Tag: age of ascencion

  • 2012 – what is the hype about?

    As I sought guidance to write my first article for Global Conversation, the answer came:  Write about 2012.

    Yes, 2012! Movies have been made, Prophecies written, YouTube videos recorded, and Facebook statuses consistently updated for 2012, a year that seems to have baffled, engaged, and intrigued most of the world in one way or the other.

    Beside those who are on a conscious spiritual journey and are somehow sensitive to the energetic shifts that seem to be occurring almost in every part of the world in a subtle or not such a subtle manner, 2012 has grabbed attention of even those who are not on a spiritual journey per se, as if there was ever such a thing.  And we know there isn’t, whether our egos allow us to admit this or not.  We are all on a spiritual journey, living this dream, wanting to believe it is real, or make-believing it to be real, so that we are able to experience it as fully as possible and engage in it with all our resources and faculties.

    2012, however, for most of us has been a sudden waking up from that dream and almost rising above it a little to observe and witness the dream as one would a valley from a cliff top.

    So what is this hype about?

    What is happening here, right now?

    What are we experiencing?

    Why are we all feeling this strange-weird feeling that we are not in our bodies, as if we are walking a few inches above the ground?

    Why is it that some people have managed to attain remarkable breakthroughs with their new ventures, and some other equally spiritually minded people (or more) with great intentions have stumbled upon roadblocks?

    Why are we feeling fearful or angry as we have never felt before?

    Why are we feeling this disdain for putting up with old systems and old mindsets?

    Why do we, more than any other time, want people to hear us out, really hear us out?

    Why do we really feel like expressing ourselves in ways we have never done before, and as truthfully as ever?

    Why do some of us feel like leaving — for those who haven’t already done so — our old jobs and do something we never thought we could?  For example, setting up a rainwater harvesting plant?

    Why have some of us released old relationships, partnerships, or even switched friends to a whole new set?

    Why are some of us suddenly being drawn towards spiritual texts and mentors?

    Why are we suddenly feeling as if we know more than we would like to admit to others or ourselves?

    Why have some of us begun having visions of spiritual figures or feel spiritual presence around us, even if we have never meditated before?

    Why do some of us suddenly feel our life work has not even begun, even though we haven’t quite figured out what it is?

    Why have some of us suddenly become conscious of human rights, animal rights, and even rights of nature as if it was a living, breathing entity — which it is — something we previously paid little attention to?

    Why do some of us feel drawn towards contributing more and more towards betterment of environment and children?

    Why are we becoming more aware of the futility of the goods money can buy?

    Why are we suddenly moving away from traditional religious concepts as if it is not enough and there is more to it, as if some information has been withheld and as if we are the holders of the very information that has been withheld from us?

    Why do some people have dreams of flying?

    Why are we finding ourselves unable to put up with other people’s deceit or why are we able to see clearly through other people’s intentions and their thought process?

    Why are some of us more sensitized to crowds or certain kinds of media or even a lifestyle that we previously enjoyed?

    Why are we feeling this urge to change our diet or for some people to go fully vegetarian or vegan?

    Why are some of us feeling as if we have some special powers, something indefinable that we can’t yet place a finger upon?

    Why do some of us feel as if we want our rightful place under the sun?

    Why do some of us have this urge to enter politics or be a social activist?

    Why have some of us initiated our spiritual meeting groups without much formal training?

    Why have some of us begun to see some colors at times, colors that are mostly invisible to the physical eye, but we are still able to see them?

    Why do some of us have heightened extrasensory perceptions?

    Why do some of us feel a sense of despair, a feeling of fatigue, back pain, fever, as if our whole emotional, energetic, and physical system is undergoing a long overdue renewal?

    Why are some of us getting more emotional or are able to feel other people’s emotions?

    Why are some of us going through relationship challenges, professional and personal challenges, and are being forced to make life changes we never imagined we would have to prior to this?

    Why are some of us feeling an urge to reconnect with estranged family members or rekindle old forgotten friendships?

    So many things seem to be happening all at once.  For some it is releasing old wounds of pain and fear. For some it’s a walk of courage and realizing the power of love. But changes seem to be occurring. Almost everywhere we look, there appears to be a swift or a subtle change underway. This change is of the consciousness, of subtle knowingness inside of us, something deep within us is shifting right now, or already has, and it is reformulating our world at cellular and global structural level. Nature is making her voice heard, too.

    And where this change is being resisted, there is a breakdown that will eventually forcefully usher in the change nevertheless, sooner or later. Despondency is in the air right now, but there is also a sense of excitement, exuberance, rejuvenation, warding off old and nihilism, even if it underscored by a sense of fear, chaos, and confusion.

    Fear and struggle often precedes big change and BIG LOVE.  Fear is always present when we are moving forward and upward.  It is scary, far too scary, when we are trying to move and rise against the gravitational forces and inertia that is constantly striving to pull us down and backward, with our ego often whispering to us, we do not need to take the plunge as there is lot of hard work involved.

    It is even scarier when the inertia is caused by old systems and prevalent ways of thinking – the comfort zone.  And there comes a time when comfort zone is comfortable no more, and this is when we are forced to embrace the impending change.

    However, the heart always knows.  It knows that it is in the embracing of what it is fearful of will it ever only truly live. And this is what 2012 is all about:  Big Change and Big Love.

    2012 marks the beginning of a new era in the history of the world. It marks the beginning of a new consciousness to emerge on the planet.  Old systems will slowly begin to give way to new systems. And old ideologies will be replaced with new and refreshing thought leadership, be it in politics, economics, society or philosophy.  An age of ascension it is being called.  And this would be an ascension of consciousness, of spiritual awareness, intentions, of actions, of ideas, of ways of living, and eventually creating a New World, a world that would be inclusive, kind, compassionate, loving and finally peaceful. But this would not occur overnight or in a blink of an eye. It will take some work. And most of this work is being done right now. A lot of spiritual energy is pouring into Earth right now.

    Transformation is underway. Churning has begun at individual and, more importantly, at a collective level. Some of it might be difficult and some of it will flow naturally and seamlessly. It will involve fear and chaos, and finally, it will require courage to mitigate that fear.

    Chaos will eventually give way to clarity. It will take love, a LOT OF LOVE, and finally, it will take the POWER OF LOVE to conquer and pervade all.

    And most importantly, it will take a tacit realization on part of humanity that at end of that day we are all but a miniscule part of the same divinity. The essence of the experience is the same, while its expression might be different.  No one is more privileged than the other.  Karma (of intention, action or inaction) is the only thing that matters. Destiny is a variable. Love is everything. Nothingness is the only truth.

    2012 is the beginning of this new world.

    Hold on to your seats and grab a seat belt. We might be passing through some areas of turbulence. 

    (Mani Goel is an author, healer, artist, teacher and filmmaker who resides in India and Hong Kong. Her first book is titled “Angel’s Wisdom For Your Life- Part 1.”  A former flight attendant, Mani embarked on a conscious spiritual journey after a severe back injury and a chance and serendipitous encounter with a revered Buddhist Rinpoche. She went to set up two companies- Mani Healing and Maaya Productions, and published her first book, with many more works in progress, including the autobiography of her Buddhist Guru through his several reincarnations – to be published in Hindi.  Mani Healing is a spiritual enterprise that aims to bring and present spiritual and healing wisdom to people in a non-dogmatic and non-ritualistic manner.  She regularly teaches and holds workshops and talks. As a natural healer she specializes in intuitive readings and spiritual healings for serious ailments.)