A Republican friend texted me this morning, “Congratulations.” That’s all. Funny….she usually has so much to say. She must have been really busy. I am sure what she really meant to say and would have said if she had time was…
CONGRATULATIONS TO WOMEN! Our rights were not sold to religious politicians who do not know or care about women’s bodies. And congratulations to women for still being able to get birth control so we, and not some congressman, can choose when we will have children.
And CONGRATULATIONS TO HISPANIC PEOPLE! Who have lived here and worked hard all of your lives, and who call America home and have children in school. I am so happy that you can continue to live the dream, because your tears burn just like mine. Your hopes and fears are just as powerful as mine and because you deserve a good life just like me.
And CONGRATULATIONS TO PEOPLE WHO LOVE SOMEONE WHO IS THE SAME SEX AS YOU! Because you should have the right to love whoever you choose and you should not be treated differently because of whom you love. You should be able to get married, and celebrate your love, and provide insurance for one another and have all of the rights that allow you to take care of each other and your family just like I do.
And CONGRATULATIONS TO PLANET EARTH! Because we are not going to continue raping you so big oil companies can get rich. We are going to find other ways of providing for our needs! Ways that honor our planet, mountains, streams, oceans and prairies, and all the creatures that live here. Because our planet and all of its creatures means more than stripping and destroying our world so someone else can be rich. And Congratulations, also, because we recognize that we are creating global warming and we are going to learn more about it so we can fix it before it’s too late.
And CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MIDDLE CLASS! Because your children are going to be able to get a quality education! And the rich are not going to keep getting richer at your expense. And you are going to have the honor of rebuilding our nation by building bridges, roads, and manufacturing products the whole world needs!
And CONGRATULATIONS TO MILLIONAIRES! Because you are going to have the proud honor of paying your fair share to help your country become great again! And that should make you feel better about yourselves than buying another mansion or private plane!
And CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MILITARY! Because a lot of you are going to be coming home where you belong and where we can cherish and care for you like you have cared for us!
And CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF US! We saw a way forward to collectively become the greatest version of the grandest vision we ever had for our planet. And we chose it together.
Thanks for the call my friend. You really made my day!
(Amiee Laun has studied with Neale Donald Walsch, Charol Messenger, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. She was among the first graduates of Barbara’s Agents of Conscious Evolution Training. She lives and plays in the powerful Black Hills of South Dakota where she is active in many women’s spiritual circles and groups. You may connect with her at amiee@rushmore.com.)