Tag: suicide

  • Remembrance

    Having been there myself and having met so many others who are there as well, the one message that really needs to be sent out to those who are battling with addictions is: You are not bad; you are a spiritual being choosing a human experience called addiction.  And guess what?  You can choose again, right here, right now. You can decide to be a person who in the past struggled with addiction.

    There is a viral letter going around Facebook right now that is finding its way into many people’s lives, and I would like to share that message with you here in this column today because I find it to be a very important piece of knowledge for people suffering through the hardship of addiction.

    The following  was written by a woman named Courtney A. Walsh.

    “Dear Human:  You’ve got it all wrong.  You didn’t come here to master unconditional love.  That is where you came from and where you’ll return. You came here to learn personal love.  Universal love.  Messy love.  Sweaty love.  Crazy love. Broken love.  Whole love.  Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of… messing up —- often.  You didn’t come here to be perfect.  You already are.  You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous.  And then to rise again into remembering. But unconditional love? Stop telling that story.  Love, in truth, doesn’t need ANY other adjectives.  It doesn’t require modifiers.  It doesn’t require the condition of perfection.  It only asks that you show up. And do your best. That you stay present and feel fully. That you shine and fly and laugh and cry and hurt and heal and fall and get back up and play and work and live and die as YOU.  It’s enough.  It’s plenty.”

    There are two specific parts to this letter that I find to be powerful and healing.  The first is that our love can be demonstrated through “messing up.”   In the writing of CWG, God makes it clear in his message:

    “Taken to ultimate logic, you cannot experience yourself as what you are until you’ve encountered what you are not. This is the purpose of the theory of relativity, and all physical life. It is by that which you are not that you yourself are defined.”

    It is pretty clear that active addiction is not ultimately who we really are.  For most of us, our behavior impacted others negatively, criminally, selfishly, and even ruthlessly.  All of these things we have done out of the distorted view of love we have.  Some feel the bar of morality is set to high for them to achieve, others do not feel worthy of love.  The one thing I am more sure of now than ever is that we are all worthy of love, regardless of our past.

    When in the depths of addictive behavior, we are always one decision away from freedom.  We can “rise again into remembering,” as Courtney points out in her letter, “You didn’t come here to be perfect, you already are.”  You did come here to experience life and realize your wholeness. We tend to forget this or simply haven’t awakened to this yet.  Maybe the message hasn’t been delivered in just the right way for you to hear it. It is my hope that this column can send that message.

    The second part of this “Dear Human” letter that strikes a chord within me is this: “It (love) doesn’t require the condition of perfection.  It only asks that you show up.”  In fact you are showing up.  You can’t not show up for life. You can, however, check out of life.  And active addiction is just that, checking out. Making a decision to give life a chance without your addiction gives you the opportunity to “show up” as a more complete version of who you really are.

    In CWG Book 1, God calls what we are doing here Re-membering.  And it is we who choose this remembering.  And choosing to remember who we really are is a pure act of creation.  So why not put to rest the current story you are telling about who you are and awaken to the next grandest version of you?  Have you not experienced the darkness of addiction enough?  Are you aware that enough is enough when you say it is?  You are not powerless, you are not a victim, you are God living a human experience.

    Your awakening will not be without reward. Life after addiction is filled with many gratifying experiences.  The beauty of the light after living in the darkness has been experienced by millions of people who are living long-term recovery.  The journey of many recovering people has included joining together to support one another and ultimately share their gifts with other like-minded people.

    “Your job on Earth, therefore, is not to learn (because you already know), but to remember Who You Are. And to re-member who everyone else is. That is why a big part of your job is to remind others (that is, to re-mind them), so that they can remember also. All the wonderful spiritual teachers have been doing just that. It is your sole purpose. That is to say, your soul purpose.” CWG Book 1.

    *Courtney A. Walsh can be found easily through Google by searching for “Dear Human.” The original intent from Courtney was for this to be “the seed of an empowerment movement for suicide prevention and bullying awareness.”

    (Kevin McCormack, C.A.d ,is a certified addictions professional and auriculotherapist.  He is a recovering addict with 26 years of sobriety. Kevin is a practicing auriculotherapist, recovery coach, and interventionist specializing in individual and family recovery.  Kevin has a passion for holistic living, personal awareness training, and physical meditation. You can visit his website Life After Addicton for more information. To connect with Kevin, please email him at Kevin@TheGlobalConversation.com)

  • The bully soulution

    “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” (Matt. 5:44)

    “What hurts you so much that you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?” ~ Neale Donald Walsch

    The dilemma of bullies is ancient, and we see it today on the playground, at work, and in cyberspace.  I’ve seen enough articles and people asking about this problem that it warrants important consideration.

    It surprises and perplexes me that when I see this played out in the
    mainstream news media (television, magazines, etc.), that they seem to
    ignore a simple technique that will transform bullying, neutralize it,
    and even create a blessing as a result.

    What’s the solution or soulution?  It was the first thing quoted above.  Matt. 5:44 I’ll modernize it in a moment.

    First, the solution or soulution is not often acceptable to people who want to stay in the problem-centered, negative or victim drama mode. Nevertheless, for those who may be agonizing over this, are dealing with this at this moment, or know someone who is, and are spiritually open-minded & open-hearted, a wonderful soulution is available.

    It’s worked and played in my life and in others’ lives.  Rather elegant & simple, it’s based on the quote above.

    Its effectiveness and simplicity throws some people off, and even creates disruption because they want to dismiss, minimize, and marginalize it.  Instead, they prefer to stay in the drama and victim-hood mentality for as long as they feel necessary.  For the rest of us, there’s a spiritual, psychological soulution.

    This method or technique can work for bullies at school or work, in cyberspace, hate groups, such as gay bashers and racial hate groups, etc.  Its effectiveness goes way beyond bullying, but because of the serious nature, especially with kids in school, and especially with cyber bullying and people in the work place, I’m especially signaling this out for those dealing with bullies.

    Think of the often quoted passage of Jesus, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” (Matt. 5:44)   It’s in this passage and in the spirit of it that the soulution awaits.

    The soulution:  Radiating and pouring forth Light and Love on the person who is doing the bullying.

    I like to say waterfall Light and Love on this person or persons/group, etc. Surround them with Light and Love and watch what happens.  Watch what kind of energy change is created.

    A few personal examples:
    Let me give you an example or two.  I’ve been in work situations where I’ve been potentially bullied, and stuck up for myself right away.  In one case, the person was someone who pushed his weight around literally, in that he was a huge man who few would tangle with.  I didn’t really like his attitude, but he made it known he was out to get me and I should stay out of his way.

    What I did every night from work was to sit in my chair, visualize him, and pour light on him.  It was not very easy, at first.  I disliked him for the unfairness of the situation in which I was placed.  Even as I poured light on him, I could see he was still angry.  Now, mind you, this is all going on in my mind…my mental, emotional

    As time went on and I did this daily, and my visualization of him being angry and unreceptive started to shift, and when I was imagining, visualizing, and pouring light and love on him, he started to become more receptive and finally started to accept more of the light and love I was showering.  Now, even though this all played out in my mind, I was working and playing to make an emotional shift away from the negative energy I felt I was unfairly being vented with.

    Yet, as my visualization shifted, eventually, so did he.  About 2 weeks later, working on a particular project, he came over and asked me to do a simple easy task on a project he was working on, which I did. His response was, “Ya know what?  You’re all right,” and then he left. This told me that in his own way, he was saying that the situation was neutralized and we were cool.  I knew that my pouring light and love on this had created a new energy that resolved this conflict.

    This happened again years later at a job where I refused to do something because another person was pulling rank on me as a new guy, and I would not give in and stuck up for what I felt was right.  This person, a woman, really got mad and took it upon herself to belittle me in front of others, in an extremely inappropriate way.  However, I knew she was acting out her pain on me, and I did not take it personally. I knew that my pouring of light and love on her would eventually change the situation toward the influence of that positive love and light energy.

    It took a lot longer, as this woman was very stubborn and really continued to act out, showing contempt and hate for me.  Again, it was a bit challenging to put this light and love on her when she continued such rude behavior, yet I persisted.  I was quite sure she’d eventually change her attitude, or leave my experience, or that my situation would change for the better without her continuing to be in my experience.
    After working on this for four to six weeks, she was fired.  Remember, I poured the light and love on her, yet she did not want to change her attitude, so life created an experience where each energy would be best expressed.

    Sometimes when you start waterfalling Light and Love on the situation, the drama may temporarily escalate and flare up even more dramatically.  This can be due to the chemicalization process of your good energy vibrations mixing with their self hatred or negative hurt energy.

    They may try even more drastic measures. This is when some people start to worry that what they are doing does not seem to be working. Don’t worry.  This shows that you are having a effect on them and as these opposing energies mix, the chemicalization drama is sometimes (not always) the result.

    Realize that this is temporary and as you waterfall the Love and Light on them, it will neutralize the drama.  This is a critical point to remember, as your Love energy moves in, they can sometimes rebel dramatically, but only temporarily. As you are consistent in your good energy out flow, they will eventually either, move into your good energy, leave you alone or move out of your experience.

    The Key here is that you don’t play the blame or victim game or card.  “It’s the bully’s fault, they are to blame, they are the reason my life is currently so miserable,” etc. Instead, you proactively work and play to adjust your thinking and feelings around this by actively proactively taking charge of how you are responding and being around this situation. You don’t have to do this.  Of course, many don’t, yet I’m here to say that if you desire this to be resolved for the betterment of you and the one bullying, you now have a new choice on how to be and show up in relation to this hurt energy they misdirect toward you.  That’s why you were directed by life to this article.

    Always let light and love be the waterfalling energy toward those who would bully you or create unfair work or life conditions for you. The energy you send, express and give will express itself back to you in a very beneficial way, without harming them. They will either change their attitudinal energy, move away from you, or be promoted out of your experience in an appropriate way for all involved, especially you.

    The loving, compassionate energy we send and give to those who treat us unfairly will optimistically and positively influence the environment we are in. I believe this to be true of most, if not all, bullying situations.

    That’s it!  It’s that simple!

    “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”  (Matt. 5:44) [and you will see, feel and experience the blessings of Light and Love.]

    Love and Light poured on those that hurt, heals their hurt and changes your experience for the better.

    Bully and suicides often leave out the mental illness that is also present in certain cases and sound byte articles often (not always) offer more simplistic answers to more complex issues that also play out as part of the overall picture.

    An update article link of interest 2.9. 2012:

    Bullying and Suicide

    Another bully article update added 10.3.2011
    By The Week Yahoo news:  “Can dogs reduce bullying in schools?”

    Educators across the country are using canines to teach compassion and social responsibility.  From surfing to sniffing out cancer, what can’t dogs do? Now, USA Today reports that a number of school programs across the country are using dogs to teach kids empathy and compassion in an effort to help curb school bullying. Here, a brief guide: How are dogs fighting bullying?

    Kansas City schools have a program called “No More Bullies,” in which program volunteers, accompanied by trained dogs, teach kids about fairness, compassion, and integrity for one hour a day over five days. “The animals are the glue that helps the children stay focused and understand the message,” says Jo Dean Hearn, an ex-teacher who developed the program. “Children can easily identify with an animal. And it’s easy for them to transition when we ask them to consider how an animal feels (if ill treated) to how the kid sitting near them feels (if poorly treated).”

    Are there similar programs in other parts of the country?

    You bet. Last year, the Yale University School of the 21st Century and the Pet Savers Foundation of North Shore Animal League America launched a program called Mutt-i-grees to help children learn how to be more kind — toward people and animals. The program, which typically employs a dog-shaped hand puppet instead of an actual dog, is now used in 900 elementary schools in 28 states, and it’s being expanded to junior high and high schools. Also, the Healing Species program, founded a decade ago in South Carolina, uses rescue dogs to help children and teens recover from abuse and learn self-esteem, empathy, and other core values.

    Do these programs really work?

    They seem to. The “No More Bullies” program is so popular that there’s a long waiting list for next year. While it’s still too early to evaluate the Mutt-i-grees program, most of the teachers who participated said their students’ social, emotional, and problem-solving skills improved. A study published in 2008 found that suspensions for violent behavior declined by 55 percent among students who participated in the Healing Species program, and general aggression and retaliation went down by 62 percent. Teachers and guidance counselors also reported improved grades and a more than 80 percent increase in their students’ ability to walk away from conflicts.

    Sources: Healing Species, Mutt-i-grees, USA Today, Wichita Eagle

    (Marko Damkoehler is an artist/writer/musician and creator of markoworld.com, as well as an avid student of CwG. He is also one of the Spiritual Helper Moderators on the changingchange.net website.)

    (If you would like to contribute an article you have authored to the Guest Column, please submit it to our Managing Editor, Lisa McCormack, for possible publication in this space. Not all submissions can be published, due to the number of submissions and sometimes because of other content considerations, but all are encouraged. Send submissions to Lisa@TheGlobalConversation.com. Please label the topic: “Guest Column.”)


  • Today’s homework assignment:
    your suicide note

    It is not unusual for our children to come home with their backpacks overflowing with homework assignments to complete and projects to create.  But what would you think and how would you feel if you found this assignment in your young child’s school bag:

    “You’ve just turned 18. You’ve decided to end your life. Your decision is definitive.  In a final surge you decide to put in words the reason behind your decision. In the style of a self-portrait, you describe the disgust you have for yourself. Your text will retrace certain events in your life at the origin of these feelings.”

    In the town of Montmoreau-Saint-Cybard, Southwestern France, an unamed teacher handed out this homework note to his 13- and 14-year-old students at the collège Antoine-Delafont.

    The Telegraph reports the French teacher has been suspended after the local school authority found out about the assignment and after a group of outraged parents complained in an anonymous letter to the school, saying they were horrified their children were given the assignment.

    It was further reported in The Telegraph that the president of the FCPE parents’ union in Montmoreau, Christophe Clément, said such a subject is “practically inciting (pupils) to commit suicide.”

    “Jean-Marie Renault, the local education authority head, said the teacher had been officially notified of his suspension, adding: ‘Telling a pupil that he is about to end his life and that he must recount it appears troubling to us.’”

    “Geneviève Fioraso, France’s higher education minister, waded in, saying: ‘If the topic was launched in this way, without accompaniment, without context, it’s dangerous.’”

    However, in spite of the flurry of disapproval surrounding this unique and controversial story, a large group of parents, students, and fellow colleagues have come together in support of this teacher’s actions, asking for the reinstatement of this beloved teacher into the school system.

    One parent asks, “What do you think they talk about in the playground? The images they see on TV are far more shocking.”

    Another parent said, “Suicide is part of daily life. Perhaps the teacher wished to raise their awareness of the issue.”

    The group consensus within the circle of supporters was that the media coverage had been “over the top and inappropriate,” noting that the subject had “not shocked” pupils and it had been “well presented” by the teacher.

    Is it likely that an assignment like this could or would actually cause a young mind to contemplate suicide?

    Or could an assignment like this provide a young mind an opportunity to explore and express a part of themselves that is not touched upon in the day-to-day experiences of their lives?

    If someone truly were on the edge of ending life as we know it to be in this human experience, what insights and truth might that person feel more inclined to share in the absence of suffering the consequences of being judged or ridiculed or ignored?

    Are we limiting the fullest expressions of our children, and ourselves, by restricting what we naturally feel drawn to do – express who we are?  Even when that expression may not be what we expect or want to hear?

    Where does an assignment like this invite us to go?

    And why do we fear going there?

    In the book When Everything Changes, Change Everything, we are taught how our minds draw upon and utilize the past data of our lives to help form the basis of our current reality.  And the way we experience life – reality – will depend upon what type of data we are relying upon.  Perhaps “retracing the events in a child’s life and the origins of their feelings,” as this teacher invited these students to do, will provide to these children at a very tender age an opportunity to understand more fully what source, or data, their thoughts and beliefs are foundationed upon…which would lead them to an understanding of why they might hold any feelings of “disgust” for themselves…which would then present an opportunity to change their thoughts, change their perspectives, and change their beliefs about who they are, thus altering the way in which they experience all of life.

    This type of exploration would serve to remind us that speaking our truth about who we are is not something to be reserved for the end of our lives.  Maybe a child’s limited idea about who they are or any harsh judgments they have placed upon themselves could be transformed into a remembrance and realization of their own significance and purpose in the world within the parameters of one simple yet profound exercise.

    Why would we want to deny anyone that opportunity?

    (Lisa McCormack is the Managing Editor & Administrator of The Global Conversation.  She is also a member of the Spiritual Helper team at www.ChangingChange.net, a website offering emotional and spiritual support. To connect with Lisa, please e-mail her at Lisa@TheGlobalConversation.com.)