A Voice in the Wilderness

Editor Note: For the next several months this space will be used to explore, one-by-one,  the messages, metaphysical principles, and spiritual meaning of the material found in the nearly 3,000 pages of the Conversations with God dialogues. This series of observations and interpretations is offered with my continuing disclaimer: I could be wrong about all of this.

CWG Explored/Installment #9: Where am I — and why?

In my last entry here I offered my idea of who and what the Self is. I said that I believe the Self is an aspect of Divinity, and Individuation of God. I believe we are all One with The Divine, not separate from, or other than, God in any way or at any level.

This is the very clear message of the Conversations with God series of books — and those are the messages I seek to live by. I believe that if people everywhere lived by those messages, individual lives the world over would improve immeasurably, and, as well, our entire planetary experience would change for the better.

So in my spiritual reality we are, each of us, what I have come to call Singularizations of The Singularity. In short, we are Divine.

For me, this answers one of what I have come to call the Four Fundamental Questions of Life: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I where I am? What do I intend to do about that?

I have observed that many people go through their entire lives and never ask themselves these questions. I have no intention of doing that. So here, as promised, is my response to Questions 2 and 3, offered to you as if you had asked me: Where am I, and why am I where I am?

You are in the Realm of the Physical, which is part of what you have called Heaven. The sadness is that you do not think that you are in heaven, and so your Imagined Reality is that you have to get there. In fact, there is nothing you have to do, nothing you have to be, and nowhere you have to go to experience paradise.

Merely look upward on a starry night, or outward over a foaming ocean, or toward the skyline at dusk or dawn, or, for that matter, into the eyes of your beloved. You are in heaven, and you are calling it something else, and you are acting as if it were something else, and so, of course, you have created it as something else.

The Realm of the Physical is one of three realms in the triune reality that you have called by various names, including heaven, paradise, nirvana, the afterlife, the Kingdom of God, etc. The other two realms are: The Realm of the Spiritual and the Realm of the Spirisical (which is the point between the two). Think of this as a figure 8 on its side.”

The Total Being That Is You is on an eternal journey from the Realm of the Spiritual to the Realm of the Physical and back again. The Realm of the Spirisical is at the cross point between the two.

(This illustration was given to me as a simple visualization to assist my mind in holding data that cannot actually be visualized, it being outside the human experience. A figure 8 on its side is— not by coincidence—the international symbol for infinity.)

In the Realm of the Spiritual everything exists in absolute form, whereas in the Realm of the Physical things exist in rel- ative form. In the Realm of the Spiritual all things are absolutely what they are. In the Realm of the Physical a thing is what it is relative to other things that are not what it is.

Big and Small, therefore, do not exist in the Realm of the Spiritual, but only in the Realm of the Physical. Here and There, likewise, do not exist in the Realm of the Spiritual, but only in the Realm of the Physical. As well, Now and Then, Fast and Slow, Male and Female, Up and Down, Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Love and Fear . . . none of these things exist in the Realm of the Spiritual, but only in the Realm of the Physical.

In the Realm of the Spiritual it is always Here and Now, and there is only Light and Love. Thus, we could rename these realms, calling them . . .the Realm of the Absolute and the Realm of the Relative.

In the Realm of the Absolute you know absolutely everything, and you know it absolutely. Yet you cannot experience what you know, because there is nothing else. For instance, you can know that are you Love, but you cannot experience yourself as Love, because there is nothing else but Love. There is nothing that is not Love.

You can know yourself as Light, but you cannot experience yourself as Light, because there is nothing else but the Light.

You can know yourself as Good, but you cannot experience yourself as Good, because evil does not exist.

The formula is this:


That is, it cannot be made real in your experience. You can know yourself conceptually, but you cannot know yourself experientially. You can conceive of yourself in a particular way, but you cannot experience yourself being that way because there is nothing else but That Which You Are.

Here, then, is the Conundrum of God: How can God experience Itself? By not being God.

Unless It was not God (that is, not the Totality of Itself), God could understand Itself to be magnificent, but God could not experience Itself being that. Again . . . why? Because there was nothing else but “magnificence” in the Realm of the Absolute. God could understand Itself to be enormous, endless, and timeless, yet these concepts had no meaning since there was nothing that was not “enormous,” “endless,” and “timeless.” God could understand Itself to be All Powerful, yet power could not be experienced in an environment in which there was nothing but absolute power in equal measure.

Since God wished to Know Itself experientially as well as conceptually, God created a place in the Kingdom (or, if you will, in Ultimate Reality) where all that God Is could be experienced as well as known.

God did this by dividing Itself up into a million ka-jillion different parts, or Aspects of Itself, with each of the Parts created in different sizes and shapes, colors and textures, speeds and sounds, and levels of visibility and invisibility. Then any Part of The Whole (that is, any Individuated Aspect of Divinity) could look back on The Whole from which It emerged and say, “Oh, my God, how magnificent Thou art!” All it would take would be for that particular Aspect to have sufficient consciousness (self-awareness) to do so.

And so, after dividing Itself up into a million ka-jillion individual parts, God merely had to imbue some of those parts with sufficient consciousness to recognize (that is, re-cognize, or “know again”) Divinity when it was looking right at It. (Not all human beings have risen to that level of consciousness.) God put into place a system by which Individuations of Itself could rise to such a level, and that system was called evolution.

This is the System of the Soul.

A complete explanation of the System of the Soul, as well as a description of the Mechanics of the Mind, will be found in the book When Everything Changes, Change Everything.

We see, then, that the Realm of the Absolute (also known as the Realm of Spirituality) is where KNOWING everything takes place, and that the Realm of the Relative (also known as the Realm of the Physical) is where EXPERIENCING everything takes place. It might be said, then, that souls come to the earth in order to gain a world of experience.

This is where you are. This is where we all are, as I understand it. I could, as I have said, be wrong about all of this. Yet this understanding has served me wonderfully in helping me to negotiate my day-to-day encounters with life.

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