Tag: choices

  • Responsibility vs Blame

    I remember the exact date that my path in life began going in directions I had never even thought about. It was February 5, 1983. I was going to be the DM for a group of friends who were getting together to play Dungeons & Dragons at the apartment of a girl I worked with at a fast food restaurant. Her boyfriend had driven out to one of his classmate’s houses to bring him into the city to play. The minute his friend walked into the room, I turned to my co-worker, who was sitting beside me, and said, “I’m going to marry that man.” I was so sure (without any reason to be sure! I didn’t even know his name at this point!) that I asked him to move in with me that night and two weeks later, he did just that.

    His beliefs were about as far from the Roman Catholic up-bringing as they could be and it was through many long talks with him that I started down the spiritual path that led me to my current faith (or, as I prefer to call it, knowledge!) On that journey, I learned from my different teachers: Richard Bach, Shirley MacLaine, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Ann Hardin Strauss, June Burke, Neale Donald Walsch,…the list is long. While every one of those teachers had a different way of explaining what they were teaching, they were ultimately teaching the same thing: that we are where we are in our life because of choices we have made, either consciously or on deep soul level.

    I have shared my beliefs with many people over the last 30 years in many different ways through many different forums and I have found that most people are very resistant to the idea that they are the co-creators of their universe. One would think that such an idea would be joyously embraced! We no longer have to feel victimized! We can feel empowered and make choices as to where we want our life to go with total freedom! But so many people get caught in a trap, confusing responsibility with blame.

    To say that there are no victims immediately puts someone’s defenses up. “What about someone who is raped? What about children who are abused? What about the couple who are sleeping in their beds and someone comes in an murders them? Are you saying they’re responsible for their own rape? Their own abuse? Their own murders?”

    Yes, I assure them, that is exactly what I’m saying.

    Before I can clarify anymore, the response that follows is usually something along the lines of, “You have one screwed up belief system if you think those people are to blame for the things that happened to them through no fault of their own!”

    Responsibility and blame are not the same thing. We often use the words interchangeably but they are vastly different in this spiritual context.

    Responsibility means simply that one acknowledges that one’s choices have co-created the situation in which they find themselves. For example, for the couple murdered in their beds, they chose where to live, they chose whether or not to be home that night, they chose to be sleeping at that time. What other deep soul choices they made are not something we can determine, but it is certain that they were made because otherwise the event would not have happened!

    Blame, on the other hand, implies that someone did something wrong. (Yes, I know that there really is no such thing as “right” or “wrong”, but these are the limitations of our language when discussing these issues.) That if they had done “X” instead of “Y”, they could have avoided being murdered. Moreover, blame can also imply that the person should have known better than to choose “X” and should have no better and chosen “Y” from the start!

    The couple who is murdered is not responsible for the actions of their murderer. They are only responsible for their own actions and choices. Those choices, along with those of the murderer, were such that at that point in time, their choices brought them all into the same time and space. At that moment when their “timelines” crossed, the murderer had several choices and the couple is not responsible for any of them.

    I think another reason so many people have difficulty with the concept of being responsible for where we are in life is that they don’t believe that someone would make a soul choice that would result in their being subjected to rape or abuse or murder. The idea that someone would “sacrifice” their long-term physical safety in order to allow their fellow human beings to demonstrate Who They Really Are is something many people seem to be unable to accept. The reasons for that, in my humble opinion, can be traced back to religious ideals. But that’s discussion is for another day.

    I think the following short story illustrates the idea of “sacrifice” very nicely.

    I know a man who had a very abusive father.  I once asked this man, in the early stages of my new spiritual journey, why he would choose to have an abusive father.

    His answer was simple and yet eloquent. “Because I had the ability to stop the cycle of abuse.”

    Accepting responsibility is not the same as accepting blame. Accepting responsibility empowers us to take control of our lives and make it what we want it to be. It allows us to respond to life in whatever manner we choose! Accepting blame relegates us to being victims of another’s actions. We must react to what life gives us and give up control of our lives to those who have “victimized” us.

    Which option sounds better to you?

  • Did I Make the Wrong Decision?

    I recently took a job close to home, and I chose it over a job offer in another state.  Both jobs seemed like they’d be a good fit, and believe me I weighed the pros and cons of each; I literally almost just flipped a coin to decide.  My problem is, now that I made my choice I am plagued by thoughts that maybe it was the wrong one, that I am missing out on a totally different life that I might enjoy even more.  Is that insane?  How do I know I made the right choice, and if that’s not possible to know, how do I make peace with the one I made??

    Frank, Pennsylvania


    Ah decisions, decisions.  I don’t know about you, Frank, but to me the worst part about making the “wrong” decision is that I am the one who makes it, the responsibility falls on me.  But then, nearly in the same instant sometimes, I remember that because the responsibility falls on me, there is no such thing as a “wrong” decision.  In other words, you make a choice and then you make that choice the “right” choice.  You are the one who gives meaning to it, you are the one who creates what your experience is.

    You see, we can’t lose at this game of life, Frank, not really.  That’s because we’re making it all up.  Events show up in our lives and we are all at choice as to how we want to experience those events, where we want to place our focus and attention.  It’s the same with a choice we have already made – the event has happened and now we get to decide how we want to experience it, how we wish to view that choice.  And if I may, why on earth would we choose to view something as the “wrong” choice, full of regret, resentment, and feeling bad about ourselves, when we can just as easily say that this was a fantastic choice and feel great about ourselves?

    As for the curiosity over what taking that other job would’ve meant for your life, well, make that up too.  Give it meaning and proceed with your life from there.  Our brains, our bodies even, respond to what we think.  And furthermore, our minds don’t know the difference between memory, imagination, and “reality”; it will produce the same chemical reactions and physiological responses no matter what.  So again I say, why not make up (a.k.a. giving meaning to) something that feels good?

    And if by chance we decide that something was the “wrong” choice, remember this: opportunities in life are endless, literally endless.  There are more combinations of the elements and stuff of life than our minds could ever comprehend, there will always be something else available for you.  Strive to keep your attention on the good, on gratitude and possibility and love as much as you can and your awareness of those opportunities will increase.

    So go ahead and take a deep breath, Frank.  Stop telling yourself you made the wrong choice and start telling yourself you made the right one.  Give meaning to taking this job closer to home, and come from a place of what you want to say about it, with you as the authority on the matter.


    (Nova Wightman is a CWG Life Coach, as well as the owner and operator of Go Within Life Coaching, www.gowithincoaching.com, specializing in helping individuals blend their spirituality with their humanity in a way that makes life more enjoyable, easy, and fulfilling.  She can be reached at Nova@theglobalconversation.com. )

    (If you would like a question considered for publication, please submit your request to: Advice@TheGlobalConversation.com, where our team is waiting to hear from you.)


    An additional resource:  ChangingChange.net offers spiritual assistance from a team of non-professional/volunteer Spiritual Helpers responding to every post from readers within 24 hours or less. Nothing on the CCN site should be construed or is intended to take the place of or be in any way similar to professional therapeutic or counseling services.  The site functions with the gracious willing assistance of lay persons without credentials or experience in the helping professions.  What these volunteers possess is an awareness of the theology of Conversations with God.  It is from this context that they offer insight, suggestions, and spiritual support during moments of unbidden, unexpected, or unwelcome change on the journey of life.



  • many many things….make me unhappy!!


    many many things……………. make me unhappy!!

    nine years ago, my son would born, then I took a taxi to hosipital, because my husband hadn’t car, but my father had at that moment. When my son had been borned, my father and my brother hadn’t came to hosipital to visit me. My brother might be couldn’t come because the visit time just 1:00pm to 4:00pm, he needed to work, but my father hadn’t come just he didn’t want to go to hosipital. He visited my son and I since I came back to my house. but now my brother’s daughter borned, he drove his car to go to hosipital for them, he had come to hosipital to visit them, also he always to help them, my father and mother treat his wife well, everything homour my brother and her, they love their daughter so much, they don’t like my son because they think he is a naughty boy. They always altercation to my son when we go to their house everytime. They also don’t like my husband, because he haven’t make them happy, give anything to them, money…..etc. I said that just a little bit , In additon, many many things……, I can’t tell you one time…..may be you think I always compare with anothers special my brother. Yes, I think so , but I can’t accept my parents not fair to me.

    Unhappy …………….


    Dear Unhappy,

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! What a great day to have this question, since this is a day we consciously decide to change…and I have some suggestions on how to do that!

    I would invite you to read the book, “When Everything Changes, Change Everything” (WECCE). This book is all about how to deal with Change in your life, and how past data (our past experiences among other things), creates how we think and feel today.  Unhappy, the nine Changes discussed there guide us into understanding that we always have a choice as to how we feel in any situation…no one makes us unhappy, we allow our unhappiness.  We all have the choice to be happy by changing our minds about what makes us unhappy.  

    Life is all in how we look at it, Unhappy. Could it be that not having your family in your sons life is a good thing that you just do not see at this moment?  Most of life is quite unseen except when looking back at it, but that backward look can be taken immediately after the event or thought…it does not have to take years.

    You talk about things not being fair.  Unhappy, I believe life is always fair.  It is how we judge things that make things look unfair.  Consider changing your mind about this as well.  For instance, your niece has the attention of your family, but because of this you have been given the opportunity to look into yourself and see what is really important instead of only looking at the outside of things.  you have been given the opportunity to forgive yourself and others.  you have been given the opportunity for compassion.  You have been given the time to be with your son and husband more.

    And you have been given the opportunity to choose a different way of being a parent to your child.

    A huge part of changing your mind about things that have happened is Gratitude for all that has happened…and for all that is currently in your life. Without things that seem to go “wrong”, we can never understand and appreciate things when they go “right”. When we are fearful and without gratitude, even for the things that seem awful, we stay in the feeling of “awful”, and are not capable of moving into feeling “joyful”. CWG contends that each moment of our life is an opportunity to demonstrate who we are…life is not full of challenges, it is full of opportunities!

    Which means that we must practice changing our minds.  It doesn’t usually happen overnight, because our past data is our life…but it can be done with grace and Love.  Take moments every day to just look at what you feel is working in your life, and notice what it feels like in your body.  (This is a small meditation, BTW.)  That is the feeling you are looking for…and you will have created it all by yourself!  

    Sit and just say, “I am Grateful for Life” and feel it, and enjoy the feeling.  When you know what this feeling is, you will recognize when something does not feel “Grateful”, because your body will not feel the same easy feeling.  For instance, when you say “Life is unfair to me.”  I’ll bet you have tightness in your chest, maybe a lump in your throat, and gut, and more.  Now say, “I am Grateful for Life.”  I’ll bet you can notice the difference in the feelings!  When you notice the difference do you know what you have done?  You have just created a Change!  and you can do this with everything in your life. You will naturally wish to have this feeling and create it more and more!

    I hope you read the book, Unhappy, and go to the website at www.changingchange.net for a continuing discussion with our community there.


    (Therese Wilson is a published poet, and is the administrator of the global website at www.ChangingChange.net, which offers spiritual assistance from a team of Spiritual Helpers responding to every post from readers within 24 hours or less, and offers insight, suggestions, and companionship during moments of unbidden, unexpected, unwelcome change on the journey of life. She may be contacted at Therese@TheGlobalConversation.com.)

    (If you would like a question considered for publication, please submit your request to Advice@TheGlobalConversation.com, where our team is waiting to hear from you.)