There is something you can do right now to make the world a better place

Did you know that there is a new book that identifies the 25 most important messages of the 9-installment Conversations with God series? It then offers practical suggestions on how to apply each message in every day life. Powerful and inspirational reading.  To see the first seven chapters and hear a one chapter sample of the audio book, click here.

(This is Part IX of an extended series on being part of the change, rather than simply observing the change, that is occurring on our planet right now.)

What the world needs today is a new form of spirituality, one that will allow us to express our impulse toward the Divine in a way that does not make others wrong for the way in which they are doing it.

This would eliminate all of the religious conflict in the world—and as we have already stated in previous installments here, religious conflict is the greatest obstacle to peace on our planet today.

Now if you agree with this purpose, if you feel aligned with the effort to help create the space of possibility for a New Spirituality to emerge upon the earth, you will be very happy to know that there is a well organized group already working toward this goal.

That group is called Humanity’s Team, and it has established local Teams in cities, towns, and villages in over 30 countries.

HT is focused very much on creating and providing opportunities for people all over the world who may be searching for, and yearning for, an alternative form of spiritual expression—who are tired of the conflicts and the sense of superiority and the doctrines of judgment and damnation that are built into many of today’s religions.

Among its other activities, HT sponsors a wide variety of activities, all revolving around the kinds of messages found in Conversations with God. Information on the work and activities of Humanity’s Team may be obtained by going to

Within Humanity’s Team’s Twelve Spheres of Life initiative, in the sphere of Spirituality, there is something you can do right now: Become involved with the Evolution Revolution.

Do you have nine minutes to give to our world?

It will take you approximately eight or nineminutes to read what I have written elsewhere on this website. I know that seems like a lot of time, but over the course of your life you will see it as really very little. Go to the blue box on the right hand side of this newspaper’s Home Page and you can learn all about it.

So the point here is that there is at last an answer to the question, “What can I do?”  There is already in place a group of people who have read CwG and asked the same question, who share with you the desire to place that message into the world, who agree with you on the desirability of doing that, and who will support you in moving forward your own agenda.

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