices all over the country or that our flag doesn’t represent all of us equally.

            If he’s busy teasing with “we’ll see,” no one notices that Trump doesn’t really have a plan for dealing with North Korea. When he pardons a political ally who’s a bigot, there’s such an uproar that no one notices that Gen. John Kelly has compromised his own values in some of the statements he’s made from the White House podium. When he calls someone who’s pled guilty (Stepanopholis) a “minor” player in the campaign’s Russia game, it’s not because it’s true, but because he wants people to believe that it’s true.

            When a country is used to looking to its leaders for truth and solutions, it stops thinking individually. There are some who simply don’t know how anymore, it’s been so long. They are as blind followers of any religion. But it’s often an individual who’s required to start a national movement, like King and Gandhi and others. Unfortunately, we appear to live in a time where individuals willing to give up everything, up to and including their lives, for the sake of saving humanity are in short supply.

          19. Raphael Avatar

            I agree, and I think that the social movement needs to be global today…worldwide. That’s a huge undertaking. Not to mention that when such movements begin to take off (as in before WW1 and WW2 with international workers movements), governments and the ruling elite use war as a major “distraction” and means to divide populations and keep them hating and fearing each other for decades.

          20. Marko Avatar

            While I don’t have the answer to that, I will continue to work & play at visualizing the world I prefer to experience and take whatever inspired action results from that.

            I like that you said earlier that visualization/meditation and prayer are part of the solution and answer. This is a powerful agent for change.

            Many feel it’s a cop out to just sit in your chair/desk/outdoors etc and just visualize and mediate around such issues. While in truth, most people do the opposite in letting their negative political and life disagreements unknowingly flow back into the unconscious for later eruption.

            Of course it’s a combination of spiritual work and on the ground work that is most effective. Yet too many dismiss the more spiritual work and that’s part of why others don’t consider it as part of the solution.

          21. Raphael Avatar

            We can look at it this way: in the 1970’s Soviet athletes were tested for the effects of visualization versus actual physical training. It turned out that the best results came from 75% visualization and 25% physical training…

            I think the same proportion could probably be applied to anything, from personal healing to making the world a better place (75% visualization, 25% activism?)

            Of course this is a bit of a tongue in cheek comment…life is a lot more flexible and mysterious than these numbers would lead us to believe, and it all depends on the individual and personal preferences. But visualization is extremely powerful…and so is belief.

          22. Jethro Avatar

            Sad story!!!

          23. Kristen Avatar

            Thats been in our media for years. Just read that we are putting torpedo looking drones in our oceans to record changing sea temps. Not cool, more crap in the oceans to screw with whale sonars, no doubt I’ll read soon of more horrific whale strandings here in NZ.

          24. Marko Avatar

            It’s interesting to note that the military backs climate change.

          25. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            And that the Environmental Protection Agency doesn’t.

          26. Kristen Avatar


          27. Kristen Avatar

            Haha, youll make millions one day, that secrets worth a lot.
            Do you actually think I ever read one of his posts?…the beauty of brain damage, I cant absorb anything boring to me so dont bother trying!

          28. Raphael Avatar

            Conservatives are actually the only ones who drastically politicize such a non political issue as global warming…to the point of suppressing the science and forbidding government employees to use the words “global warming”.
            Of course conservatives do not believe in regulations but in the law of the jungle…let corporations, industries, Wall street, banks and other thugs in Armani suits “regulate” themselves! It always works so well…

          29. Kristen Avatar

            Really? Who would have thought?
            The psychology of suits in itself sums it all up!

          30. Raphael Avatar

            Glad you appreciate it. I always make an effort to keep my statements quite mild and very reasonable, as you can see, when it comes to those who are screwing our planet. I wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings (yes, even sociopaths and psychopaths have feelings, or so they say).

          31. Kristen Avatar

            Did you change or add to this post?
            I absolutely think climate change is manmade, it was proven after 911 when planes were grounded and the air temps all over America jumped 3 degrees…so perhaps we are actually cooling the planet as far as temps go, but weather is much more complex than just temps…we are definately changing that.
            I meant the suits and scientists use the words global warming to play money games, the term should be ditched in favour of the term climate change. And I think Al Gore shoild switch terms as well, no one can dispute climate change, but many can dispute global warming….take away the wording and you get different facts. We have global cooling here, Summer starts in 3 weeks, yet its cold and windy still and snow is due tonight in the South Island. Go figure!

          32. Raphael Avatar

            I truly apologize Kristen…I misread your comments.

            I don’t have time to go over all the scientific data about global change or climate warming (ha ha), but it’s not a pretty picture. Obviously some regions get warmer and dryer while over get colder and wetter…it’s all part of the process. Have you seen photographs of all of the world’s major glaciers receding?

            Of course that’s not even mentioning geo-engineering…

            We can probably all agree here on one thing: humans are rapidly screwing the planet. Most scientists are unfortunately a big part of the problem, as they do not look at nature as a unified, whole process, but as separate and unrelated bits and pieces of datas, processes and events that they imagine being able to modify at will and without any bad consequences to the whole (as with GMO’s, pesticides, and tens of thousands of largely untested chemicals).

            Mainstream scientists cannot see the forest for the trees.

          33. Jethro Avatar

            “Mainstream scientists cannot see the forest for the trees.”
            Nor many other people!! Amen. I became connected to the universe once, more than just a thought, I felt it. Life hasn’t been the same since.

      2. Raphael Avatar

        Al Gore did not come up with the idea of global warming…scientists did, based on their own valid and correct scientific research, not on Al Gore personal economic ambitions. Al Gore is merely attempting to wake people up…a daunting task, and it is not uncommon for the messenger to be attacked when the message is inconvenient.
        The global climate collapse is actually outpacing scientific models. The writing is on the wall, but it is apparently so huge as to be missed by some of us.

  7. Marko Avatar

    To Annie and Raphael. (and others interested in the subject) This is an important topic to be sure! Below several hundred leagues under the Discus sea is a discussion on pain. I will add my perspective here to make it easier for those interested in this discussion to locate it.

    Some time back a friend posted on Facebook to report their level of pain from the 1-10 scale. She got a lot of responses! All were in pain and a number of people in a lot of pain. Only the person originally asking the question and myself could report no pain at all.

    People have different pain thresholds but I find the 1-10 scale useful and valuable. My 92 year old mother in law does not suffer pain much. I periodically ask if she’s in pain and most of the time the answer is no. That said, pain can be a very debilitating. Yes you can ignore it, find distractions for it, visualize it going away and use other therapies and techniques to help or cure it.

    Like many things in life there is no one size fits all answer to this.

    Around 2006 or so I had a bad case of pneumonia and almost died. My pain was off the charts meaning about a 12 on a scale of 1-10. It was so bad I had to scream at times when I coughed which was often. Accepting the pain, feeling the pain didn’t seem to help much. Gratitude was very difficult as well. I remember as I was doing what ever I could to ease the pain and nothing would. I just had to be with the pain and it was miserable. Sleep was my only respite.

    Antibiotics didn’t seem to work, but eventually, after several weeks I started to mend. I was on antibiotics for so long that I had a strange side affect. Everything I ate tasted like metal! How depressing to think for the rest of my life food would taste metallic. Fortunately, as I stopped the antibiotics so did this strange side effect.

    Many people with chronic pain have little choice but to accept it. Some seem to do everything they can and the pain is still there. I would like to think that people can eventually heal their pain, but that is not the case for many it seems. They learn to live with it and suffer less through acceptance, but it’s still there.

    Treatments both medical and spiritual psychological are available and happiness, good social interactions and animals are great curatives or pain easers.

    I look forward to the day pain is no longer an element in the human condition except as a warning sign of course.

    In the mean time I think the easing of pain especially unnecessary pain is a worthy subject to explore.

    1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


      It’s rather synchronistic that you’d pick up on this particular thread we had going.

      I’ve (obviously) experienced different types of pain in my life, and it’s been 20 years since I had to stop working because of a combination of chronic pain conditions. It’s the times someone tells me I’m obviously not really in pain simply because I continue to do some things for which I know I will pay a price that push my buttons. Pain’s not nearly as black-and-white as it first appears.

      An example from just yesterday. One of the homeless couples Christie and I had taken in, I would hear from periodically. A difficult and complicated relationship, and the legal custody of their three year old, just kept getting worse. The couple separated so that they wouldn’t be homeless, and the husband would stop by every now and again. He is in agony, emotionally, because he hasn’t seen his daughter in 7 months because of the wife’s family. He even broke down once, he was so depressed and just couldn’t hold it in anymore.

      Yesterday morning, the wife came over because she was stressed, having just been kicked out by her mother (actually carried out by the brother while the mother had her daughter away from the house). She was so full of confusion and anxiety, but underneath it was a lot of pain, and she fell apart and let some of it out. Then the husband came over and they had a calm conversation about all their feelings without using them as weapons. And we all relaxed, and there was a burger run, and we socialized for a while.

      I journal just before bedtime, and it always includes things for which I’m grateful, personal intentions I might have, and blessings for others, and I included this couple and their little girl last night. This morning I got a text asking for bus fare because a friend of theirs somehow oddly and unusually ended up babysitting, and called to ask if they wanted to see their little girl. No hesitation. They’ve promised lots of pics.

      I paid a price for sitting up with them as long as I did yesterday in increased physical pain today. But it’s a tradeoff. I can’t even really describe how my heart (not my literal, physical one) and Soul feel knowing they got to see their little girl. It wasn’t expected–at all. And I surely don’t take credit for them being willing to talk things out once some of the energy had dissipated. But I can see this “timeweb” in my mind, like a series of strings connecting different events that had to happen in a particular order for today to happen the way it did. It’s a pretty darn good tradeoff, for me.

      And… Yesterday when the wife came over and fell apart, I felt none of my physical pain (until much later). The same would happen when the husband would stop by, needing someone to listen, and release his pressure valve. It’s the one thing that seems to be guaranteed–if I’m not self-focused (except when it’s worse than usual), I don’t feel my physical pain, or it’s drastically reduced. My brain (not to mention my mind and heart and Soul) are focused elsewhere. After, the pain hits hard because I’ve had a break from it, I’m usually stiff from not shifting enough, and my hips literally pop when I stand up. But I’ve had a break from it. Another tradeoff. Not to mention just being able to be myself and to share in their joy.

      I have already been affected by Trump declaring an opioid epidemic, which he’s now escalated to a national disaster. The FDA (last I heard) requested the voluntary removal of Opana from the market because of the number of OD’s from it. I haven’t tried it, but it’s said it’s 10x stronger than Fentanyl, which was 10x stronger than Oxycodone, which was 10x stronger than Morphine. A lot of people are (I believe) running from their pain, and it’s literally killing them.

      But I also know that, in the current climate, any doctor who writes prescriptions for opioids of any kind has much higher malpractice premiums, only certain types of doctors can write for an opioid (my PCP can’t, for example, because of the HMO contract), and even Pain Management docs aren’t writing them (at least in Florida). It’s easy to find something that will provide pain relief, or cause a “high” enough to not feel it, or get drunk enough not to feel it. I wouldn’t even have to leave my trailer.

      I rarely give in and have maybe two beers, and it’s usually because I’m exhausted and in pain, needing sleep. I could get something stronger, but I don’t. Not because it’s illegally being sold (except the alcohol), but because I’ve been on everything up to Fentanyl, and it stopped working, so I stopped narcotic pain meds. They might be effective for me now, after a years-long break (nearly three), but I don’t want to get caught up on that escalator again. I’d rather not be numbed out all the time. Another tradeoff.

      I hear you that you wish for the easing of people’s pain, especially when it’s unnecessary or chronic. And I’m right with you in seeking all kinds of treatment–mainstream and alternative, in my case. I’m blessed, also, to have Biscuit for emotional comfort. Pain is surely complicated sometimes.

      Y’know, that’s how my brain has always worked–I see more than just one side of an issue. I’m not always sure it’s a blessing. 😉

      Love and Blessings Always,

      1. Marko Avatar

        Sometimes there are no easy answers or one size fits all answer to the pain we have. Such are the mysteries of physical existence until we advance beyond them.

        Lucid dreaming has evidence that healing your self during lucid dreams can be quite effective.

        In the mean time, I would continue try all the possibilities out there.

        I’d recommend you look into the BEMER mat. I have 3 friends who’ve bought them and swear by them. They are extremely expensive but you can try it out if you know someone who has it. Worth researching. Their big plug is NASA is using them to put in space suits to offset the effects of losing earths magnetic field while in space.

        Their testimonials are vast and cover a wide range of issues including pain.

        1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

          I will certainly check into the mat. Thanks for the suggestion.

          1. Kristen Avatar

            Make sure you have high iron levels with anything magnetic or they can draw your blood too much.

          2. Marko Avatar

            The BEMER mat oxygenates the blood.

          3. Kristen Avatar

            Oops sorry, I was thinking of the other magnetic type ones.

          4. Marko Avatar

            Check into lucid dreaming too.

          5. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            I’ve hit a roadblock withlucid dreaming. Because of my Alpha Wave Intrusion, I rarely remember my dreams. When I do, it’s almost always a knowing or a premonition.

            I’m currently working just on the intention to remember more of my dreams, and keeping a dream journal, to promote my intention.

            I did find it interesting that the BEMER mat’s major competitor uses frequencies relative to the stages of sleep, especially theta and delta. Music that have these frequencies help me with my sleep, though the binaural ones did’t add anything for me. I play them out loud in the room rather than through headpones or earbuds. I need a new bluetooth speaker, though.

      2. Jethro Avatar

        “I’m obviously not really in pain simply because I continue to do some things for which I know I will pay a price”

        Hurtin’ ain’t dead! Is it? Life keeps going, the pains keep going then life keeps going. It’s worth a good cry now and then, but lying down and giving up isn’t an option for some of us.

        1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

          I know, right? The average person in my condition doesn’t do all the things that I do. So what? That’s their choice. Mine’s different.

          And what’s so great about being “average” or “normal,” anyways?

    2. Jethro Avatar

      Physical pain is reduced naturally by the brain in time. If the pain goes away and comes back chronically then it mat be experienced new but still isn’t as intense as when it started. So the brain begins to, over time, accept what is there. Arthritis is a pain that comes and goes because arthritis is recurring and gets worse over time. while the pain can be severe at times, we can refuse to set it out and continue doing what we wish to be doing by accepting that it’s just there.
      Emotional pain is very different. We can reduce or eliminate emotional pain with just our thoughts about it because it is our thoughts about it that create the pain to begin with. Although, chemical imbalances in the body/brain may be the cause of emotional pain which may require medication or meditation to relieve painful symptoms.
      Emotional pain is the leading type of pain occurring in our world today. We are thought masochists, we are torturing ourselves with a lack of acceptance. Everything we are experiencing today is a creation of unacceptance. We have become lazy. We think we need mixers instead of spoons, cars instead of shoes, electric saws over hand saws, Products over other people…. Ouch. We have convinced ourselves we don’t need each other because we have the tools to be alone. Admitting that, was painful. I’m happy to report that I have admitted I need help everyday and I have accepted that my purpose is to be there for those who need help, my purpose is to accept help from others. Our purpose is the people around us everyday and to understand every endeavor effects another even when we are not trying. So our purpose is to know that. It’s been quite a pain reliever…

      1. Marko Avatar

        Caring for others and being cared for can go a long ways to easing the pain.

        Of course, we are mindful not to have care taker burn out and create more pain. Thanks fro your thoughts.

        1. Jethro Avatar

          We do not need to be care takers to be in service of life. A person who has a healthy outlook will certainly care for themselves as well, burn out shouldn’t be a concern.

          1. Marko Avatar

            Tell that to care workers everywhere in hospitals, nursing homes, private nurses and family members, you will get a very different response.

          2. Jethro Avatar

            You will have to explain that one a little more.

          3. Jethro Avatar

            Reading on my laptop is a bit better… now I understand your comment. Someone who is a natural caretaker who just does it because they enjoy it is what my post was for. In the case of the professional, there are not enough of them for proper care to be taken in the first place, then the good ones who really care about more than the paycheck are doing double duty to cover poor workers. Burnout and illness from exhaustion takes it’s toll on those caretakers who care about people. It’s the job though. Those who do it for personal pleasure and care for themselves as well have no problems. For the record, there’s not enough of us to go around either.

    3. Raphael Avatar

      “Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.”
      St. Augustine

      I do not have time to write a lengthly response, but on the subject of pain and the power of the mind, there is a case, among many others, which you might be interested in checking: Jack Schwartz, a Dutch born author and lecturer (from the 1970’s).

      Also Mirin Dajo (from the 1940’s).

      Both cases were verified by doctors and scientists.

      The power of the mind are almost limitless.

      1. Jethro Avatar

        I have heard of this several times and I read a little about Jack Schwarz. We have known for some time that the brain wasn’t being used to it’s fullest potential. I wonder why these things are not being taught to everyone. Something I really enjoyed on Jack’ page is he removed the mysticism. Anytime we have ever seen the images of someone putting anything through the body without blood and pain, we wonder how they do that. Of course it’s information that is for sale, not something that is given as a service to the public. So America has declared an emergency on opiate abuse and not one doctor is going to give a referral to the studies and teachings of Jack Schwarz or the spiritual practices in India where these examples are on public display.

        Of course we have people all over piercing themselves for fashion everyday, can you imagine how wacked out it would get with those who are as competitive as we are today? there would be people walking around with telephone poles piercing their torsos in a statement of courage and toughness, then the fashion industry would design clothing around the practice, and it would be considered something that brings us closer to God, and then it would be required by some churches that you display your telephone pole piercings, then there would be hate groups that walk into the church of the telephone pole piercing and shoot everyone and it would become a lost practice due to the dangers of being caught practicing such things, and of course there would be a rights movement, and the cost of telephone poles would go through the roof. Let’s not forget about the talent stars who will have Dogs trained to jump though the holes left by the massive chunks of wood… Maybe it’s a secret worth keeping.

      2. Marko Avatar

        Feel free to write a lengthy response later my friend.

        If I understand you correctly, I think you feel pain can be cured by mental means? That the mind is the center and locus of all healing? That is where you deal with it?

        People say all the time we have not reached our potential and the power of the mind to cure and do other miraculous things. This is very similar like the religion I grew up in known as Christian Science regarding healing by mental means alone.

        The difficulty as I see it, is that those in the human potential movement, metaphysics etc. who are most interested in expanding the potentials of the human being and the mind rarely advance in the ways of technology and science has. I know lucid dreaming also has great potential in healing, communication with the other side, and healing our emotional lives as well as integrating our shadows and darker side. There is meditation, psychic abilities, bio feedback and so many more avenues. It’s a fascinating topic.

        1. Raphael Avatar

          You might be interested in the book The Holographic Universe, if you haven’y already read it…it talks at great length about the power of the mind.

          Personally, I have been able to cure a few things with the mind only. Nothing like the plague or cancer, but debilitating sinusitis migraines (within a few minutes with the simple notion of spiritual oneness with the universe), extreme toothaches, etc…I can instantly stop something as innocuous as the hiccup (mind only). I am basically practicing. I do not suffer from pain much, so I am using visualization for other goals (personal and for the world).

          As I mentioned somewhere else, visualization, belief, meditation, prayer…these things are actually more powerful than physical action…and they cause physical action to be right on target, and to require much less effort and energy…kind of like Japanese Zen archery.

          1. Marko Avatar

            I am familiar with the book but will consider looking into it again along with the American Indian book titles you gave me.

            I looked into Jack Schwarz and from what I gather, his abilities are not easily imitated by others. A few people seem to have extremely strong healing abilities and mind control.

            It seems many or the rest can practice and never quite get there.

            I have mastered to a great degree my own self talk and inner dialog to be positive as I probably have mentioned a few times already. I’m also a self described Master Appreciator and working and playing much closer to being what I like to describe as an “Emotional Millionaire.”

            I’m working at mastering lucid dreaming as another form of spiritual integration, self knowledge and exploring the possibilities of the ice berg of the unconscious and it’s massive potential.

            I pay attention to the LOA or Law Of Attraction and realize that while I have a great deal of control over my personal thinking and reactions or responses, I have less but some over the collective and even less so to the cosmic collective or the Greater Community past earths borders.

            I often wonder about the many realities and parallel Universes and other dimensions that in some ways are played out very much here on earth.

            From the extremes of over kill wealth and luxury of Sheiks and multi billionaires to those starving in India living in a dilapidated box. The incredible violence and torture and diseases we have, to the simple pleasures of a walk on a nice day or cat/dog on our lap listening to some excellent music.

            From the paradise weather of Hawaii to the hell hot weather in the southern climates and all the in betweens we seem to have it all here.

            Earth appears to have more bio diversity than most other planets according to my studies of ET’s etc. and from the looks of it, it seems to be true. Though when ET’s become public we will have a better understanding.

            Well enough of my tangents for now. 🙂

  8. Raphael Avatar

    I apologize for posting once again, at the top of this thread.

    But today, Sunday November 5, is another day in America…and another mass shooting.

    The Texas Attorney General, discussing this mass shooting in an interview, stated that he doesn’t see how gun regulations could solve such a problem. Instead he wants people with guns (open carry or concealed) everywhere.

    So according to him we will need people with guns on every street corner, in every building, every store, every church, temple and mosque, every day care center, kindergarten, school, college and university, every hospital, basically on every square inch of America? And who will train these individuals not to accidentally shoot bystanders in the case of a confrontation with a mass shooter? And how will it feel to live on what will amount to a battlefield atmosphere?

    The Attorney General said that unfortunately mass shooting will keep happening. Really? They are not happening in Canada, Australia, England, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, etc. Why? Could it be because of effective gun regulations in these other nations?

    The wild west had more stringent gun regulations than today’s America. Tombstone, Dodge City, and many other frontier towns were gun free zones (I just heard some heads exploding).

    I am starting to think that neither violence nor guns are killing Americans. A lack of intelligence seems to be the original culprit as well as the enabler, obviously coupled with a pathological Nonsensical Rifle Addiction.

    1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

      I was just reading an article where Trump states that the mass shooting has nothing to do with gun control, but rather mental illness.

      I’m not sure which is worse–that there’s denial about what controlling automatic rifles could stop from happening in our country, or once again creating a societal negativity about mental illness and a misunderstanding of its connection to violence.

      A person who hoards, for examle, old newspapers in stacks and stacks in their home so that there’s merely a pathway to walk through, is considered mentally ill. A person who hoards multiple semiautomatic and automatic guns should then be considered the same threat to society, with the same shame and shade thrown on those who have mental illnesses.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        Studies have shown that the majority of mentally ill individuals are non violent. But our current extremist administration doesn’t care much about studies, science or facts…from global warming to gun control. Anything that could limit an industry’s profits through any kind of regulation whatsoever is unwelcome in this new jungle.

        1. Jethro Avatar

          Mental illness is abundant these days… Too many things are changing too fast. Yeah, I know. Change is normal and to be expected, but I think that statement is over used.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Could mental illness simply be a very logical response to an abnormal world or situation?

            Isn’t a perfect adaptation to a very sick world itself a sign of mental illness? I think Krishnamurti said something to that effect.

          2. Jethro Avatar

            It could be the most logical response I guess. I had to deal with my own insanity pertaining to that which the majority says is normal, I simply don’t wish to participate on that level. Let the world conform to my view, I don’t wish to be that angry anymore.

          3. Raphael Avatar

            “Normal” is mostly a time bomb…it causes an individual to eventually either implode (illnesses) or explode (life crisis). It then makes sense that so many people need some forms of drug, alcohol or psychotropic meds (such as anti-depressants) just to function in a world that is upside down. Glad to know you stepped out of the mold.

          4. Jethro Avatar

            Now we need to define “Normal”. Is it, being what everyone else is being? Trying to be or do what everyone else is being and doing? Could we have lost the ability in our new age to define ourselves without looking at someone else and making a decision to be that instead. The new normal could be that we do not know what normal is and society has lost itself due to a lack of roll models. The new roll models being Rambo types in the movies and video games. Is normal being the same as or different from, maybe it’s a balance of both.

            I have been watching people and their reactions to different things and have found some very wonderful people. I have had the pleasure of being around many kinds of people functioning in groups of like people. One case was a factory I worked at. The factory was divided into two worker types. There was the factories actual employees and then there was the vendors, the laborers. When I went to break, I visited with the laborers as I was one of them, on occasion I sat in the factory break area as I had befriended several factory employees. Normal depended on my location. In my group, a person could leave the break area dumber than when they arrived. Nobody wanted to be at work, nobody felt they were paid enough, nobody felt the world was correct or that society was right. A visit to the other shack was a different story. They were mostly happy to be employed, most had their own little part time businesses on the side, they traveled, and had hobbies that were interesting. My little group of laborers in the back of the warehouse wasn’t visited by management very often if at all. No climate control lol. We took care of business and everyone was happy. Management patrolled the rest of the factory and politics were a constant, trouble around every corner. Everyone competing to be in charge… Normal… what in the world is normal?
            By the way, Factory workers took an aptitude test to be hired, laborers just needed to fog a mirror. For some, that’s about all they could do… If you held the mirror for them in the right place.

          5. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            Not surprisingly, the same kind of thing ocurrs in governmental agencies, in which I spent most of my working life. Most were for street or highway departments. I wasn’t a Civil Engineer with a degree, but rather a Tech without one. There was no respect shown by the CE’s for the wisdom the Techs gained through experience, and no respect shown by the Techs for the CE’s continuing education and keeping on top of the latest politics.

            The same happened at the level of Laborers (usually pothole fillers) and Maintenance Techs (usually in charge of a crew) and Foremen (usually in charge of a group of crews) and the Maint Administration. And the Maintenance Department itself was looked down on as the worst Department within the Agency to work for.

            We’ve lost the role models who reach across the chasms we’ve created. It’s not happening in our (now) most visible places, like the White House or Congress, or between nations. But grassroots movements are spreading. It’s a bottom-up thing rather than a top-down thing.

            There’s still hope. Dictator… err… narcissist… err… people like our current bully-in-chief always fall. Often because of their own sense of self-importance. My father eventually imploded. If he could, Trump sure could, too. (Not that I want Pence as President, either.)

            Love and Blessings Always,

          6. Raphael Avatar

            “Normal” is basically a majority vote…oppression by the majority. I prefer to go by what is natural…according to nature, to the natural creation…as well as my own nature. “Normal” is a man made standard and has little to do with reality, as with most of what is man made including many ideas and concepts.

            I follow my nature, and not the world standards. I have always done this…which is why my path leads away from the crowds. It can be lonely, but I prefer being true and real and occasionally lonely than being a fool in the company of fools.

          7. Jethro Avatar

            Do you constantly set the example that others should follow to define normal? Isn’t your “normal” a product of how you were raised and the experiences you have had in the past and does that agree with the normal of another?

            I personally live life on both sides of many fences. I don’t use the fence as a blinder so that I cannot see both sides. Even in certain types of violent actions, there are people who enjoy things that I have no desire to participate in, but is it for me to decide what others should or should not be doing if it doesn’t effect me, nor harming another? You have stated many things about your way of living that I agree with and see as a better way, yet I have a television, I own guns, I enjoy eating meat. Is it normal to own a gun and believe that guns are not the problem with so many shootings occurring? (edit: of course it is! I mean that I agree with some limits but feel people are the problem, not guns.) Is it normal to not believe in a certain God if the man talking about God is delivering a philosophical message that I find highly agreeable, but his God is the purpose for it all? Is it normal to demand money from people that wish I could do my job for free? I do not believe that I am normal, yet in some cases I believe I am one of very few normal people. It could be that when I move with my own nature, I am on both sides of the fence again, one that divides sanity and insanity.

          8. Raphael Avatar

            I never set the example that others should follow to define “normal”. I set no example at all…I might be sharing my own views, sometimes forcefully, but my goal in life is not to transform anyone…that’s too much karmic responsibility and that would also be very presumptuous and arrogant…if anything my goal would be to empower others to be themselves, to find their own unique answers and their own paths and means to get to where they, and only they, want to go.

            I will never be a leader or a follower. I love and respect freedom too much to be either…my own freedom and that of others!

            As I wrote before, my only guide is nature…the natural world and my own inner nature. We can call it “divine”, a “divine creation”, or not, it does not matter, it is there no matter what we call it. The main thing is to look at life without prejudices…to see nature with the eyes of the untaught child, as Buddhist put it, to look at “what is”, not what we wish were.

          9. Jethro Avatar

            “it does not matter, it is there no matter what we call it.” That would be the correct answer to many, many, things. Leadership is not something we strive for, it just something we do by doing what we do while others are watching. The more people there are paying attention, the greater the leader you are. When you dictate the actions of another, your not a leader, your a dictator. This has become a major misunderstanding. Fact is we are all leaders at some time or another. As for being a follower… There is someone you respect, an artist maybe? Learned a shadowing trick from? Maybe I’m talking about students and teachers… it does not matter, it is there no matter what we call it.

          10. Marko Avatar

            I can’t say I share such a cynical view. I know people are basically good at heart (or wounded/ dysfunctional) and want to see through the eyes of the fabric softener of compassion.

          11. Raphael Avatar

            I did not mean to condemn all people, or even anyone at all…but to indicate that I definitively separate myself from most mainstream views, beliefs and cultural standards. When people attempt to force these standards or beliefs on me, I do not fight them…I move on to greener pastures.
            Yes people are essentially good, and often mislead, or suffering and dysfunctional.

          12. Spiritual_Annie Avatar


            I’m not sure that it’s that mental illness is more prevalent today. I know that it is much more visible than it used to be when we threw people into sanitariums. While there’s still far too much unearned shame attached to mental illness today, it’s at least a topic of conversation rather than a secret.

            I also think that our currrent societal issues, from Black Lives Matter to No Means No, especially with our current bully-in-chief, encourages people to speak and act upon their fears and prejudices. That permission may be adding more violence to the equation, causing more who are mentally ill to act out.

            Most of those I met who were, at the time, fellow homeless Americans, had mental illnesses. With no permanent address, they had no doctor willing to write for their meds. Some simply lived with their symptoms, but most self-medicated with alcohol and street drugs, especially “spice,” or whatever they’re calling it these days.

            If Trump thinks we have an opioid epidemic that’s a national disaster, I believe it’s because his elite, white priviledged *ss is watching those who can afford opioids (generally not homeless white people) dying, rather than those who are dying smoking unknown chemicals sprayed on unknown dried plant material (generally the poor and/or homeless nonwhites).

            Anyone not on their medication may act out more because of the symptoms of their illnesses. Anyone self medicating may do so even more, or die in an effort to cotnrol their symptoms. This also makes mental illness more visible to society at large.

            I do think that the constant barrage of lies, news of conspiracies, the tearing down of government agencies and their protections, the qiet installation of conservative federal judges across the country, all add to and extend the post-election trauma our country experienced. People are more angry, and expressing it. People are more anxious, and acting it out. People are more divided, and divisive. It’s accelerated since the election, rather than settling down.

            In that light, aren’t the recent mass killings almost predictable? When those in power example the societal norms of lying, bullying, supporting known violent groups, tweeting about nuclear war, isn’t it predictable that some would turn elsewhere (being “inspired” by IS) or just lose it?

            Hmmm. Got me going. Not meant as preaching or a lecture, just hit on one of my causes.

            Love and Blessings Always,

          13. Jethro Avatar

            There are times when I wish I were more knowledgeable about politics. I just can’t get into it because it’s just a group of children arguing in the playground over the games they play. I know that it ultimately effects me in the long run, but the local governing bodies are more important and the childishness is there as well. This brings up a thought pertaining to “normal” and “mental illness” yet again.
            What exactly is a natural human being? Does our governments represent that which is normal, is it the blue collar worker, is it the soldier on the battlefield, is it the spiritual leaders… If we had to choose a roll model for normal these days or a group who is not mentally ill, where do we look for an example? It’s very easy to point out that which seems abnormal and insane. Is the only possible answer to “what is normal?” “me”?

          14. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            In my own personal opinion, to be “normal” today would be to “fit the norms of” the society in which we live. The people who generally dictate that are from the top down, especially as “the top” usualy includes law enforcement. I’m not sure there is a “normal” in American society right now as society is divided on major issues.

            There’s also something called “normalization,” which occurs when one perofrms an act repeatedly to the point where it becomes expected. One current example is the “normalization” of the late Friday afternoon or early evening revelation of the latest the Administration would prefer to just blow over, especially with the weekend before they get hammered with questions about it. It’s kinda like getting fired on Friday at quitting time–they figure you’re not going to come back and shoot the place up if you have sufficient time to react and blow off steam over a weekend.

            I differentiate between “normal” and “average.” While someone else may set our “norms” by being a public person (politician, celebrity, lone wolf with a loud voice), the average person is just that–the average person in any one society. I’m sure there are ways to figure out what the average income is for an American, as well as average held in savings (ha!), average amount of schooling, blah blah blah. With the amount of polls that are taken lately, I’m sure one could come up with the picture of an “average” American.

            My preference would be to neither be “normal” nor “average,” and I fight the “normalization” of what I consider to be those behaviors that divide us rather than unite us. If I wanted to fit into a box, I would’ve been born square. As I’m not, I have a tendency to be “abnormal” and “not average.”

            None of these things have to do with being “natural.” To be “natural” is to simply be yourself. It’s to act from a place where one naturally responds, often without thought, as it fits who you are. I believe that when we act naturally (coming from the internal), we are also acting in concert with Nature (coming from being a part of Nature and therefore wanting to sustain her).

            Are there role models out there for those seeking one? That depends on what one chooses as desireable. Some see Trump as a role model because they are “America First” believers, climate change deniers, and were never taught that it’s rude to be a bully. (Just guessing…) There are other kinds of role models. Michelle Obama’s, “When they go low, we go high,” attitude is one I find to be a pretty good role model for women who are around politics and involved in social issues. President Obama is a pretty good role model for someone in politics, but I sense there’s much more to him than meets the eye. I like George Clooney’s recent attitude: He’s a billionaire new father of twins, so he’s stepping away from making more money to focus on his family. I think Jimmy Kimmel set an excellent example of speaking out about health care when he became familiar with how inequitable the system is because of his young son’s heart condition.

            I don’t think that there’s a single role model anymore. There are behaviors and attitudes I find I admire and might want to emulate, but only if they fit what’s natural for me. So, in yet another long-winded answer, the answer is “yes, be normal (or natural) for yourself.”

          15. Jethro Avatar

            Normal (human) = That which is expected due to past behaviors, A title given to one who meets expectations. Last but not least… A title given to one who’s actions closely resemble the actions of another.
            I’ve met lots of people who qualify as role models, of course that’s my opinion. People are looking at the wrong examples these days, the model has changed from some time ago. Be that which you are… I’m mixed on that due to the broad definition of people. To say that’s best would be to only think of the people I see as good already and assume that everyone else would be that if being natural in there actions. It has become normal to place ones self as the most important, and sometimes it is the proper thing to do, but not always. I have been trying to set an example and have found a great amount of satisfaction in doing so as I am trying to show selflessness while at the same time serving myself. I have not forgotten that everything we do is in service of self no matter what we do. With all that said, I’m happy to say that it’s fairly normal around here for people to serve each other in positive ways, kindness prevails in most places still. The only ones not seeing it are those who expect to survive on the kindness of others without trying to care themselves or another.

            I kinda wondered off the subject… that’s normal 🙂

    2. Marko Avatar

      “They are not happening in Canada, Australia, England, Germany, France,
      Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, etc. Why?
      Could it be because of effective gun regulations in these nations?”

      Yes, I agree.

      I don’t know why the NRA at least doesn’t modify some of these regulations.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        The NRA is basically a lobby for the weapon industry.

        1. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

          …and thanks to Citizens United, is now allowed even more freedom in political campaign financing than ever before.

          I recently saw a list of congresspersons whose campaigns had accepted donations from the NRA. Google it. It’s a long list.

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Citizens United is nothing more than legal corruption. It is a blatant insult to the American people…any person who actually cares about this nation should find this law totally abhorrent.

            Which brings me to the supreme court…why do we need a bunch of senile, unelected, appointed (for life) “kings” and “queens” empowered with making “supreme” decisions which have very little to do with the law and much more to do with political ideologies? Aren’t judges supposed to be non political? The charade, the corruption are not even hidden anymore…everything is in our face, yet who has the nerves to question it?

            I have always wondered about the psychological effect the pledge of allegiance has on the American people, and if this early, Soviet-style conditioning that is imposed on children might have anything to do with the majority of Americans’ passivity while their own government tears the Constitution and Bill of Rights to shreds and rapidly implements a corporatocracy (as well as a police state).

          2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            Citizens United states that groups or corporations are to be treated as individuals. It’s nonsensical, which of course means that its purpose is corruption. It corrupts the very definition of what it means to be an individual in the United States.

            Unfortunately, it’s not just the Supreme Court justices who are appointed for life. So are some of the higher federal justices, such as for a region or district. They should, in my opinion, be nonpolitical. In reality, they aren’t necessarily picked because of party affiliation as much as they are by ideology–conservative, moderate, or liberal–which I really don’t think should be part of the equation, either. I believe that they should be picked because they have managed to work their way up the corrupt system with their integrity and willingness to adhere to the constitution intact.

            (I might be a bit biased. My uncle was chewed up and spit out by the federal court system after he refused to “buy in” or keep his mouth shut as a federal district court prosecutor. He switched sides and began fighting for juvenile rights, and so is now looked down upon by all those filthy rich federal lawyers who take bribes, or criminal lawyers who defend repeat offenders.)

            I’ve been all over the Paradise Papers since they came out. Just like I was the Panama Papers. And the recent release of JFK files. When something huge (in quantity) is either leaked or discovered, it takes time to sort through it all. It’s apparent, though, that the Panama Papers are all about how the uber-rich avoid paying taxes or penalties on income they whisk away from the US, instead of reinvesting in it (or even paying the proper taxes, which alone could reduce the national debt). I wasn’t at all surprised, just amazed that people are surprised that money’s still being held in offshore accounts, in countries that do not have extradition treaties with the US. It’s been that way since before WWII.

    3. Craig Avatar

      I nearly thought you were referring to Cape Town South Africa. Such things happen a lot. The answer leave the faction groups to kill the rivals… No just joking.
      The answer is death penalty an international must without option for retrial if found guilty by a jury (one thing we do not have).
      Crimes murder, rape, kidnapping, terrorism. The rest are reasonably acceptable as they do not damage societies as much as these. If you commit a crime and have a mental problem. Tough luck the problem was your end as well.
      Back to basics. Eye for eye criminal handling. It should actual help curb other crimes as well. Your debt is paid when you have restored the harm done. You work in state isolation on things which you can do until you have earned enough to settle your dept. No fixed sentences just work back the dept. At minimum labour wages.

      1. Raphael Avatar

        What is happening in South Africa is an entirely different ballgame, the outcome of colonialism and of the total disruption and often destructive of native African cultures by Europeans. The Rwandan genocide was a perfect example of the terrible consequences of colonialism and oppression and abuse by European powers. Once you screw an entire population, it is very difficult to restore order.

        1. Craig Avatar

          If I remember correctly the Australian law has something like tribal justice not jungle justice, but the perpetrator’s family and the harmed family sit together and facilitate the correcting of the wrong. I once thought this was a good justice approach but then found out that parents are being prosecuted because of rebellious children. Now that is a consequence of liberation that goes against the norm of uplifting… Always a catch 22.
          Death penalty is not a failure it is the statement no is no. I’ve debated liberation in context but then found liberation is just as good as socialism which amounts to individual above community which is wrong as we are social beings conform or get out of the community and find one that accepts your view. Do not tell a community to conform the colonialism will have the same impact in any society. There is a greater outreach needed and that begins with schooling. The japs have achieved conformity at a large price we are heading in the same direction if we do not rid ourselves of distinctive behaviour.
          Alternative for death penalty will be permanent house arrest so that the family and not the society carries the consequences of their inability to adapt to supportive communities…

          1. Raphael Avatar

            Sorry Craig but I have a totally different outlook on all of these issues, so diametrically different that there is no point discussing them. I respect your opinion though and thank you for sharing…

          2. Spiritual_Annie Avatar

            All very well put, my friend. And that doesn’t apply to just South Africa, but everywhere where colonization ocurred, including America, where the lives of the indigenous people were disrespected, their homes stolen, their food sources destroyed–if the people were not simply annihilated.

            I do not believe in the death penalty under any circumstances because I believe all life, and therefore all lives, are sacred. Who would I be if I took a life, or contributed to its taking, or aquiesced in silence?

            In our societies, the death penalty is supposed to serve as a deterrent to others who might consider taking a life, which is ludicrous. A sociopath or a religious zealot or an anti-government home grown terrorist won’t care. Nor will it matter to those who commit crimes of passion, in the heat of the moment. And it’s already proven not to matter to those who are exposed to the violence that can go along with street drug use and sales, or illegal gun sales.

            So who’s the death penalty for? We, the people. For vengeance and for the appearance of safety. To both give us a false sense of security and to cause enough fear that we’ll all stay in line.

            Two reasons to oppose it, for me–the sacredness of all lives, and to not stand idly by while my government commits murder in my name and (supposedly) for my sake.

            I’ve also thought that decade after decade of a life sentence is much worse punishment than helping someone transition, if punishment is even warranted. (I don’t feel our legal or justice systems are working.)

            Love and Blessings Always,

          3. Raphael Avatar

            I share your thoughts and feelings about the death penalty Annie…I have trouble understanding murder victim’s families who say they need to know that a murderer will be executed in order to get “closure”? Is vengeance closure?
            As has been said many times, an eye for an eye makes everyone blind.

          4. Craig Avatar

            I agree with you on this view.
            It is not vengeance it is getting rid of the bad apples.
            Life is precious and dear for those that share the view for the others there is no change… The animal is not in charge the dominanating self righteous I am in charge and we cannot change that if the person does not acknowledge and work on it…

          5. Raphael Avatar

            I am not sure that I understand your response, and it seems to me that we disagree on the death penalty…

          6. Craig Avatar

            Thank you Raphael, I am maybe to impatient with the psychological transformation… And thanks for the correction I had socialism and capitalism as both part of Marxism so that was my mistake in referencing and you corrected that well.
            The truth colonialism is more forced on through our British heritage than our Dutch but the Dutch have always been blamed as the rednecks are gentlemen…
            I am German second generation in Africa and believe me arrogance dominates all white black Indian and coloured here as we have a very high segregation on wealth status… Each suppressing its own race or ethnic group as well as the others.

    4. Jethro Avatar

      Apologies for being who we are seems to be a fad these days! Quit it! How can we know who we are and share that if we are not being that? There is no reason to apologize in my opinion… This is a blog of self discovery. How can we discover that if we have nothing to compare it to. It’s a very enjoyable view!

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